Pro - Wiped Registry - Various Articles Online

May 16, 2005

Recently I had switched hard drives between two computers. The one that gave me trouble was the one that had XP Pro on it. A repair install wasn't working, so I did a complete reinstall. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that the entire registry would be wiped.I've been reading around various articles online and I came across something that said "Reinstalling may cause a new registry to be created if more than one XP Installation exists on the same partition." or something of the sort. If this is in fact true, is there a way to get the old registry back so all the programs on the hard drive work again?

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Disc Wiped Out Dvd Players

Feb 5, 2009

I wanted to download additional content from the XP installation disc. I selected add digital media from choices and clicked the button. It started analyzing the system then suddenly started deleting a whole slug of files. It finished and rebooted, after which neither of my dvd drives would recognize discs. Windows media player was gone too. Both player models show up on the add hardware list in control panel. I wrote down the models and downloaded drivers for one of them and it wouldn't install them because it said the drive wasn't present. The "add new hardware" said the same thing, though it was on the list.

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User Info Wiped Clean

Jun 8, 2010

I turned on my computer to find it essentially wiped clean.

My desktop was just the basics, generic picture, no screen saver, 'My Documents' were all gone, my emails were all gone, bookmarks etc. When I opened up my Outlook I had to set it all up again, when I open any of the office suite of programs I need to reset them up.

Yet, Skype was still installed, Mozilla was there, my BlackBerry software was there just without any of the personal info? Basically like my user profile was cleaned out?

Folders I had set up directly on the C: were still there, yet all of 'My Documents' were gone...

I was able to retrieve everything from Carbonite (YIPPEE) and am in the process of getting it all put back where it belongs.. Spybot didn't find anything and the shortened version of Norton did not find anything, have not done a full system scan via Norton yet.

I brought the computer (Dell Latitude laptop) into a local computer tech and he didn't have a clue, basically did nothing except waste 4 days that I could have spent working on it...

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Attacked By Virus: Wiped Of All Jpg Files?

Aug 22, 2005

Appears that some sort of virus took me by surprise. It wiped out most of my .jpg files (from dig. camera) and my TB email account.The only thing I did prior was run AdAware in safe mode for XP.I use AVG, Zone alarm Panicware's popup stopper.Is there any hope of getting my pics back?

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Defender Wiped Out Operating System

Apr 1, 2006

I recently installed windows defender beta2 on my computer. When I ran it, it showed that I had a medium risk possible hijacker on my computer. I clicked to repair the issue and that's when all hell broke loose. I have lost everything on my computer. I restarted my computer and all I get is my desktop background minus the task bar, start menu and desktop icons. I also lost Internet Explorer. I can can bring up the task manager screen and use that to browse my folders. All of my folders are listed but most of them are empty. I am able to get online but since internet explorer folder is wiped out, I cannot surf the interent. I just get a screen showing that I need to install Internet explorer. I can receive my Juno e-mail account. When I go into DOS and type in tree, it does list all my folders and the items that these folders are suppose to include. This leads me to believe that my data is all in my computer smewhere but I cannot get access to it. I have tried to start the computer in safe mode but it won't allow me to do so. THe screen just flashes on and off.

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Sound Disable After Wiped System

Aug 9, 2010

Recently i had my computer wiped and now i have no sound i go to my drivers and i have ATI Function Driver for high definition Audio but it doesn't work at all because i have no sound i never had this until after the wipe i was using realtek AC'97. I have tried to get it back but when i downloaded it i got the error 10.I have a Windows XP Media Center Edition.Version 2002 Service pack 3.

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Wiped Off All Files With Recovery Disk?

Jun 27, 2005

My son was trying to get access to my computer & couldn't get past the
password so inserted the recovery disk & now ALL of my files are gone
(pictures, music, banking...etc). Is there any way to get this info back? I
tried to use a restore point, but there are none prior to the day he used the
recovery disk.

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System Crash Wiped All My Firefox Bookmarks

Aug 6, 2007

My computer crashed an hour or so ago and upon restarting I discovered that all my bookmarks in Firefox had been wiped out. I've tried a system restore but it has not restored the bookmarks.what I can do to get them back as it would be a real bummer to try and remember them all?

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Local Disk G - Wiped HD Clean With DBAN

Jan 19, 2006

I just completely wiped my HD clean with DBAN. Went to do a clean install, XP HOME, and everything went fine until I checked windows explorer and found out that I have 3 1/2 floppy, removable disk c:, removable disk D:,removable disk E:, DVD-R DRIVE F:, AND local disk G:. I should only have one local disk................... C: Why do I have all these removable disks C:,D:,E:???????And how can I fix this?

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Home SP3 - Admin User Account Profile Wiped Out

Dec 28, 2009

I logged into my admin user account today and suddenly the admin profile has been wiped out. I'm guessing that XP uses a similar method as is done on unix in terms of user profiles, ie a flat file to hold user preferences and what not.In any case I had all these settings for the admin account for things such as mouse, outlook express, startup programs etc. Now when I log into the account it's like I just created it for the first time. Outlook express is no longer set up which is really annoying because I'm worried now that I might lose all my emails and address book if I set it up again ( you know with the pop server settings and stuff)Any thoughts on this? How can I get my admin "profile" back. Where the hell did it go. I'm assuming it's a file somewhere and for some reason the user account program can no longer find it and assumes a new account has been created.

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Cant Get Online

Nov 28, 2005

I have recently just moved to another city. I had Comcast broadband service before which worked great and now Im hooking up with Comcast again on the same computer but in a different city. But somehow my computer (home pc) cant get back online anymore. Do I have to do some kind of reset on ip address? please advise. I'm using XP Pro service pack 2.

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Can't Get Online

Nov 28, 2006

after upgrade my OS to windows xp sp2. i did a clean installation my ip address has change for what reason i don't know? i can get online if is anybody who can help me to fix this problems

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Pop Up - Gets Trojans Not Online

Jan 23, 2006

I reformated a mans pc the other day here at home but i took it to his house to get port #'s to get online for updates.We got 3 updates restarted and went back to updates and got pop ups galore.reformatted again OFF-LINE and still got pop ups. I have the pc at home again. What am i dealing with here?I am now in the process of installing ONLY the XP CD and not the other 3.

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Freezing While Online

Jan 27, 2005

It has been 5 days since this problem started. The computer freezes, sort of lags for about 2-3 seconds only while I'm online. It happens about every 15 seconds, but sometimes gets random. Offline there is no problem. I'm on a wireless network (Netgear), none of the other computers have this problem. While it freezes I can still move the mouse and click things but nothing loads for the 2-3 seconds. I'm getting normal temperatures on the PC so I don't believe it's overheating.I did a system restore and it didn't fix the problem. I have also ran several antivirus scans with AVG Pro 7 and PC-Cillin 2005. I've also done scans for worms such as bagle. I've ran Spybot/AdAware/MS Antispyware several times, no pick ups.

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Freezing Only When Online

May 17, 2005

My computer has been freezing randomly for the past couple of days. I have run spybot, microsoft anti-spyware, ad-aware, and norton. Found a bunch of spyware that was successfully removed. No viruses detected at all. Had a friend who does tech support remove a bunch of startup items on my computer too. I usually have my computer connected to the Internet (cable modem), however, just to see what would happen i disconnected it during the day yesterday and it hadn't frozen by the time i got home. It appears that if i'm disconnected from the Internet my computer has no problems, however when connected sometimes it'll freeze after 5 min, sometimes after a few hours. When it freezes i loose control of everything: no mouse movement, caps lock key light won't turn on etc. have to press the reset button each time. Then it starts up and works fine. The computer i'm using is a Toshiba Satellite A-70 notebook. OS is Windows XP. Up until a couple days ago i had no problems with it at all.

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Online For Dummies?

Apr 1, 2007

Apologies for not scrolling through reams of searches but I'm struggling to get to grips with my 'new' XP computer. Sadly, my much loved '98 computer bit the dust on 14th March (as the result of something I allowed a security program to do), and I was unable to revive it.Now I am back online and having to d/l and reinstall all the programs I had on the old computer I find I have things spread over three User Accounts!! I have been looking through the Help files but I thought someone might know of a useful online 'idiots guide' which could get me off to a less confusing start?

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Online Help Not Working

May 21, 2007

I run XP with a broadband connection that works perfectly for browsing etc. However, when I click the "help" button in any program that uses a web based help system I get an error screen saying that my PC cannot connect to the internet.

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Computer Can't Get Online

Dec 14, 2006

I recently tried to use my webshots program to install their calendar to my desktop, and it wound up sending my computer into 'safe mode'. So a friend installed Windows XP Pro for me, and it worked beautifully, got the computer up and running again just fine....but now I can't get online. No internet what-so-ever. I called my internet service Tech guys, they sent me a new modem, and everything there works fine this friend also lent me her old computer, which is what I am using right now, which is how I know the stuff works.

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Online But Won't Browse

Jul 26, 2009

my computer is definitely connected to the internet, but I can't browse.

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Unable To Get Online

Mar 20, 2006

I hope this is the correct forum for my problem. I'm unable to get online on my notebook computer although I can log on using my desktop computer! This is driving me crazy, I've tried everything I know, rebooting, system restore, virus check, ran spysweeper, checked the settings in internet options/connections, did renewal of ipconfig/all, etc, but all to no avail. I have a pentium M with Windows XP Home Edition SP2 and have a dlink router connecting both computers via ethernet cables. The internet connection icon in the taskbar area shows that I'm connected, But when I try to open a web browser (IE) I'm getting a "Cannot find cannot be displayed".

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Computer Reboot It Self When Online

Jun 28, 2005

Why and how to stop it.

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System Needs Online Scanner?

Dec 5, 2004

I was wondering if i really needed these online scanners i have did

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Firewall Program Gone / Cannot Get Online

Aug 20, 2009

Renewed my firewall(Zone alarm extreme) subscription. Downloaded an upgrade and thought(first mistake) it was done. I stepped away from my computer for awhile and my wife sits down to get online. IE8 doesnt pull up so she restarts the computer. NOW...the firewall program is nowhere to be found. Actually when I do a file search, it is an incomplete file. The program isnt in add/remove programs either. Also, IE doesnt allow me access to the internet. I'm using a laptop now through a router which my desktop(the one with the problem) uses. When Windows does a diagnostic test, it suggest that there is a problem with the cables. Theres nothing wrong with the cables. My system restore doesnt work either. Is there a back door to getting online I'm sure that since the Zone alarm wasnt complete, it shut something down.

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Won't Boot Up Online Game

May 25, 2006

Look at this log and see if they can find any reason why i have one program Delta Force Blackhawk Down online game will not play any more worked fine till 2 days ago than just wont boot up every thing else on comp works well i have un installled it and reinstalled it and same thing.

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Staying Online With Out Having To Reboot

Feb 24, 2008

Here we go again! i recently signed up with cable internet. this computer worked great before i signed up and since then ive had nothing but problems. i think it has contracted a virus registry, i am sure everyone remembers that old thing! well i remembered how to shut down the pop ups. i think it has messed up the comp as it wont stay online. flrman1 helped me back in 2005 and im hoping he will help me again! i just need to fix it, i should be starting LPN online courses soon and i need the computer and i cant afford to just go buy another one PLEASE FLRMAN1 come rescue me.

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Backup Autocomplete Registry Entries/ Registry Addresses?

Mar 4, 2006

I want to backup my Autocomplete User Names and Passwords, Web Addresses, and Forms entries in the registry. What are the registry addresses for these items?

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New Dell Dimension - Cannot Work Online

Sep 25, 2005

I often but not always get an error message when working online. I am not sure whether it is a dell problem or my internet service provider. I have dial up. A small box pops up in my face and it says . . . windows must now shut down because the RPC service terminated. System shutdown initiated by NT/AUTHORITY then it counts down 60 sec and shuts off my computer. I have no control when it does this, i cannot X it out or make it stop. Very annoying. Sometimes it goes for hours and does not do anything, sometimes it will do it 3 times in 30 min. I have scanned for virus' and it comes up clear.

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Computer Restarts On Itself - Online And Offline

Mar 3, 2005

My computer suddendly restarted itself now this happens both online and offline. What do i do to resolve this problem

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Online Crash - Recover From A Serious Error

Jun 22, 2005

I get this message each time I log into Windows XP. Using the Online Crash Analysis I fixed the problem but I cannot get this message to stop coming up.

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Task Manager And Get Online And Stuff

Jul 12, 2010

My desktop icons and task bar disappeared , i cant right or left click but i can pull up the task manager and get online and stuff, ive pulled up a couple of different solutions that helped momentarily but after i shut down and started again i had the same problem.

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Won't Accept Online Dll - Ocget.dll - Can't Download

May 18, 2005

Have a subscription to Zinio digital magazines, and download PC Magazine once every few weeks, and read it on the computer. Awhile back, I started geting an error message: "Windows has blocked this software because it couldn't verify the publisher". And the software it won't download is ocget.dll. I tried to get into IE to turn this off, but was unsuccessful. Anyone know how I can turn this thing off. I feel that if I could downloda the dll, I could get my magazines.

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