Repair TCP/IP Is Disable

Feb 14, 2005

I want to connect to the internet but the network card won't work. when i right click and choose repair. it says can't repair TCP/IP is disabled. The problem started when we wanted to connect another computer and changed some settings now i can't figure out wat to do. I called the Cable ISP they say that something is wrong witht the settings of computer of network card.

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Registry Repair Sites Offering Repair Software

Aug 1, 2005

I have just installed some anti virus software and during installation I got messages saying my registry had been damaged and i should log onto such-and-such site to download repair software and run it on my system. I am suspicious that if I do this I am exposing myself to total destruction. One of the messages has just popped up again and the site it directs me to is

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Enable To Repair Drives: Get Logs On Restart After Repair?

Aug 24, 2005

Problems started was when i updated my Zone Alarm firewall, windows works absolutely fine no problems what so ever, then next time i reboot it does the same, this time problems are non-stop until about 10% then fine from there on in, then when it finishes repairing the drive it gets stuck at repairing unreadable security descriptions date stream.

It also said whilst recovering orphaned files insufficient disk space to recover lost files. It stopped for a while then carried on. After scan disk it restarted and wouldn't load windows, just got stuck on windows loading screen forever, eventually 15+ minutes i pressed reset as there was no disk activity.

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Repair Xp Without Using System Repair

Nov 30, 2008

I recently had a bad hard drive (It need the windows xp cd to boot) and saw that the problem was bad blocks. I decide to buy a new hard drive and use ghost to clone it. But, now i have the same problem with the new hard drive. After a while, i realize that obviously, if the disk was cloned, ONLY the information that can be copied was transfered to the other one.In conclusion, how can I resolve this issue without using system repair. the problem is that once i use this tool and then IE won't work. at last I had to format the drive.

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Disable Ping

Apr 2, 2005

How can I disable incoming pings (without a firewall)? Whenever ping.exe in %systemroot%system32 is renamed a new copy is made when someone attempts to ping. Are there other files that need moving/renaming?

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Disable Sp2 Firewall

Aug 21, 2006

how do i disable this firewall to use my own

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Disable The Configure Of IE

Apr 18, 2010

How to Configure Windows to Open .html documents in New Browser! Disabled Windows IE....html doc's now opens in Notepad.

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Disable IE For 1 User

Jun 26, 2006

Im trying to remove IE priveledges for 1 limited user account for an XP home machine; but still have other user accounts have permission to access the browser. This is a workgroup enviroment. Right now; it appears by editing group policies; I can disable IE for ALL users or enable for ALL users, but can't select who can have it and who cannot

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Is There Anything In Start Up That I Can Disable?

May 18, 2005

I have attached a copy of my HJT. Would really appreciate if it can be run through to see if there is anything that I can disable in my start up. The computer that I am using is being shared and I have become concerned over some stuffs. In Service Pack 2, a firewall is included right? Now there is this Zone Alarm downloaded too a few months ago. Is that a firewall program? There is also a Norton Personal Firewall that comes with the PC I know that the anti virus has expired but this firewall thing is still working right? At times like this, I wished I have more knowledge on computers but lucky me.I have you Guys at Tech Support to enlighten.

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Which Startup To Disable?

Aug 26, 2005

Here are the startups of my comp. Which would I remove?

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Disable To Install The Fax

Mar 6, 2008

Can't install the fax service on it.I go to Add/Remove Programs - Add Windows Components and select the fax service. It appears to install and the Fax even appears in Printers and Faxes for about 1 second, then vanishes.Has anyone else experienced this?More info:There is an Epson Stylus DX9400F all-in-one installed. Don't know if that is the reason for not being able to install the fax?

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Disable Welcome Screen?

Aug 27, 2005

I only have one account on my Windows XP computer, and have guest account disabled. Yet, every time I turn on my computer, I am greeted with the choice of what account to login to, even though there is only one. Am I missing something?
I even tried disabling the welcome screen, and I still get asked to login first.
I have Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005.
And no, I do not have a password enabled on the account.

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Disable System Sounds

Nov 11, 2009

I have become quite irritated by the various strange noises which happen at a "system event". I have found the dialogue box where additional events can be added to the sounds but I cannot see how to turn off the ones already there. I do not want to use "mute all" on the volume control as I frequently listen to music.
Any suggestions welcome.
While in that area of the screen, I want to remove some of the icons. The dialogue box is set to "always hide" the offending Icons but they are still showing.

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How To Disable The TICK Sound?

Feb 16, 2007

Hi everyone i want to know how to change the size of this bar i did it once but i dont remember.And i also want to know how to disable the TICK sound when u enter a folder

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Disable Cookies From Certain Site

Dec 8, 2007

I wanted to disable a cookie on my Windows XP computer that came from a certain web site. Specifically how would I go about doing this.

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Disable Username And Password

May 12, 2005

When I Turn The System On It Asks Me For A Username And Password Ive Tryed To Diable This But There Is No Op To Do This.

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RDC Causes Wireless Adapter To Disable

Sep 4, 2005

I'm trying to connect from my desktop to my laptop using RDC. They are both on my home network. When I RDC into my laptop, I get the login screen as I expected, login, and I'm in.for about two seconds. After that, the connection hangs and eventually RDC drops me

When I log into the laptop itself, the wireless connection icon in the bottom right shows "acquireing network address" for a second, finds it, and then the laptop is on the network again. I'm assuming that when I do RDC into the laptop and the desktop takes over, the network adapter on the laptop thinks it's time to sleep or disable, and drops off the lan. I confirmed this by doing a ping fromthe desktop to the laptop. Before RDC, no problem. After the RDC connection hands, I can't ping the laptop anymore. Once I log into the laptop itself, I can ping the laptop from the desktop

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Way To Disable User Profiles

Aug 5, 2005

Lots of schools need to run one desktop for all users. Not a standard default user template. But to actually disable user profiles like you could in windows 98. With 2600 users xp takes to long to login when it has to create a profile each time because we use a security program that freezes the desktop and dismisses any changes to the c: once rebooted.Does anyone know of a way to disable user profiles or assign a profile where
everyone uses it and a new local one is not created

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Disable HP Splashscreen On Startup?

May 23, 2010

Running XP on a HP/Compaq NC6000. Had a page from HP site bookmarked that told what registry key to modify. HP has removed the thread, can't find the answer elsewhere. Ideas appreciated. I've seen posts for other models directing user to enter BIOS to change but unable to get into it. The registry key modification worked earlier.

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Disable Windows Firewall

Aug 5, 2005

I need to disable or turn off the windows firewall (XP pro SP2) but the button in the firewall console is light grey. In other words, I can not turn it off.

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Can't Disable Windows Screensaver

Nov 30, 2007

Searches on how to disable screensaver all point to going to "display properties' and choose none. I have over and over and it continues to come back. Anyone know how to stop it?

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How To Disable Gpedit Msc In Windows Xp

Mar 31, 2010

I want to disable gpedit.msc in my windows xp prof. please send me the ans as soon as possible.

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ICQ Lite Advertisment Disable

Aug 11, 2003

this is for the new icq lite currently Build #1253. This will disable advertisment display but, unfortunatly will leave the place holders for the advertisments.  Atleast you don't have to stare at those annoying flash advertisments.
1) Open up windows explorer and navigate to the folder you installed icqlite*ie. c:ProgramFilesICQLite
2) Right-click on the folder and chose properties
3) In the properties dialog choose the security tab*note: you may have to enable advanced security to view this tab on some versions of windows
4) In the security tab remove all permissions except for the system and set the system permissions to deny all access for read, write, etc.. for this folder*note: you must have admin right to the machine in most cases and also may need to disable permission inhertince from parent under the advanced tab
5) Apply the changes and restart icq
What you have just done is denied Icq access to its temporary folder where it stores the advertisment information and now advertisments will not be displayed.  This will work with any icq version as long as you can find the folder where it saves its advertisment info.

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Disable Commands And Functions

Jan 10, 2008

I want to disable or remove certain commands or functions in Windows XP ("Run" and "Regedit") to stop my 15-year old son from hacking around or disabling the parental control software that I have installed.

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How Can Turn Debugger Off Or Disable

Mar 4, 2005

how I can turn the debugger off or disable it. I am wanting to convert a video from one format to another and keep getting a message to turn debugger off. But can't find how to do it.

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Disable The Firewall From Computer

Apr 10, 2005

I want to get rid of whatever is causing my computer to act like it's firewalled.I'm currently studying in Japan and have ADSL in the dorms. It seemed to be firewalled, but no one else I asked really knew much about it, so I just kind of accepted it and moved on. But recently one of my friends in Tokyo has gotten a new internet connection, which her computer works perfectly on and gets amazing speed. But when I connect, it still seems I am firewalled. Using PC Flank's scanner all my ports are stealthed while hers are closed.

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How Disable The CTRL+ALT+DELETE When Log In Xp T60

Aug 26, 2009

I have Lenovo Thinkpad T60 and i just installed [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]Windows [COLOR=blue ! important]XP[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] that i get from Lenovo factory, and every time i log in XP i need to press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and after that it ask my finger and password, how i can disable that CTRL+ALT+DELETE asking? I just want to sing by my fingerprint without need to press CTRL+ALT+DELETE every time

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How Disable CTRL+ALT+DELETE When Log In T60

Aug 26, 2009

I have Lenovo Thinkpad T60 and i just installed Windows XP that i get from Lenovo factory, and every time i log in XP i need to press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and after that it ask my finger and password, how i can disable that CTRL+ALT+DELETE asking? I just want to sing by my fingerprint without need to press CTRL+ALT+DELETE every time

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Remove / Disable Games GPO

Apr 19, 2006

Is there a Group Policy in Windows that will disable the Windows games in Windows XP & 2kpro. I don't want to uninstall them. The company that I work for is putting their foot down internet use and game play.

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Sp2 Firewall Gpo - Cannot Enable / Disable

Jun 23, 2005

I have a pc with xp pro sp2 where i cannot enable/disable firewall, it is controlled by domain group policy. I log on with a user with admin rights on the domain and local machine, with gpo i can enable/disable firewall, but I want to control that from the local machine, how can I get it?

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Disable Messenger SERVICE

Aug 12, 2002

In the default installation of XP, the Messenger service runs by default. Messenger in Windows 2000/XP is similiar to the functionality of what "WinPopup" was to Win3.x/9X. However, having this service running will cause problems in the very near future, as ANYONE can send popup messages to your computer when you have this service running. (The service doesn't check where the message comes from). Don't believe it? At the command prompt, type "net send IPADDRESS_OF_CLIENT_TO_SEND_TO Your Message" and that person will get a popup window immediately with "Your Message" .. the popup window will says "Messenger Service" in the titlebar and will contain your workstation's name and the time. You can send a message to yourself by typing "LOCALHOST" to test this.Another thing worth noting, if you are using a Microsoft firewall, these messages will still be sent through the firewall.To make it so others cannot send these messages to you, disable the Messenger service from Services. (Go to Control Panel > Perf. & Maint. > Administrative Tools > Services. Double click the Messenger Service, change 'Automatic' to 'Disabled' and click the Stop button.) Once you've done this, people trying to send messages via the net message service will get errors. While you're at it, it might be wise to disable the 'Administrative Alerts' service as well.The description Microsoft gives for this service is as follows: "Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start."

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