Partition Drive Win XP

Feb 9, 2007

Hi All,

I'm running Win XP Home SP2 (all up-to-date) on a 6 month old HP laptop. I just bought a new 250GB external USB IDE drive which I formatted to NTFS and just 1 partition. Now I want to partition the disk to 3 different partitions. I went into the Win XP Disk Management utility and when I right click on the external disk one of the options is Delete Partition. Is that the correct first step I need to take before creating the 3 partitions? Or is there some other way to create the 3 partitions? I want each of the 3 partitions to have their own drive letter.



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Remove Partition & Add Space To System Drive & A Diff Partition

Apr 22, 2007

What are the steps needed to access one of my partitions, delete it, then use 1/2 the space and apply to system drive and the other 1/2 to another partition?

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How To Partition Drive Using Paragon Partition Manager 8 5?

Apr 9, 2010

what are the steps to create partition using Paragon Manager?

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Size Of C:drive Partition

Aug 31, 2004

My hard drive is divided in 2 partitions. I need to
increase the size of C: partition. Is this possible with
out reinstalling XP pro?

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How To Partition Hard Drive

Feb 20, 2008

I have Windows XP , total physical memory 2,058MB, available physical memory 1.26 gb. My hard drive is partitioned into Drive C, with 20GB capacity, 1.45 GB free space (7% ), and Drive D, with 213 GB capacity and 213 GB free space.

With only 7% free space in Drive C, I am restricted in doing some things such as defragmenting and using some programs. How do I take advantage of all this empty space on Drive D, which is just sitting there, to relieve the pressure on Drive C?

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Can Delete The C Drive Partition

Apr 20, 2007

I'm currently in the process of selling my laptop. I wanted to nuke the while disk to make sure all my confidential information had gone, using DBAN, but I couldn't get it to create a disk, so instead I'm deleting the partitions on my computer, formatting them, then erasing them using Heidi's Eraser (35 passes).

I had two partitions: a C and D drive. I installed two OS's on the C drive, and I deleted the D partition, and created a new one which became F. i then erased F, so that anything that was on the previous D had been completely cleaned. I then put on a copy of XP on F. So, when I start up my computer, I use the OS which is logged on F. Can i delete the C partition now, which has two OS's on it, whilst I'm using the OS on F? I want to do that, create a new partition, and then erase it 35 passes.

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Partition Of Hard Drive

Aug 23, 2006

My sony vaio computer ( C drive ) is getting slow and has only 3.67 GB free space left out of 13.76 GB. The D drive has 60.5 GB of unused space. Is there a way to transfer some of the data on the c drive to the d drive and still have it available?

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Partition Of Hard Drive

Sep 2, 2005

40GB HD installed recently. Unfortunately, the installer took the simplest option of making the whole new drive a single partition, instead of two of 8GB and 32GB, identical to the other drive. The organisation is therefore now as follows:That's obviously more secure than before, but I'd like to go further. I want to use DriveImage 2002 to copy the OS to F, so that in an emergency we could boot up to that instead of C. But DI won't allow that. Even though C contains only a TOTAL of about 7GB, and F is 8GB,it says there is insufficient space. It's been a long time since I last used DI, and I'm nervous about how best to proceed at minimum risk. Can I achieve my aim by using the facilities under Disk Operations to 'Redistribute free space among partitions'?

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How To Partition New Added Hard Drive

Aug 24, 2005

added new hard drive my computer sees it but need to know how to partition it
or add them together to use the memory using xp

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Boots In One Drive Still Wants To Boot Partition In C

Jun 1, 2005

When the system boots into the new drive R:, it still wants the boot partition c: for something. If I boot with the IDE disconnected, it'll boot to the login screen, and allow me to log in, but after a few minutes of a blank screen & cursor, it drops back to the login.

I have PartitionMagic 7.0, and used DriveMapper to change all references to C: to R:, but that didn't do it. How do I cut my system's dependence on the failing drive, before it fails altogether?

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Format And Partition Second Hard Drive

Jul 16, 2005

i have a primary hard drive working fine and added another hard drive 80gig maxtor as a slave and i'm using win xp pro.

i know there's computer management menu here in winxp, my question is:on how to format then partition my second hd,into 2(40 gig and 40 gig).basically i need the correct steps or commands.

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Can't Access Hard Drive Partition

Dec 29, 2005

When I completely re-did my hard drive, I split it into two partitions; a 50gb C: and a 30gb paritition. I don't know how to format or access my 30gb partition or turn it into an actual (letter):Do I need a special program?

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Deleting Hard Drive Partition: Asking For OS?

May 16, 2007

I have an old customized computer from my grandma and when it boots up it asks me to select a operation system, there are two. How do I delete the operating system I don't want?I don't care if I have to reformat the whole hard drive... I would actually prefer to. And I have tried to delete one, but I cant seem to get rid of one of them.

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Deleted A Partition - Logical Drive

Mar 25, 2010

Im not sure what i deleted but i deleted a partition or a logical drive while reinstalling windows XP now my second HDD or Partition or Logical Drive is not showing. & when i go to DIsk mangment it does not diplay an unallocated space, RAW drive or unformatted drive its just the C: drive laying there.Is there any chance of recovering the drive but not the files the D drive only.

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Partition NTFS Drive For Vista RC1?

Oct 8, 2006

I want to install Vista RC1 as a dual boot with my Windows XP.What is the best way to do this and what software do I need (free would be nice) to create a new partition on my drive? I have a 160GB drive with lots of free room was thinking about using 30GB for the new partition?

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Hard Drive Partition Size

Apr 8, 2007

I'm not sure this belongs in this section so if its out of place, plz move it.Ok, I just bought a HITACHI HDT725032VLA360 320GB HDD. My OS is currently installed on my 80GB WD800JB. I was thinking of reinstalling windows on the HITACHI but I'm unsure of how to partition it to ensure my performance is as good as possible. So what are your recommendations for the partition size for the OS on the HITACHI ?

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Partition Part Of Drive Not Accessible

Sep 2, 2005

I was hit by the hurricane when it was a category 1 hurricane and lost power for several days. During this time I had my computer off. When power finally came back on I turned on my computer, but even though I didn't lose power again the phase went up and down. When I tried to turn my computer on again I got a blue screen, and then I started getting an error message when it tried to load windows 2000.

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Hard Drive Partition Missing

Aug 25, 2004

I recently turned on my computer to find that one of my hard drives is not formated, but was full of data the day before.Is there a way to recover the partition and data without paying for data recovery services?

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Can't Find A Way For Computer To Allow Me To Partition Drive

Sep 16, 2005

When I go into Computer Management and click on Disk Management, all I have is my hard disk which is a primary partition. I can't find a way for my computer to allow me to partition the drive even PartitionMagic can't do it for me.

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18.6 GB Byte Hard Drive Partition

Dec 10, 2004

I am using xp home and have a 18.6 GB byte hard drive and will be reformatting soon and was wondering if I should partition it or not.What are the advantages?Is it ok to leave it as 1 as I have it now?

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Rest Of Hard Drive Partition

Jul 2, 2008

I have an xp partition that takes up about half of my hard drive.The rest of the hard drive is just un-partitioned space.What is the easiest and fastest way to resize the xp partition so that it takes up the entire hard drive?

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Renaming Extended Partition Drive Letter E To S

Apr 3, 2005

I want to rename drive E (10gigs) to lets say drive it as simple as right clicking and renaming the drive in most cases right?.

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Hard Drive Partitions - Programs Into The Second Partition

Sep 21, 2005

I have partitioned my hard drive and loaded Windows XP in one partition. How do I set the default to load any programs into the second partition. My intent is to only have the operating system in the first partition.

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Install Xp From Separate Partition Same Hard Drive?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a computer that Im trying to fix, the only way to input to the computer at this point and time is the hard drives. I have a working computer obviously. So could I take the hard drive out of the broken computer, give it two partitions, copy the windows install to one partition, start the the install in the broken computer from that partition and install that onto the second partition? Ive heard of this being down but I am no expert.

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Delete Partition On External Hard Drive

Jun 2, 2004

I copied my data files to my external Maxtor hard disk before I tried to reformat my internal hard drive and reload Win XP. However during my partition, I didn't realize I still had the external drive (160GB) plugged in and it showed up at the top of the list and the original internal (80GB) below it. So, I followed the instruction mistakenly and went through the process of deleting the partition(on the external hard drive) and tried to partition it into two drives. Then I got an error message as I continue to try to format the hard drive "Your computer's startup program cannot gain access to the disk containing the partition or free free space you choose . Set up cannot install Window XP on this hard disk." I stopped, reboot and tried to go through the delete partition several times with the same error message. After several attempts, I realized that the external hard drive was still plugged in.

So I unplugged the external hard drive and reboot to go through the process of reformatting and partition the internal hard drive into C drive and E drive and loaded Win XP. Now even though I plugged in the hard.After I installed the external hard drive's
software,driver and restarted the computer, I connected the external hard drive and don't see the drive in my computer. I could find it under Control Panel/System/Device Manager/Disk drives but it doesn't show up as an external hard drive under "My computer" with a drive letter. Under the disk management, I see the drive as Disk1 but it was unallocated. Did I lose all my data due to the delete of partition? Can I recover my data and drive ?

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Install Fails Incompatible Drive Partition

Dec 2, 2007

I have two SATA drives on my machine. and want to start a software re-build. I swapped the cables on the drives, formated the second drive (as NTFS) and tried to load XP. When I select the partition to instal in it tells me that the drive partition is not Windows XP compatible, and I should return to the previous screen to make it so. That screen allows me to delete and create partitions, but a new partition comes up only as "raw". I can change it to NTFS in Disk Manager, but after doing so I still get the same message. I am able to transfer files to and from the drive and open them without problems, so the drive itself seems to be working.

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Assign Any Available Drive Letter To A Active Partition

Jun 13, 2006

I just would like to ask one more on this . Can I assign any available drive letter to a active partition that I create or does XP expect me to assign the next available in reverse order? As you can see in Disk Managment that I have Drives F;G;H;I listed and under Network Drives I have Q Thru Z. I thought my picture cards used Drives F;G;H;I ?

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Reformatted Partition - Cannot Change The Drive Letter

Aug 26, 2007

i reformatted my windows partition to try and solve a constant crash hd is divided up into 2 partitions with the second being where i stored all my data and mp3's.I only formatted the windows partition and now my second partition is inaccessable.The drive letter has also changed from k to d..i tried changing the drive letter back to k and the partition was still inacessable.Any help would be awsome on this.I would hate to lose 100+ gigs of data

D: is not acessable
the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable

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Formating Hard Drive - Make Partition

Jun 5, 2010

I'm having a hard time formating my system. I recently got virus that was so bad i couldn't access my desktop, so i am now formating my hard drive. I go through the process of a clean install and i make the partition I hit quick ntfs and it goes on fine until it restarts the computer. All it does is it either loads up on the cd or it hangs on a - mark on a black background, and later tells me non system disk or disk error replace and strike any key when ready. I'm wondering if jumper settings may have something to do with this or if the hard drive is screwed up.

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Partition Second Harddrive To Current Hard Drive

Oct 2, 2009

My computer came with a 80gb HD with windows xp pro.. I had took a 180gb hd from another comp. that was running windows xp home and connected it as a slave drive. A window popped warning me that vital info. would be deleted in order to format/ partition the second drive (180gb HD). Was this a mistake doing it in this manner? If not...How would I go about using the whole "180gb" and not just the 35gb it's only allowing me to use. And is there any way to move files so that they will be protected?

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How To Expand System Drive By Spanning To Partition

Sep 12, 2005

I'm currently ruing Win XP Pro on my PC. When I installed the system, I only allocated 20GB for the system partition. As time goes and installation appls, the system drive disk space only has 15% disk space left. I have another 10GB partition (d: drive) which has become available but it resides on a separate physical hard disk.The only option that I can think of is to uninstall the appls and reinstall it on this spare drive to free up disk space on system drive. It involves quite bit of work which I do not wish to do if and only if this is the only solution.Can I expand the system drive to include this "D:" as part of the system drive(single logical partition).

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