I'm trying to connect from my desktop to my laptop using RDC. They are both on my home network. When I RDC into my laptop, I get the login screen as I expected, login, and I'm in.for about two seconds. After that, the connection hangs and eventually RDC drops me
When I log into the laptop itself, the wireless connection icon in the bottom right shows "acquireing network address" for a second, finds it, and then the laptop is on the network again. I'm assuming that when I do RDC into the laptop and the desktop takes over, the network adapter on the laptop thinks it's time to sleep or disable, and drops off the lan. I confirmed this by doing a ping fromthe desktop to the laptop. Before RDC, no problem. After the RDC connection hands, I can't ping the laptop anymore. Once I log into the laptop itself, I can ping the laptop from the desktop
Have a dell xps m140, running win xp pro service pack 3. Based on your knowledge of windows xp system files and there function, i was wondering if you would know appropriate files that will need to copy. The scenario is a s follows
Got infect by a virus, virus was removed by Kaspersky. After virus removal both the 10/100 NIC and the wireless adapter, and the bluetooth have indicated that they are disconnected. However from device manager they show up as working properly, which they are not as I cannot connect to the internet and there is a red X on all three icons in the system tray. I am wondering if a system file related to network connectivity was afftected and subsequently deleted by kaspersky
i have 2 PCs in my home: PC1 and PC2 i run Windows XP SP2 on both PC1 is directly connected to the internet and is working fine
PC2 uses a TEW-424UB wireless USB network adapter. It was ok, but it stopped working. I tried unplugging-replugging, but Windows doesn't even detect the device any more when i plug it in NOTHING happens. And when i check for the device in Device Manager, there's a yellow icon and it tells me the device can't start.
I installed a wireless adapter, it worked for4 days , then XP gives an error that 'xpdoes not recognize the item connected to the usb and that it has malfunctioned. I replaced the wirless adapter 3 times and even went to another vendor and it still says that. It claims that there is no driver, but when I install the software it says the driver is there. IF I delete the unknown device, it puts a driver in but the unit will not even light up.
I ran a registry cleanup fromlinksys and it was suppose to get rid of all the drivers but it still does not work. I changedto Netgear and it does the same thing.
I did some changes unintentionally and now my PC won't display anything after windows logo.After that the system asked me to reboot so I clicked OK.From that on my PC can boot and display windows logo but after that everything turn black.My PC is a DELL desktop run on Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1, how to set that back?I tried safe mode, Last Know Good, and the like but it just end up in black screen.
I am running Windows 2000 Professional SP4 and using a wireless USB card to connect to my home network. The USB card is a Dick Smith Electronics (New Zealand) branded one which uses a Ralink RT73 chip
whenever I transfer files from this computer to another the copying starts, but doesn't get very far. The computer crashes shortly after starting with Stop: 0x0000001E "KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED". The file quoted causing problem is rt73.sys" which is the driver for the USB card. I have searched the internet and read microsoft tech support page about this error and I think the driver is sending requests which the processor cannot understand I have tried updating the driver, but this has not worked. I have tried the card on a Windows XP computer with the same driver, and it transfers files fine
I am trying to copy a file (4gig) from another computer. When I copy with a wired adapter it takes about 10 minutes. When I copy with the wireless adapter it takes about 50 minutes. I am using Windows XP Pro.
I had to do a System Recovery, when it was finished, I was able to access the internet via my wireless adapter. However, my computer is kind of old so I had about 78 updates after the recovery. After the updates, and the restart, I cannot now access the internet. I have Windows XP home edition, and My adapter is a Linksys wireless-g. What has changed
The reason this is urgent for me is because I am leaving to move into my new apartment tomorrow morning, and once I am gone from my house, pretty much any technical problem will not get solved (I am sure many of you here are familiar with this position).My brother's computer was full of viruses so I reinstalled a fresh copy of windows, and everything is working great.But I go to install the Westell wireless G USB adapter for internet, and the driver will not install.I have installed the utility first - it then asks to connect the device which I did. The new hardware thing pops up, and since I don't have the installation CD (lost it, but downloaded the files from Westell's website), I browse to the folder of those files, and it searches and says it cannot find the driver.
I purchased a wireless PCI adapter as listed above for my Windows Media Center 2005. My computer has a 2.0 GHz dual core processor and 3 GIG of RAM, 256 MB RAM Video card. Here is my problem, when I install the software for the wireless card, it changes my Windows Login and disables the Welcome Screen. There is no drop down for users to log onto the computer, I have to type the name to login. I tried to just install the driver and my computer did not like that, it locked up twice. So I am back to installing the whole program.where I can get just a driver for this card? I searched the NetGear website and it has an updated program but no individual drivers. I tried to use WinZip to extract the exe into individual files but no luck.
I am trying to set up a belkin wirless g usb network adapter on my daughters computer but i keep getting a message saying: Ahi-speed usb device is plugged into a non hi speed usb hub.
I am attempting to get a Zonet wireless 802.11g PCI Adapter work in my desktop with little success. I have wireless loptop presently working through a Linksys Router. I copied the internet settings to a jump drive and transfer it to the desktop. The desktop wireless icon showed that it made connection but when i tried to go online using IE IT ALWAYS show web page not found. Is there some other setting in internet Option or elsewhere that is suppose to be change or set for the adapter to get on line. Using the ethernet card in the desktop i can access the internet easily. but the wireless.... this is my sad story
Just purchased a Netgear N Router. I have the router hooked up to a comcast - motorolla cable modem hardwire) , and thats working fine, but I am trying to get online with a netgear adapter - MA101, on another desktop. I purchased the adapter back in 2003, and have downloaded the up to date drivers for it on the pc, that I am not able to get online with. It is getting a very strong signal from the router, with my ntework name and everything. Been on the phone with netgear for hours, and they cannot resolve it either.
The Network Setup Wizard tells me that it found disconnected network hardware. My Broadcom 802.11g Network Adapter wireless connection is apparently disconnected. Any ideas on how to rectify this?
I have FINALLY got to the bottom of why my PC is freezing, after weeks of trial and error. It runs perfectly normally when I unplug the Belkin USB Wireless adapter. Is there a way of repairing this? Do I need to download something to stop it from happening?
My problem is : When I called Verizon yesterday, I was told that to connect the printer to the router, I do not need the print server. I was asked to locate the ethernet port at the back of my printer, plug the ethernet port cable and connect it to the Verizon router. Unfortunately, my printer does not have an ethernet port. I was told to call HP,and I did but did not get much help.What should I do to get my wireless printer work? I have a PC and a laptop. Prior to Verizon, I have a DSL and Vonage, both routers and print server did not have the same problem.
I took my daughters Gateway M320 laptop and did a restore from the CDs that came with the laptop. After doing all the Microsoft Updates, ALL the wireless driver installs from Gateway there is no 'Wireless Network Connection' icon. I have also checked Device Manager and there is no wireless adapter. Before this exercise she was running wireless fine. It does work 'hard wired' but no wireless icon.
The wireless internet isn't working... I don't know what wireless card I have.. I should only have to install the driver, but I can't get online to download it.
We have two laptops and one wireless (HP Photosmart C7280) printer. Our laptops both connect to the internet wirelessly through a router. I was able to install and can print wirelessly from my laptop (a Mac) with no problems. However, we cannot figure out how to print wirelessly from my boyfriend's laptop (a Dell). We have installed the printer software and the printer itself on his laptop, and the laptop is able to identify the wireless printer over the network. We made sure that the printer is set to "online" and that file/printer sharing is turned on. But, whenever we go to print any kind of a file, we get an error message simply stating that the printer was unable to print and that we should run the troubleshooter. So, we run the troubleshooter, and we get this message:"The troubleshooter was not able to ping (detect a connection with) your print server. This might be the cause of the problem. Verify that your network is configured correctly and that you are connected to the network."
I am more used to working with Macs and my boyfriend is computer illiterate, so we're a bit lost as to what this means. I was able to set up a wireless network connection on his laptop, but beyond that I'm not sure what else to do. Most of the other advice I've seen online involves a wireless printer that is wired to one computer, and another laptop trying to wirelessly access that printer through the connected computer...if that makes any sense. Our printer isn't wired to anything, and we just can't figure out why it'll print wirelessly on the Mac but not on the Dell laptop. Any ideas?
I have aproblem with my XP machine.when i boot up the small wireless icon says its not connected,Also when i click to view available wireless networks that there are none in range, i reboot the pc and it might resolve it .More often than not it doesnt.Also i sometimes get a yellow exclamation mark over the wlan in device manager.I update the driver and it resolves until next time i boot back up the pc.Wireless switch is on. My 2 other pcs wrk perfect.
Does anyone happen to know how to successfully create a network in Windows XP Pro for a wireless laptop and for an Ethernet-hooked-up (non-wireless) computer. I'm trying to printer and file share the two together BUT I've exhausted myself in trying to make it happen. Has anyone successfully done this? Am I missing something? Perhaps hardware?I would truly appreciate any help or advice.
If i log onto my computer and just go into network connections, the computer is not able to look for wireless networks. if i hit the button to find networks, it gives me some strange error message. i have noticed though that i can fix the problem if i manually go into services and start the wireless zero configuration service myself. i configured this service to start automatically, and to keep restarting if attempts to start fail, but for whatever reason, the service does not start on its own when i boot the computer. once i start the service, i am able to connect without any problems.
The error message i get says something about finding more than one wirless device. i have a belkin usb wireless card, and before i installed the one i have now, i had another that coincidentally was the same size and also made by belkin. thinking that maybe some software was still on the computer, causing it to find both, and consequently not being able to connect to either, i uninstalled all the software for both routers and deleted all the related program files off of the computer. then i reinstalled and...got the same exact problem.
Sort of XP and also ME. I have two usb wireless adapters and an ADSL router. Both of the computers have access to the router but i am trying to network them together without the router. One is a laptop with windows xp and a BT Voyager 1055 adapter: http://www.shop.bt.com/invt/cbw177The other is a desctop with windows ME and a belkin wireless adapter: http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/6766647.htm, I have created a network using the belkin supplied software called 'lan' using no encryption for the time being for ease of use. I have the picked up this network on the laptop and connected. I have assigned them both ip addresses that are alike except the last digit and have then gone 'run > command > ping (ip)' from each. They both get a response but i cannot access the documents folders.
IDE to USB Adapter - need driver, I purchased a Vantec CB-IUSB20 so I could hookup a slave drive temporarily.However, I am unable to "see" the drive and the mini disk that they gave me only shows "card reader" drivers.I'm running it on a WinXP machine.I used it originally a month or so ago on another machine but no luck on this one, I've tried a Maxtor 30GB and a Seagate 200 GB.