Run Adaware Results In Constant Browser Hijack Attempts?

Mar 11, 2005

After running Adaware, I keep getting browser hijack attempts even though I'm not surfing to questionable sites. I ran hijack this and here is the report.

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Constant Browser Hijack Attempts: New Scan?

Mar 11, 2005

Ok, new scan with updated hijackthis. Hopefully I will get an answer now using the new verion.

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Ran Spybot And Adaware Both Are Updated - Hijack This Log

Apr 7, 2005

I have ran Spybot and Adaware both are updated, this is now the hijack this log. I am having a lot of problems

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Laptop Running Slow And Showing Signs Of Hijack Attempts?

Sep 4, 2006

My laptop is running very slow and has been showing signs of hijacks. I have run Ad Aware and also Avast Virus Checker. I have Avast and AVG, Spyguard, Zone Alarm running and on my other machine running the same programs have no problems.

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Playing Games Online Results In Crashing The Browser?

Aug 15, 2006

Lately when I have gone to play java games, at sites like pogo and some other I have not been able to do so. As soon as the game starts to load, the browser crashes. I have both Firefox and the most recent version of IE and the same thing happens in both cases. It has always worked before, and no changes have been made to the system recently. I have SUN Java and it says it is the most recent version when I check for updates.

It does put a file on my desktop when it crashes titled: hs_err_pid2192.log I don't know what any of it means really so Here are the contents, any ideas of how to fix this probem?: An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x01899558, pid=2192, tid=4024 Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode)Problematic frame: C [YPCLSP.dll+0x9558]

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Default Browser - Can Open MSN Messenger In Browser

Oct 4, 2005

Is there any way to have a default Browser? I want every program that has links to open up in say. Firefox, I have tried setting it as my default browser in the settings option, and in "Set programs access and defaults". It works quite well... But can I get MSN Messenger to open up in that browser? When I click on my e-mails or MSN Space Etc. It opens up in Internet Explorer. Is there ANY way to open it in my default browser?

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Four Or More Attempts To Get Running To Startup?

Sep 4, 2005

Can anyone throw any light on my computers startup problems? 1.6Athlon 512mg 20gig HDD rock?motherboard running legit XP Home with SP2. HDD less than half full, defrag shows not necessary.The computer starts ok but at some point in the process, it varies, it will freeze/lock and will not unlock and has to be rebooted, which in itself may not happen at the first or even second attempt. This gosz on about four times, freezing at different points, and can even be
after I have successfully used the computer for 5 or 10 minutes. Eventually it will boot up and run without a problem.

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Log To View Login Attempts In XP?

Aug 15, 2007

Was wondering is there a way for me to know if someone has used a PC, or not, within the last month. Is there a Login Log, or PC activity Log in XP?

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Computer Not Booting With Several Attempts

Oct 1, 2006

Computer blue screens with no specific error msg and everytime i try to do pretty much anything with safe mode regular mode last known good configurations but here is it blue screens off of two different windows xp pro install cds. I ran several of their debugin tests that came up clean although there was an error about the cpu fan speed. The tech support guy said that i need to wipe the hard drive. I have tried booting with only one of the two ram chips and that didn't help at all.

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Arbitrary Attempts To Install Program?

Feb 18, 2008

Frequently when I right click anything, and occassionally when I select items for the start menu on my windows XP pro machine, the installation process for a program I already have installed wil begin - it must be manually cancelled (some times 2 or three times) before the originally requested response is given. At first it was Norton Anti Virus which attempted to install. More recently, Contribute seems to be the favorite. (Both are already installed).

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Unauthorized Access Attempts Originating?

Jul 5, 2008

I have a win 2003 dedicated server. My datacenter person has sent given report. I would like to know what indicates the report.

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Unwanted Attempts To Access The Internet?

Sep 20, 2005

Norton keeps telling me that several programs are atempting to access the internet. How do I delete them?

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At Powerup, PC Attempts To Boot From A: Drive?

Nov 8, 2007

Win XP Sp2, Dell 4100, HD 200gb. Bios boot order HD,CD,Floppy. After receiving msg.."Invalid Boot Diskette", "Insert Boot Diskette in A:" Ctrl-Alt-Del now boots system from C: This as a result of a motherboard failure and rebuild of C:

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IE 7 Crashes Whenever Attempts To Load A Pdf File?

Sep 7, 2007

I dislike MS but I would really like to know where to go in IE to fix its's linking to Adobe Reader 7.

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Browser Opening Causes All Other Browser Windows

Aug 24, 2005

I am half way computer literate, but this one has me. I am hoping someone can tell me where to look. When I open Internet Explorer, my home page ( opens.When it is finished loading, it automatically redirets to yahoo mail login page. The catch is, all my browsers windows that are open will be changed too. If I hit "stop" before the page is loaded, then hit "refresh", this action does not occur. I have Microsoft updates automatically downloade do my computer. I have the latest MacAfee anti-virus on my computer and have run the latest scan. I have run Microsoft beta spy-ware, ad aware and yahoo's version. I am not seeing anything.

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100% CPU Usage - Ran Spybot S&D And Adaware

Feb 22, 2005

Alright, I have no clue as to what this problem may be caused by. I've ran Spybot S&D as well as Adaware and nothing has improved. My CPU usage still runs at 100% regardless of my rebooting and such.
I've got an AMD athlon xp 2700, 1024 mb ram, & Windows XP SP2.

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IE - Word - AIM - Stinger - Adaware

Jan 17, 2005

randomly, with random programs (be it IE, word, AIM, stinger, ad-aware, basically any program) when i go to open them i get a error saying the program has encountered errors and needs to close.the little window that pops up usually offers a "debug" button, but i dont know what that is so i just hit continue/ok and the program im trying to open will close sometimes i cant open it for a while, sometimes i can open it on second try.then the window comes up like send report to windows.o usually ill just send itand these errors appear for basically any program i have,

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Slow PC - Installed Adaware

Jul 6, 2005

I am new to this forum and would be happy if anyone can help me with this problem. (Forgive my english, it is not very good!)I am using a Windows XP laptop, used it in the office and at home. It is now extremely slow. I have read some threads and have done somethings (maybe right, maybe wrong) based on those threads... I am not good with computers and having difficulty to figure out what these threads are saying.I have installed Ad-aware and run it regularly, sometimes twice a day and everytime it will find a few critical items. I also do trend micro scan but there are certain things that I can't understand. I also do Panda active scan but it found one adware that it cannot disinfect.

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Spybot And Adaware Downloads

Jul 12, 2005

After I cleaned up his pc the best I could and ran Spybot and Adaware I ran Hijack this. They have a program that downloads weather information and could be spyware. It does download ads. (I think it's called weather bug) I'm trying to convince them to get rid of it. It comes up in the Spybot scans as mini bug or something.

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Running AdAware And Spybot On XP

May 31, 2006

I am the administrator (at least I assume I am since I set up our home computer) on my home Dell Dimension. I try and run AdAware and Spybot regularly but it seems that I have to go to each desktop (there are five users on our home computer) to run them to make sure I clean up everything. As you can imagine, especially since my kids do a lot of cruising (most of it supervised), it takes a long time. I am hoping there is some way to be able to run these apps from my desktop and globally cover all desktops at once, but I haven't found it. Any suggestions out there? Thanks.

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Unable To Update Because Of Adaware?

Dec 18, 2005

Ad-Aware wont let me updates defintions?

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HJT / Spyware, Even Though Spybot And Adaware Don't Find

Apr 17, 2005

My work PC which I believe has some kind of Spyware, even though Spybot and Adaware don't find anything. It all started when a DOS window started appearing on startup and launching some unknown program.

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No Sound On Laptop - Run Adaware And Spybot

Sep 16, 2005

I have a Gateway 400VTX laptop running windows xp pro. Sound suddenly stopped on it; I don't know exactly when or after what. It was working during the initial days of Hurricane Katrina because I was listening to the news feeds on it, so sometime in the last week or so I noticed it stopped.

I have done the following to troubleshoot:

Run antivirus - norton internet security & trend micro free scan Run adaware and spybot

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Adaware - Spybot - Kaperspy -reinstalling Sp2

Feb 5, 2007

After a fresh install of windows and downloading SP2 etc plus some other things like a few games, adaware, spybot and kaperspy, I was just browsing (just a normal site, no porn) and I got the explore.exe encountered a problem and needs to close. I can still do browsing and open stuff etc. I tried reinstalling sp2, replacing the explorer.exe file, unchecking non-microsoft programs in msconfig, all with no result. I'm probably gonna just install Litestep and say screw it, but am wondering

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Something Eating Storage - Scanning With Adaware

Oct 22, 2005

I have a pretty old and crappy computer with a 40gb HDD. Just a week ago I had like 13-14 GB free on it. Then I got a virus. I successfully cleared out all traces of the virus that I could find using ad-aware and trend micro house call.When I was scanning with adaware, it shows the filenames and paths being scanned. There were all of these files(and I mean thousands) with porn names, and I had never put them there. Adaware didn't catch them as any sort of bad file either. The weird thing is, when I went to the directory that it said they were located in, nothing was there. I even made hidden files visible and still nothing.

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Computer Restsrt It Automatically - Adaware - Spybot

Sep 17, 2005

Twice so far in the past 4 days my computer has restarted itself automatically. When I get back to the desktop I check the task manager to see if any foul programs are running (which I didn't recognize any) and I noticed my CPU usage was fluctuating between 50% - 100%, never lower. I rebooted into safe mode and the CPU usage was norma (bouncing between 1 - 10%). I've ran adaware, spybot, and trend micro online virus scan which all came up clean. I haven't gotten any error messages or anything like it.

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Computer Still Slow After Running Adaware And Norton

Jan 17, 2006

My friend has an older pc (p2) and it seems to be pretty SLOW.I've run adaware and Norton. Still seems slow.

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Compatibility - F-Secure Anti-Virus And AdAware SE

May 4, 2006

Windows XPI was putting in AdAware and F-Secure popped in.It had detected "Adware.P2PNetworking" and recommended quarantineIs this the AdAware? Or something sneaky trying to look like it so I'll let it in? Just to be safe, I OK'd the recommended Quarantine. Is that right, or should I let it out of uarantine?

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Setting Up A Limited User Account To Get Adaware & Spyware?

Sep 16, 2005

I have set up a limited user account in XP home.But I do want to have my Adaware and SpyBot S&D and other security programs on that account.I tried copying and pasting from the program files but I get error messages.Is there a way to get these security programs on a limited account?

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Adaware Spybot Search And Destory - No Program Runs

Jan 16, 2005

A while I had Limewire and Kazaa in my computer(like an idiot). Now I have a spyware problem, possible virus too.I have Ad aware and Spybot search and destory.
Both will detect the problems but cannot delete it.I have found the files,(its "search miracle") but XP will not allow me to delete them.
"Cannot delete, being used by another program."but no other progams are running.
When I try to do a Virus scan now with my McAfee, my computer will restart half way thought the search. and now, at random, my computer will restart itself anytime.

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Random Crashes - Updated Versions Of Adaware - Spybot

Jan 15, 2005

I have been experiencing random crashes, freezes and especially error messages for a while now.I ran and reran updated versions of ad-aware, spybot, Norton, hijack this, a million times,defragged and did a couple of files clean-ups to no avail.
I posted my problems on various boards and nobody that helped did fix it
(Thanks still to these kind people) so I used the last resort and reinstalled XP pro.Well after reinstall, problems are still here but worse, upon reinstalling my first program which is thesygate firewall,I got my first error message telling me the program had to shut down.
Following that I was told

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