Get Rid Of Warning Messages From Winfixer

Apr 14, 2006

I have been getting a pop up online its from something called winfixer, I have tried getting rid of it by downloading a free pop up stopper but it has'ent done the job, so I decided to run this winfixer thing and see if I could get rid of it from there, I got a message on screen from google saying that this thing was trying to steal my personal and finacial details and gave me an option to get out of there or ignore and carry on well you know what I chose. Its still there though everytime I go on line how can I get rid of it.

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Winfixer Problem - Hijackthis Log

Sep 2, 2005

For the past day I've been getting popups from winfixer. I did a system restore to a few days back and the problem was still there. Nortan internet security / anti-virus isn't picking up anything. Ad aware doesn't see anything.

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Getting WinFixer Waring Of Blood Hound Virus?

Apr 30, 2006

Do I have a Trojan? I bought noadware to fix this problem and my computer is still running slow and I am being taken to the WinFixer window that wanrs me of the Blood Hound do I get rid of this?

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Computer Has Recently Been Getting An Annoying Amount Of Pop/ups For Winfixer

Sep 21, 2005

My computer has recently been getting an annoying amount of pop/ups for Winfixer, and WinAntispyware advertisements while surfing the web, but I haven't had it as a browser hijacker. Everytime I delete it from my registry site list it returns. I'm just wondering if what can i do to permanently get rid of this annoying pest. I have run adaware, spybot, spysubtract, AVG, Norton and nothing seems to get rid if this. Can someone run me though detailed steps or excellent free programs that will terminate this forever

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WinFixer And Browser Hijacker - Running XP Home Edition

Feb 27, 2006

I'm running XP Home Edition on an HP home PC. I keep getting warning notifications that my computer has been infected with the "Blackworm Virus." I am then routed to a WinFixer purchase website (I haven't purchased or installed anything). In addition, there seems to be some other "bug" that will takeover my browser and route them to other sites. I have run AVG, Microsoft Spyware, Spybot S&D, Ad-Aware 6.0, and XoftSpy Scan - all to no avail. Spybot S&D, Ad-Aware and XoftSpy detect the cookies and allow for immunization but this action is obviously not getting to the heart of the problem. AVG hasn't even identified the items. I have also tried de-activating the restore points and rebooting in safe mode

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Winfixer Popups And Stop C000021a Blue Screen

Jan 11, 2006

I have been getting alot of popups for Winfixer. I suspect other viruses have attached this PC. I ran ADAWARE, SPYBOT and AVG. I got rid of some but the Winfixer is persistant. I cannot come up in safe mode because the system hangs.

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IE Security Warning

Apr 29, 2008

I am getting this message: Windows has blocked this software because it cannot verify publisher. I have 2 computers set exactly the same. I can open page on one computer and not the other. I've gone into Tools, IE, etc. etc, unchecking anything to do with ActiveX, but nothing is working.I am trying to open a virtual tour of a hotel. I've disabled pop ups. I can't download ActiveX. Everytime the ActiveX bar comes up, the Windows blocked software message comes appears.

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Still Trying To Get Rid Of A Warning That Comes Up Everytime

May 14, 2008

I get a directcd warning telling me that it will cause windows to be come unstable and also gives me a link to roxio systems "within a bubble" that comes up every time I boot the system. I tried to look in my setup folder or any where else I thought it could be by doing a scan but no good. it's just annoying, it's got to be comming from some where? it turns out that to make the warning disapear I'd have to purchase the particular roxio softwear and it's not really what I want to do. any suggestions as to where to look?

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How To Rid Of Error Messages

Nov 17, 2007

How do I get rid of error messages? I am running windows xp

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Error Messages - How To Fix

Jan 16, 2008

How do I fix error this error message?

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Getting BSOD's With Different Messages

Jan 14, 2006

I'm getting BSOD's with different messages;

1st BSOD:

STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000008, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xB2E4E5E3) - afd.sys address is B2E4E5E3 base at B2E4E000 datestamp 41107eb5

2nd BSOD:

STOP: 0x0000001A (0x00000780, 0xC038339C, 0x814BAA78, 0xCD7404CE)

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Messages When Trying To Log In Internet

May 5, 2010

I tried to connect to BT Yahoo Broadband yesterday (it had been working fine), when I got "sorry, the attempt to sign in failed", after pressing the help button the next message read "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library. C: Program Files Yahoo Browser Ybrowser.exe. A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program`s internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated"I can connect to BT Yahoo wirelessly using my laptop, but not on my desktop PC.I tried using system restore and tried about 6 different restore points going back a month or more, but every time got the reply that the system could not be restored to that date.

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Computer Turns Off Without Warning

Jul 2, 2008

My computer boots up and runs fine for several minutes to a few hours then all of a sudden the monitor screen goes black and (if it is on the screen) the mouse pointer gets big. I have to reboot and then sometimes it will work fine for as long as I am using it. Sometimes it does the same things several hours later or several minutes later. In other words I have not been able to establish a pattern for when it happens. Anybody have any ideas what may be going on? I use Windows 2000 Pro, Amd processor(sempron), 512 Megs of RAM, Computer motherboard about a year old.I got windows 2000 installed because I could not get XP registered with MS after old MB died. I kinda like Win 2K better anyway.I have cleaned out my case and tried to make sure processor is not overheating.Just am stumped as to what may be the problem.

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Get Rid Of Virus Warning?

Jun 17, 2006

hi guys..need help homepage on ie has been hijacked, it replaces by to remove this crap??
and this is my logfile

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Get Rid Of Those Security Warning Prompts

Jun 23, 2005

Is there a way to get rid of those security warning prompts when I'm tring to install programs? I've disabled everything in the security center but that didn't help.

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Computer Rebooted Without Any Warning

Jul 21, 2005

The other day I using my computer (Compaq Presario), and the all of a sudden it rebooted without any warning.While it was starting when it showed the windows XP boot screen it jammed. So I turned it off and when I tried to boot it wouldn't. I have some ideas as to what the problem can be:1. Its overheating.2. The CPU is fried.3. There's something wrong with the video card.I have 2 fans inside the computer and about 1 week ago I bought a new CPU cooling fan. I believe the video card is a NVIDIA TNT2.

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Low Virtual Memory Warning?

Sep 17, 2009

My system is a Dell Windows XP (SP-3) All Windows Updates are installed and I have 512 MGS of RAM. On Start Up, there is not a lot of extra programs running in the background, and most of the time, my system runs fast. (I use MS Config.) Today, however in my System Tray, I got a Low Virtual Memory Warning Message. What does this mean? I use IE 8 most of the time and occasionally Firefox 3.5.The other thing that I noticed is that from time to time when I right-click on the desktop, I will get a momentary fade-out before the options come into view on the screen. The same thing will sometimes happen when I right-click on my Avast Anti-Virus ball in my System Tray. I only use the computer for Word Processing, e-mail and basic Web Browsing. The computer was purchased in October 2004. Why would I be getting this warning?

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Virtual Memory Low Warning

Dec 8, 2004

I have spent the afternoon trying to find the answer but cant. So anywho Im getting the virual memory low warning. What can I do? Where should it be set?

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Computer Restarts Without Warning

Feb 11, 2009

I am not sure if it it windows or my actual computer but iam on my computer and it just restarts. somtimes because i run to many progrmas but somtimes it does it for no reason.

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System Shouting Down Without Any Warning

Nov 7, 2008

I'm really desesperate to figure this problem out. My computer keeps shouting down without even a simple warning. The BIG problem is none other than this: My exames are aproaching like real fast and me and my colegues are all using our school PC's and whatnot. I've already formated it but the problem is still there though! Error Message: C:DOCUME~1Margem DEFINI~1TempWER8533.dir00Mini110708-10.dmp C:DOCUME~1MargemEFINI~1TempWER8533.dir00 sysdata.xml.

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Many Error Messages, Cant Use Computer?

Feb 5, 2005

my computer is incredibly screwed up! Nothing works,and it takes forever to load. here are some of the errors I get. I get an error message about DrWatson. I got the error signature for this one. Hasn't been connected to the internet since it was first made about a month ago to update windows.

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Xp Error Messages 16 Bit MS-DOS Subsystem

May 31, 2005

error messages on my pc are becoming more frequent for some reason . The first one is when i try to install something sometimes a error box comes geaded "16 bt MS-DOS Subsystem" and it say C:unzippedfips20fips.exe, C:PROGRA~1SymantecS32EVNT1.DLL. An installable Virtual Device Driver failed Dll initialization. Choose "close" to terminate the application.

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Error Messages At Shutdown

May 26, 2007

i have 2 error messages at shutdown. one says ccApp. and the other is device 10 orlO notification window.

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Error Messages - Boot Up

Dec 10, 2007

error msg is about and how can I stop it from coming on whenever I boot up my computer. I am running Win XP Pro SP2. I could not copy this error msg into this box so I am typing everything that it says.

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Error Messages - Boot Up

Apr 23, 2008

My computer was running fine until I booted it up this morning and got these 2 error messages:

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Error Messages - Different Numbers

Aug 22, 2005

What is one to do with error messages that come up on your computer. they all seem to have diff numbers but I have no clue what to do with them can anyone help I have been using this computer for about one year and still have alot to learn so bear with me.

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Random IE Error Messages

May 14, 2005

as i run internet explorer there are times where some websites may not respond, and after i close the window i occasionally i recieve error reports. i have windows XP and i have run ad-aware and spybot search and destroy.

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Suppress IE7 Error Messages?

Aug 9, 2007

I am having a problem with active desktop. I have Windows XP SP2 installed on my machine and have an active desktop link to a flash file on the web. Every time I start my computer, start the flash file or the flash file ends, I get a "Internet Explorer cannot download - Unspecified Error" error. Do you guys have any advice on how to resolve this issue? Any way to suppress IE7 error messages?

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Getting Too Many Messages On Blue Screens

Aug 2, 2007

latelly i'm having some problem with blue screens more this:
***STOP 0x0000008E


i'm having other but this show more times

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BSOD With Error Messages?

Jul 5, 2010

I updated my Win XP drivers, and after updating them I was prompted to restart my PC, when restarting i got the BSOD with 0x0000008E and 0x0000005 error messages.

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Lots Of Error Messages

Apr 15, 2007

I recently reformatted due to slowing of my computer and things have been great, playing alot of Battlefield 2142 and it looks amazing on my rig, however today I was playing and things were going excruciatingly show, and eventually just stopped. I had to unplug it and turn it back on. I noticed problems immediately after XP loaded up and got on my user. Resolution was to a minumum, my AIM, Steam, and just about everything crashed and gave me the error report message. Everytime I load AIM or Firefox(IE too), it gives me an error report screen, however there really isn't a problem, i just move the error window to the corner of my screen and I'm able to browse freely.

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