Someone here at work decided to try and do something on my computer. Now explorer is screwed and wont function and i get The ordinal 35 could not be located in the dynamic link library iertutil.dll." whe i try and use something that needs explorer. Explorer will not reinstal. It is really hindering my work. Also my mouse loves to jump to corners of my screen for no reason. Changed mouses and pads but still happens. This is minor so it's not the important thing here.
When is tart my computer i get this error !!! and nothing shows up i cant do NOTHING i only c this background i have NO . Desktop icons or anything PLZ !!! For the ERROR read the subject OMG !!700 dollar computer just GONE
I know that most of us have had a dll issue at some time or another. However, with xp pro, I have been lucky enough not to have any at all.
A pc has been cursed with dllhell, so please suggest any ideas/solutions.
Before xp pro has finished booting (which takes ages anyway) the following message appears:-
'the ordinal 6663 could not be located in dll mfc42.dll' (related to launapp)
A possibly related issue to this is that some strange things happen with the system (windows explorer crashes and restarts if some programs are opened, or if I access the external usb disc drive. It makes sense to deal with one problem at a time.
ive installed a game called big city adventure but wen i go to run it i get - the ordinal 947 could not be located in the dynamic link library kernel32.dll. ive tried reinstallin the game but still get it, ive even updated my directx n also deleted the game shortcut on desktop n resent it to desktop from the game folder but nothin helps. y am i gettin this error msg n how can i resolve it.
I installed internet explorer 7. But i didnt like it so i tried going back to internet explorer 6, But then i stated giving me a error like "iertutil.dll is missing" So i googled it.After reading about other people havING the same problem as me, I found out that i can download iertutil.dll from and copied it to cwindowssystem32.Before i done this my desktop was gone..But after doing this my desktop have reapperied however im still having a problem. Every time I try to open a program or do somethinG i get this erroe message "The ordinal 56 could not be located in the dynamic link library iertutil.dll". I would be happy to reinstall windows but I have lost the CD.
I deleted a file called svchost.exe because Norton said it was infected with a virus. I use WinXP sp2. Now I can't find my taskbar at the bottom and I can't go online.I made a full system back up a few days ago.If I can restore this file(s), I think there were three of them, I think I get my computer to work properly again.The problem is where are these files located? If someone could look on their computer and tell me I would appreciate it.There variations on svchost.I know one was svchost.exe. I also know one was located in Documents and Settings.
Trying to install DSL, I get a message that the IP address cannot be located. I called Dell and they say that it is a software issue so it's Microsoft's problem. Microsoft says that since the software was installed on the computer when we bought it, it's Dell's problem.
I'm trying to take a shortcut in Outlook Express using it's mail modification security feature to filter out spam emails. I would like to be able to copy and paste all of my "spam rules" from my computer onto the system of other family members using a USB storage device. This would end up saving considerable time by avoiding the input of over 150 words (this amount is always growing), one at a time, into each computers OE mail modification security feature. I've look in the WINOWS folder and can't find where the OE files are all kept, and specifically, the spam rules. I've been to the OE folder before but can't remember for the life of me what the address is.
In event viewer under application I get a warning which says trace level parameter not located in registry; default trace level used is 32. Can you please help me with this.
Alright so I am trying to take ownership of a folder on my old hard drive but I kept getting access denied. So I need to boot up into safe mode to access the security tab to take control of the folder this is because I have xp home. But when I try to boot into safe mode this long list comes upmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWSSystem32Driversfltmgr.sysmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2 WINDOWSSystem32Driversdisk.sysmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2 WINDOWSSystem32Driverssr.sysmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)WINDOWSSystem32Driversmup.sysmulti(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2 WINDOWSSystem32Driverspxhelp20.sys There are like 30items in the list those were just a few. All of the items were located in drivers and were sys files
I'm trying to find the settings called "ModemRingOn" and "PME Wake Up Event" both in bios but i can't find them.where they are? Like under what options in bios?
I have 2 unidentified entries located in my System Configuration Utility Startup...Unidentified ... meaning the Startup Item name and the Command names are both blank...The Locations are:HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun & HKCUSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun Any one have any idea what they might be for & should it be safe to disable them?
Can anyone tell me how to modify the user profile so that the default directory for queries is located on a server. I have to create and share queries with several different users and I would like the default to be on the shared server.