Warning I Rec'd After Running Analysis Diagnostic

Nov 20, 2008

I was online watching a Camtasia presentation when my laptop, an hp pavilion ze5500, suddenly crashed and a blue screen was thrown up. I've gotten the blue screen multiple times in the past 24 hours. One of the blue screen error messages was "kernel data inpage error".I just downloaded and ran Analysis Diagnostic for Windows XP and it returned this warning: THE SYSTEM RESTORE HELPER RETURNED A WARNING CODE hr=0x6 what this code means? What I need to do to repair my computer?

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Ran Diagnostic And Have Error

Apr 7, 2006

i just ran the diagnostic's cd from my computer and it said that i had error 3B00:0788 then msg EEProm checksum of 009Fh but read 00B2h.

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HJT Analysis / Determining Want To Keep And Wat Not To Keep

Jul 31, 2006

I've just made a HJT analysis of my system. so who can help me in this to detetmining wat to keep and wat not to keep.

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Dell Diagnostic Utility

Feb 20, 2007

I've been wondering about this for a long time, but is there something like the dell diagnostic utility on other winxp systems other than dells?

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Norton Doctor Analysis

Apr 17, 2006

When I run Norton Win Doctor within Norton Systemworks I get the following message: "C:Program FilesCommon FilesInstallShieldProfessionalRun Time701Intel 32Dot Net Installer.exe can not access a necessary file, mscoree.dll. what the message means and how do I find/install the missing file? I am running XP Pro.

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Download System Diagnostic Utility

Mar 9, 2005

Download a System Diagnostic Utility For Windows XP Pro?

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Window Opens With Diagnostic Information At Startup

Jul 31, 2005

When my computer starts up, a window opens with diagnostic information. At the top left hand corner or the window it says "Diagnostic Traces", then another window pops up that says "DVRM".

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Diagnostic Startup - Loads Basic Stuff

Nov 24, 2007

i do start>run>MSCONFIG>startup and i see alot of programs starting up, i wanna know what programs i need and dont need when starting up. Theres also a option under general that says diagnostic startup, which loads baisc stuff

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Unmountable Boot Volume - Diagnostic Test

Dec 18, 2006

I made the dreadful mistake of turning on my computer just to remove a CD and then quickly turning it back off again without properly shutting down. I was shocked on Saturday morning to turn on my Computer and receive the "Unmountable Boot Volume" blue screen. I have tried everything - chkdsk /r, chkdsk, /p and nothing seems to work. I ran a diagnostic test as my computer passed but I can't figure out how to make it boot up again. I think there may be just one little step I must be missing or is there any other alternative that I can try before I have to reinstall Windows all over again???????? In my gut I don't believe there is anything seriously wrong with my computer - just my poor judgement in not shutting down correctly.

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Best Way To Make Xp Bootable Disk With Diagnostic Tools

Sep 15, 2009

My hard disk is going to fail.I have collected data over 3 years.The first one created successfully but, i don't know how to copy the data from hard disk to pen or flash drive. The second one also created successfully but, windows not able to boot using this disk. It boots from hard disk as usual.

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Adware Problem,need Analysis Of Hijackthis Log

Feb 16, 2007

Tried ad-aware, spybot, spyware doctor etc. to no avail. Need analysis of hijackthis log.

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Dell Crash Analysis Tool

Jan 16, 2006

For the last two weeks my Dell (Presario 4600) is crashing on me daily with the following order:I hear quickly: one click from the tower. then a whirring noise like a CD ROM or DVD trying to start, then another click, then the computer freezes, and I have to manually turn it off. When I run my Dell Crash Analysis Tool it tells me there is a problem with the following: Crash Analysis Tool Scan Results Category: Application Drivers Driver Manufacturer tfsnifs.sys TFS Technology. Thing is..... I don't even know what this is or what program it is associated with.

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Need To Install The Analysis Tool Pack

Sep 17, 2005

I need to install the analysis toolpak, but Excel came preinstalled on my machine and I do not have an installation Cd and I cannot find the analysis32.xll file anywher on my computer.

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Analysis / Computer Seems To Run Abnormally Slowly

Aug 3, 2007

Ignore the siggie info; the problem is on a separate computer, a Compax laptop. There is 256MB physical memory and 2GB virtual memory. The C: disk has heaps of room on it.
It has Avast AV, Spybot, Adaware and Spyware Blaster and uses the XP firewall. All are up to date and all come up clean when checked. I do a monthly defrag and have Easy Cleaner and empty unnecessary files and surplus registry entries monthly. Despite all this it seems to run abnormally slowly, particularly when bringing up onboard stuff like OE, IE and other programs. Downloading internet sites seem pretty reasonable.

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Tools For Dump Files *.dmp Analysis

Nov 15, 2009

Frequent crashes, STOP: Ox0000000A, with physical memory dump to file Mini<date>.dmp in the C:WINNTMinidump folder. What tools are available for analyzing these dumpfiles, since my event log file is not providing information?

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System Configuration Utility Currently In Diagnostic Or Start Up Mode?

Jan 15, 2007

When I boot up I get the following message after the desktop initializes:""You have used the system configuration utility to make changes to the way windows starts.The system configuration utility is currently in diagnostic or start up mode, causing this message to be displayed every time windows starts up.Choose the normal start up mode on the general tab to start windows normally and undo the changes you made using the system configuration utility.""

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System Configuration Utility Showing In Diagnostic Mode?

May 27, 2008

I have a Toshiba Satellite M55 which on startup a window comes up which states that the "System Configuration Utility" is in Diagnostic mode. Unfortunately the window only flashes on briefly. How do I get to this utility so that I can make the correction to normal mode from the diagnostic mode?

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Local Area Connection Missing - Diagnostic Start Up

Oct 8, 2007

I Issue is i did a diagnostic start up after having a issue with my cpu to get it back ... but it caused my local area connection and network to be completly missing and my windows wont recognize it on start u. i'm a college student and i really need to know how to fix it.

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Data Analysis / MS Excel Is Not Working Properly

Oct 21, 2005

I am analyzing the data I have just collected from a survey, but encounter some problems from the use of MS Excel.for example:there is a set containing seven elements {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. It is trivial that the Q1 is 2, while Q3 is 6, but MS Excel has got Q1=2.5, Q3=5.5. (The result can be gained by using Quartile Function)Can you explain why? I don't know if my MS Excel is not working properly?Q1 = lower quartile, while Q3 = upper quartile

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Eliminating Squid Analysis Report Generator

Aug 24, 2007

I use firefox and down at bottom of screen just above taskbar there is another bar and when you put a url in the address bar up on top well in this bar above the task bar it says searching for and while it says this it shows that other urls are being searched at the same time. Way to the right of this is the little box with the green marks that show how fast it is loading. Well it takes forever to load a web page. For example the last time i just searched for a web page these came up---looking up wrapper. ign.com, looking up atax.ign.com, looking up ads.ign. com. I put one of these into google and there is something about squid analysis report generator which apparently tells the whole world where i go on the web.

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Computer Hangs After Minutes; Setupapi.log Analysis

Jun 11, 2010

I have tried to repair my XP but during the process it hangs at 35 minutes. After searching around for ages I do understand it is some sort of hardware problem. I accessed my BIOS and disabled hardware such as audio, usb legacy mode etc. I have been through the log and cannot work out what is wrong as the last bit the install was doing says it was completed successfully. I know one option is to copy the data from the HD and do a clean install however there are some files that were saved within the programmes itself and there is a crucial set of bookmarks I require which I did not export from the browser.

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Network Adapter Is Missing - System Analysis Software

Aug 24, 2006

In a previous post, I mentioned that my network adapter is missing in action after a reinstall of XP on top of an existing Xp installation. I have been unable to identify my Mobo so that I can rectify this issue.Heres where I am today:
Using system analysis software recommended on this site, I discover that my Mobo chipset is manufactured by Viathe Via VT8367-8235.Unfortunately, the specific board manufacturer is not apparent. (I assume that Via sells chipsets to many potential board manufacturers.)So I go to Vias web sight. I assume they actually do MoBos as well as chipsets. My board isnt specifically listed there.

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IE Security Warning

Apr 29, 2008

I am getting this message: Windows has blocked this software because it cannot verify publisher. I have 2 computers set exactly the same. I can open page on one computer and not the other. I've gone into Tools, IE, etc. etc, unchecking anything to do with ActiveX, but nothing is working.I am trying to open a virtual tour of a hotel. I've disabled pop ups. I can't download ActiveX. Everytime the ActiveX bar comes up, the Windows blocked software message comes appears.

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Still Trying To Get Rid Of A Warning That Comes Up Everytime

May 14, 2008

I get a directcd warning telling me that it will cause windows to be come unstable and also gives me a link to roxio systems "within a bubble" that comes up every time I boot the system. I tried to look in my setup folder or any where else I thought it could be by doing a scan but no good. it's just annoying, it's got to be comming from some where? it turns out that to make the warning disapear I'd have to purchase the particular roxio softwear and it's not really what I want to do. any suggestions as to where to look?

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Computer Turns Off Without Warning

Jul 2, 2008

My computer boots up and runs fine for several minutes to a few hours then all of a sudden the monitor screen goes black and (if it is on the screen) the mouse pointer gets big. I have to reboot and then sometimes it will work fine for as long as I am using it. Sometimes it does the same things several hours later or several minutes later. In other words I have not been able to establish a pattern for when it happens. Anybody have any ideas what may be going on? I use Windows 2000 Pro, Amd processor(sempron), 512 Megs of RAM, Computer motherboard about a year old.I got windows 2000 installed because I could not get XP registered with MS after old MB died. I kinda like Win 2K better anyway.I have cleaned out my case and tried to make sure processor is not overheating.Just am stumped as to what may be the problem.

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Get Rid Of Warning Messages From Winfixer

Apr 14, 2006

I have been getting a pop up online its from something called winfixer, I have tried getting rid of it by downloading a free pop up stopper but it has'ent done the job, so I decided to run this winfixer thing and see if I could get rid of it from there, I got a message on screen from google saying that this thing was trying to steal my personal and finacial details and gave me an option to get out of there or ignore and carry on well you know what I chose. Its still there though everytime I go on line how can I get rid of it.

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Get Rid Of W32.myzor.fk@yf Virus Warning?

Jun 17, 2006

hi guys..need help please..my homepage on ie has been hijacked, it replaces by www.safetyuptodate.net..how to remove this crap??
and this is my logfile

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Get Rid Of Those Security Warning Prompts

Jun 23, 2005

Is there a way to get rid of those security warning prompts when I'm tring to install programs? I've disabled everything in the security center but that didn't help.

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Computer Rebooted Without Any Warning

Jul 21, 2005

The other day I using my computer (Compaq Presario), and the all of a sudden it rebooted without any warning.While it was starting when it showed the windows XP boot screen it jammed. So I turned it off and when I tried to boot it wouldn't. I have some ideas as to what the problem can be:1. Its overheating.2. The CPU is fried.3. There's something wrong with the video card.I have 2 fans inside the computer and about 1 week ago I bought a new CPU cooling fan. I believe the video card is a NVIDIA TNT2.

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Low Virtual Memory Warning?

Sep 17, 2009

My system is a Dell Windows XP (SP-3) All Windows Updates are installed and I have 512 MGS of RAM. On Start Up, there is not a lot of extra programs running in the background, and most of the time, my system runs fast. (I use MS Config.) Today, however in my System Tray, I got a Low Virtual Memory Warning Message. What does this mean? I use IE 8 most of the time and occasionally Firefox 3.5.The other thing that I noticed is that from time to time when I right-click on the desktop, I will get a momentary fade-out before the options come into view on the screen. The same thing will sometimes happen when I right-click on my Avast Anti-Virus ball in my System Tray. I only use the computer for Word Processing, e-mail and basic Web Browsing. The computer was purchased in October 2004. Why would I be getting this warning?

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Virtual Memory Low Warning

Dec 8, 2004

I have spent the afternoon trying to find the answer but cant. So anywho Im getting the virual memory low warning. What can I do? Where should it be set?

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