No Icons Or Task Bar Only Wallpaper During Start Up?

Sep 2, 2007

I have no icons or taskbar at start up merely the wallpaper and the mouse pointer. I can get to safe mode but appear not to be able to restore even with many restore points. I would prefer not to have to re-install XP - can this be fixed if so how?

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No Icons, Start Button, Task Bar--Only A Cursor & Wallpaper?

May 2, 2005

The computer in question is running Windows XP Pro, SP1. It is not attached to the internet, and any documents not created on the computer are scanned on a different computer first for viruses, so HOPEFULLY that means this is not a virus. In addition, the same thing happened last year, and I did a complete re-install exactly a year ago to the day. We have WordPerfect Office 12, Lotus Organizer, and Microsoft Office XP Standard loaded. This is an IBM NetVista 6350 computer.

Logging on brings me to the screen that shows my wallpaper and the cursor. However, there are no icons, no start button, and no task bar. Right clicking does not produce anything. Control-Alt-Delete to bring up the task manager shows that explorer. exe has not loaded.I have tried starting in Safe Mode and logged in under the Administrator Account. That brings up a black screen with Safe Mode noted in the corners, but no other information, so it appears to be a problem that is not prejudiced to a certain user login.

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Just Desktop Wallpaper / No Icons / Start Menu Or Task Manger

Jan 27, 2006

I have a major problem. When I regularly start Windows XP home edition. It seems to run just fine, yet the mouse is at an hourglass for a good amount of time.Then, All the icons disappear, Start Menu goes away, Cannot open task manger or run anything. Computer then stalls with DLL.exe and svchost error messages.I ran a spybot scan and adaware. Only coming up with Jupilites and Smitfraud-C.Both have been cleaned.If I can find a way to transfer my HJT file from my laptop to the computer I am currently using, will posted as soon as possible.

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No Start Menu/ No Desktop Icons - Only Wallpaper

Sep 1, 2005

When I turn on my computer and click on "user 1" on the start up window, it takes unusually long to load, and once it does all I see is my wallpaper. No start menu, no desktop icons, nothing. I can ctrl-alt-delete and open programs by doing "run new task" and selecting them, and everything runs fine

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No Icons / Start Key Or Task Bar In Xp

Dec 5, 2005

I Can Only Get To Task Manager On My Desktop. Everything Else Is Gone. I Can Get To Some Of My Programs Through Task Manager. I Cannot Get To Accessories Or System Restore. I Cannot Run In Safe Mode Either. A Black Screen Comes Up And Different File Names With Window 32 In It Come Up-then It Freezes. I Cannot Remember What I Was Doing Right Before This Happened. I Think I Ran Aol Computer Checkup But Not Sure. Aol Was Not Help Since I Can Get To Aol Throught Task Manager.

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Start Menu / Icons / Task Bar Don't Appear

Aug 13, 2006

The Start Menu,icons,taskbar,dont Appear Only The Desktop Background Image Appears..But When I Restart The Computer Everything Appears Normal. So My Computer Will Only Show Everything If I Restart After I 1st Boot It Up..So Everyday I Have To Boot My Computer Up Twice To Make It Work..Also Drives Keep Trying To Install Themselves When They Are Already Installed.

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NO Start Menu / Task Bar Or Icons

Oct 30, 2007

I currently ran a disccleanup and deleted all the temp files and etc. i rebooted and none of my icons appeared, taskbar was gone as well as start menu. All that was left was my background. I tried CTR+ALT+DELETE to run programs..but ieexplore, explorer, or anything else would not run. I am currently running in safe mode and everything is fine. wats the deal. i tried also a system restore but that didnt work either.

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Desktop Icons, Start Bar And Task Bar Will Not Show

May 1, 2005

I get an error message saying that An exception occurred while trying to run " "C:WINDOWSsystem32mfyuv.dll" DllGetVersion", only the .dll file is a different one each time I reboot the system. And I can't find any of the .dll files online at all. Not only that, but when the computer is starting up internet explorer is using up all of the memory, even though I can't see anything on screen. This slows everything down and I have to turn it off using the task manager to give enough memory to the System Idle Process.

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Icons, Start Button & Task Bar Have Disappeared?

Sep 24, 2006

recently I loaded up my computer, logged inunder my user profile (I'm running Windows XP SP2), Everything looked normal until the system completed loading and my wallpaper icons vanished (Wallpaper stays), My start button & Task manager bar vanished as well(including the clock).I logged out of my profile, and was able to use the profile I had set up for my mom for about a day... but then her profile did the same thing. I tried my daughter's profile and everything is gone.When I looked in my listing of what applications are running, I've noticed that my explorer.exe is gone.

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No Desktop Icons / Task Bar / Start Menu

Jan 27, 2010

no desktop icons tasks bar start menu

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No Start Menu Task Bar Or Desktop Icons

Dec 30, 2006

I have a New Dell E520. Have use it for 4 days, then error shutdowns started.(Having to use laptop again.)
Used system restore, and now No start menu, task bar or desktop icons.Key board hardly works on power up until the welcome screen, so safe mode start is not possible� Can run certain program using task manager, but none that might help to solve problem.

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Start Menu Task Bar And Desktop Icons Are Gone

Jan 5, 2009

The start menu, task bar and icons are all missing. The only way i can open anything is to hit ctrl alt del and open the task manager. Where did everything go?

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Start Menu / Task Bar And Desktop Icons Do Not Startup

Sep 7, 2005

Can anyone help? I ran Spybot and deleted all identified problems. Now when I reboot, and anytime I startup, I get to blank wallpaper with nothing else. I can run task manager to get to all apps OK, but this is not very useful.I tried running from a previous known good state, but nothing changed. I also tried starting up in safe mode, but only get a black screen.

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Start Menu Desktop Icons And Task Bar Is Missing.

Dec 11, 2005

When I log in to my XP home laptop (in regular and safe mode), I am unable to see start menu, desktop icons (however, wallpaper is there and mouse arrow is active) and task bar is missing. Also, pop up the message: wininet.dll is missing (twice).Now I am able to log in safe mode and can see all desktop icons start button and task bar but still I am unable to get all those in regular mode. Meanwhile, my Norton told me that computer has Bloodhound.W32.EP virus but unable to fix it.

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Desktop Icons, Start Button, Task Bar & Clock Disappear?

May 26, 2007

I don't have any idea what causes my desktop icons, start button, task bar and clock to disappear but it is most annoying!!!

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Halts At USER LOGIN - No Icons - Task Bar And Start Button

Mar 24, 2008

I came in the other morning to a computer warning: UNABLE TO WRITE TO VOLUME G and I knew it was going to be a bad day! In a nut shell:My XPSP1 machine makes it to my desktop wallpaper and then hangs. No icons or task bar or start button. Though the HD lght stays solid, it is active and may be accessed via a networked computer but XP doesn't finish loading. Safe mode is no different except I see a blank screen instead of wallpaper Though I can browse the XP CD through Task manager, nothing will run and attempts to run any file will return a NO PROGRAM ASSOCIATED error The PC will not boot from or even try to start up the XP CD. (just spins up) The six XP startup diskettes downloaded from MS hangs up here or there every time and fails to boot.

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Explorer Crashes - Desktop Icons / Task Bar Tray Start Menu

Oct 16, 2006

My Windows Explorer keeps crashing. I loose my desktop icons, taskbar, tray and start menu. Windows minimize to just above where the taskbar should be. Usually I can re-start the explorer.exe in the task manager. It now flashes and then is gone again. I can't get it back. How can I get to the control panel with no start menu? I've tried an earlier restore point, restarted with last known good configuration. Nothing. I'm running windows XP Home SP2 all updates.

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No Explorer.exe, No Task Manager, Just Wallpaper?

Mar 8, 2008

I was running BitDefender, and the day before, it had already deleted explorer.exe. But my computer was still working. I just had to use Task Manager to open programs. Today, whole running BitDefender, I was looking on the internet for a way to download another explorer.exe, and I found a zip file and downloaded it. BUT I can't unzip it without explorer.exe. And while scanning,BitDefender must have deleted my Task Manager. Now, when I start my computer,I have nothing ! No taskbar, start menu, icons, anything! Just wallpaper. And when I control-alt-delete, I get the menu, but when I choose Task Manager, nothing happens

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Task Bar Hidding Icons: Hidden Icons Shown For A Second?

Jul 7, 2005

Down on the bottom of my desktop this thing keeps hidding my icons. I click on the little arrow to show hidden icons and they show for a second then they . disappear. I would like to see them.

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Missing Desktop Icons And Wallpaper

Jan 11, 2006

I have perplexing problem. Dell Dimension 4600 running Windows Xp Home. SP2. I have no icons on desktop and cannot load any background wallpaper through display properties. They background choices are listed but cannot be selected. I do have icons when running in safe mode. This system was infected with several viruses and lots of spy/adware. Had alot of trouble removing Startpagedu.dll and New Poly Win32 trojans. I am wondering if I missed something. Ran Spybot, Adaware, Webroot Spysweeper, eScan Antivirus Toolkit, Norton Antivirus, Hijack This, CWShredder, AboutBuster, Ewido Security Suite. All of these were ran in safe mode. I also deleted all tempfiles and made sure no rogue services were running. I am lost about what to do next.

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No Taskbar No Icons Just Desktop Wallpaper

Jan 8, 2009

No taskbar no icons just desktop wallpaper on a Dell Precision 490 running XP Pro SP2. I had a work-around when this happened, I hit ctl-alt-del, ran task manager then started explorer.exe and all would be well. At first this problem was intermittent but now it's every time I boot. Also when booting into Safe Mode.Now even running explorer.exe won't bring up taskbar or icons. I've run Symantac and found no virus.

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No Desktop Icons-taskbar Vanished - Only Wallpaper

Aug 12, 2005

Yesterday I got onto my computer which was already on everything seeming fine, and I clicked on internet explorer to check my email then the window locked up or something and then my taskbar vanished. Then I closed the window out and my icons were gone. So I restarted my comp and now its just wallpaper. No icons or taskbar. Ive seen a few other posts on a problem like mine and tried a few of the fixes they said but none worked.
I've tried a system restore to I beleive a week earlier, some shellfix download from, hitting f8 and doing a boot to when settings worked(sorry cant think of whats its actually called) and a couple other things I believe. I noticed alot of times a request for a hijackthis file is asked for so I went ahead and got that and will post. Also Im positive I have the aurora virus cuz I get all the popups that say aurora on there and I havent been able to get rid of it

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Desktop Icons - Wallpaper Remains Solid Blue

May 21, 2007

This is SIMILAR to several posts I've seen, but different in a subtle way. I have no desktop icons and no wallpaper on one of my computers, but I have the start toolbar and tray icons, and I have access to task manager and all my programs. However, when I right click on the desktop and click arrange icons all the options are grayed out. Also, I cannot change the wallpaper - it remains solid blue (or any other color) no matter what I try. Neither picture wallpapers nor tiled wallpapers appear. I've included the hijack-this log below.

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Start Up Task Bar Freezes & Not All Programs Show Up On Task Bar

Feb 4, 2006

on starting up pc the task bar freezes for approx 15mins & only the egg timer is showing, can access desktop icons, however not all programs launch on task bar. what appears to be the issue, is it hardware or software

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Unwanted Image At Start Up (old Wallpaper)

Aug 17, 2008

When I turn my laptop, after entering my password, I get a picture on my screen which appears then disappears just before the desktop screen loads up. This picture used to be my desktop picture many months ago. I have changed the desktop photo several times and this same old picture keeps showing up. I have even deleted it from my laptop. How do I get rid of it as I cant find the picture anywhere on my pc. I have tried System restore also. I am using windows XP Home edition on a Sony Vaio, Intel Pentium 4 Processor. I don't know any of the other spec's of my laptop.

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Wallpaper And Cursor Stop - No Taskbar - Clock - Start Button

Jul 31, 2007

My son's Compaq Presario SR1200NX running WinXP has a slight problem. When starting the comp it will get as far as the desktop wallpaper and then just stops. The mouse cursor is there and moves around but there is no taskbar, clock, start button or anything. I'd give y'all a hack file but I can't get far enough to be able to do that. I've tried ctrl-alt-del and that does nothing. I've tried running in safe mode and I still only get to that point. I've taken the HD out and connected it to my notebook and cleaned it up with an anti-virus program and anti spyware stuff. Physically, it's fine and I can run any program on it but only as an ext. HD for my laptop.

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Task Bar Icons Pop Up Ads

Feb 26, 2006

I am having an Icon in the Task Bar that pops up: "Your Computer Is Infected" and goes to a website:, and to

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How Do I Get Rid Of Not Used Icons On My Task Bar

Aug 9, 2007

Hi I have so many unnecessary icons on my task bar how do i delete them and make my computer faster when rebooted

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Task Bar And Icons Disappeared

May 23, 2007

My Taskbar including Start, IE,OE,Desktop etc. disappeared. I can get it back temporarily by hitting the Windows button, but that's a pain. I used to get it by simply rolling cursor to the bottom and it would appear, but that quit working.

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Icons That Are Not Loading In My Task Bar

Oct 4, 2008

I have icons that are not loading in my taskbar. When I check msconfig, under startup, everything is checked to be loaded. However, no icons are loaded even though task manager shows the services loaded and running. They seem to come and go at random.

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Show Icons And Task Bar In SP2

Sep 3, 2005

I am working on a machine where the machine boots up fine. I log into XP Pro SP2 and it starts to load but never finishes. I have a wallpaper but icons and no taskbar. The only I can open the task manager and try to start the explorer.exe process, but it never starts. It does the same thing in safe mode. I have cleaned some trojans, spyware and a ton of adaware by slaving the HDD and ran a defrag. I performed a CHKDSK /r using BARTS's PE and it fixed a few errors. I then ran a sfc /scannow. I updated all windows updates. I ran a repair on XP. I checked the startup and found nothing suspious. When I go into the add remove programs it locks up the PC.

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