Reinstall All Other Programs Again?

Nov 18, 2009

Purchased my pc with windows xp already installed, if I wanted to upgrade to windows black.would I have to re-install my other programs again?

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Programs Missing From "all Programs" List After Repair-reinstall

Aug 3, 2008

I've reinstalled XP and some icons are missing from the "Start"/"all programs" menu. Both Outlook Express and Internet Explorer are missing. I was able to locate them using "search" then open and pin to start menu. (The search function displays i.e. shortcuts for "administrator", "guest" and the other user, but not for me. The icons do display on the "all programs" list for the other user). Any suggestions as to how to get them back on the "all programs" menu?

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Want To Reinstall, Need List Of Programs On Computer

Nov 21, 2008

I am reinstalling windows xp. i have had it running for 4 years and its getting slower so i'm thinking of doing a clean install.

what i want to know is; is there a way to list all the currently installed programs to assist me with the reinstallation. I want to be able to print out a list so i can install the same programs again-- bar a pile i will leave off.

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Reinstall And Repair All Programs - Formatting

Jan 30, 2007

I recently overwrit a version of windows. It did not save settings and files for programs that are integral with windows. When I want to use Yahoo or other programs that require integration from windows I get warning messages. I want to just start from scratch. (all programs and apps are on the hard drive and accessable from explorer) is there a function that allows me to format and remove all info except windows? Otherwise I have to reinstall/repair all programs

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How 2 Clean Install Without Having To Reinstall Other Programs

Dec 11, 2005

Does anyone know how to properly configure a multi-hard drive Windows XP Home PC with XP OS files on the boot hard drive (30 GB in my case) and all other program & data files on two separate partitions of a 160 GB drive, so that whenever my system starts slowing down, I can wipe the Windows OS drive clean & do a clean install of XP on it, without having to reinstall some 50+ and growing applications I have downloaded but don't have on CD or DVD?Someone I met in passing but didn't get the details from said this was how he had his PC set up, and that all you have to do is make a backup of your Registry files on the non-OS HD and just restore/reinstall the registry on the OS HD after clean installing XP on the OS HD. Microsoft tech support personnel I have asked about this say this is not something they support and they deny this is possible.

But, as I have run semi-weekly virus & malware scans using multiple products and deleted all of the suspicious files they find and am still experiencing increasingly slow and erratic system performance, MS told me I should do a clean install, after burning all of my downloaded program files to DVD and backing up all my data files (already being performed nightly to the 160 GB drive data files partition), then reinstall all drivers and programs off CDs & DVDs. I estimate this will take a good 8-10 hours every time I want to reinstall XP, which I consider an excessive drag on my productivity in my real business. Does anyone know whether the concept I outlined above is feasible, and if so, where can one find a succinct guide on how to implement it, including a clear map of what directories other than C:Windows any OS files are in, and recommendations for a good registry editor program?

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Reinstall Home How Do Reinstall All Program Files?

Dec 8, 2007

I reinstall Windows XP Home because My computer was messed up. It deleted all my files.. so on my desktop screen I don't have any Program Files Icons. BUT it still save my Files. I have my orginial files in my Documents folders and In my Program Files It has all the Programs and files that go with that program? How do I zap everything back on my desktop screen so I don't have to go Download each files as new again??? And I how do i get my Internet Favorite Links and my Notepad with my saved information in it? Yes I did try the "Start" and then program files and none of the programs are there.. BUT yet it is in my Program Hard drive C: Program files. with the Program and all it's content?

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Can Reinstall Help & Support Or Reinstall / Repair Win

Jul 23, 2005

My Help and Support stopped working about the same time I installed the free utility GhostScript / Gsview so that I could view postscript files. I tried posting a question on another usenet newsgroup, but the answer of: click on install on the C:windowsinfpchealth.inf file - resulted in a search for the file dataspec.xml in the C:windowsinfi386 directory - Unfortunately, such directory does not exist on my C: drive. Furthermore, the "K:I386" directory of my Original Win XP Home CD does not contain any file named "dataspec.xm_ or .xml".And beyond that, I ordered a new Win XP SP2 CD, which just now arrived by mail - and there is no "K:I386" directory on that CD, nor does the CD apparently contain any file called "dataspec" (including dataspec.*).Another effort toward resolution occurred via another usenet post I read, which suggested opening the XP command line feature and executing a system status command, that displayed enabled services - I used that method, and switched the Help and Support service off and then on again. Such action did not in-fact enable the Help feature (including, of course restart), despite the indication that the Help and Support service was enabled. I am, and have been, running a purchased-CD version of Win XP Home, with a downloaded SP2 revision (I have not installed the new Win XP SP2 CD). Basically, I want to find out the means and methods for enabling my Win XP SP2 Help and Support feature, that apparently has been disabled or otherwise rendered inoperative.Is a reinstall of Win XP possible and the best choice? What are the other options?

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Fresh Reinstall Cannot Reinstall Broadband

Jan 22, 2008

Because of massive system porblems I have had t reinstall XP Pr with SP2. Before reinstalling XP I formmated the hard drives t give me a blank canvas to work. The reinstall worked fine but I cannot reinstall my Virgin Media Bradband service. Before the reinstall the bradband service was wrking fine..When I originall took out the bradband service it was through NTL. My cable modem states 'NTL' and the broadband disk has NTL' on it and I registered it tthough NTL. Now Virgin Media has bought up NTl annd I don't know if there is a compatibility prblem. Des somebdy else know?

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Format & Reinstall, Or Reinstall Over Existing

Apr 5, 2005

I've been having some internet connectivity problems lately, and I believe it's due to some nasty spyware. I've already gone through all the steps to correct this (checking my DSL speed, anti-spyware scans, anti-virus scans, doing it all in safe mode, even reset my winsock.dll, etc.) but I'm still having problems with slow browsers. So now I think I'm faced with reinstalling Windows XP. My question is, should I do a format & reinstall, or is it better to reinstall Windows over my existing version? I have a Compaq Presario, and it comes with a Recovery CD.

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Start Programs Dont Open - Freezes Up - Programs Unstable

Jun 5, 2005

I was checking my daughters pc for some usual maintenance. The start programs on list suddenly dont open, computer freezes up, did the error-checking but I cannot seem to get some vital prgrams to open up. I am running a couple of recent worm tools from Symantec and so far, nothing. Could this be a hardware problem or can someone tell me something I am missing?

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Programs Not Listed In Start Menu Or Add/Remove Programs

Oct 6, 2008

I reinstalled Windows XP. For some reason, all of my old programs show up in Windows Explorer, but not in the Start Menu or in Control Panel/Add Remove Programs. Is there a way to fix this?

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Get Rid Of The Orange In Start-all Programs- When You Installed New Programs

Feb 5, 2005

I have Xp and i just installed a bunch of new programs and when i go into the start all programs menu there all highlighted in that orange tint and even after clicking the shortcuts they still stay like that is there a way how to get rid of it

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Can't Open Add Or Remove Programs - Get Rid Of Unwanted Programs

Sep 19, 2005

i need help to open it and get rid of an unwanted program

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Installed Programs Are Missing In Add Remove Programs

Sep 8, 2006

Just did an upgrade install of Win2k on a Win98SE system. I've had this computer for ages and did not want to do a clean install.The upgrade went fine except for one problem.In my add/remove program section all of my previously installed programs are missing.They were not deleted, just missing from add/remove.How do I restore these programs back into the add/remove program section?

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Uninstall Programs Not In Add/remove Programs

Feb 18, 2007

we had to remove Visual Studio 2005...when uninstalling VS it tells you to unistall portions in order...we did that and now nothing is listed in Add/Remove Programs relating to VS at all...however, in the start menu there is MS SQL Server 2005 configuration tools...when you reboot windows xp you get an error saying SQL Server could not start...well, we don't want SQL Server 2005 on there and are trying to remove it but it is not listed in Add/Remove at all...can't find anything relating to this at do we remove SQL Server 2005 configuration tools?

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Programs In Add/remove Programs Won't Appear / Just A Blank Box

May 17, 2008

It just a blank box.. I recently got the xp sp2, and avast anti-virus. I want to get avast off..

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Can't Uninstall Programs Through Add / Remove Programs

May 23, 2010

I am experiencing a strange problem when attempting to uninstall programs from Control Panel --> Add / Remove programs. When I attempt to uninstall a program, the corresponding programs "uninstaller", asks for a network resource. Here is an example screen shot of what I am seeing when I attempt to uninstall Ad Aware: It doesn't seem to matter what I am attempting to uninstall. In all of the uninstall scenarios that I have seen Add / Remove programs asks for an MSI file with a similar name to the program that I am attempting to uninstall.

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Programs Disappear In Add/remove Programs

Jan 13, 2008

Programs on my work computer are not listed in the add or remove programs in control panel. This has caused me a few problems in the pasts when I need to delete programs and had to find the software supplier on a website to give me an uninstall program. There are many programs not listed.

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Uninstalling "Ghost Programs" Or Programs That Do Not Really Exist.

Sep 27, 2007

How can a program that is not even present on my C-drive (but once was) appear in the control panel when I open "Add or Remove Programs"? My registry is somehow holding onto this old program even though it does not really exist on my C-drive. I am trying to reinstall the program properly but when I finish the installation, Windows XP will not let me open it! It says my file path is invalid, apparently a reference to the "ghost version" of the program that I cannot get rid of! So my question is: how can I get my registry to realize that the program is GONE so that I can reinstall it successfully

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No Programs In Add/remove Programs

Feb 18, 2010

I just stumbled on this website while looking for a solution to my problem with Norton Ghost. Another problem that I am having is: When I go to add/remove programs, there are NO programs. The message says to wait while the list is being populated but nothing ever shows up. From what I have read, it sounds like a registry problem but I don't have a clue how to fix it. Microsoft's answer is way over my head. I tried registry mechanic but that didn't help.

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All Programs Not Appearing In "Add/Remove Programs"

Feb 24, 2005

I'm trying to remove a couple of old programs, and only about the first 4 or 5 programs that start with "A" are appearing on the list. Any idea how to get them all to show up? I'm running Windows XP.

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Need To Reinstall OS

Aug 20, 2007

A possible client of mine has a system with three hard drives. He was not able to install the updates from Windows Update, so somehow, he installed the OS again on another hard drive and booted up with it (not sure how he did that), and it asked him to authenticate the software by buying a new key (the OS was already installed with the same disk and key on the C drive). When he rebooted, it booted from the orginal hard drive (drive C) and original installation of the OS, which was unable to install the Windows Updates. Basically, the OS on the C drive either needs to be repaired, or it needs to be reinstalled. And the drive that has the second instance of the OS needs to be wiped out and formatted.

The question is, if the repair does not fix it and the OS needs to be reinstalled, if the second instance of the OS is wiped out, will it still ask him to buy another key? My guess is no, since he will be reinstalling it, but I'm not sure if the second install triggered it so that any future installs, whether they are on the original system or not, will be asked to be authenticated.

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How To Reinstall IE 6 In XP?

Sep 5, 2004

I have a friend with an IE problem which I think may be corrected by reinstalling IE 6 but if she deinstalls it and has no browser how would she go about reinstalling it ? Can she still use her windows updates without a browser ? or will she have to do it from her XP cd? I do believe they will probably have a recovery cd because I think they bought a branded ( yuck) computer.

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HP OEM Help With Reinstall

Jan 17, 2010

Alright, so I acquired a computer to use as my HTPC; the only issue is that it is an HP computer that has an OEM copy of XP Home installed, and it is full of crap and has so many corrupt files it makes my head hurt to simply think about. A fresh install is necessary, but I can't do it because I don't have the recovery cd. It has the product key plain as day on the side, so I only need the software to run it. I can get this via torrents, I'm sure, but the only one I've found so far is an OEM copy with SP3. I think the computer is about 5 years old, and I'm pretty sure only SP 1 was around at that time. Did Windows use the same algorithm for SP1-SP3? I.E. will my cd key work with this OEM SP3 cd? I don't want to uninstall everything and then be left with absolutely no OS.

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Reinstall IE6

Oct 18, 2004

If you find you need to reinstall Internet Explorer from the XP CD or if you want to do it for troubleshooting purposes.Insert the Win XP CD2) Open Start / Run and type:rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 c:windowsinfie.inf Press ENTER

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Can't Reinstall From CD

Sep 12, 2007

To make a really long story short, about a month ago I got infected with malware and it totally screwed up my computer. Of the many problems I have, whenever I try to open an application I get a prompt to choose what application I want to use to open it. For example, if I try to open Word, it will paradoxically ask me what I want to use to open it. Sometimes choosing the same application from the list works, sometimes it doesn't. Of the numerous other problems I have, I can't open many critical files such as Control Panel. I've tried fixes such as System Restore but nothing works. I want to do a clean install of XP, but when I put the CD in my drive, the prompt screen loads but when I click on "install XP" simply nothing happens.

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SP2 Will Not Reinstall

Jan 22, 2007

Long story short my comp got junked up with crap and spyware, and I decided that since i didn't have much important data on it that I would just do a completely fresh install of XP. I can't get my comp to get past the initial setup for XP (i created a streamlined verison with SP2, since,my XP pro version was very old). It will format my drive, and copy the initial setup files, but when it restarts it just reboots the cd and asks me if I want to install windows XP, and proceeds to format and setup files again. After about 6 tries im getting desperate and any help would be useful. I have read a number of XP reinstall guides, but i can't find any info pertaining to my specific problem.

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Reinstall After Uninstalling

Apr 4, 2006

had to uninstall then reinstall xp home
had a canon n1240u scanner
worked fine untill reinstall of xp
now will not work at all

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Reinstall Gets Stuck Up

Jul 9, 2008

reinstall gets stuck even after bios is set for cd rom

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Reinstall USB Driver?

Aug 3, 2005

I got the following error:Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19)Click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter for this device.What I did was I just deleted some part of the registry related to the USB (HKLM Enum and Services parts) and didn't do some backup (Yeah I know.)thinking that maybe the controller will be installed automatically upon hardware change scan. Anybody can tell me how to fix this without reinstalling WinXP? Right-clicking to update driver in Device Manager doesn't work.

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Tried To Reinstall Vista

Dec 27, 2008

last night i decided to format my pc, so i formated it and tried to reinstall vista, the reinstallation worked fine but then it said i had to have a old version of windows for me to activate, because its an upgrade version.i then formated AGAIN and tried to clean-install XP so i could then upgrade to my vista but during my reinstallation of xp it stopped working. this is where it may get confusing haha, after the first part of the xp install it restarts (the first part meaning where it formats and copys all the files to memory) but just after it restarts it comes up with the screen "press any key to boot to CD." i let it go because ur not ment to boot to cd after that, but on that same screen it comes up with a few different coloured boxes on the screen and it just hangs.

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