Prompt For Admin Login When Installing Software

Feb 17, 2006

So I'm at work right trying to install adobe reader on my computer and it prompts me when I install for which user to install on. Basically it let me login as admin while logged in as a non admin user. Well me being a moron clicked the wrong thing I checked "Always login as this user when installing" and it was selected as the nonadmin user. Well now when I try to install I get an insufficent priveladges error. So it no longer prompts me to login as admin. How can I reset this or where in the registery is the key that saves it?

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Administrator Login / Directly Login Into Admin Account

Sep 30, 2009

I bought a new system with XP OS. First time it is directly login into admin account.I created 2 more users on this system and created password for admin user.But when I switch on computer, It directly login into Admin user.Once I log off it is coming welcome screen and asking selecting user and Password.

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Win Xp After Login Jumps Back To Login Prompt

Oct 15, 2010

Please help urgently as I am not able to login. After inputting my password it says loading user configuration and after that it again jumps back to login screen.

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Admin Login Versus Profile Login

Nov 29, 2008

What happened is I just installed a new Hard Drive and a fresh windows install (XP Pro with Service pack 3). After all was installed it logged into my account (Me) which was my account with Administrator privileges. I did a series of windows updates now when I turn my computer on it goes straight to the Administrator account and not my account (me). So I have to log off or switch accounts from Admin to Me. I just want it to login to Me all the time. So I am not smart enough to figure it out.

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Not Able To Access Cmd Prompt Admin Restrict

Feb 24, 2007

When i try to launch some applications and aloso the command prompt, im being denied access. Noone could have changed anything im positive and im the only one who uses this computer ever. Would a reinstall fix the problem? and also as a side question can i reinstall windows and save all the data that on the computer does a reinstall of windows without formatting just overwrite the system or if i reinstall will i have to reinstall everything because ive been having other misc problems and id like the reinstall if i dont have to backup or copy all my info

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Login Screen Prompt

May 4, 2005

For some reason, I can only get the old Windows 2000 logon prompt, even though I have "Use The Welcome Screen" and "Use Fast User Switching" enabled in my User Account settings. I want to use the Windows XP style logon. Unfortunately, with the classic logon prompt, I am unable to switch users without logging out of my current account.

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Auto Login For Admin

Aug 2, 2005

How can I make XP automatically login in the Admin when the computer starts?

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Admin Accounts Won't Login

Aug 25, 2008

One of the office computers never had a password for the administrator account, and it was the only account ever used by everyone. We set a password and created a limited user account. Now when the admin account is attempted to be logged into the message: " incorrect parameters" appears. However the limited account will log in fine. When the system is started in safe mode, the admin account can be logged into.I expect that a malware/trojen/whatever may be the culprit. Prior to the issue, Spybot removed 526 problems, but 25 needed a reboot before Spybot could remove them. I ran hijack this and saved the log before any "cleaning" of the system began.

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Missing Admin Account For Login

Aug 14, 2005

After I last booted there is no longer an "Administrator" login choice. The Administrator account also does not show on the "User Accounts" screen accessed from control panel. It does show under Administrative Tools. I am now logged in as another user with administrative rights, but need to log back in as Administrator since I do most of my work under the Administrator account. How do I get the Admin login back?

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Login With Network Admin Password?

Jun 22, 2005

is it possible to log into an XP machine connected to my network, using my network admin password?My XP machine is configured to show the list of users at login, but is there a way to login a different way, a shortcut key perhaps?

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Login Passwords - Admin Account

Apr 15, 2008

I have a password set up on my admin account and now for some reason, when the computer comes out of sleep, it does not ask for the password. How can I get it ask for password?

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Using Knoppix To Repair Admin Login

Jul 12, 2005

I am trying to use knoppix to logon to my windows box locally. When I find the SAM file in the repair folder in the windows folder the file is write only and is in binary. How do I use the knoppix to fix this problem ?

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Removing Programs Asking To Be Login By Admin Account?

Feb 8, 2008

Windows XP Home edition.Recently had to reinstall in case that might be relevant.I was trying to tidy up a bit by removing some programs from start up using msconfig. Will not allow me to do so and indicatess I may have to log in with an account with admin rights. I am using an acount set up as computer admin. Do I need to boot up in safe mode to do these maintenance things?

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How To Boot Up In Safe Mode To Login On Admin Account

Nov 16, 2007

how to boot up in safe mode to login on the admin account.

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Login Error Admin Account Restriction - Tough One This

Jan 1, 2005

its my friends pc and spec is athlon xp2200,80gig hd, 512mb ram, xp home,4 login accounts,3 set as admin level. i'll be as through as i can with what has gone wrong and what i have done at each stage to correct it. i dont want to reinstall cos its my friends business pc with loads of data on, and yes he does not have a backup cos he dont do them.(he will know though) he installed corel draw 4 (bad news i know - old 16 bit app for win95) and then rebooted. he couldnt log in on his user as he got an error about "INVALID ACCESS TO MEMORY LOCATION". none of the other logins worked as they suddenuyl had passwords on them.

ok i took it off him and tried the login. safe mode admin didnt work as it had suddenly got a password on it. i also got some memory ref 0xc00000bb and same error message. obtained the password crack cd boot image from (website not allowed- boot disk site suggested by a mod on another forum post) and did a reboot. lots of the accounts where locked so i sorted that and reset all the passwords to blank.............

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Having Installing Memory - Command Prompt

Jun 20, 2006

I have Windows XP Pro. I have 2 PCI slots, one containing 120 mb and the other containing 256 mb giving me a total of 394 mb of memory. I bought 3 different sticks of 256 mb (due to I thought ram was bad, but its not.). I looked in Bios and it shows 2 sticks of 256 ram giving a total of 512 mb, BUT I had to take the new ram out due to when I would turn pc on a black screen would come up and I would select "start windows normally" and all that did was just keep rebooting. I have tried doing a bios update but unable due to when I put in the command on the command prompt it came back saying bad command.

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Installing Router And Setting Up Array Of User/admin Accounts?

Sep 15, 2008

In attempting to install a router I inadvertently setup a confusing array of user/administrator accounts which leaves me unable to log in as administrator. Two things 1) My description of the problem leaves people confused and unable to help. 2) Given that people can't really know what my intent is in trying to log in as admin. there are obvious ethical issues involved. It's understandable. I want all those user accounts wiped out so I can just start up without logging in as I did before. Will re-installing Windows do that?

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Admin Account Lost Admin Privileges

Aug 3, 2007

I installed a few programs last night and I lost all my admin privileges. I'm using an account that has admin rights, and yet these happened:

- run button in the start menu has disappeared.
- turn off button has also disappeared; I can only log off
- I cannot run the task manager when I press ctrl-alt-del
- some sys tray applications stopped being started up with the windows (skype, msn messenger, icq, adobe lightroom, daemontools)
- when I load Adobe Photoshop CS2, I get this message that says "You are not allowed to continue because your account does not have administrator privileges".
- I'm sure there're more things waiting to be discovered................

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Getting Login Option At Startup: Unable To Get Auto Login?

Aug 25, 2007

i've installed my Win Xp Home using an nLite mastered image on which I selected my user to autologin on boot. Now I want to turn that off, and have the login screen at boot instead. Any hints on how I shall do it?

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Ctrl+Alt+Del - Login Banner Instead Of The Fast Switching Login

Jul 7, 2005

How do I change newly installed XP SP2 to give me the Ctrl-Alt-Del login banner instead of the Fast Switching login?

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Gets To Login Screen But After Login It Slows Down

Nov 21, 2006

I'm using Win XP sp2 and I usually leave my computer on 24/7. This morning I tried to open a file but it never opened. I went into the task manager to see if its even processing and it was there but the ccapp was taking all the cpu. So i tried to shutdown and restart. After that windows boots up to the login screen just fine but when i click on my account it take a long time to show my wallpaper. I can pull up task manager and the cpu isnt being used. the hdd is only accessed in little bursts. After a while the start menu pops up. any keyboard commands like to bring up win explorer takes a long time and all the commands pop up in a big burp of of command executions. I'm trying to reach system restore but cant. I'm not sure how to get into safemode with this system because just after post when f8 is usually used to bring up the menu the system opens a boot drive selection screen. During the RAM tests during post theres text stating press del to enter bios and f8 to enter boot drive selection so im not sure how to get to safemode now.

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No Admin Privilages On Any Account Even Admin Account

Aug 30, 2008

OK here I go with the problem- to start, there are no admin privilages on any account even the admin account. The guest account has been blocked and when you get to the welcome page bit there are no user names, so currently we are having to press alt, ctrl, del twice to get a weird boxy thing up to sign in. Now I have a problem because I have been given a new version of XP to install on my PC but I can't do it.I have no idea if that makes any sense to any one out there, but I would really apreciate any help or even suggestions, I am a desperate woman lol.To top things off I think I may have just downloaded a virus that isn't being picked up by my virus scanner

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Unable To Login Login?

Feb 13, 2007

for some reason i am the only user on this computer but it just recently started not having it highlighted when booted... the first pic is what i am getting when booting now... and the 2nd one is what i used to get (which is what i want back) anybody know what the deal is?

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Installing Acting Weird - Installing Windows Server 2003

Dec 20, 2006

I install Server 2003 Standard SP1 downloaded and installed on a PII 400, 256Mb RAM with IIS, ASP.Net 2.0, SQL server 2000 SP4, Mysql 5, and PHP5, and all without a single hitch...too good to be true. I went ahead and tried on what will be my server PIII600, 512 MB RAM, First try, Server 2003 couldn't find a file when installing, retried and it worked. Downloaded SP1 and when I was extracting it said "file is corrupt", downloaded 4 more times with same result. reformatted and reinstalled 5 more times and cannot get past "file is corrupt" on SP1 and sometimes extracting the .Net 2.0 installer got the same error. I swap all hardware with PC from first try (except RAM, Mobo, CPU, CDROM) with no change. Win98 and XP installed fine on the second PC just can't get server 2003

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Installing XP: Go Into Setup And Change Boot Settings Without Re-installing?

Feb 19, 2005

I recently installed xp for the first time after replacing motherboard and CPU.I skipped setup because I didn't know what I was doing. Now I can't boot up (cold or warm) without using the original disk. Can I just go into setup and change boot settings without re-installing.Is there anything else I should know before I attempt to fix this problem? I am tired of using the disk every time I update something or install new program.

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Cmd Prompt

Jul 17, 2008

I'm trying to figure out how I can search for folders using command prompt. But it's a little more complicated then just that. I have a huge list of folders in excel and I need to search in just those folders to see if there are folders in them. is there a command I can use to search for folders in each location? I was thinking I could use excel, with the list of folders i want to search through, then write the command to each folder and paste everything into notepad and save as a bat file. Then have the results go into a text file. This sounds complicated, but any help would be much appriciated

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No Ip Address In Cmd Prompt

Nov 11, 2008

I think this happened when I ran AdAware. I cannot connect to my wireless internet had figured out that my IP ADDRESS is all zeros. I know my ip, I just don't know how to tell my computer what it is! If you cannot tell, I am barely literate in computers.

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I Can't Type In The CMD Prompt

Jun 4, 2006

For whatever reason, I cannot type when I ope the CMD prompt (Start/run/cmd) However, when I type in command it works. I believe this has something to do woth the fact that my itunes & quicktime have just stopped working

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Uninstall An App From A Cmd Prompt

Dec 15, 2006

I want to uninstall an application ActivCard from a command prompt with the same results that would be had using the "Add/Remove Programs" GUI in XP. How do I do that

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MS-DOS Command Prompt Cmd.exe

Jan 18, 2007

I have Windows XP on my computer, and when I try to ping something through the command prompt (, this shows up:Running tracert also has the same problem.If I try running ping or tracert through cmd.exe, it stalls and doesn't do anything. I have to close the program because it doesn't respond.I can use ipconfig in both cmd.exe and Do I have a virus on my computer, or is there a way to repair the command prompt?

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How To Get A C Prompt To Use Disk?

Jun 27, 2010

I have a Dell Dimension 3100 Dell systemDV051 BIOS versionA03(10/08/05)it will not let me get any further than the blue screen,I click on safe mode or any other and it just returns me to the blue screen at the bottom of the screen it has the codes 0x000000ED (0x8716C7B8,0xc0000006,0x00000000,0x00000000) I do have the original xp reinstallation CD but I don`t know how to get a C prompt to use the disk.I do hope you can help I have limited knowledge.

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