Stop Unnecessary Files To Increase System Speed

Sep 1, 2008

My second laptop is beginning to run rather slowly due to the amount of processes running on startup. Just wondering how to stop the ones which are unnecessary?

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Increase System Speed?

Aug 3, 2009

In my quest for XP tweaks to increase speed and boot up speed etc I read the other day that changing to Windows classic makes a difference in speed,but I was wondering if my system was XP then would not the XP theme not be faster as it would be the default? I also read that changing the start menu to classic would help,again I have the same question,would not the default be faster? It's all the small tweaks that added up make a bit of a difference.

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Change Operating System To Increase Computer Speed

Oct 12, 2008

I would like to know if it's possible to have a decent experience on windows xp with a so limited computer like mine and if so what can I change or improve to make this computer run less slowly.Here's my computer specs: IBM Personal Computer 300GLType: 6563-A2F,Pentium III 728Mhz, 128Ram, HD 20GB,Video Card: Savage 4 16MB, Windows Xp SP3 Fresh install since today,Non-ACPI compatible computer,Forced HAL installation in Standard PC Mode.

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Upgrading The RAM Will Increase The Speed?

Oct 14, 2009

I was told by my norton tech that the reason my computer was running slow was the rams. He said I should upgrade to 2 GB, but my computer only has two slots and the one it takes can't go higher than 256 so right now I have two 128 mb if I put in two 256 mb ram will it run faster, will it be worth it? It runs real slow, and has been cleaned up by the norton tech.

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Increase Computer Speed

Oct 27, 2007

I play dota and i lag what can u do or buy to increase its speed and not lag?

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Increase Boot Speed?

Nov 29, 2007

My system is running on windows xp 2nd edition(it is uptodate with all new updates installed),160HD,1GB Ram,i have an 256kbps broadband net connection.i want my xp to boot fast.

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How Do I Increase My Burning Speed?

Dec 25, 2007

Not so much a *problem* I'm having, but wondering how I can improve my set-up.
Whenever I burn an audio or (much longer) data disc, it typically takes a good 20 mins for my laptop. (specs in my bio)
This eve. my friend's desktop burned a data disc in less than 2 minutes! I was shocked.
HOW do I increase my burning speed?? His pc was a few GBs, would I need to increase mine (started off w/80, have 37.6 free GB left) or upgrade my RAM?

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Pentium 4 - How To Increase Clock Speed

Sep 4, 2005

I have a friend who has asked if I knew a way to increase the clock speed on his Pentium 4 processor.

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Software For Increase Speed Of Dial Up Connection

Feb 17, 2007

Using a dial up connection to connect to internet. Its realy tiring and irritating to wait for web pages to appear, some times it will take ages for some sites like cnet, yahoo, so please anyone can show me a software which can speed up my existing connection by saving history or something like that.

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Deleted Unnecessary Files Uninstall Games - Still Runs Slow

Sep 21, 2005

I know you all seen this problem before but I've got to try. I have a Compaq, with a 60 gig hard drive, 384 of memory, 1195 Mhz processor and running windows XP. My computer runs like it was at the tops 300 Mhz. I've check for virus and spy ware, deleted unnecessary files, uninstall most of my games, defrag the c drive and defrag my registrey. I even changed my battery. And it still runs slow. Any suggestion on what I can do? I'm about reading to throw it. Also it is constantly freezing up on me. Man I thought XP wasn't to do that. It's worse the the millinum. my programs are constatly not responding.

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Cleaning Up / Disabling Unnecessary System Processes?

Jan 26, 2007

can someone tell me if i need all these process,s running and if not how do i disable them i notice spysweeper is running but i dont use its shields at all i disable them and i have it not too start at atartup but its still running somehow in the process,s

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Boot Up System Without Unnecessary Program Loading

Sep 1, 2006

What I mean is: Microsoft Flight Sim X comes out in a few weeks and I was wondering if there is a way to easily boot up without all unnecessary programs loading, to free up memory for the game itself. And I was hoping this could be set up to be done easily when I wanted to. is there a program maybe that I could download that would do this?

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System Uses 10 Minute Boot Up / Deleted Unnecessary Items?

Sep 29, 2008

It takes 10 minutes to reboot my computer! 10 minutes later I m cleaning out temp files and cookies and the like, deleting old profiles, cleaning up MSConfig and Defragging AND moving anything that looks important out to his network share.

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Increase Hard Drive Space - Deleting Files

Jun 21, 2005

Is there a way I can increase the amount of space I have on my hard drive without deleting files?

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System Information Does Not Register Any Increase

Jun 23, 2005

I had a problem with my external hard drive…which I informed you guys about. I was advised to solve the problem (potentially) using chkdsk on the drive. It worked to an extent Some, in fact the majority of files were recovered. However the problem remains in that not all files were recovered and NOW one file…when clicked on to gain access I am told that the drive is not formatted and would I like to format it now. Of course, I would not as the information is important. I enclose a copy of my previous letter to give you a full spectra of the saga.I am having problems with an external hard drive I purchased about a year ago. Files seem to be disappearing. I have a file which contained about 12gb of information (music files etc). The file now only has 88mb of information. It is the top part of the files but as you can see is only a raction of what it used to be. What has happened to the files? I have done a search in the drive…and no sign of them. Also, the system information does not register any
increase on the ‘free space’ of the drive. I am at a loss. What is happening? Can I retrieve the files? It is really punishing to think that they may be lost to me for good.

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Increase The Size Of Operating System

Mar 9, 2005

I have 3 partitions.1) Linux 2) Windows XP 3) Grub Operating System loader.I want to shrink the linux partition and increase the windows one.

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Unable To Increase NTFS File System Performance?

May 5, 2004

Last access time stampsXP automatically updates the date and time stamp with information about the last time you accessed a file. Not only does it mark the file, but it also updates the directory the file is located in as well as any directories above it. If you have a large hard drive with many subdirectories on it, this updating can slow down your system.To disable the updating, start the Registry Editor by selecting Run from the Start menu, typing regedit in the Open text box, and clicking OK.

When the Registry Editor window opens, navigate through the left pane until you get to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControl SetControlFilesystemIn the right pane, look for the value named NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate. If the value exists, it's probably set to 0. To change the value, double-click it. You'll then see the Edit DWORD Value screen. Enter 1 in the Value Data field and click OK.If the value doesn't exist, you'll need to add it. Select New | DWORD Value from the Edit menu.

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Find Processor Speed / RAM And Hard Drive Speed Configuration?

Sep 25, 2005

How do I find my processor speed, RAM, and hard drive speed/configuration?

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Move A USB Device From Low Speed Port To High Speed

Mar 22, 2009

I'm connecting my iphone to usb and get the "this device can perform faster...." message telling me to disconnect from the current port and connect to a hi speed port I know which is hi speed port, but cant figure out how to disconnect and then reconnect it

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Improve Internet Speed - Maximum Download Speed

Apr 16, 2008

I am using a DSL connection with a maximum download speed of upto 2MBPS but i usually recieve it for about 1-1.5MBPS. I have tried using Download Accelerator softwares to increase my speed but wuth those some spam also come into my computer so i am not using it anymore. Is there any way by which i can increase my internet speed by doing some changes in Windows internally. Also while using sharing sites my speed tends to fall to about 45KBPS.

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Different Speed Of Memory Slow Down System?

Apr 2, 2006

i have a computer running windows xp sp1. it has p4 1.7 cpu and 1g ddr sdram memory.recently i noticed that the computer was very slow in opening up programs or some other simple operations. i have norton anti virus running all the time, so it should not be virus. i also scanned the system using adaware and every thing seemed i am just wondering if it could be the memory, as i am using two memory with different speed, one 512 at 2100, and the other at 2700.

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Using System Configuration Utility To Speed Up PC?

Aug 12, 2002

A Handy utility for speeding up system performance in Windows XP (or any version of Win9x/me for that matter as well) is the System Configuration Utility. To access the system configuration utility, go to Start and click Run. Type msconfig and click ok. Click the tab labeled Startup. Uncheck any items for which you do not care if they load when Windows loads or you do not have any idea what they are. In Windows XP, no items that are listed here are essential to Windows running properly, so feel free to experiment. After you removed everything you don't need, click apply and then ok.

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Stop Trying To Synchronize Files?

Nov 12, 2007

I recently had a server meltdown and had to replace the server (Windows Server 2003). Now several of my network computers (Windows XP Pro) are trying to synchronize offline files to the old server that had a different name. Everytime my students log off of the computers, they get the message that the offline file was unable to connect. The network path not found. I have tried changing settings in the synchronize from the accessories, but have had very little success. It may help for a short time, but usually the problem resurfaces.How can I tell these computers to stop trying to synchronize the files?

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Slow Computer Speed: System Using 100% Resources?

Sep 2, 2008

The comp's CPU usage is almost always running at 100%. I can see this in the task manager and the fans always seem to be running on overdrive (very loud). Sometimes it'll calm down and usage will run at a normal level but this is only for a short time and then it jumps back up and fans as well. I thought at first it might be my AVG antivirus but i've removed and still have the same problem.

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Format Drive For Speed Up System Programs

Jul 7, 2005

Seeing a decrease in performance in my PC after a few months(as expected from wear and tear over time), I have decided to reformat my PC to bring it up to the new PC feel and speed. Before formatting, is there any programs that might give my PC the older performance that it once had? If not any one have any suggestions on methods of keeping performance high as long as possible, as in portioning the hard drive, or keeping my startup programs at a low, Um some one of constant clean program, keeping in mind I mainly do development with 3d max, flash combustion, and gaming.

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Speed Up Downloads In Morpheus - Restart System

Aug 12, 2002

Morpheus downloads going slow? Well just follow these simple step's to speed up your download's.1.Open Morpheus2.Click tools and click options3.Change the download limit to 50Close Morpheus and restart

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Delete Unnecessary Xp

Jul 20, 2010

some time ago i reinstalled windows xp , but made a mess of it, now when i start up i have
microsoft windows xp
microsoft windows xp
microsoft windows xp setup
which means i have to watch ,then press the middle one ,which is the one i use,if i dont press the middle one quick enough it goes to setup
can someone tell me how to delete the other two,in easy to understand lanquage

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Macafee Updates Seems To Stop At DAT FILES

Jan 6, 2005

My Macafee updates seems to stop at DAT FILES and then seems go back 2 files and then stops again at DAT FILES It keeps trying to install but then keeps stopping. I also use adware and spybot anti spyware programs

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Turing Off Unwanted Services In MSCONFIG To Speed Up The System?

Sep 17, 2005

Can anyone tell me what things I absolutely have to leave checked on the MSCONFIG screen? I want to turn off everything that doesn't need to be on but I don't know which ones have to be left on. Also is it safe to uncheck anything in the Services section? There are a lot of things running, can any of that stuff be turned off without hurting anything? There are a lot of AOL things that run all the time, what about those? Does turning any of those off help the computer run better at all

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Finding Way For Speeding Up Operating System Startup Speed?

Aug 10, 2005

i have toshiba m35x laptop with celeron m 1.4 GHz,512 mb ram (256 x 2), windows xp proff.few days back i installed a 256 mb ram to make it 512mb.but i didnot find any large take too long to start and shutdown windows.when i open task manager 39 processess were running. is it can be a prob. or it is something else. i check all the startup applications from msconfig but i did not get any extra program which i can disable.

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Unnecessary Registry Keys?

Jan 31, 2005

A couple of days ago I was changing a few keys in my registry in order to fix my reoccurring DSO Exploit problem, when I noticed several keys for programs that I had uninstalled many, many moons ago. Why aren�t these keys removed when you uninstall the software? Is it safe to delete these keys, now that I have uninstalled the software?

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