New Install Won't Boot From The HD And Re-booted From The CD?

Feb 28, 2005

I am having problems with a new install of windows XP pro on a fresh HD/new computer. The systemboots OK from the CD and the O/S formatted the HD (137 gig only but I know this problem can be fixed with SP1...)and installed XP, but at the first re-boot (before the XP GUI setup) it would not boot from the HD and re-booted from the CD. i have been round this loop 3 or 4 times already with no luck - I've tried every configuration of Booting in BIOS setup. I tried XP recovery console but could find any way to fix this.

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Dual-booted Linux Master Boot Record - Console Unable To Find HDD

Jan 30, 2008

First I'll describe what I intended to do, followed by me explaining my problems, and ended with my actual question.Intentions:Fixing my Master boot record file with a FIXMBR and removing my Ubuntu installation due to lack of usage, amongst things.
Merging the old Linux partitions space with one of my current NTFS partitions for the extra space (all above-mentioned partitions are on the same HDD, for the record). Would've done this with Partition Magic.

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Svchost.exe - Booted My Pc

Apr 25, 2007

i just booted my pc, went regularly until it was launched and the desktop was loaded. Everything was running slowly, i press ctrl - alt - delete and wait 5 minutes for it to eventually come up, i then went to the processes tab and find that svchost.exe is running at 99% CPU I usually end process on that svchost, but then i cant connect to certain servers, and sometimes my sound drivers disappear also(not 100% sure, but this seems to be connected

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Lagging And Booted Off Net

Aug 30, 2005

Lately I have problems with my notebook lagging, very slow and I have broadband. Also after I'm on the internet about an hour I'm booted off.

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After Booted Up The Pc Virus Or Spyware Comes

Feb 4, 2006

When I booted up the pc this morning a blue scree came up that I had never seen before. It took a long time for it to scan. It said I had a couple of viruses but didn't give me any way to fix them.

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Blue Screens And Getting Booted Off

Feb 17, 2007

I need major help. First please bear in mind that this ole lady is like a kindergartner in the school of computers.I've been getting booted off usually a "windows has encountered a problem, and needs to shut down to prevent damage to your computer" screen comes up......but not always.lso, I'll get booted off and a blue screen comes on with message. When this happens, I push the button to restart and it'll come back on, but sometimes I'll hear clicking sounds and the blue screen will come back. It also will just lock up occasionally.

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Get Booted Off - Send Error Messeage

Jun 9, 2010

i reinstalled it windows that is,and i still get booted off, well quest that is who my modem is thru thinks that maybe my modem is old, well i have installed more memory and i am wondering if that is the problem? i get the window (blue window of death) it tells me that if i have installed any new hardware to remove it or to update the bios. well i tried the bios update and it dosent seem to want to work, i dont have insurance on this anymore and ineed help, i had people helping me from dell forum and they are the one that told me to reinstall windows and i did and it still is giving me the same old send error messeage i am so tired of this the comp. is only 5 yrs old its a pc and my daughter has a latatude and it is 8 yrs old and it never boots her off, i hate it when it just shuts down and tell me to update bios i tried and other wise i have no clue how. a tech is coming out next week to put in a new modem but i really dont think its that i need help very bad please and i cant ever find my way back here to see what people say, i have IE8 and yes i have tried firefox it is worse, also opera and all the others the problem is i like to play msn games spades. and i need to be on the browser IE i wonder if i should delete ie8 and turn of avast then reinstall IE8 and then turn on my avast again? help please going nuts here

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Setup Can Not Copy File - Booted My Computer

Aug 13, 2009

My mainboard is an Asrock AOD790GX/128MI am trying to set up a fresh install of windows XP pro SP3 on a single hard drive.I don’t want the RAID feature just the AHCI.I have set OnChip “SATA Operation Mode” option to AHCI and connected my HD to the SATA1 port and my DVD drive to SATA4 port.I have made a floppy disc with the AHCI driver “AMD AHCI Compatible RAID Controller- x86 platform” for xp from the included mainboard CD. The only driver present although I don’t need RAID I have booted my computer with my windows XP CD in. Then pressed F6 when prompted. I then put my floppy disc in with the driver on and press "S" I then select "AMD AHCI Compatible RAID Controller-x86 platform" and press enter.

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Repair / When Booted On Xp, The Blue Screen Appeared

Oct 18, 2006

I have Windows XP Pro SP2 installed and I messed it up.I tried doing loads of stuff and I had to repair the master boot record and boot.ini file.Then when I booted on xp, the blue screen appared.I checked my hardware and did loads of tests but didn't find much problems and I if I did, I didn't understand them.For example I had test problems with my parallel ports and serial ports and the System Stress Test failed in RAM Memory.Anyway, I desided to use the repair installation on my CD Windows XP Pro SP1. But each time it arrived at "installing hardware", it failed and just stoped. tried a few times but it kept stoping. And now the repair doesn't even start... all I see is the mouse.

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Booted Computer - Powered Down System / Rebooted

Jun 13, 2006

I saw another thread on this issue, but it didn't quite fit, so I thought I'd get others opinions. This computer was built for me by a non-major vendor. I consider myself semi-computer literate, and feel comfortable with most work required inside my case. Let me start by saying that this issue happens most often when I've woken my computer up from sleep mode. I have made no major changes to the hardware or software recently. What I did do was move the computer, rather gently, 2100 miles to my new home in a new city. The PC is under warentee, but the original vendor is rather far away. I also noticed that the first time I booted the computer after the move, the computer made a funny noise. It sounded like something (either a fan of the HD) was spinning improperly. I immediately powered down my system and rebooted, and have not had the noise since.

The full message (sans text) reads:
*** STOP: 0x00000D1 (0x000000EC, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xAE5A38D4)
*** HTTP.sys - Address AE5A38D4 base at AE592000, Datestamp 41672744)

Begining dump physical memory Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance. I've also noticed that on the boot screen, my PC no longer seems to be doing a memory test, or showing my 3 gigs of memory. In windows, it appears the system sees the memory, but the memory test seems absent on boot. I have no problems, so far, running resource heavy programs. This seems, like I've said, to happen only when I sleep then wake up my PC. Rebooting from this screen will cause the PC to reboot itself constantly, but turning the PC off and rebooting seems to give me no errors, again, until I sleep it.

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Deleting File - Error Message Computer Is Booted

Apr 4, 2006

When a virus problem was found, my friend eliminated a file when Norton advised him to do so . After deleting the file he now receives the below error message each time the computer is booted. crogra~1softwar~1soproc.exe

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Dual Boot Woes Boot.ini Fresh Install

Sep 6, 2006

I just upgraded my system a couple days ago and have been having several issues. First, Vista wouldn't recognize my onboard sound and LAN from a fresh install No available drivers, go figure. So, I had to install two copies of Win XP SP2, and then upgrade one of them to Vista. A pain, but the only way I could get everything to work properly.

I got everything where I wanted it, life is good. Then I'm booting into Win XP and I have two identically named Win XP OS's in the bootup screen. So as not to confuse my wife, I went into the Startup and Recovery options menu (Again this is in XP) and deleted, what I thought, was the XP I used as an upgrade to Vista. Turns out I got the wrong one. Now I can't boot to XP, but Vista is working fine. Basically, when I choose "Earlier Versions of Windows" I get HD activity for a moment, but then everything seems to halt. No responce from the keyboard, so I have to do a Hard Re-Boot.

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Dual Boot Cant Boot From Cd To Start Second Install

May 21, 2010

I have done some searching and it seems that other people who have had this problem, have been installing ubuntu. I havn't managed to come to a solution. I installed XP(1) onto drive 1 , then reorganised all of my partitions to be in the correct order with the correct labels (I have been having a nightmare with volumue labels being incorrect!). Anyways got all the partitions exactly how I want them using partition manager (i.e XP(1) on C: with the intention to install XP(2) on D. Rebooted machine, pressed a key to boot from CD, it says 'setup is inspecting your current configuration' and then the screen stays black (I have to reset the machine). I turned off the computer and dissconnected drive 2 (int.) and drive 3 (ext.). Problem still exists.

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Dual Boot - Cant Boot From CD To Start Second Install

May 21, 2010

I installed XP(1) onto drive 1 , then reorganised all of my partitions to be in the correct order with the correct labels (I have been having a nightmare with volumue labels being incorrect!). Anyway got all the partitions exactly how I want them using partition manager (i.e XP(1) on C: with the intention to install XP(2) on D. Rebooted machine, pressed a key to boot from CD, it says 'setup is inspecting your current configuration' and then the screen stays black (I have to reset the machine). I turned off the computer and dissconnected drive 2 (int.) and drive 3 (ext.). Problem still exists. How do I boot to the blue setup screen for my second copy of XP?

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Boot.ini / Boot Prompt / 2nd Install

Jun 19, 2005

A customer gave me an xp laptop that was horribly ridden with viruses spyware etc. Apparently, she had tried to fix it herself with the restore disk. I see two instances of xp at the boot prompt and one of the installs ask for activation. She must have chose the "install windows on the existing installation" option.

I cleaned out the original install, updated it, and it runs fine now.I figured I would just let the second install sit where it is and edit the boot.ini to allow just the original instance of the os at the boot prompt. However, rather than just presenting one option, it presents "Windows XP" and "windows default" options. Certainly I didn't put windows default in the ini file. I suspect the windows written mbr is picking up on the second install.

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Booted Up Windows / No Sound In Windows

May 6, 2007

I have a Dell inspiron 1300 which had started to run slowly and take an age to get past the black windows loading page when i booted up. So i decided to use the built in dell software to wipe it clean and revert back to the factory/straight out the box settings. This all went well but now i have no sound what so-ever in windows. I used the diagnostic program you can find by pressing f12 when booting up and in that i could hear music from the speakers but then when i booted up windows there were no sounds at all?

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PC Will Not Boot Following SP3 Install

Jan 3, 2009

On New Years eve my PC was working correctly. It detected a Windows Update which was SP3 and I installed it. It then stated that 'in order to take effect it need to reboot', which i did.It shut down as normal but when it starts back up it goes in to a loop. There is a beep from the machine as the screen flickers in to life. The screen then shows it is attempting to start up and I can see the options to enter F8=Boot Opt F12=Set Up Esc=Skip Mem Test. It then shows it is detecting Pri Master, Pri Slave, Sec Master, Sec Slave (i think that is correct), or you could say it is seeing the HDD and CD ROM.At this point it restart and does the same boot sequence over and over again. I have had a look at the time in BIOS and that is fine. I have tried to boot from the Windows disk. When I boot from the Windows disk it gets to the point where it says 'press any key to boot from CD', at this point the keyboard is frozen, can't even turn number lock on or off.

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Will Not Boot After Install

Nov 4, 2007

Alright, just finished putting together my computer, and I get to installing Windows. "Press any key to boot from CD" I do, then setup continues,etc. After the initial setup, it reboots (as it tells me it will). It then gets past the Logo for my motherboard and everything, and gets to "Press any key to boot from CD", now from what Ive read, Im not supposed to press any key, so that it can boot from the Hard Drive. But Ive been waiting here for many minutes, and it will not load. Ive reinstalled Windows multiple times (deleting the old partitions and redoing everything) and it still will not boot XP for the rest of the installation. Help!

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Will Not Boot After New MB Install

Mar 4, 2008

Recently I have installed a new motherboard, processor and ram. I have tried to reinstall XP from the CD rom which works, but on reboot to finish instilation the hard drive does not boot what so ever. I transferd my hard drive to my old computer and it boots just fine, does anyone know what could be the issue?

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Cannot Boot Or Install

Dec 30, 2007

Approx. 3 weeks ago my Toshiba A60 failed to boot. I have used several tools to try to recover the drive but it currently fails to boot or reinstall XP and I would appreciate your advice as to next steps. The problem started after the computer failed to boot one day. I had not noticed any particularly odd noises etc from the HD although it had always been a noisy PC (suspect the fan - it always felt a bit hot). On trying to boot into XP it simply hung. On trying to boot into the DOS prompt it would list the drivers, stop at atisgkaf.sys and then hang. (I understand that atisgkaf.sys may not be driver causing the problem.) I tried reinstalling XP to the C: drive but same result. (Programs are on C:. Data is on D:.)

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Won't Boot After Install

Jul 18, 2005

I just got done putting together my new computer, and now i am running into a problem installing windows. it starts the whole windows installation, does the formatting and copies the stuff into memory, but when it tries to restart and begin the windows installation process, it wont boot to the HD. I just keeps trying to boot to cd, even i i set HD as first boot, it will still boot from CD and begin the windows formatting part of the installation all over again. If i take the cd out, it will just sit there at "Booting from CD" and do nothing. There are 4 sata connectors (im using 1 sata HD) and i have tried all 4. Btw, this is my first time working with SATA.

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Wont Boot After SP3 Install

Aug 26, 2008

After installing SR3 Win xp Prof will not boot. I had gotten a partial boot but as Win xp installs the system resets. I have tried a repair with the OS CD using the "R" option, but receive the message: "The system does not appear to have a Control set key.The system registry key may be damaged." I also have gotten the message: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt windowssystem32configsystem " I hope I do not need to do a complete system reinstall with all my apps and drivers

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Annot Boot To Install

May 19, 2006

My system has been acting up for a while. I can not log to the net nor do much with out one error or another popping up. I did reinstallation of windows (xp-pro sp2) still did not solve the problem. I then partition the HD and install powerquest partitionmagic, and tried to delete the old partition after reformatting it has failed. I also change the format from FAT32 to NTFS. The whole operation went fine until when the system tried to reboot. All I have after then was a black screen.I then tried installing the xp after changing the BIOS to boot from the CD. The system then start booting from the CD, then my problem start because I have no clue on DOS commandsThe next thing that appears on the screen is:- The IBM Personal System/2 mouse Program.

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Refuses To Boot Or Install

Jan 25, 2005

I'm having problems with my computer and I need some help desparately. My machine is basically unuseable, and I need to get it back up and running as soon as possible, so any helpful input would be greatly appreciated. Appologies in advance if I'm a bit verbose, but I want to be as clear as possible.I'll start off by mentioning that not all of the info in this story might be relevant, and that I'm just telling it in the event that it could be. A short time ago I bought 512 MBs of RAM and installed it, and it seemed to work fine. Also around that time, presumably through running a registry cleaning utility or something, I'd accidentally disabled a lot of Windows XP tools like Defrag or the Search function in Windows Explorer (some necessary files were missing in the System32 folder).

Shortly after this (lets say 2 days) I decided it was about time I reformat my computer, or rather, start a new XP install on a 200gb HD I'd bought some time earlier but never really used. However, this HD had two FAT partitions on it with a Win98 install, so I run Partition Magic to repartition/reformat it into a single NTFS partition - however PM seemed to have trouble with this - though when I checked it later on a friend's computer with the Windows Scandisk, it was ok. Anyway, shortly after this point, Windows starts acting all screwy. I mean resetting without warning, left and right. It had always done this once every few days, and I never found a cause so I learned to live with it, but now it was doing it after 10 minutes of running XP.

That was all background information that may not be relevant - now moving on the the actual problem. Removing all HDs but the 200gigger, I try installing XP on it (with the intention of partitioning/reformatting it using the installer instead of Partition Magic). However, the install does not get past the initial stage with the blue screen, freezing at a line saying "Starting windows..." or something to that effect, after it'd scanned my comp. I try this several times, no dice, freezes at the same point.

Not having any ideas, I put back in my old 80GB XP HD. It refuses to boot. It gets to the point just before it shows the XP loading screen with the icon and freezes (I believe it's a horizontal bar of ascii blocks). So, I decide maybe to try installing XP on the 200GB using a friend's comp, and do so with much success (also reformatted and Scandisked it with no issues btw) - it boots fine on his comp and I was very much happy. I bring it home, and lo and behold, it won't boot - it gets to that same damn ascii loading bar. If I skip out on it with a reset, I do get the "Hey dude Windows couldn't load, do you want to start in safe mode or something?" sort of message, and nothing on that works. When I start in safe mode, it counts down to a file called pud.inf, or something like that (I'm writing this at work right now for obvious reasons, so I can't check it) - I'm assuming that's the last file safe mode loads up before running Windows. Basically, I can get to whatever is exactly before showing the graphical XP loading screen with the Windows logo - all my computer ever displays is made out of ascii text, no graphics of any kind other than the motherboard splash screen on bootup. The problem is probably with my computer and probably not the HDs, but what it is and how to fix it is beyound my understanding.

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New Install Hangs On Boot

Aug 17, 2005

This makes about the 6th time I have done the install. When it boots, it hangs for between 10 and 30 minutes at the XP splash screen. The blue bar just goes back and forth but nothing happens like forever. I had tried to replace my HDD as well with an WD SATA 320G HDD, but the bios won't detect it. I tried installing a 40G HDD that had 27G of free space on it. I had been using it as a secondary until my primary went TU last week. I kept running into the problem of it hanging on installation. It would get to the point where it was installing drivers and just stop.

Due to problems that I have been having I went out and bought a new motherboard. I am now running a 1.8G Pentium 4 on an Asis 848P motherboard with 512M DDR Ram. I removed both the 40G HDD and the SATA drive from the system. They are no longer attached. I took a 13G HDD that I had removed to put in a bigger HDD and decided to use it.I did a clean install on the 13G HDD. I formatted it during the installation. Because of the other problems, the only devices that I have connected is the video card, an ATI Raedon 7500, the HDD, keyboard and mouse.The blasted thing still hangs on booting! Because I wanted to know if it happened I activated boot logging and this is what I got.

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Install Goes Black On Boot

Dec 26, 2009

I am trying to get XP installed onto my old computer.I can boot into UBUNTU Live CD.When the XP CD starts to boot and I get the "press any key to boot from CD". When I press a key, the screen goes black and just sits there.I have tried to burning a new disk and even tried XP 64 bit instead.

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Can't Boot From Install Disk

Aug 2, 2005

A storm knocked out my hard drive (through a surge protector). Dell sent me a replacement and I installed Windows XP on it. I hooked up my old hard drive to try to rescue stuff and, for a few hours, was able to see the corrupted old hard drive because, at one point during the evening among many reboots, the system did a diagnostic on the drive where it repaired sectors and index files, etc. Eventually I could not see the hard drive any more and I don't know how to get these diagnostics to run again since the drive is not even recognized as being there.

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Boot Sector Gone With New Install

Mar 27, 2010

Bought a new copy of XP with service pac 3 to put on a p4 with a western digital 300 gig hd. I came back to check to see if the formatting was complete and I had the message "a disk read error has occurred press ctl+alt+del to restart".And when I tell it to boot from cdrom xp disk, it starts "setup is imspecting your computer's hardware configuration" and the screen goes blank after a few seconds and it stops doing anything. I'm afraid the mistake I made was deleting the boot sector partition.

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Dual Boot Install Over Win 95

Apr 27, 2007

I have recently cloned a drive containing an old win 95 installation to a new PC- reason being i need to retain an old MS DOS database program (service records for my firm). I want to install XP home in dual boot mode so that I can run current software/internet on the same rig...I've done it with Me before no probs...can it be done with Win 95?Also on the same hard drive is another data partition; can I have dual boot with additional FAT32 data partition i.e 3 partitions, two fat 32, one NTFS one of the fat 32 is bootable?

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Install And Boot Off USB Drive?

Sep 25, 2007

I have a notebook computer which the hard drive is dodgy in.I have restored to the HD and after a while it Windows XP corrupted again. I don't want to spend any money on it but I would like to keep using the computer so I looked at swapping the HD with another HD (from a USB case) but one was SATA and the other PATA.So the only option left (short of spending money) is installing and booting from the USB drive? Is this possible?

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New Install Hangs On Boot

Aug 18, 2005

My C: drive crashed and I used that excuse to buy a WD3200 320G SATA drive. My old MB wouldn't support the SATA so I bought a ECS 848P-A and a 512M DDR memory.I tried a new install of XP (Home) onto a 40G drive as primary which had 27G free space. It would only install to the point where the screen was saying installing devices and there was 33 min left on the install. At that point it would stop. The little bar on the lower right would freeze. I left it like this for over 30 min to see if it would clear, it never did. I figured that there might be a problem with stuff on the drive so I removed it and installed a 13G that I had laying around. I formatted it during the install so it should have been clean. It would install and ran until I installed the motherboard and video card drivers. When it went to reboot it would quit. It would go to the XP splash screen and stop. The blue bar would keep cycling but it would never proceed.

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