Vista Connects Fine To Internet

Feb 9, 2008

I installed XP Home Edition on a separate hard drive on my hp a6009n so I could dual boot with Vista Home Premium.Vista connects fine but XP won't.I only have about a week to activate it then I'm screwed.

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Computer Connects To Internet With Internet Explorer Only?

Mar 21, 2008

My son in law's XP computer connects to internet with IE only. It will not allow site signons or logins. It will not update anti virus (free AVG) or connect with Firefox or Netscape. The firewall is not blocking. I checked all admin service permissions and can't find any problems. I also tried Winsock Fix. I'm stumped on this and don't know what to do next

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System Automatically Connects To The Internet

Dec 29, 2004

I just bought a new hp pavilion a730n and I am having problems with it connecting to the internet on its own. Everytime I turn it on, it connects to the internet. Is there a setting I need to change?

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Home Networking - Computer Connects Directly To The Internet

Apr 10, 2008

I used to use the XP home netwroking to provide internet connection to my xbox 360 i used the "home or small office network" wizard and chosed the first option which says "This computer connects directly to the internet..." so it takes the internet connection from the wireless network , and provide it the xbox through the LAN connection and it was working without any problem for a long time but lately i couldn't connect to the internet in the xbox and i found that the error was in the IP address the laptop is not giving the xbox an IP address at all

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Internet With Vista Cuz Of Bs Security - Dual Boot Xp/vista

Dec 15, 2006

does ne1 know if vista can dual boot with xp no problems yet only wonderin cuz we are very close to vista, and i want it. i cannot use my dorm room internet with vista cuz of bs security shit.

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IE Not Working While Internet Is Fine

Dec 30, 2004

My IE has all of a sudden stopped working. I can still use MSN messenger, download, and even surf the web through Microsoft Outlook, but IE is persistent that no pages are avaliable. My Windows seems to be recognizing my internet connection as well, so I do not see what happened.I then tried re-installing IE, getting all patches (I had them all anyway), but the problem still exists. I am using WinXP Home with SP2.

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Limited User Account Wont Work Fine Using Internet?

Mar 6, 2007

I've recently setup a limited user account on a XPSP2 Home machine. The intent is to use it for internet and email. When I switch to this account, and try to setup, say, my email client, the configuration or settings do not stick. On a couple other apps too, when I click on them to start them, it's as if it's the first time they are being executed. I enter the info, apply or save, and when I shut the app and come back into it, the same thing happens. For instance; in the email client, each time I go in, the setup wizard starts and asks for my pop3 and smtp etc..I enter it, save, shut the app, come back in and the wizard starts again, asking for the same things.

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System Wont Connect To Internet / Works Fine On Network?

Apr 10, 2010

I am at a friends house and one of their computers are not connecting to the internet, they have a network set up and all tha good stuff and its working fine on allt he other computers BUT hers. She recently moved her desktop from the floor to her desk to get it away from the pet hair, and i made sure the wires are all in good condition and plugged in correctly. The computer will not repair the connection nor will the internet work.

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Vista Partition Internet

Nov 17, 2008

Alright, I have this Toshiba Satellite P205-S6237 laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium pre-installed, and I just partitioned my Hardrive and installed Windows XP on the partition.Windows XP(Home Edition) works great! It was a successful clean install and I already have my computer setup so I can choose which OS to run at startup.When I get on the XP partition, I cannot get onto to the internet. I use a wireless adapter that is built in to the laptop to connect to my home internet router.I was told that I had to get some sort of driver to get my wireless to work on XP, but I've looked around for a long while now.

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Connects To Home Network Via Integrated WIFI Card

Sep 29, 2005

I have a Windows Media Center 2004 edition PC. It connects to my home network via integrated WIFI card.IS there a feature that could enable a Wake on WIFI as opposed to a
wake on lan?there is no option on the properties of my wifi adapter, but i'm dying
to know if this is possible?

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Internet Options Not Working In Vista

Nov 6, 2007

The blue one day I cannot access Internet Options from the tools menu in IE7 on Vista Ultimate. I also cannot open Internet options from the control panel. When I click on it nothing happens. I tried to run Spybot. I tried running IE7 as administrator and it says: This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator. I checked and IE7 has full permissions and no restrictions. I am also logged in as an administrator. I tried sfc /scannow in an elivated command prompt and it said it found errors but couldn't fix them. I also ran system restore and it cannot restore anything no matter what date I choose. Can anyone explain what suddenly happened to my Vista out of the blue? I run the latest Mcafee by the way.

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Vista To Installation / Network Can't Connect To Internet

Sep 12, 2009

I just installed XP pro Sp2 over Vista Home Premium on my laptop. Please note that I originally had XP and upgraded to VISTA (big mistake) a year ago. The installation process went well, however I can't connect to Internet. My network connection shows that I have a connection. I tried to do ipconfig from command menu and did nor get any IP address.

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Dual Boot Vista/XP - Vista/XP With My HP Media Center Purchased In 2007

Sep 17, 2009

I'm trying to make a dual boot system Vista/XP with my HP Media Center purchased in 2007 with Vista pre-installed. Inside Vista I created the partition for XP (disk D and rebooted with the 'XP Pro SP2' inside. After selecting its correct partition for installing it copies all files on hard disk and it reboots in order to start its installation, upon rebooting and starting first time from hard disk, it says that there is an error in the system and stops. If I install only XP on the system it works correctly even though some newest hardware is not recognized. I had already made a dual boot two years ago with a 2007 XP Student Edition and it smoothly. If it is due to the XP version being too old that maybe cannot deal with the boot record created by Vista
Or perhaps such an old XP cannot recognize a boot hard disk that is not C:?
Is there a way to bypass this point (perhaps fixing the boot record) in order to continue correctly the installation?
Thank you,

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Dual Boot XP+Vista - Originally Had Vista Business Edition

Dec 31, 2007

I originally had Vista Business edition on my laptop and decided to dual boot with XP. So far I created a partition on the same drive (C: ) as Vista and installed XP on it. how do I choose between Vista and XP when my computer boots up? When I turn on my computer it boots straight into XP and doesn't show that menu where it gives me a choice of which OS I want to boot

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Dual Boot Vista And XP - Risk Of Vista Interfering With The XP Partition

Jun 8, 2006

Can i put Vista on a computer as a second operating system and dual boot with XP? Is there a risk of Vista interfering with the XP partition

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Dual Boot And Vista - Vista Based System And Then Load XP

Jan 28, 2009

Is it possible to have a Vista based system and then load XP on the same system and switch between the two. I know mac's have something similar to this but i have an HP dv7 pavilion notebook with an AMD Turion x2 Dual-core mobile RM-70 2ghz processor, 4 gb of ram, ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics chip set, and 156GB of free harddrive space

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XP-Vista Dual Boot Set Up - Free VISTA BUSSINES Upgrade

Feb 13, 2007

just ordered a new pc that is on its way pre loaded with WIN XP PRO SP2. It also come with a free VISTA BUSSINES upgrade. I want to set up a dual boot system when i get my VISTA disk. should i use partition magic and set up a new partition for vista or is there a better way of doing this

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Dual Boot: To Vista - Created A Separate Partition For Vista

Dec 13, 2007

I initially started with XP and created a separate partition for Vista, installing Vista on the other partition, Vista sees the (XP) Earlier version of windows. When I choose XP, I get the following error: NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt. If I repair the XP with fixmbr - I end up screwing up Vista. Then when I repair Vista, it end's screwing up XP

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Get Rid Of The Vista Boot Loader: Removed Vista?

Jul 26, 2008

I was dual booting XP and Vista but didn't want Vista anymore. So I got rid of Vista, and that's all said and done now. Problem is, the boot loader is still coming up telling me to choose between "Earlier Version of Windows" and "Windows Vista". How to I get rid of it without using Vista's boot manager?

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Dual Boot With Vista - Currently Running Vista

Mar 3, 2008

I'm currently running Vista on a raid 0 array, and want to dual with XP. I have two partitions, one with vista and the other that I tried installing XP on. After it finishes the initial installation and restarts it says to press any key to boot from the CD. I wait without pressing anything and than it says that there was an error reading the disk. If I remember correctly, after it restarts it goes strait into windows setup. This happens every time I try restarting, but I can get back into vista by putting the hard drive to boot first. In vista I can see the other partition where XP was installed, and inside is just a folder titled WINDOWS and it seems like all the windows files are in there

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Vista To Home Go Back To Vista

Jun 18, 2008

It had Windows vista in it and she had someone put Windows XP in it. It now has a virus and my friend wants Vista put back in it. I have a cd here that says TOSHIBA recovery and applications / drivers, Satellite A130/ A135 series, Windows Vista Home Basic 32-bit. I put this cd in the rom and restarted. it did nothing. just loaded XP up again.

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Over Range But Was Fine Before?

Apr 3, 2006

My brothers computer recently developed a problem, its an old Dell optiplex GX1 500L+ and hes on XP pro
he came home and the monitor was flashing the little lights on the front that indicate it being over range
we tried an older monitor, as well as my own LCD that Im typeing on now, both had the same results, as well as in VGA mode the monitor acts normal up untill the loading windows screen, where it promptly goes blank and begins with the flashing lights but booting into safe Does work and gives us a picture, so I dont think it could be problem a problem with onboard graphics, so Im guessing its a malicious program that is inflicting this problem, unless someone can tell me otherwize does anybody know what would likely be the cause of this, or the best way to trouble shoot it, we already did a Repair installation,that didnt fix anything and I figured Id ask here on the tech forum before proceding to wipe his hard drive, my question on the forum is also a lilttle bit curiosity driven,

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Dual Booting With And 7 Fine?

Feb 3, 2010

I currently have Windows 7 Ultimate (64Bit) installed on the primary hard drive but my question is will Windows XP work ok along with Windows 7 being installed as well like XP being on the same hard drive? Also could someone tell me what the limitations are for XP as I have 4GB RAM (Dual Channel) as I'll be installing the 32Bit of XP.

Also would XP crash at all with the high specs I'm running ? as I've overclocked my processor to 3.52GHz or doesn't the processor play a role in the stability of XP ?

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Everything Seems Fine But Computer Crashes

Aug 8, 2008

This machine is about 5 months old and has been crashing occasionally the last two weeks after the machine is up and running awhile. I checked the system log and there is nothing leading up to the crash but I do get a crash dump for each one. There is nothing I can pin down as coinciding with the crashes. The vents and fan on side were blocked by a bookcase so I pulled it out in the open. Checked the CPU temp last at 37 deg c. Ran "Memory Diagnostic 1" (from 4 passes of all the tests were clean - this took about 15 minutes. Ran chkdsk on the Seagate - no bad sectors. I can't tell with chkdsk whether it notifies you when it finds problems. All appeared good there. Did the "auto fix file system errors" but not the search for bad sectors on the external WD Passport. I think I need to analyze the crash dumps but don't know where to start. I hear there's a MS debugger or some such? Haven't looked on MS site yet. Is that where it is?I'm thinking maybe, cpu, memory, psu as possible culprits. Can I rule out the video card? and the hard drives?

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Starts Up Fine NO Program Will Run

Sep 19, 2005

My friend was installing Norton and it froze half way thru and she ended up having to restart. When she restarted her computer (with WIN XP HOME EDITION) it loaded fine but now with a new problem. No program will load. I cant load Word, AIM, anything. I tried to do a system restore, but i cant open the program to do that. I cant explore the hard drive because that program wont open. I cant access the control panel either. The only thing that seems to work is IE, which is useless. I got the XP cd and performed a repair, but the problem did not change. I assumed there was something wrong with the registry, but i cant run regedit. Everytime I try to open a program I get a message that says "this file does not have a program associated with it for preforming this action" For some reason, no program will load, yet the computer starts up fine.

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Dvd Has No Audio Cd Plays Fine - Files Are OK

Nov 10, 2009

I have an XP Home HP computer that is offnet and is used exclusivley with a TV as a photo viewer and music player. All work fine in either of 2 drives (Lite On and Samsung). Neither will play the audio to DVDs.

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Pc Beep Very Softly And Stall Up Then Run Fine

Feb 26, 2006

My computer has the so called hiccups. When I try to run something graphically, it will beep very softly and stall up then run fine, then beep and stall etc. I have no idea what triggered this insanity, but its gotten to the point where it will do it at random times even when i try to scroll, and it has done it during start up

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Two Xp Options On Boot: One Is Corrupted Other Is Fine?

Aug 25, 2008

i used my Xp disk to partition my slave hd in my desktop since i have done this i get an option when i boot of two windows xp to start.The first has something to do with me mucking around with the slave drive and the second is my actual sytem os It automatically tries to boot from the first and faulters saying there is system files missing.I can boot from the second option fine but i dont want to allways have to be changing options everytime i reboot I would like to know if there is a way through my bios (or xp itself )that i can delete this option on booting

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IE Won't Connect, Firefox Works Fine?

Jan 11, 2006

Firefox is my default browser but I need IE for updates. IE acts like I'm offline. IE won't go online! An additional problem, which is older, is that windows update doesn't recognize my computer as having a valid copy of XP. At least I think that is why they keep saying I need to download a new software for future downloads, yet everytime I try the download fails. I'm up to date to at least the beginning of december 2005, and I'm desperate to download the new critical update.

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Clean Install Of The OS - Fine Surfing The Web

Jan 2, 2008

I have a computer running XP Pro w/sp2 with a P4 1.8Ghz and 512 mb of pc 2100 memory.I recently did a clean install of the OS. Sometimes when I am running programs the computer will freeze up. The mouse arrow won't move and nothing from keyboard. It is fine surfing the web but will lock up with programs. No error messages come up either. I just have to reboot again to get going.Could this happen if my memory is going bad or something? Everything else seems fine and the OS install went good with no probs.

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Boots Fine With Wifi Card Out

Mar 24, 2007

In an attempt to use her computer in our apt, she's set it up and tried to boot. Problem is, the computer is going to an error page whenever she boots with the card in place. The specific message is that file ar5200.sys is trying to write to a read-only memory. We then have to shut the system down cold as ctr-alt-del isn't working. So, it's locking up pretty well. With the card not in place, XP is booting fine. We are getting an error code as well, but the computer boots and is working (although running slightly slower). It says system is recovering from a serious error. The error report shows the problem is files in the temp folder? Searching for the specific sys (ar5200.sys) file hasn't given us any help. I just can't seem to find that darn file that's causing the trouble!

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