Set View So That It Doesn't Keep Defaulting To Filmstrip

Sep 25, 2005

It seems that every time I go to view images, the "view" defaults to "filmstrip"- can I change this setting so that I ALWAYS get "thumbnail" view? It's really annoying to have to keep changing it all the time.

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New Creating File Doesn't Appear - Filmstrip View

Sep 2, 2009

I gotta be missing something basic, but this is just a real nuisance for me. Would appreciate any thoughts. Software is XP SP3.I have been using XP to view/edit several subfolders of jpegs stored in a Kodaks Folder. I prefer to usthe "filmstrip view". I am able to rename file name from something like 101_2900 to kidname whatever, but the new name never appears onscreen unless I either force a F5 screen refresh or back out and re-enter the file folder. I can probably edit photo names in Corel Paint Shop Pro or another program, but this is just driving me nuts.Sometimes when I turn on the computer and decide to rename files, the new names appear immediately without refreshes, ect. Just wonder if I am missing a file property setting or something basic that I haven't noticed.

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Image Doesn't Show On Thumbnail - View Videos On My Computer

Apr 2, 2005

My problem is that in my computer with windows xp I used to always use the thumbnail view in the windows explorer to know which videos where which and also for images. But then my computer got all screwed up and I had to reformat it and install the windows xp again and downloaded all the new service packs and stuff.But now, I go to either the windows explorer or my computer and for images I can see the thumbnails but for videos it only shows either the windows media or realplayer logo but no thumbnail image of the video. It is driving me crazy because I really need to be able to see the thumbnails in order to identity them fast instead of having to open all of them!

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Zoom Feature In Filmstrip Of My Pictures?

Dec 30, 2004

I've been using XP Pro for a few years now. However, on my last re-install I left off ACDSee and was just going to use XP's own settings for viewing photos. I'm now using SP2.I was certain that in the 'filmstrip' setting for photos there was a 'Zoom IN/OUT' option - am I wrong? I'm using TweakUI + TweakXP Pro 4, I've checked everywhere but I can't find anywhere that the zoom option has been unchecked? Is it there or can I enable it somehow?

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Filmstrip Error Within My Pictures Folder

Sep 7, 2006

Within my, "My Pictures" folder I have a great many sub folders containing thousands of pictures. In all but a couple of folders is the option to view as a filmstrip (which I prefer).However there is a folder (within "My Pictures") that I'm using now that doesn't have that option!Does anyone know why, not all folders in "MY PICTURES", has the option for filmstrip?

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Can't See Thumbnails Or Filmstrip Views In Pictures

Apr 30, 2007

Im using windows XP and ive recentlly built a new computer. I've transfered my photos from the old PC to the new one but all i can see in 'my pictures' is an icon with a frame and a paintbrush on it. How can i see them as thumbnails?

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Window Explorer Keeps Reverting Back To ICON View Instead Of DETAIL View?

Apr 3, 2008

Ever since I did a factory reinstall 3 months ago, every time I close my machine down and restart, my Windows Explorer settings keep getting reverted back to ICON view instead of my saved DETAIL view.I'm using the button under tools and folder options, View Tab, and Apply to all Folders.Is there something else I'm missing?

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Having Folders View Be Default View In Explorer?

Aug 15, 2005

When I click on the Windows Explorer icon, it opens up with the left side being the blue bar with File and Folder Tasks, Other Places and Details showing. I have to manually click on the Folders button at the top to get the view I want. Is there a way to make this Folders view be the default view when I open Windows Explorer?

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Changing From Thumbnail View To List View?

Jan 14, 2006

Whenever I save a picture from IE 6.0, the "Save Piccture" window always opens in a thumbnail view of "My Pictures". Is there any way I can make it open in the list view instead?

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View Changed To Classic View?

Jul 5, 2005

I run all of my anti-spyware/malware programs, disc defrag, chkdsk every week. I then create a restore point.Today, for the first time ever, I needed to restore my computer to a previous date because my XP view changed to Classic view and the option to change it back to XP view wasn't available. But the restore points that I saved were not available. I was given a choice of July 1,2,3,4 and 5. The last time I created a restore point was last Monday, June 27th,but when I clicked on the << arrow to go back to the month of June, it wouldn't go back.What happened to the restore points that I created and why couldn't I access them?I know that they were saved because I received a message that they were created.And I have no idea why my XP view changed to Classic View when I turned my computer on yesterday.

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View PSD Files As Thumbnail View

Sep 23, 2004

A folder full of PSD files. I have the folder on thumbnail view so I can easily find a look I wan't and choose it instead of opening up each one. The problem is that the folder is not generating a preview of the file anymore but instead shows the PSD icon. I just got a new computer and it is since then that this has stared, as on my old computer the previews showed up fine. Is this a setting I need to change somewhere?

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Doesn't Reboot - Safemode Doesn't Work

Jan 15, 2008

Was never able to restart after that. Normal boot shows the windows initial screen, but eventually just restarts, safe mode does the same thing whether it's with network, command line or plain safe mode. Last known good configuration does the same.Needed to use a file so decided to remove the HD and re-install to another PC. I did have access to the file in question but now I'd like to fix the problem.
The other system uses AVG. I started a scan and it detected Cekar.d (A0003977.exe, wdfmgr.exe and initially ntldr.exe), Dropper.Inor (ntdetect.hta, A0003979.hta), PSW.Generic5.ABVW (ctfmona.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.AAFI (ctfmonb.exe), PSW.Generic5.AFYK (ctfmond.exe), PSW.OnlineGames.ZWT (LotusHlp.exe) and some others but for whatever reason the scan stopped. I restarted it and now the AV still finds most of the threats it was seeing before but not Cekar.d. in the ntldr.exe file.

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Having Difficulty Getting View

Mar 6, 2007

Having difficulty getting the view as webpage setting for folders is it possible to do this with winxp sp2?

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View History?

Aug 29, 2005

I have Windows XP, SP2, and I was wondering how do I check where my teenage son has been surfing????? I've checked Temp files and I just see a bunch of numbers. I would like to see something that looks like different web sites or a list of cookies that give me a name.

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Cant Access Files Or View

Aug 27, 2005

I cannot access files in a certain folder or view them. I accidently moved them to another folder then moved them back. Ever since then i cant do anything with them. Please help. Got some good pictures and mpegs i'd like to view.

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How To View History Of Cookies

Jun 30, 2005

Is there anyway I can view the history and cookies once they have been deleted?

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IIE7 Will Not Allow To View Web Pages

Jul 31, 2008

This problem has presisted for about a week now, my IE7 will not allow me to view web pages, however, if I were to type in the address bar, I am rerouted to google and I'm given search results for When I click on the result I get the "IE cannot display web page error". I've done several system restores, I've deleted the security update 94453 like some recommended, I've turned off my firewall, done spyware checks, virus scans, and have come to find out nothing wrong with it. My laptop is able to surf the net just fine so it has something to do with my computer, but I am not sure what. Was wondering if anyone has had this happen, and if anyone could help. THanks in advance!

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Log To View Login Attempts In XP?

Aug 15, 2007

Was wondering is there a way for me to know if someone has used a PC, or not, within the last month. Is there a Login Log, or PC activity Log in XP?

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Cannot View Images While Browsing

Aug 22, 2005

I have a Dell computer running Windows XP. I've noticed that certain websites are not displaying properly; graphics are missing from some pages (not all graphics, just one or two). For example, the banner at the top of will not show. There doesn't seem to be an order to the missing graphics; it seems to be randomly blocking certain graphics, both jpg and gif. If I visit a new site, I do not know if I'm seeing all there is to see

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Cannot View Drop Down Menus

Oct 2, 2007

Cannot view drop down menus in windows unless mouse is scrolled over the menu box.

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Always View Files In List

Feb 6, 2006

Can I set Windows to open every window in Windows Explorer in "List" mode rather than Thumbnail or tiles mode.

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100% CPU Usage When Trying To View Video

Mar 10, 2007

I've this weird problem. When I tried to view any videos via WMP, Real Player, Quicktime, my cpu usage will jump right to 100% and everything seems to happen in slow-mo. Even with websites playing videos using any of these. They will get my cpu usage to 100%.I've tried to d/l the latest drivers from asus for my graphic card (N7600GS) but still says that i have old version of my driver.. What can be done? I've d/led k-lite codec already.

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Folder View Icons

Aug 13, 2005

It seems that I have lost the Explore icon within the folders. This is the iconyou see when you are looking in a folder with and HTM or HTML file their I have tried to reset the without any luck. How can I get the icon back.

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Unable To View Error Log

Mar 5, 2005

In a previous thread, XP was scanning on boot. I worked the problem to death, converted all partitions to NTFS, and we finally gave up. We formated 120G C: and re-partitioned...went from approx. three 40G parts to one 50G (C:) and remainder approx 65G (E:). This install was done yesterday, and this morning, on first boot, it froze at a black screen (desktop is black), with a solid drive action light. Re-boots do not evoke a scandisk, but give a good boot to the desktop. I've tried to view the error log, but it won't show any of those tools...."not found", sys info, etc.

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Folder View Options

Sep 9, 2005

Every time I open a window now, I get a "folder list" (explorer?) to the right and inside the window proper. I have tried clicking and un-clicking just about every option in the folders options list under "View". I eben click apply changes to all windows, I have clicked and unclicked "Remember each window's view settings".I even unclick the folders button on the tool bar of the window, and close the window, hoping the window will remember I don't want the folder list displayed, still no luck.

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Thumbnail View Freezes XP

Oct 12, 2009

When using My Computer to view files, as it attempts to load thumbnails of .avi, or wmv. files either in the main window, or in the preview pane, many files cause the OS to freeze solid. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason, and sometimes the same file will work, then freeze the next time.The freeze requires a "press and hold" of the power button to turn off the system. I don't get a blue screen, the existing one just locks up solid, and my cursor becomes immobile. No keys will function, nothing.

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View Some Colors On My Machine

Sep 15, 2007

I cannot view some colors on my machine.For example,here's a screen shot of today's Yahoo on the latest version of Firefox:This is not just limited to web pages.For example, all text colors in PowerPoint 2000 show up as black, but they show up fine Word 2000.I am using Windows 2000 on an Compaq Armada E500.I am not sure if all of this is related.

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I Cannot View Any Home Pages

Nov 30, 2008

I have connection to the internet as confirmed by my isp company, however i can not view any home pages for viewing, Is there a virus out there that has caused this problem? or is it a setting problem or is there a file or something missing to get me to a viewing stage once again?

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Unable To View SP Version?

Mar 23, 2005

COMPUTER MANUFACTURED IN SEPT.2003 how can i tell if the Windows XP version that was installed on the computer had SP1 with it or not? i have updated EVERYTHING that could be updated at the Windows Update home and when i review my 'installation history', i see nothing they says anything about SP1 was installed. Does that say thw Windows XP already had SP1 already,so it was not needed to install/update? i did install SP2.

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Floppy View Files?

Feb 12, 2006

I have been trying to format some floppies given to me to no avail and now, I cannot view files on MY FLOPPIES. I have done a scan on floppy (A) but an error message appears. I have attched messages in order to see if anyone can help.

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Detail Change On Web View

Jun 22, 2005

Is there a way to customize the details shown in the Details portion of the web view(left pane) in Windows Explorer? I know how to select which details to view in the folder view (right pane) but it seems not to have a bearing on the other.

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