PC Crashes Within Minutes Of Logging In

Jan 14, 2009

my PC seems to be having what you would call major issues. Within minutes of logging in, my PC either locks up or restarts itself. This can occur from me either just clicking, trying to open up My Documents, changing my wallpaper, ETC.I have tried to defragment (can't start), system restore (all of my points were deleted somehow), AdAware (error message upon click), McAfee (refuses to load after the logo pops up), using msconfig to remove the startup programs to determine if any of them are the cause (helps just a tad, but so far, the problems persist).I can't access HijackThis because, even if if I COULD open it, going into Chrome, IExplorer or Firefox would just cause the PC to crash or lock up.I need an answer soon. I have just started school, and I need to use my PC. I have also just spent $140 to upgrade it so I can play Warhammer Online and The Witcher.

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Logging To User And Suddenly Logging Off?

Nov 15, 2008

I have installed XP last time i have changed some startup registry entries.when i start it. It comes to the welcome screen and show my desktop wallpaper and suddenly loggin off ...i tried both users of my computer but same issu.... last good config. login also not works. but now i cant even loggin in safe mode. i tried some forums but no tricks worked...i boot from xp cd and changed ntuser.dat to wsaupdater.dat ....but till i cant login...I think if i can able to change that registry startup value somehow then it is possible...but i dont know how can i change those value.

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Logging On Then Logging Off Because Of An Option In Ad-Aware AE?

Mar 29, 2009

my Pc is starting up then when i enter my password, it logs on then logs off it's because an option then i have put without thinking in ad-aware anniversary edition, the option that tells what processes are allowed to run on the computer, is there a way to enter my PC ? i have tried running in safe mode, it's still no good

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Logging In: Get It Back To Logging Me In Automatically?

Apr 5, 2005

I've recently installed Sony Sound Forge 8 which, as part of the installation, creates an ASP.NET user.Since this user was created, I have to click on my User Account to log in (it's the only one thatg shows on the welcome screen, the ASP one is hidden) How do I get it back to logging me in automatically - there's no password on the account.

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Computer Take About 10 Minutes To Load 5 Minutes To Get To The User Screen

Aug 18, 2006

my computer take about 10 minutes to load. It takes about 5 minutes to get to the user screen, and another 5 from there. This computer uaully would boot in around 1 min.

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Logging In / Logging Off: 1 Min "Loading Account Settings"?

Jul 26, 2007

where if i log off an account and try to log in again, there is a 1 min "Loading account settings" (i've checked it and its loading WgaLogon.dll...) and then there is an endless? (i've only been patient enough to leave it for 15 minutes) screen showing the desktop image.I can open the Task Administer and see there are some processes working (scvhost.exe mainly). I notice this not in the cpu-usage column, but on the memory-usage column, where these processes change the used memory (not in great numbers, though) Fast user switching works fine if i dont sign off of any account (I currently have only two).

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SP2: Explorer.exe Randomly Crashes And Always Crashes When In Folders

Feb 21, 2009

I am confused, but I will describe this best I can: explorer.exe crashes when viewing folders or anything built on explorer.exe (I guess) at exactly 11 seconds in on them. It also randomly crashes every couple hours. Im extremely confused by all this

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Browser Crashes, PC Crashes, BSOD

Mar 5, 2010

I started getting browser and sometimes PC crashes. At first it seemed to be browser related. But the PC would also crash when idle. I tried disabling add- ons in Firefox and opening in safe mode. Tried using Chrome but it would crash with the message that Flash had malfunctioned. Then I started getting Stop messages and BSODs.I hadn't installed and new hardware and, I don't think, installed any new big programs except for updates to existing ones.

I emailed a few of the mini dump files to a friend. He said they didn't specify which drivers were causing the problem. But it might be something to do with the video or the network card. I rolled back drivers. No change. I updated drivers and uninstalled lots of programs. For a month everything seemed stable. Then the BSODs started to return. Infrequently at first but then more regularily. Sorry the story is a bit confused but it is difficult to remember every detail of what happened and the order I did things in.

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Logging On To AOL

Feb 27, 2006

Ever since I got this PC I have struggled to log on to AOL. When signing on, I need to time exactly the moment the modem arrows at the bottom of the screen turn from yellow to green with the moment AOL tries to move to step 2 of the 6 steps it does while logging in. i.e. when the second of the 3 globes on the AOL screen appears. This is very difficult to do as I have to click the sign on button a few seconds before I think the arrows will go green and I have to time it exactly right. I need to repeatedly unplug and plug in the modem for each attempt. Sometimes I drop lucky and get on quickly, today took 45 minutes! I have reloaded both AOL and the modem several times, but this makes no difference. Once I am in, the connection is fine. If I log out of AOL and then back in again without turning off the PC then I get back in again straight away. I have a PC in another room which has no such problems.

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Booting And Logging On

Sep 10, 2007

I have recently reformatted my hard drive and i must say that everything is running fine. Everything, all my programs, all that good stuff.Im running Windows Xp, Media Center Edition, with fairly solid specs behind it.I just have one problem, when the system starts up. It does not stop at the log on screen, it just continues into my account without even asking for a password. Now i dont need other people being able to get on my computer simply by turning it on.

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Logging Off Kids

Mar 8, 2007

My daughter bypassed the win login to let my son into his PC So, how do I counteract these attempts?

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Logs Off After Logging On

May 5, 2008

I select my account and enter my password. Windows begins to load my personal settings but then quits and goes back to the login screen showing the user accounts. I can stop this from happening by moving the mouse while my settings are being loaded.

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Can't Logging Into Web Pages

Jan 26, 2006

I'm having trouble logging into web pages. I can open just about any I want to, except when it comes to logging in. like ebay, paypal, etc...)

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MSN Messenger Logging In

Feb 11, 2005

This problem started about a month ago. When I try to sign into MSN Messenger I get an error message saying," Sorry,We could not sign you in because the sign-in name you entered does not exist or your password is incorrect. If you have forgotten your password, please click help in the main Messenger window, and then click Help Topics for instructions on resetting your password. 0x81000303 " I tryed logging on with other accounts and the same error message appeared.

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My Browser's Keep Logging Me Out

Jul 28, 2006

i use both mozilla firefox and internet explorer when i have to and when i log into anything form hotmail to ebay on either of these and then click on any icon requiring you to be logged in i am returned to a page telling me to sign in, could this be a virus or even spyware? i have done scans; (ad-aware, AVG, Spybot, Windows Defender, Registry Mechanic, CCleaner, Zone labs antispyware and trend micro pc-cillin interent security) could it be that maybe on of these has removed a file that allows me to log in?

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Logging In And Being Blank

May 17, 2009

This is very weird, it just started recently happening. I have two accounts on my computer, my account, and a guest account. My account works. However, when I log on to the guest account (which my other family members use), it just shows the background and no taskbar or desktop or nothing, just the background of the guest user and the thing just keeps loading until you need to turn off the computer.I've left it there for over an hour loading. So I tried created a account titled Family for everyone else but it's the same thing. What's the problem here?

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How Can I Boot Without Logging On?

Mar 26, 2007

I would like to boot straight onto my desktop without having to click the log on icon or wattch the welcome screen.

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Keep Dial Up Connection After Logging Off

Aug 2, 2003

loose dial-up connection, after you log off your computer simply add this string to your registry, and your computer will keep your connection after you log off, and switch user until you disconnect it Standard Warning: You really should back up your system before making any changes to your registry

1. Open Registry Editor
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogon.
3. Click

Add String Value within the Edit menu.4. Type KeepRasConnections in the dialog box, and select REG_SZ as theData Type.5. Click OK.6. In the next dialog box, type 1 and click OK.7. Close the Registry Editor

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Error Message After Logging On

Jun 13, 2005

When I start up my PC I get the following error message after logging on: Error loading C:WindowsSystem32ridge.dll I'm on an XP platform. Is this a serious prob ? How can I rectify it ?

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Logging Into Mapped Drive

Oct 27, 2006

I have a mapped drive and whenever I try to connect it keeps asking for my user name and password. Using tweak ui I have set my auto logon to the same information that I enter when it asks me for the user name and password.

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Logging On To Mapped Drive

Apr 11, 2007

Every time I turn my computer on I have to re-enter my username and password to connect to a mapped network drive. The drive is on a server running 2003 at work.The server has the permissions set up to allow me to connect with my server account, but I have XP home on my machine. Is there any way to keep me from having to enter my username and password every day?

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Stops Responding When Logging Off

Sep 18, 2005

My problem is related to the one below:http://support.microsoft.com/defau [...] -us;872789 I am basically after the hotfix if anyone has it or knows where I can get
it, to get rid of this rather annoying bug?

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PC Freezes When Logging Off Or Re-booting

Oct 14, 2005

I have a Medion PC running Windows XP which I have had since March. Over the last month I have had a problem logging off and shutting the machine down. When I try to log off it removes all the icons from view then freezes leaving just the background. The same happens if I try to turn off or restart the pc. I therefore have to just turn the machine off by the power button whereupon it immediately restarts and everything is fine until the next time I want to log off or switch off.

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Logging Off Screen Appears

Jan 14, 2009

XP Professional has been running fine for years and now it won't shut down, it hangs at the screen. The only way to turn it off is with the power button. I tried to do a restore but when it gets to the point of restart the system won't shut down and the restore fails. I have McAfee installed and have scanned three times with no problems found.

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Immediately Logs Out Upon Logging In

Jul 19, 2005

Got a virused computer, as soon as I ran a PAV ( Mcafee Daily on NTFSDos ) to remove virii the system now gets to the welcome screen and upon clicking on a user account, it says logging in, immediately says logging off and dumps back to the welcome screen, this is with any account, including administrator, even in safe mode. I'm going to attempt to see what PAV pulled out using a linux live distro and maybe restore any missing files via recovery console,

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Logging - Computer Connected To LAN

Jul 22, 2008

I have windows installed in my desktop. I have heard that there is a way to find out if other people has logged on to your computer in your absence by checking the log. Can anyone tell me how this is done. I am the administrator and my account is passwrord protected but it is known to two more people. my computer is not connected to LAN. , how you check the log?

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Logs Off Immediately After Logging On

Nov 21, 2008

i'm using a Dell inspiron 6400 laptop, windows XP.

-I turn my laptop on
-I get to the screen where you choose a user
-Whatever user i choose, it goes to log on and then immediatly logs off and goes back to the user screen.

How can i fix this? Sorry if i've missed off any info needed to help on this

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Help With Logging Into Guest Account

Dec 21, 2008

I just tryed to log into the guest account for the first time so this what happens.Im at the log in screen i click the guest icon it begins to log in then it says saving your settings and im back at the logon screen. Never even see the desktop.

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Save Settings And Logging Off

Aug 31, 2006

I was cleaning my brother's computer of junk using a registry cleaner and a junk file remover. After cleaning the registry and defragmenting it, I restarted the computer and it would not let me log in. It says loading your personal settings quickly followed by saving your settings and then logging off. It would go back to the welcome screen and that's it. It is the same in Safe Mode.

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Preventing Logon Password Logging By Any One Else?

Feb 6, 2008

A friend of mine has been using some kind of hack software, I assume a password logger, to crack my password and log on to my XP account. How can I prevent this? I wouldn't mind logging in with something other than a password.

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Dell Latitude D600 S Logging Off

Mar 27, 2010

MY Dell latitude d600 s logging off, my laptop is locked.

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