Slow Login About 5-10 Minutes

Apr 20, 2008

We have a domain setup in Winserver2003 and they are about 20 users running WindowsXP. For the past of couple of days, users have been complaining of slow login lasting of about 5-10 minutes. Clients are pointing to DNS.

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Hard Drive Runs For 10 Minutes Before Login

Jan 10, 2009

When I boot my system, my hard drive appears to run non stop for more than 10 minutes. This is even before I log in to the system.

After logging in I see that CCSVCHST.EXE has an enormous amount of I/O reads and writes. After my machine is running for a while, the numbers get even worse.

Right now CCSVCHST.EXE shows 2:17:17 CPU time, 77,200,495 I/O Reads and 3,489,307 I/O Writes.

I realize that this is part of Nortons protection but are these numbers out of the ordinary?

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Slow Start For About 5 Minutes

Jan 19, 2007

After Windows installed, the hardisk keep working for about 5 minutes.For those first 5 minutes, the computer is very slow and after that thing become OK.
1- Is this normal.

2- Can I see what cause this slow down.

3- What do you suggest I do to stop that.

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Sp3, Slow Domain Login Not DNS Issue, Not Slow At Applying Computer Settings ?

Dec 23, 2008

This is a Windows XP sp3 domain connected PC with one specific user, which all of a sudden takes 2.5mins to log in to the domain, Where it used to take just about 20 seconds. Other users on the same PC is all OK 20sec login This is not the usual where it hangs at "applying computer settings" or "personal settings" it's after those two has passed that it just hangs for a couple of minutes.
All i get is the mouse pointer (not even hourglass) and the desktop wallpaper for about 2-3 minutes. When it finally logs in everything is as quick as you would expect that spec of PC to be (1,6ghz Sempron, 1gb RAM, 40gb IDE-100 HDD)

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Slow Home Startup- Almost 3 Minutes!

May 17, 2005

Computer in question is a Dell Inspiron 1100, Intel celeron 2.0ghz, 128mbram, xphome sp2

The system takes almost 3 minutes to boot to desktop! I have tried removing nearly everything in startup using msconfig. I've run virus check (Norton), Spyware Removal checks (Adaware and Spysweeper), checked hijack log for any problems (almost empty), removed temp files, tweaked performance options, themes, removed unwanted programs, emptied recycle bin...everything I can think of to speed it up. The system doesn't have alot of extras on it so I'm perplexed. I tried loading another virus program on to see if maybe norton isn't working and its missing something but I got an error message about a .dll (I should've written this down!)

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Slow Start Up - Exactly 2:00 Minutes Every Time

Aug 8, 2009

I just finished adjusting the services just in case there was something messing with my start up time.  Surprisingly enough while the system might have benefited from the services tweaking the start up time is still 2:00 exactly every time. I have an uptime counter on the desktop so as long as it hits 2:00 the network icon appears and together the Bitdefender internet security. I uninstalled bitdefender just in case and this isn't the problem. It looks like my wireless network does not start before 2 exact minutes have passed. The system and everything starts in around 30-40 seconds. Then it is completely idle and when 2:00 minutes have passed the CPU usage goes up again and the network icon appears.  Is it possible for the network to wait 2 minutes before it starts? If yes can I change that somehow? Help!! arrg! EDIT: After more service tweaking I managed to make the the wireless to start fast, together with everything else. Now Bitdefender starts after 2 minutes.

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Computer Takes 3+ Minutes To Reboot / Slow Internet Speed?

Nov 25, 2004

XP Home reboots in the 3+ minute range. Once it gets to the 'Starting Windows XP' screen, it loads fine. Some damnthing is hanging.MY comp is running slow. Expeciially on the net. Task manager is reporting no excess network use. IE 6 acts like it's on a 56k modem. I use Mozilla FireFox, which runs fine, but my wife is a IE 6 fanatic. Shareaza and WinMX load slowly and take a minute or more to change tabs. BitTornado (latest versions all) loads and runs fine, but seems to hang after an hour or so. It stops updating speeds, seeds, peers, etc. It also closes slowly. Once I get online, the comp slams on the brakes. Mozilla is the only app that seems unaffected. Sygate is also logging a lot of portscans. 7 in the in the last hour or so. All from the same IP address.

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Home Addition-Explorer.exe Very Slow To Open Takes 4.5 Minutes

Dec 28, 2004

Explorer.exe very slow to show sub directory after clicking on C Drive

1) I am running Windows XP Home Edition on a fairly new Dell Dimension 8300 series with a Pentium 3 processor and 1 Gig of Ram. I have 100 gig hard drive of which about 50 gigs are full of all types of files, avi, mpeg, jpeg, audio files, program files, you name it!

2) I have downloaded all of the latest Windows XP updates.

3) My computer starts fine and opens to the standard desktop fairly easily and quickly.

3) I then click on explorer.exe icon on my desk top and Window Explorer opens.

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Computer Take About 10 Minutes To Load 5 Minutes To Get To The User Screen

Aug 18, 2006

my computer take about 10 minutes to load. It takes about 5 minutes to get to the user screen, and another 5 from there. This computer uaully would boot in around 1 min.

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Cyctem Running Extremely Slow At Login

May 23, 2006

I have a Dell Inspiron 4150 running Windiws XP Home Edition.

I ripped some music off of some CDs. Approximately 10 albums I think. Everything worked fine. I closed the laptop screen (did not shut down the computer). When I tried to login yesterday, the process was ''extremely slow''. It takes normal time to get to the login screen upon boot-up but then its like a freeze. I can move the mouse but the rest of the process is taking way too long. I noticed the hard drive light continously lit and some kind of noise coming like something is going on. I tried starting the computer in safe mode and it works

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Extremely Slow Functioning Computer - Impossible To Login

Nov 15, 2007

My computer will not respond or work at a regular speed. For no apparent reason, it recently decided to perform so slowly that log in is either impossible or takes a half hour at minimum (seriously). I started in safe mode and did system restore to a date that is definitely safe, and still nothing. It's as slow as ever. One thing that may cause problems : The work offline pop-up. This computer does not go online and has NO network connections, but this pop-up persists, and did appear right before I had this problem.

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Administrator Login / Directly Login Into Admin Account

Sep 30, 2009

I bought a new system with XP OS. First time it is directly login into admin account.I created 2 more users on this system and created password for admin user.But when I switch on computer, It directly login into Admin user.Once I log off it is coming welcome screen and asking selecting user and Password.

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Getting Login Option At Startup: Unable To Get Auto Login?

Aug 25, 2007

i've installed my Win Xp Home using an nLite mastered image on which I selected my user to autologin on boot. Now I want to turn that off, and have the login screen at boot instead. Any hints on how I shall do it?

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Ctrl+Alt+Del - Login Banner Instead Of The Fast Switching Login

Jul 7, 2005

How do I change newly installed XP SP2 to give me the Ctrl-Alt-Del login banner instead of the Fast Switching login?

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Admin Login Versus Profile Login

Nov 29, 2008

What happened is I just installed a new Hard Drive and a fresh windows install (XP Pro with Service pack 3). After all was installed it logged into my account (Me) which was my account with Administrator privileges. I did a series of windows updates now when I turn my computer on it goes straight to the Administrator account and not my account (me). So I have to log off or switch accounts from Admin to Me. I just want it to login to Me all the time. So I am not smart enough to figure it out.

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Win Xp After Login Jumps Back To Login Prompt

Oct 15, 2010

Please help urgently as I am not able to login. After inputting my password it says loading user configuration and after that it again jumps back to login screen.

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Gets To Login Screen But After Login It Slows Down

Nov 21, 2006

I'm using Win XP sp2 and I usually leave my computer on 24/7. This morning I tried to open a file but it never opened. I went into the task manager to see if its even processing and it was there but the ccapp was taking all the cpu. So i tried to shutdown and restart. After that windows boots up to the login screen just fine but when i click on my account it take a long time to show my wallpaper. I can pull up task manager and the cpu isnt being used. the hdd is only accessed in little bursts. After a while the start menu pops up. any keyboard commands like to bring up win explorer takes a long time and all the commands pop up in a big burp of of command executions. I'm trying to reach system restore but cant. I'm not sure how to get into safemode with this system because just after post when f8 is usually used to bring up the menu the system opens a boot drive selection screen. During the RAM tests during post theres text stating press del to enter bios and f8 to enter boot drive selection so im not sure how to get to safemode now.

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Unable To Login Login?

Feb 13, 2007

for some reason i am the only user on this computer but it just recently started not having it highlighted when booted... the first pic is what i am getting when booting now... and the 2nd one is what i used to get (which is what i want back) anybody know what the deal is?

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Cpu 100% For 10 Minutes 0n Start Up

Feb 4, 2008

windows xp. when i go on an online course sometimes but not all the time the cpu will run at 100%. I have had a look in task manager and under process(es) under cpu it tells me that runa5w32.exe is running at 100%........this will last for 10 minutes or so then it will drop to a normal 5%, where i can then carry on with my course with out any problems. this also happens alot when i even start the computer up, when i am just on the desk top it will run at 100% for 10 minutes or so, and that come's down to svchost.exe

I have 3 svchost.exe.....1 svchost .exe network service.....and 1 local service. AS i say this doe's not happen every time but it can be a pain some times as i carn't do much with either off these when one of them is running at 100%. just thought i would post to see if there is anything i could do.

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Getting Popup After Five Minutes

Dec 14, 2009

About every five minutes or so we get a pop up for our hp 1300 all in one. The main box pop up is as if we just installed new software for a printer, which of course we have not, and then a box pops up that has 1300 trb in the header and then says windows is configuring, and then another box pops up that says 1300 help in the header and then says it is also configuring. Nothing will print and we have one doc in que that we cannot cancel.

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Downloading IE7 2 Minutes To Respond

Nov 3, 2006

Downloading it now. You have 2 minutes to respond.

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PC Shut Down Slowly Take 5 - 10 Minutes

Oct 19, 2008

anyone knows how to solve this? and my pc also shutdown so slowly? it takes like 5-10 minutes.

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Internet Does Not Work After Few Minutes

Feb 11, 2005

I am connected to the internet on a t1 line at work.I go on the internet & everything is fine.After a few minutes it quits on me.I get the message "page cannot be displayed"I have to reboot to get going again.

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Internet Cutts Off After A Few Minutes

Sep 12, 2007

I believe it must be a problem i have with the internet. Every time i connect it seems to work fine for a few minutes then cuts off. IT takes approx a few minutes for it to start working again. It is anyone guess how long it works for before the same thing happens again. This is getting very frustrating now and i don't know what to do.I have 1GB of RAM, 160GB HD and a Pentium 4 Processor.

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Computer Takes Several Minutes To Do ANYTHING

Jun 25, 2010

Im running Windows XP. I've encountered an extremely frustrating problem. My computer takes several minutes, sometimes a half hour, to do ANYTHING except open My Computer and the Explorer. Now I've looked at several posts on this site and I've tried things like CCleaner and Ad-Aware (which pretty much freezes my computer now whenever I turn it on) and neither of these have solved the problem.

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Start Bar Freezes For 1 Minutes

Oct 23, 2006

Ever since I've had broadband my pc seems to have screwed up. Now if we connect to the internet the startbar freezes for 10 minutes. Even after 10 mins we have to press Crtl+Alt+Delete. I think it may be spyware as the system has slowed down too. I'm using xp home edition.

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Locks Up For Around 5 Minutes After Each Boot

Jun 30, 2008

i recently had to reinstall windows XP. I have all the updates and service packs, but now every time i boot up the computer or bring it out of standby, the windows interface will not allow any new programs or windows to be launched for around 5 minutes, at which point all of the programs i've attempted to launch will all launch at once. This includes task manager, windows explorer and the start menu.
This seems to have something to do with my internet connection, because it will work alright until i connect, and as soon as i do it will happen and will freeze up. A few days ago i managed to disconnect and it broke the freeze and everything launched, so i connected again and it seemed fine. Today however when i clicked disconnect, it took five minutes or so to actually cut off.

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Computer Keeps On Restarting Itself Every 5 Minutes

Mar 17, 2007

i'm using Windows XP right now.All i know is that out of the blue when i got back to my computer and the screen was black and had the message in white text in the left hand corner that read something like this "Invalid Disk System.Replace disk and press any key".i tried just pressing any keys but the message just keeps on appearing beneath the previous one.i recently bought an external drive, and my computer was working fine for a few days until now.When my external drive is not plugged to my USB that message doesn't appear. Now every time i use the computer, it would work normally but after every 5 minutes or so it would just restart itself without any warnings.

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Three Minutes To Delete A File

Sep 10, 2005

I have XP on a Dell laptop, 13GB free space, 256MB RAM.Recently, it has been taking up to three minutes just to delete a file using Windows Explorer.

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PC Crashes Within Minutes Of Logging In

Jan 14, 2009

my PC seems to be having what you would call major issues. Within minutes of logging in, my PC either locks up or restarts itself. This can occur from me either just clicking, trying to open up My Documents, changing my wallpaper, ETC.I have tried to defragment (can't start), system restore (all of my points were deleted somehow), AdAware (error message upon click), McAfee (refuses to load after the logo pops up), using msconfig to remove the startup programs to determine if any of them are the cause (helps just a tad, but so far, the problems persist).I can't access HijackThis because, even if if I COULD open it, going into Chrome, IExplorer or Firefox would just cause the PC to crash or lock up.I need an answer soon. I have just started school, and I need to use my PC. I have also just spent $140 to upgrade it so I can play Warhammer Online and The Witcher.

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Installation Freezes With 34 Minutes To Go...

Jun 21, 2006

Well its Windows x64, but that shouldn't make much of a difference... right? Erk. :?

Anyway, i boot into the install enviroment and go through the usual fluff to get the os loading, and XP tells me it is at the "Preparing Installation" phase, and is "Installing Devices" with 34 minutes to go.

Now this is NOT 34 minutes. It's not going anywher. It's not frozen exactly, i still have mouse control, can shift + F10 into cmd etc, but the install just isn't moving along :

Please help. Again, the usual beer to the problem solver

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