System Registry - Enable Admin TS Remote

Apr 11, 2005

I have noticed a D-Word entry in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACINHSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller called EnableAdminTSRemote...can any body explain to me what this does, and if it can cause the error message 'Installation forbidden by system policy' when i try to install

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Enable Full Access For Admin Account

Sep 16, 2005

We have an issue with 25 winXPsp2 Clients in a remote office. The admin who installed those set the local policys to tightenanother company. The office was bought bye us and we demanded a Windows network to be installed. He told us he managed to do this, but he had a Novell background and didnt know that he could set the policys in the w2003 AD. He managed to admin for a while, althoug he never said that he had to fysically face the user and client everytime somebody needed help. and now he have moved on to a new company. Now we (other admins) cant admin the clients at all, we use both Remote Desktop and sometimes DameWare to
give internal support, cleint service and installation for our client users. Is there a way to make a logon script that opens up for the admin account so we can ping, remote access and c$ again? Setting the gruop plicy abjects in the domain AD desnt help. The local setting override it.

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Unable To Enable The Remote Procedure Call Service?

May 25, 2010

I'm running the WinXP Pro ver. 2002 OS in a home built desk top machine. Problem is with the Remote Procedure Call (RPC).I have mistakenly disabled this Service from Profiles and when the computer rebooted it opened up into "Safe Mode" and is locked. Can't get it out of safe mode.I tried to undo my mistake and cannot enable this service. Messages say I can't open Properties boxes from any of the Services listed in the My Computer/Manage/Computer Management /Services & Apps/Services... window.

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Enable Briefcase In Registry

Feb 22, 2008

Recently disabled the briefcase in Windows. Yesterday I wanted to use it, but then I couldn't figure out how to enable it in the registry. I do know that wherever it is, it should have a '1' instead of a '0'.

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How Do I Enable Registry Editing?

Nov 28, 2004

I use XP and I am the administator, but I'm not allowed to use the registry editor. How do I find/access the editor and/or change the properties so I can edit reg files?

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Enable Registry Editor For 2003 Server Standard Edition

Nov 24, 2008

how can i enable the registry editor for the Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition, when i type in run command it gives me the message "registry editing is disabled by your administrator".

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Unable To Edit Registry Values By Using Admin Account?

Jul 14, 2005

I have a Windows XP Pro, SP2 customer. We are attempting to modify the registry key for the "Everyoneincludesanonymous" from a value of 0 to 1. When he
selects "OK" he gets a message that says he cannot change this value. In fact he cant change any registry data and he is the admin.

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Remote Registry Editing

Aug 12, 2002

Windows XP lets remote registry editing by running a service for it. Below are the step-by-step instructions to disable this security hole:1. Goto your control panel (you can do this by clicking on your start menu)2. Select administrative tools - services3. On the right panel, find the service called "remote registry"4. Right click on it and select properties5. In the startup type option box, select disable6. Reboot you computer and repeat steps 1-4. You should see it won't be running anymore.

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Operating System Not Able To Enable Standby Mode

Feb 23, 2009

when i install xp operating system iam not able to enable standby mode. it is disable mode. what is the problem can anyone give the solution for this.

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Admin Account Lost Admin Privileges

Aug 3, 2007

I installed a few programs last night and I lost all my admin privileges. I'm using an account that has admin rights, and yet these happened:

- run button in the start menu has disappeared.
- turn off button has also disappeared; I can only log off
- I cannot run the task manager when I press ctrl-alt-del
- some sys tray applications stopped being started up with the windows (skype, msn messenger, icq, adobe lightroom, daemontools)
- when I load Adobe Photoshop CS2, I get this message that says "You are not allowed to continue because your account does not have administrator privileges".
- I'm sure there're more things waiting to be discovered................

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System Restore Was Disabled - Cant Enable In Safe Mode

Jan 17, 2010

My computer was having a personality disorder so I decided to save all my files from the hard drive and do a system restore back to the original factory settings. I don't have the installation disks anymore and would like to avoid having to order them. When I started the process, the desktop locked up on me. The keyboard wasn't recognized and I couldn't mouse to any programs or functions. It didn't even complete it's startup sequence, and the icons on the right side by the clock never showed up.

So I restarted the computer in safe mode and saved my files. When I tried to do a system restore from safe mode, I got an error stating that system restore was disabled and couldn't be enabled in safe mode. I'd have to restart in normal mode and change the settings. Therein lies the problem: when I start in normal mode the computer locks up immediately, and I can't change the settings

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Incorrect Tweak Enable Large System Cache?

Aug 12, 2003

The registry key LargeSystemCache "1" on a RAID Windows XP Pro configuration will lead to disastrious read/write errors. The only way to fix is to open registry and changing the key quickly right after booting Windows and then do an official restart/shutdown.The key is located here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM CurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementLargeSystemCache This tweak is widly spread to be enabled but there is never a warning for anyone on RAID! If on RAID do NOT enable this key!

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System Wont Allow To Enable Viewing Hidden Files?

Dec 6, 2006

for some reason, i cannot enable viewing hiddlen files. like i can choose the option then click apply and nothing changes. anyone?

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Enable To Control System: Losing Computer Settings In Pro Version?

Jun 22, 2005

On Friday, I allowed the computer to install a number of security upgrades as well as a malicious software removal tool from MS. Since that reboot, the following things have happened: Got warning about failure of write back cache Blue screen about kernel that MS reported was due to bad HD. Finally able to boot into safe mode and found no HD errors. Thought registry corrupted, so tried to redo with a reload on top of the XP Pro but the program said it is older than that on computer (probably SP2) and won't let me reload.

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Lost Admin Password .. Can't Get Into System

Oct 26, 2006

i bought a used laptop w/XP installed and registered. but can't get into system because doesn't have the Admin password Don't want to reinstall everything because we don't have the XP disk. That, too, is gone.

The laptop is useable, but runs like a 400MHz. Slow for 2.4GHz. Takes several minutes to boot up and every window lags. Can do minor stuff such as defrag and shutting off several XP "bells and whistles", but it really needs a serious tune-up. Several of the start-up programs need to be shut off or removed. Also needs its reg cleaned. Also need to check the BIOS. Can't do it cuz it won't let me in.

Is there any way to nullify the passwords? I know on certain pc's, all I have to do is remove and reinstall a pin on the motherboard. This is an HP 2.4GHZ Celeron laptop.

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Alternate Remote Desktop Application For Simultanious Local/Remote Access?

Mar 12, 2005

The title says it all! Basically I have a comp running XP pro and I want to be able to work locally on one user account, with some kind of remote access server running on another XP user account so that the remote account and the local account can be used simultaniously. I know that this cannot be done with XP Pro remote desktop and could be by Windows Server 2003 remote desktop, but i need an alternate solution to make this happen.

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NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing Accessing Remote Computer?

Aug 13, 2005

I want to use Remote Desktop Sharing in NetMeeting to connect to a remote PC to download files or fix problems on it. I tried to call the remote PC using its IP address but it only allow me to access the netmeeting features like video conferencing.

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Use Other System With Remote Desktop

Apr 4, 2008

Just discovered the joys of remote desktop in my home network. I am regularly tasked with fixing my father-in-laws PC for very minor things. I was wondering what it would take to be able to use RD to access his system? I need to run adware and clean up and stuff like that.

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Initating Remote Assitance/Desktop From Remote IT Staff?

Jul 8, 2005

I'm looking in using either using Remote Assitance and/or Desktop in a help desk support environment. For example, if a user calls in asking for assistance with a application, or if we are in need of troubleshooting the machine, we would like to initate a remote assistance request that takes the end user out of the equation so we don't need to walk them through how to send a email/file request.

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Starting Up System Through Remote Computer

Nov 14, 2006

I have SIS 900 PCI Ethernet Adapter connected to the router which is always online at my office and my systems IP is and I would like to start my computer from a different computer i.e. my home via internet which also has the same Ethernet connected to a router.Please explain me how to power up the office computer and get information from the F Drive which I have put it on Sharing.

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Remote Desktop Connection - Can Ping The Remote

Oct 12, 2005

I have two different computers both running Windows XP professional. I am trying to connect to one remotely using the Remote Desktop Connection. I have enabled the remote computer for remote logins but for some reason I cannot connect with it. I get the error message that the client could not connect to the remote session. I have 50 other computers on this network all set up the same way and have never had a problem. Everything seems to be configured exactly the same. I can ping the remote computer.

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Remote Desktop - Remote Logoff By Other Users?

Feb 20, 2008

Here is my problem. I am logged in to a machine via remote desktop and another user with admin rights logs in via remote desktop and logs me off because they assumed that I had forgotten to log off or whatever else. Is there any permission setting either in group policy or elsewhere that would prevent a user attempting to connect via remote desktop from logging off an already logged on user? The problem is that both users are and need to be Admins.

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Difference In Remote Assistance (RA) Vs. Remote Desktop (RD)?

Jul 30, 2005

My question concerns Remote Assistance (RA) vs. Remote Desktop (RD) to XP Pro desktops. Providing tech support, I am trying to see if anyone knows how to setup RD session I initiate to a Windows XP Pro OS to "share" sessions with the end user, other than via RA.

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System Builder Needs Good Remote Software?

Jan 13, 2006

I'm looking to install a remote connection on the systems i build. As i'm constantly having to walk people through basic tasks i would like to be able to just tell them to start a specific program then let me connect and do all the work. I have tried with windows own remote assistance but half of the time i can't even connect. I have over 150 sytems built and running, hence this software can't cost a lot. I want to install the server side on all these sytems then i can connect remotely from my Client side and carry out basic tasks... ie editing startup registry etc Anyone know of any good free software for this... i've looked at some software but to install on so many machines would cost a fortune.

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Remote Access To System Xp From Other Having 98 Through Terminal Service?

Jul 5, 2005

i would like to know if it is possible to access windows xp from windows 98 through terminal service. My win98 pc is able to access my other win2003 server using remote desktop 5.1 but could not access winxp. I was prompted that the windows xp pc might be busy but its not doing any task. I use the user name that was added to remote desktop users group and have assign a password. The terminal service is windows xp is already started.

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Printing In Remote Through Remote Desktop ?

Aug 26, 2008

We run a terminal server at my my workplace which runs Windows Server 2003 rc2.We use Remote Desktop The list of OS's is as follows Winxp pro, Winxp home Windows 2000, and some Windows Nt(Yeah i know its depressing). The problem im having is in most cases i can not print from a local machine while in remote desktop unless the printer is on an LPT prtiner port.I have the printer shared on every Local machine, Rdp is setup coreectly also but still no printy. The only thing i have not tried is installing the driver on the TS and then trying to install and bring over the printer while in RDP.

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Enabling Remote Desktop From Remote?

Aug 25, 2010

Ok, so I have netbook with a crack LCD, can not see anything..How the hack do I enable remote desktop without using it's local LCD..I need two things done, enable remote desktop and second enable dual monitor mode, so I can connect external monitor to VGA port

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Resetting My System Registry Is Buggered Now

Nov 9, 2008

I bought my laptop through the university and it came with XP Pro preinstalled on it. I did not receive any cd's with it and was wondering how to go about getting it back to a freh copy of windows. I think my registry is buggered now and wouldn't mind starting afresh. I did some digging and found a thing called sysprep that has the option to prepare the machine for the end user.I'm wondering if I pushed it that would take it back to the state

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System Slowed To A Crawl - Is This A Registry?

Mar 17, 2007

I'm using XP service pack 2 on a Fujitsu-Seimens laptop. The system has slowed down so much now that it can take 5 minutes to refresh a webpage. It has only recently happened. I use a good anti-virus but cannot now complete a scan in sensible time. The CPU seems to be working 100% all the time. I'm pretty sure the problem is down to something I've downloaded recently. I've used system restore but no luck there.

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Operating System Registry Recovery

Sep 18, 2007

Every time I start this computer I get the following window."Window Registry Recovery:One of the files containing the system's Registry data had to be recovered by use of a log or alternate copy. The recovery was successful"My computer is running XP SP2. Its a Gateway 450 Notebook computer (about 4 years old)At another site, someone suggested that the HD is failing. Before I purchase a new drive, does anyone know of a differnt cause that may be causing this?

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Registry Key That Is Changed After Change The System Time?

Aug 4, 2010

I would like to know what the registry key is that is changed after you change the policy for "Change the system time".

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