Since I started using XP, I noticed that games performance was terrible. Idle CP load stayed at around 12% all the time. This lead to jerky graphics, choppy sound, every game I tried was the same, even DVD playback suffered. I tried the tweak I didn't see any difference. If you also experience this problem and have a Zip drive, here's how I solved it.1.Right click "My Computer"2.Select "Manage"3.Click on "Device Manager"4.Double click on your Zip under "Disk Drives" ( it may be listed as "IMG VP01" or something similar - pick the one that's not a hard drive)5.Disable the deviceIf you then need to use the Zip drive, simply re-enable it by following similar steps.This worked fine for me, XP is now as fast as 98
this is really tricky to explain. i installed a graphics card a while ago, and since then i have been getting stop messages when i log on. i fixed the driver and now they are less frequent. also i receive notification that the registry has been restored from a backup. and spybot is reporting that it has been changed . i have no virus or spyware its a clean PC. is there a program i can use to collect data about these error messages to help you diagnose them.
When watching DVDs or listening to music from MP3 on the hard drive, the performance is jerky. This happens using WMP and RealPlayer both. I used TaskManager to see if there was any resident stuff and eliminated antispyware and a few other programs, but nothing shows on the list. I ran Process Explorer from and it shows19-35 % of the CPU capacity from "Interrupts". What can be causing this stuttering or jerky performance.
I tried this under security but maybe it should have been here. I've check out several boards and seen problems close to mine but the fixes don't work. This started a couple months ago about the time I upgraded Netscape but I can't swear that has anything to do with it. I've always used Netscape because it runs faster for me. When I scroll it is either very slow or it stops for a few seconds and then jerks to catch up. Typing does the same thing. I will type several words before they all of a sudden show up on the screen. All this is happens about half the time. I've noticed even when I play Hoyle card games it sometimes is jerkly. I am mostly looking around Ebay so I don't know if that has anything to do with it. I absolutely never open emails with attachments or click on anything in an email. I use Norton Systemworks, Norton Firewall and I've recently used AdAware and CWShredder. I had a tech person "tune up" my computer, rid of temp. files, defragged, antivirus, etc. My computer is only 1 1/2 yrs. old. Please help me and keep in mind I know more about the Internet than I do the computer itself. This has taken all the joy out of being on line.
When my cpu spikes my mouse movements get jerky esp when hard disk is going then it can move around a bit by itself. Keyboard also have a delay between typing and the letters appearing on the screen.
hi, since today when i use explorer on my second partition it takes a few seconds to open root folders. hdd gets noisy, grinding for a while, explorer process reaches 90 ish % and then it opens a folder. i must add that all other folders open properly. the other issue accompanying it is jerky sound when playing audio or video files located even on another hdd. this is quite a fresh installation of win xp pro. no viruses detected, no bad sectors, defragmented, etc. this is a sata hdd, connecting it to another controler did not help as well. it seems to me like the problem could be physical rather than software. what do you think ?
my graphics card is old and slow and i was lookin to but a new one What would u reccomend in the 100$ price range that is fast I have a 2002 windows xp P4 processor 1.50 Ghz and 256 MB of ram, 40.0 Gb, Nvidia TnT2 graphics card
I am looking for now is a program where I can log into their computer without having them logged off, so they can actually see what I am doing (and I don’t have to repeat it all over the phone).
Does anyone have a suggestion what prog I can use for that? (or a link to a side would be also great) Have been searching for the web for hours but I guess my English just doesn’t provide me with the right keywords to get any results I can use.
Explorer seems like it likes to crash randomly. I've already ran chkdsk and no problems were found. Now, with my experience with chkdsk at my IT job, it doesn't always do the job. So I was wondering if there was a program that could.
-I am free of spyware to the best of my knowledge
-I run CCleaner daily to get rid of useless files.
I've read here that IIS cannot be installed on XP Home Edition, so OK to that. But is there some other (Free?) non-Windows utility that I can install on my XP operating system that will do the same thing for me?
Are there any more sophisticated packages out there that can connect to standard Remote Desktop enabled Windows machine?I need to connect to several remote computers on a regular basis, and would like something that would remember my login settings for each one of them. The standard Remote Desktop Connection client that come with Windows 2000 only seems to remember the settings for *one* connection. (Or are there perhaps some call arguments that I could put into the shortcut, in order to define certain login parameters?)
I have replaced my hard drive completely. One thing I really miss about my old setup was that I had Roxio disc copier, which really came in handy for my job. Since I no longer have the application CD that it came on, I am slightly SOL and have to spend a lot of time burning copies from media player.Does anyone know of a simple, free program that will allow me to copy a disc that is in the D: drive to a blank one in the E: drive?
Major virus infection on computer resulted in fdisk and reformat. I used Win 98SE to fdisk and reformat, as I couldn't for the life of me find a format on the Dell Operating reinstallation CD. (could be first mistake)
Used Win 98 SE startup diskette to start system w/CD rom support.
Navigated to D: Drive which containe the XP OS reinstallation. Navigated to I386 folder and typed WINNT to begin reinstalling files.
Start WIn XP setup and began copying files to HD.
Screen shows: The MS-DOS based portion of setup is complete. Setup will now restart you computer. After your computer restarts, WIN XP Setup will continue. Remove floppy, etc.
Computer restarts - did inspection of system, shows Win XP Setup, loading files (drivers, controllers, etc.)
Starting windows - Welcom to Setup: 1. Setup - press enter 2. Repair (using Repair Console) 3. Quite - F3
Pressed enter
Next message:
Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer. Make sure any hard disk drives are powered on and properly connected to your computer. This may involve running a mfg supplied diagnostics or setup program.
Setup cannot continue Press F3
System then attempts reboot, attempts installation again by booting from HD. Then error message:
Dell Deminsion 4600 series p4 processor @2.4 GHz 512 MD DDR SDRAM @ 400 MHz 128 MB DDR NVidia GeForce FX 5200 graphics card 80GB 7200 RMP Ultra ATA HD Win XP Pro SP1 48x/24x/48x CD-RW Drive SoundBlaster Live! w/ 5.1 support
I have looked on MS site for the error code and think I understand that the problem is either a hd controller device driver is not installing from the Dell Reinstallation CD and therefore stops the installation of the software. How I can possibly extract and install the driver setup may be looking for.
STOP 0x00000050 (0x8CCC1345, 0x0000001, 0x808A65A1, 0x00000000) These both happen when installing windows, either when at 95% of copying files or when booting into windows.
I'm using Windows XP, service Pack 2. while on the intertent I am unable to view some types of graphics. For example in forums when pictures are attached to postings, I cannot view them. Instead of the picuture there is a blank box with a ed "X" . I can view graphics included in my internet home page and most news clippings and websites.
Man this is so sweet, I couldn't play any games before and it made me sad, so I searched and found a perfect graphics card for me! Went to best buy and bought it! But I have a question, this is sweet and all but I was wandering in the OLD version when my graphics card sucked, my CPU & CPU Speed were GREAT.Now.. it's good but not GREAT, anyway to fix this up?
I love to play guild wars.I usually play it on this computer and it runs great. Now lately the game has been going much slower than usual.It is lagging on my computer and not anyone else's.Can anyone tell me what i can do to increase my speed?I have DSL so it shouldn't be too bad.And it just recently started happening so i don't think that it's my graphics card or my RAM which is 1 GB.Dell Optiplex computer.
Often times (not always) when I open a web page that contains an image, all I get is a rectangle with a big letter X in the middle. No image. Could it be a problem with my IE settings, with Zone Alarm, or other.
I have finally got it through my head that my graphics card I currently have is taking UP my ram on my PC.Im suppose to have 256MB, but on my PC it displays that I have 224. *sighs*I was wandering, what graphics card should I get that will give me back all 256 of my members? I WAS going to get this But they ran out of it... SOOO is there ANY OTHER graphics card that I could get... but like in radioshack, bestbuy, stores like that? Im not looking to spend more.
Will any graphcis card work with every motherboard? Because my graphics card is getting old and i want to get a better one. So are their specific graphics cards you can use for your motherboard or can any work?
I think i have some sort of 'infection' that is affecting my Display Driver and not letting Windows accept the files. The problem started nearly a week back and over 20 reinstallations of 3 different versions of the Intel Extreme Graphics Driver later, it still gives me the same error. There seems to be an issue with ialmrnt5.dll (one of the display driver files).The main error message that i get from Windows goes something like: "Windows has recovered from a serious device failure. Please close all programs and reboot to restore full functionality". Else, i get a message directly pointing out the file saying something like: "the ialmrnt5.dll Display Driver has malfunctioned.
I am reinstalling an old T21 IBM Thinkpad with windows 2000 - sp4. The graphics card is an s3 savage IX/MV (86c294). I am trying to lay my hands on this driver.S3 do not support this card at all any more. Where could I download this driver from?
every now and then when XP boots ( not always, like 1 out of 10 times, but always after Windowsupdate) it comes up with a 4bit colordepht and a resolution of 640X480 and is unchangeable + the Nvidiawizard is not in the Systray where its meant to be.I checked the driver and found out: behold there's a new version available at , I download and try to install, what pops up is something like the following message: "The software that is being installed for GeForce4 MX440 did not pass the LOGO-Test for WinXP. The Software may not be compatible to WindowsXP and may cause ......" problems and whatnot. So I decide to cancel installation and go to There, too is (among other security updates" a Nvidia Graphics Driver. I check the security updates and the Driversupdate and install. Reboot = Graphic error as described above .
Sometimes after playing a game like Halo I get a blue screen saying that to prevent hardware damage, Windows must be shut down. Something about Intel's GMA driver igx32.dll or something. There's also no option to shut down my computer, I have to press and hold my power button.
My friend was attempting to update his integrated graphics driver and managed to mess it up quite badly. The system boots, but the display just hangs on the XP disk checking screen. You can hear the XP startup sounds etc. so I think it's fully working otherwise. Since I can't see what's going on, I can't get to the restore manager etc. to roll back the system to before the driver change. Is there some way to restore the system from within the BIOS or from a command line that will skirt the messed up drivers? I wish I had a spec list or something to help out but I'm doing this over the phone and he doesn't know much about his system.
I just bought a new notebook and reformated the harddrive wiping everything off it. Though now after re-installing XP I can’t find display drivers that will work. The problem is that I don’t have the CD to install them from and have tried the ATI website but it was no good. I have ATI Radeon Mobility technology, what do I do? Posted using the interface, at author's request Articles individually checked for conformance to usenet standards Topic URL:ttp:// [...] 54882.html Visit Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd).