This may not be the NG for this but occasionally my modem goes offline for a reason which I haven't determined. The only way I know to get it back on line again is to close and restart the computer, and then I can redial.Otherwise, I can't.I feel there must be some way of re-setting the modem without having to
close down and open up again. Is there?
Due to my problems with error 638 and being disconnected frequently I went into control panel,clicked on phone&modem options only to find that my modem isn't accounted for at all! There is a blank where my modem details should be and yet I am on line when I'm doing it! Help! My computer will not allow me to access Hijack- this but I've run adaware spybot and antivirus.I'm also refused access to the btyoyager modem booster as 'the unzipped folder is invalid or corrupt
I need to uninstall my old modem before I install the software for my new modem. Problem is when I try to uninstall the old one I get an error box come up saying "cannot open bitmap". I've rebooted in safe mode and tried it but i get the same error box.
I was printing some music and had to change my settings.After cancelling the printer, I tried to print with new settings,But the printer won't print because it says Off-line.I've tried right clicking the printer icon to put it On-line,But it continues to say off-line.How can i get it back on-line and printing again?
I have a logitech mouse that has a smooth scrolling wheel no ratcheting. I wonder if it was possible to set up scrolling to scroll pixel by pixel rather than line by line.
dial-up modem (Broadxent DSI V.92 PCI DI3631) connects to the Internet and finishes the noise, the comp screen goes black (with a weird bar of blurred arrows on the bottom--it's a bit hard to explain that part)
I've downloaded caller ID software. I paid for caller id. I just spent about two hours trying to figure out why I can't get caller ID to work. Any help would be appreciated. Please don't tell me a string without telling me how to use it, like the 50 or so places I've been.
I recently reinstalled XP home on my Dell Dimension 8250 and now it won't see my Actiontec GT704-WG modem. Modem/router working just fine, am wireless online with it on my laptop right now, all lights green. Have checked TCP/IP and DNS to automatically detect in settings IE will not let me log onto router w/ "dslmodem" or "" I get "The page cannot be displayed".When I run a repair connection on my "LAN or High-Speed Internet" I get the following message: "The following steps of the repair operation failed: Renewing the IP address. Please contact your network administrator or ISP." Device manager says network adapter is working.Have tried many, many fixes recommended on various sites and forums where problem was nearly identical, but to no avail.Have tried setting up a separate broadband connection via the connection wizard and get "Error 678" for my attempt.Have rebooted, redownloaded drivers etc. and am seeing yellow question marks on Device Manager for Ethernet controller, Multimedia Audio Controller, PCI Input Device & Texas Instruments RNDIS Adapter. I downloaded the ethernet driver from dell (orange light on ethernet cable when plugged in), but the update driver utility would NOT see/find the file no matter where it was downloaded to. Switched the router to USB cable instead. Router shows green light with either when in use. Have rebooted and replugged everything MULTIPLE times in varying order.
When I upgraded my system from Win ME to Win XP last week I have a problem with it losing my modem. Every time I shut down I have to restall the modem and redo all my ISP info.
I had this problem before and solved it. However could not remember how !!!I use a broad band for most tasks. Rarely I use my modem to send faxes via computer.Today I tried to send a fax, using my modem Zoom 56K datafax dual mode PnP.I did not manage to do it and all times computer shows a box with a standard note advising me that "Your modem is being used by another program. Please the other program and tru again. if error persists re-start yourcomputer".There is no other program running as I have rebooted my computer several times.Diagnostics does not work at all.Eventually there is a startup program taking the modem but I do not know what it could be.Sure this situation has been occurred with some of you
My laptop froze, so I reinstalled windows XP home edition with the setup CD. Now my laptop does not detect the installed wireless modem. How to I fix this? Is there a configuration setting I am missing?
My Problem: My modem can not be detected. I was attempting to load AOL 9.0 optimized on my laptop and it could not detect my modem. I tried using Windows' Modem and Internet Connection and could not Detect my modem. I installed the recommended driver from IBM and Lenovo from the MDCB3C2k, thinking my modem is a 3COM modem(I have no idea what kinda modem I have. Either 3COM or Xicro, I don't know how to tell), I installed the driver and it did nothing my modem is still undetected.note: I have used Belarc Advisor, and could not get a result for my Modem Model under Communication Devices.
I recently re formated my computer and now I can't get my cable modem to hook up through the ethernet. It only works if its hooked up through the usb cable but if i do that then i cant use my router.
I have had an issue just crop up on my dell dimension 4550 running xp pro, 2.53 p4 with 1 gig of ram. Seems that everything is fine until I connect to a web page. I can start IE, and everything is fine, utilization is 0-20%, but once I type in a url and hit go, cpu goes to 100%, eventually the web page loads after a few minutes or more(on dial up, 56k) where this only took seconds in the past. Have current virus defintions, running ms antispyware also current. If I finally disconnect from the internet, and close IE, cpu utilization goes back down. I gave up and restored from a ghost image from a month ago back when i know it was working, and it still is doing the same thing and it has me stumped. I was thinking maybe its having hard drive issues, but it works fine unless I connect to the internet. Also, I can simply bring up IE and it works fine, no pegged CPU, but as soon as I connect to my isp and try to load a web page, cpu goes to 100% and does not recover. Looking at task mngr, ieexplorer and explorer.exe are really the only things that are taking all the cpu time.
When I run the Event Viewer (eventvwr.msc) and go to Event Viewer (Local) System I noticed I have a long list of errors with a Source of Service Control Manager, Event 7001, and Property > Description of: The Remote Access Connection Manager service depends on the Telephony service which failed to start because of the following error: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it.As I have no telephone modem installed (I use cable) how do I stop this error from appearing in Event Viewer to me it makes no since to have time wasted checking on this service/event.
I had the machine into the shop for days. One day I stepped in, and they had something they said was the Internet connection [not the 56k modem] plugged in. I never saw it used, just connected.Thinking about this since all they had was a wire was why can't I do that instead of this 56k modem ?They said something about I can if I use road runner.What are they talking about ?It shows my 1394 connection this moment as active. @ 400 bps.Before I took it to the shop, my LAN and 1394 were both disabled.I'm thinking this 1394 being enabled may be what's slowing my modem down now.If that's true I'd just as soon have the 1394 disabled again.more pix @
I have just upgraded to XP and can't log to internet. Phone connection fine, modem looks good in device manager. I've tried remove/install on modem , drivers , ports , ISP software. Tried downloading generic driver from agere 8.3 version. I read in some forum that Agere version 8.2 and 6.04 will work but you have to subscribe to a site like for a fee without knowing if it will work.I borrowed a friends external robotics modem and it worked fine. The internal lucent win v.90 k56modem worked fine with ME but will not with XP. I have been reading and searhing diligently with no luck, then I remebered this site from about 2 / 3 years ago when this forum helped me with a virus problem.
Due to frequent travel I still use a dialup connection on Guam, to save ISP fees for broadband. After booting up and logging in to my ISP, Eudora and Firefox both work fine.
If I Disconnect from the ISP, and close the software.I cannot check email and Firefox cannot see any server. So I have to reboot as I only have one phone line and need to keep the line clear...this is very annoying.
I am trying to set up a Gateway 2071-A two wire modem on XP Pro x64 bit, the modem only comes with 32 bit drivers, is there any workaround for this problem ? as I can't find any 64 bit drivers. Would WOW on64 work
I am trying to set up an internet connection via a dial-up modem. When I go to my Connection Wizard and follow through the steps I get to the section to "Connect using a dial-up modem" but it is GREYED OUT. The one directly below it is greyed out as well. Can anyone help with this? Been trying everything for the past few weeks but nothing works. Need to get my connection moving in order to start university courses.
I have recently reinstalled Windows XP - everything seems to be OK, except that my wireless modem is not recognised and I cannot connect to the internet.
The Laptop is in power saving mode: turn off monitor after 10 min,turn off hard disk after 10 min, system standby after 10 min. Hibernatedisabled. 'Allow modem to bring the cmputer out of standby ' option is checked.Nevertheless, when the modem receives a call it doesn't fully wakes up the laptop: the screen is blank. To fully wake up the computer after modem receives a call, I have to move the mouse or hit a button. It creates a problem when I dial into the laptop remotely and can't physically activate the screen by pushing a button or moving the mouse. The modem should remotely fully wake up the laptop when it receives the call
I need to move my Modem Network connections (with all properties such as dialer numbers, password etc) from my older notebook to my new notebook. They both use the same OS (Win-XP/Pro-Sp2).Suffice to say I dont remember the details to recreate them one more time individually.
Reading various posts, I see mention of activating Win XP firewall immediately after reformatting and installing XP home. What is wrong with unplugging the modem, reformatting and installing everything including SP2, AVG AV, and Kerio personal firewall, THEN going back online and getting updates? Also, what is the value of slipstreaming SP2 instead of just installing XP then installing SP2 before going back online for all win xp updates?