Unable To Install Programs On Pro / Admin Priviledges

Jan 19, 2006

I'm getting a Message when trying to install new programs Trying msn Messenger 7.5 as example.I'm in an account with administrator rights (this is indicated on the control panel / user accounts)Message:"You do not have the permissions required to install.."I was getting a 1601 message - windows installer not available.(I went into services and the "windows INstaller" was set to manual, I set it to automatic.)

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Unable To Install Programs

Oct 9, 2008

Unable to install ANY programs or updates on my pc.There have been changes made to the permissions, network sharing and connections. I am getting Windows cannot open the local policy database. Access to database has been denied. when trying to access security settings from Admin Tools. although my userid is on the Administrators group with full privileges. my %systemroot% is set to share, everyone with full access. I can send a HJT log if requested. what can I do? there are also many internet pages that are no longer loading (says cookies disabled) even tho they are on the trusted list, and even with BitDefender and ZoneAlarm shut down. I have knocked up against this for 3 days, but do not seem to be making progress.

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I/O Device Error Of A Different Kind / Unable To Install Programs?

Sep 18, 2007

okay. just got the morrowind expansion packs. (bethesda softworks). installed tribunal without a fuss. tried to install bloodmoon...then it whips out this "I/O Device error crap" on me.

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Installshield - Unable To Install / Uninstall Programs - Error 2738

Jul 28, 2005

I have a problem with my Installshield engine, and so I am unable to install/uninstall programs. I am running Windows XP home on a pentium IV, 2.4 GHZ with 512 ram. I think the problem started when I was installing a program called eBay Blackthorne from a download. Now, any install/uninstall is affected.
The error is "Internal error # 2738".

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Finding Way To Run Programs Without Letting The Admin To Know?

Sep 17, 2005

I'm running win XP home with 4 restricted user accounts for 4 kids.I have two programs that ran OK on WinME and run just fine under an admin account on XP, but don't run properly under a restricted account.One is a Disney game. The other is the "well of souls" multi-user game. I can let the kids run those programs as the admin user using the "Run As"feature, but to do that they need the admin password, so they're always asking me to type it in for them. So, I want a way to allow those just two programs to always run as an admin user, without having to enter the admin password each time they run. Is there any way to do that?

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Blocking Limited Accounts From Admin Programs

Jan 1, 2009

however i didn't want said family member accessing any of my files etc so created a new user (limited account) all well file regards however windows installs all my programs games etc etc onto the new user account as well which is not what i want at all.Is there any way of preventing a new user from being able to access any of the programs i've installed. i'e just make it like i had done a fresh install of windows and then installed stuff separately on my account. that is to say without actually wiping the drive and starting again.

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Removing Programs Asking To Be Login By Admin Account?

Feb 8, 2008

Windows XP Home edition.Recently had to reinstall in case that might be relevant.I was trying to tidy up a bit by removing some programs from start up using msconfig. Will not allow me to do so and indicatess I may have to log in with an account with admin rights. I am using an acount set up as computer admin. Do I need to boot up in safe mode to do these maintenance things?

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Unable To Access Printer With A Non Admin User

May 29, 2008

We have our own printer driver which basically prints any document to our application (just like Adobe). Our installer creates a named printer port in HKEY_LOACL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTPorts (eg. OurPort). We stop the spooler service and then start it too to refresh the list of ports.
Then we create the printer by running this command from within installer.
rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Our Printer Name" /f "Path of the inf file" /r "OurPort" /m "Printer driver name" /Z
Once all this is done, we try printing any document to this printer we created and it does print in our application. But this happens only when the logged on user is either admin or a power user.
When we try to login with a local user, and he tries to print a document to our application via our printer, it fails. We can see the document in the printing queue but it shows error-printing.

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Admin Account But Can't Access MSCONFIG Or Install

Jan 3, 2008

I've posted about this the other day, and I now have reason to believe that a virus is part of the problem. I have an admin account, and every other account on my computer is an admin account, yet none of them can access MSCONFIG, or install stuff. I get registry errors when I try to install, but I can still access REGEDIT.

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Unable To Edit Registry Values By Using Admin Account?

Jul 14, 2005

I have a Windows XP Pro, SP2 customer. We are attempting to modify the registry key for the "Everyoneincludesanonymous" from a value of 0 to 1. When he
selects "OK" he gets a message that says he cannot change this value. In fact he cant change any registry data and he is the admin.

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Admin Password Changed: Unable To Recover Back?

Feb 6, 2007

somebody chaged my admin password n I'm unable to login since password is wrong how can I get the password of my win XP administrator

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Admin Account Shown After Install WiFi Router

Jul 13, 2009

I always use the computer with user accounts with limited privliges. This is safer, right?I was trying to install the wifi router last week. Now when starting up I get the "admin" user account, not the Welcome Screen, with the user acct. icons. I have not made password for any of the accts., so I get the admin log-in, and simply hit return, and I'm in the admin user acct.. I can see the limited user's folders of documents and favorites, but I can't get into the user accounts.

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Unable To Register For Many Programs / Unable To Retrieve Album Info

Jan 2, 2005

I'm sure I am overlooking something obvious, but numerous recent problems with my system seem to be (hopefully) tied to the same source.I just don't know what it is.I am running windows XP home, service pack one (I have recently reverted back from SP2 thinking it may be the cause of the problems)
1) Any and all telnet type programs refusing to connect to any host (telnet, zmud, gmud, etc) In the case of zmud I can observe that my computer is in no way interfacing with another machine. telnet error is 'unable to contact host machine'
2) Windows media player (version 10) is unable to retrieve album info. Instead I immediately get a standard IE 'page cannot be displayed' screen.
3) Unable to register for many programs such as Gracenote. In the case of gracenote I recieve a 'socket open failed' error message.I am not currently running any firewall.
I only hae a 56k internet connection, so the instantaneous negative connection responses many of my programs display make it fairly obvious that this is a problem with my machine. I hope it is some silly xp setting I need to change.

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Admin Account Lost Admin Privileges

Aug 3, 2007

I installed a few programs last night and I lost all my admin privileges. I'm using an account that has admin rights, and yet these happened:

- run button in the start menu has disappeared.
- turn off button has also disappeared; I can only log off
- I cannot run the task manager when I press ctrl-alt-del
- some sys tray applications stopped being started up with the windows (skype, msn messenger, icq, adobe lightroom, daemontools)
- when I load Adobe Photoshop CS2, I get this message that says "You are not allowed to continue because your account does not have administrator privileges".
- I'm sure there're more things waiting to be discovered................

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Monitor Drivers Unable To Install On Fresh Windows 2000 Install

Apr 18, 2005

HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.

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Unable To Run Any Programs

Apr 25, 2008

After start today (previous shutdown was reported as clean, done by my wife, she did not notice anything unusual and I trust her), wery weird behaviour. System looks like it is somehow running out of resources but it is not, at least I think ..

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New OS Install, Some Drivers Missing / Unable To Install?

Jul 7, 2008

I just purchased a used Dell Dimension 4700, it came without the OS installed or the resource cd with all the drivers. I installed the OS this afternoon, but in the device manager serveral yellow ? came up. The flags are listed for the ethernet controller, multimedia audio controller, PCI modem, SM Bus controller, unknown device, and the video controller (vga compatible).

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BSOD Error/Unable To Re-install / New Install?

Dec 5, 2007

After suffering months of freezing PC and blue screens (primarily the dreaded kernel stack error. I have done tried all the recovery tricks from here and MS website, done chkdsk /f & /r repeatedly over four days without using the PC in between, and all the other stuff from here and Microsoft. Bought an expensive Reg cleaner and run it repeatedly. No luck. No recently installed soft or hardware. New Dell desktop. 1 year of trouble-free life until this. I now boot from the recovery XP CD (it includes SP2) to try to reformat the whole shebang and it gets as far as loading setup files OK, then as usual tries to start load windows installation and ... blue screen. STOP error 0x0000007B (OXF78D2524 OXC0000034, OX00000000, OX00000000).
Decided to buy a new HDD and install XP on that. (3 weeks from Dell!) and in machine. Old one disconnected. Tried installing XP from disk. It stalls at exactly the same moment as before (loads up preliminary files, gets to ""starting Windows" and then the dreaded blue screen with the same error message as before. 0X0000007B (OXF78D2524, 0XC0000034, 0X00000000, 0X00000000). So presumably not HD (although always good to have one). Have downloaded Memtest and run it for 24 hours. No RAM errors reported.

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Unable To Uninstall Any Programs

May 3, 2005

Every program I attempt to uninstall gives me an error message, the most common being "Cannot open install.log" Obviously something has gone wrong - what to do? Running XP

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Unable To Download Programs

Feb 11, 2005

Unable to download any programs. But some updates seem to work. There are no error messages, the download screen looks normal apart from there being not download speed or anticipated time to download. The pages fly but nothing happens. Eventually I just cancel. Restore points before the date have failed. Reinstalling SP2 did not help. Un-installed recent installs around that time to no effect. I have even tried using other ISPs with all firewalls and AV turned off. Internet Explorer is the browser.

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Unable To Open Any Programs On Xp?

Feb 13, 2009

After using Dr.Web Cleant it to clean up my xp laptop, it got worst. The laptop loads up but all that i see is the desktop background. No Start bar, not programs on desktop, shortcuts don't work .e. "windows"+R, "windows"+E) ONLY TASK MANAGER OPENS with CRTL+ALT+DEL.

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Cant Install Some Programs On Pro

Feb 23, 2005

I am having trouble to install some programs, I get this message: "The systems administrator has prevent policies to prevent this installation." Thats the message I get when i tried to reinstall office xp pro, also, i get the same message when i tried to install Diskkeeper 7, 8 or 9.I have XP Pro SP2 with the latest updates I am the signing as the Administrator..in fact, there is only one user.Mcafee antivirus
I have try to disable firewall.

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Programs Keep Trying To Re-install?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a new problem, or at least new to me. My computer was shutdown without my knowledge, and all the peripherals disconnected and the entire unit set in the floor. (My wife moved out, and took the desk as well as her USB hard drive.) Now, when I booted it up, it keeps trying to install programs that are already there. When I tell it to cancel the installation, it just does it again. It keeps repeating this process for 6 or 7 tries, then quits for a few minutes. After a few minutes pass, it does it again. I've done a virus scan with AVG, scanned it with Spybot S&D, and nothing shows up. I've tried a system restore, but it will not restore to any point before today.

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Unable To Get Sounds On Internet Programs?

Dec 28, 2008

This time I will give more details. My audio programs work fine playing discs. With face talk or anything on the internet e.g. Accu Radio I get no sound.I have an Acer tower, wxp (up to date) and use Firefox. This problem started about a month ago and it has me stumped.

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Unable To Get To Start/ Programs / Accessories

May 10, 2006

I cannot get to System Restore from Start > Programs > Accessories .No Accessories folder in Program Files folder. Search for System restore shows a shortcut to it and when clicked gets me to C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart MenuProgramsAccessories.I haven't changed any settings on my PC. Windows Update got downloaded automatically yesterday.I tried to do system restore to an earlier date but it was unsuccessful. I'm the only user so I boot straight into my account and I'm the only one using my PC.

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Unable To Watch Some IPlayer Programs

Oct 19, 2010

I recently disabled Flash after reading how to on one of the threads,I wanted to stop all the banners and ads, which were hassling with my browsing speed.All seemed well, but now I can't always get some online games to load, and I am also unable to watch some iPlayer programs, noticeably 4OD. I just get a Loading page.Any chance of an idiots guide run through to put my puter back to how it was please,default I guess?I have unpicked the kill that I found, somewhere.Other than that, I'm stumped.

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Install Programs To C By Default, Not D

May 3, 2005

I just upgraded from windows ME to Xp, Anyway I probably did somthing wrong in the settings because when I try to install a program, it by default chooses an install path in the program files directory in my D drive. I really want these to go to program files in the C drive like normal though. How can I change the default install path or drive for new programs?

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Can Not Install Programs On New Laptop

Oct 21, 2005

I just bought a new gatway laptop M460, When I go to install some programs, like any of my games, it tells me i do not have administrator privlages. although I am logged on under the administrator account. Also I try to create a limited account and it will not let me do that eather. some one in an microsoft class told me the sids were not right? if so how do you fix this? it has XP professional a 40 gig, and a gig a ram.

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Can Not Install Or Uninstall Programs

Feb 27, 2008

Every time I try to open my Itunes, I receive this error "Another installation is already in progress.Complete that installation before proceeding with this install." I think there is an install or unintall on hold or something. I feel like I have exhausted all of my options.

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Find Programs After Install

Apr 6, 2008

I just reinstalled WIN XP Pro, and now I sitll have the programs on the hard drive, but nothing in the "START / All Programs" menu. I recall on other Win OSs' that they had a "search for installed Program" option. Does Win XP pro have anything like that ?
I am aware some programs will have to be re-installed due to regeistration issues. I am hoping not too many.

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Not Install Any New Programs Or Anything To Computer

Jul 18, 2009

I have a computer that I was trying to do a clean install of Windows XP. I have done this before with this computer and never had any problems. Before I decided to do reformat the hard drive, the computer kept freezing up. Most of the time it would freeze at the Windows screen and I could not get past that. So I put in my disc, ran through the installation, deleted all partitions and had no problems and my machine had to reboot. The first time it froze at the setup with 39 minutes left, so I restarted it. I got the message that set up was restarting. Only it didn't. It kept restarting the computer and then I got the dreaded blue screen saying that Windows had to shut down. I restarted it again and got a blue screen saying that my registry was probably corrupt or missing some files. Now I can't do anything with this. Please help. I don't want to have to buy a new computer. I did not install any new programs or anything to my computer at all before this.

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