RDP Denial Of Service In Pro

Jul 1, 2005

My XP Pro (and firewall) at home is configured to allow Remote Desktops and my wife and I alternate connecting to it over the internet. Since recently I've started experiencing denial of service that manifests by a black creen when the RDP client connects. Logging on on the console usually resets the issue. The eventviewer has error messages from TERMDD and termserv that invalid packet was received and the client was disconnected.

Note that the client is not disconnected: it just shows a black screen for ever and never disconnects until I disconnect it. I searched msft for black screen and RDP and saw that this symptom could happen if an intermediate router drops large packets and the suggestion was to reduce the MTU size. Now I've noticed that I usually experience the denial of service after my wife tries to connect. It appears at her work they've done something to disable or rather screw up the outbound RDP connections. Now, she's no longer trying to connect, but I thought that this might be a vulnerabilty and a malicious user could lock me out of my computer until I get home to reset it. Note that I have Windows Auto Update ON and therefore have all public hotfixes continuously installed. Is there a known denial of service issue like that and is there anything I could do to protect my computer (short of disabling RDP access)?

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Microsoft Denial Of Service - Service Pack 3 Setup Access Denied

Nov 7, 2008

I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......

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Install Service Pack 3 Denial Of Access

Oct 31, 2009

I have tried several times to install XP SP3 on my DELL Inspiron 6000, XP SP2 and get and ?Access Denied? error. I understand that this occurs if one or more registry keys are restricted so that the software cannot alter them. I have retired installing SP3 after disabling both Zone Alarm and AVG antivirus programs w/o success. (do they need to be uninstalled?) I also understand that there is a way to reset registry and file permissions, but I am afraid that this would be beyond my comfort level. From the installation log, the first major logged failure is: 846.266: PruneCatalogsFromHotfixes:RegQueryValueEx Failed: 0x2 --- does this have any meaning. So far, these attempts have not changed the computers functionality, however, I am not able to make the restore function work.

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Update - Denial Of Service Attack - Can't Access The Msn Web Site?

Mar 4, 2006

I seem to be having trouble with both of my PC's (dell dim 2400's with XP home) accessing the Windows Update site. I can never get on and get the usual page suggesting to try later or try downloading manually, which I can't do either. None of my System Restore points work (on either one)! Also, our DSL connection is working fine, as for as IE6 goes. (I can get Google, Yahoo, Bestbuy.com, ect.) I can't access the msn web-site either and Outlook Express 2003 hangs during the receiving part. I've tried Trend-Micro's Housecall and it cleaned several trojans, but I still have the same problems. I've never experienced this "Denial of Service" attacks.

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File Sharing Write Access Denial

May 15, 2007

I have several Administrator users. For each one I have set the username folder in Documents and Settings to allow network sharing including 'allow network users to change my files'. For all but one of the users this works fine and I can access and write files from another PC on the network. However in one case I can only read files and get the following message if I try to write: 'Cannot copy [filename]: Access is denied. Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.' The settings appear to be the same for all users so I do not understand why I cannot write in this case. I've tried removing sharing then reapplying it, restarting PC, etc.

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Denial Of Access To Aspnet.net For Deletion After Update

Oct 25, 2009

A thread that may have addressed this problem with an update to XP professional has unfortunately closed so I have to ask it about it again. I have automatic update selected and on one occasion when shutting down, the system went into update mode. After two hours it was still chuntering away so I rebooted. Next I find 80 folders on my C-drive with long alpha-numeric names containg a mixture of Word and other files. They seem to have something to do with the Microsoft update. When I try to delete them I get a message denying me access to aspnet.msp and saying this file, and consequently none of the other newly-arrived folders, can be deleted. I tried a systm restore by that failed. I tried a restart in safe mode but access to deletion was still denied. I eventually installed the latest .Net Frame 3.5(?) but these files are still there. I would be grateful for advice or how to remove these folders and files.

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Recent Program Access Denial - JavaScript Currently Forbidden

Dec 29, 2005

Recently I've been denied access to some programs on this computer (Win XP Pro) which are readily accessible on my 2nd computer (Win. 98 SE). The only clue I have is a statement at the bottom of the screen (preceded by an S encapsulated in a red ring) which reads: JavaScript Currently Forbidden [<script>] [J+F+P:O]. However, in going to Tools, Options, Content, I find checks in front of both "Enable Java" and Enable JavaScript".

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The Specified Service Don't Exist As Installed Service

Jan 29, 2004

1) I have seen this problem posted on another forum in the past, but the thread never led to a solution.2) This problem has occurred with both a EIDE hard drive and a USB camera. I have also seen reports of it happening with other drives.
(NOTE: the items I am referring to use native WIN XP drivers; I have posted this problem on other forums and the first responder always tells me to go to the manufactrer's site to download the latest drivers.)3) The problem: every time I reboot, the Hardware installation wizard reports the following: "The specified service does not exist as an installed service."4) Once this dialog box is closed, the yellow warning diamond appears nect to the device in hardware manager, and the driver "disk.sys" is NOT installed, although "partmgr.sys" is.

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Control Service / Requested Control Is Not Valid For Service

May 22, 2005

I have started to get the following message coming up when my machine is booting up: Control Service. The requested control is not valid for this service.Has anybody else experienced this? I am using a Notepad with WXP Pro SP2.

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Does Uninstalling Service Pack 3 Remove Service Pack 2

Aug 8, 2008

Once I installed sp3, I could not get past the windows loading screen, so I started in safemode and uninstalled sp3 that way. My question is, does uninstalling sp3 remove sp2 as well. I can not see sp2 under add/remove programs, but my windows update history says I downloaded sp2 last May.

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Upgrading To Service Pack 2 From Service Pack 1

May 2, 2007

Every time I try to download SP2 computer restarts during the installation, specifically when its making backup files. I got this error signature after the computer rebooted I have a Widows XP Home edition.

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Service Pack 1 To Service Pack 2 / Cant Connect To The Net

Feb 16, 2009

My friend just got the net however she cant use it because she needs SP2. shes on SP1 Shes using a wireless connection. she cant connect to the net to download SP2 then to SP3. so is there a way I can download it? then pass it to her via USB? Link to download?

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Upgrading Service Pack 1 To Service Pack 2?

Apr 16, 2010


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Messenger Service Pop Up

Jul 4, 2003

I did! they are annoying and pop up all the time! The title bar calls them "Messenger Service" and their ads, usually for getting pop up stopper softwares's, and some other crap. FirstlyStart > Run> Type: services.mscwhen the Services window pops up scroll down to "Messenger" the description is "Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers. This service is not related to Windows Messenger. If this service is stopped, Alerter messages will not be transmitted."Righ click go to Properties and in startup type select "DISABLE"DON'T worry this has nothing to do with Windows/MSN Messenger instant messenging programs

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Pro HJT Service Pack 1

May 7, 2005

XP pro service pack 1 and I have already started in safe mode and ran Ad-aware and spybot.

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RPC Service Not Starting

Dec 7, 2005

Have a XP Home PC here, and a number of services are not starting including the RPC service. Saw on an earlier thread this may be related to the DCOM service, but this won't start either.Have run a Hijack this log and there's nothing to report there, system restore doen't work because it's one of the many auto start services that don't start along with windows installer. The link below shows a conversation with a guy who has the same problem as me only he had to rsolve his via a re-install. Don't mind doing this if that's what's needed, just would love to be able to fix it!

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Getting Messenger Service Pop Ups

Jun 22, 2005

Just installed 2000 Pro Getting annoying <messenger service> pop ups

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Have MS Server Service

Oct 27, 2008

running (in system services tab of msconfig) when machine is set to be Home/Home Office desktop (NOT set as server)? The machine is for personal use and does not support a site nor other constant 2 way use to web. It does occasionally share it's cable router with a laptop (mostly just to update protectors on laptop).Would stopping this service help speed up machine? Would it cause any harm or malfunction (are there other items this non-server usage needs that are dependent)?

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Rpc Service Unavailable

Oct 9, 2007

Rpc Service is UnavailableI Dont know what to do!

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Service Packs Necessary?

Sep 14, 2008

I'm running win xp and the little shield tells me that sp3 is available for download. Is it necessary? I've been reading this forum and some people have had issues with it. Also, it appears that sp3 will be the last for win xp.

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Service Not Started

Mar 7, 2010

I had to format a Dell C600 Laptop drive and used the a XP Pro SP2 Reinstalation CD The install went fine but a couple of odd things;A user was not created even though I had entered the information during the install, after install, I am logged in as an Admin inistratorNow when I am in, all automatic services are not running and stopped. When I try to manuall start and get different errors for every service.I cannot get to MSConfig, I get an error that it does not exist.I cannot install drivers because I get a RSC message
just reformatted another Dell with success I cannot find a solution anywhere, can someone please assist?

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Old Service Pack SP2

May 22, 2006

If you go to Microsoft to download it it is old and it do't have all the updates. The Date Published is 08/10/2004.Is there any place to get the most updated version?

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I Download Teh New Service Pack For Xp?

Dec 2, 2004

i have heard many good and bad things about teh new service pack and being a novice i am having a hard time trying to find a straight yes or no answer anywhere all im finding is very technical answers that i do not understand half of what people are saying

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Download Service Pack 3 - Currently Sp2

Jul 2, 2010

I have 32 bit edition and therefore need to download Service Pack as I understand Microsoft will no longer support Service Pack 2 after JULY 13.

I have tried to do it from Microsoft site but without success.Tried doing it from Service Pack center without success

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Where I Download Service Pack 3?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a retail version of Windows XP Pro without any service packs. Where can I download SP3? I looked at Microsoft's website but it is way to confusing. I think I downloaded SP3 but it said it was meant for IT professionals to be used on a network.

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Downgrade - Having Service Pack 3

Feb 13, 2009

I have service pack 3 on my desktop pc with windows xp. is it possible to downgrade to service pack, my wireless usb adapter will work on it properly, This is what I was told to do by a tech at Linksys just now, although it worked fine last night, they know they have issues with service pack 3 on xp, and have not got a driver working yet for service pack So they told me to downgrade my pc to service pack 2 until they do have a good driver

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How To Downgrade My Service Pack 3 Into 2

Nov 16, 2009

good day to everyone, is there anybody can teach how to downgrade SP3 to SP2

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Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed

Aug 10, 2007

Im not willing to lose this information again. Ive been working for a company called Eidos, for about 2 weeks now, and well, im a modeller ( 3d Studio Max, for those who dont know, look it up ) And well, I've got about 20,000+ If not, a lot more value is held of information stored on this PC. And I am a key point to some of the upcoming titles they may be bringing out, DONT ask me for what games will be released AS I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TELL YOU for lawful reasons

Moving on to the problem side of things, a friend of mine, suggested a program to me, to clean up my computer a little bit as, well.. it started to slow up on me this morning, and so, i did, i cleaned it up with this software, and great, the PC was running a hell of a lot faster, mind my language, i know. But yes, i started to use this software and thought it was great ( RegSeeker ) But now, since ive used it, my Windows Installer has... well, i wouldnt say died, but just stopped working Uninstalling / Installing I get this error message

The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assistance.

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Installer Service Could Not Be Accessed

Aug 13, 2005

I try to install Word 2000 on my new Dell with Windows Home XP, I get a message that "Windows Installer service could not be accessed. You may be running in safe mode or Windows Installer may not be correctly installed. Contact your support personnel for assitance." I know I'm not running in safe mode, and microsoft responded with an email telling me to re-register the windows installer "at my own risk"

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Service Control Manager?

Aug 12, 2007

i have windows xp pro now and i was setting up another user account but when i get on the user account it has a continuous popup saying "failed to get service control manager".

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Isa Server Control Service

Dec 21, 2004

when i try to start the isa server i get his message "could not start hte microsoft isa server control service on local computer.error 1053: the service did not respond to the start request" any ideas what the hell this means? i have checked that dependencies are all running and they all do seem to be.

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