I am constantly getting the following message when trying to run Windows
Movie Maker, and various similar software like: Movie DVD Maker, actually
any of A-One Software Products.The full error message reads as follows:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error!Programs C:Program FilesMovieDVDMaker.exe Abnormal Program Termination.
One or two applications which used to run on my PC can't run anymore give the following error message:''Microsoft Visual C+ + runtime Library Programme: C:Programme Files xxxx.ex Runtime Error!''
It occured when trying to download and update Microsoft Net Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 and also when installing Age of Empires 3 and Direct X End User Runtime.The error is as follows (the screenshot should be attached also):crosoft Visual C ++ Runtime Library error untime Error!rogram: C:DOCUME~1AnthonyLOCALS~1TempSL83.tmp This Application has request the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
Whenever I open explorer (not IE) and attempt to delete files I get a box saying: Runtime Error! Program: C:WINDOWSexplorer.exe abnormal program termination (OK). If I click the explorer window the dialogue box disappears behind the explorer window and I can continue deleting files etc. However when I finally click the (OK) in the error box, All the Icons on my desktop disappear for about 15 seconds and then reappear as if nothing is wrong. But sometimes the icons do not reappear and then I have to use the Ctl-Alt-Del method to restart the computer. What is happening and how can I fix it without reinstalling windows XP SP2.
I keep getting the following error message:Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Assertion failed!Program c:Program FileInternet Exploreriexplore.exe File: .lists.cpp Line: 480 Expression: !(p==bodykwref.end()For information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)Abort Retry Ignore
When she loads Adobe photoshop V7 and tries to open an image file, as you scroll down the dialogue box which contains a thumbnail list of the images she gets a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library popup window which says Runtime error! Program c:program Files .....Photoshop.exe abnormal programme termination.I have run Nortin System works and had it fix all the errors it found. I have also run RegistryFix and had it fix all the errors it found. Problem still there.
i turned on my computer today and this error thing pops up.. it says Runtime Error!Program C:WINDOWSExplorer.exeThis application has requested the runtime to terminate it in a unusual way.Please contact the applications support team for more informationi dont know what the suport team is. and whenever i click ok all my icons go away for 5 seconds then show back up and it pops up again. and it keeps going from there.
I am using microsoft xp and i am getting this message while using java. Most of the time when i am playing games on yahoo. My system will start to run slow for about 2 or 3 minutes and then i get this error and my system freezes for about 3 or 4 minutes and then all windows shut down or the system reboots.
I was reading the other threads with this same problem. So as advised I am posting my question in a new thread..Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Assertion failed!Program: C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe File: .lists.cpp Line: 480 Expressions: !(p==bodykwref.end())I'm helping my father with this problem and here is his hijack This scan.. I know it's crazy long, I'm sorry. It's 5 times longer than mine! He seems to have a lot of crap on his system. Lots of stuff looks suspicious to me, but I'm not sure
When I try to double-click my folders I get "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error Program: CWINDOWSexplorer.exe abnormal program termination" when I press ok, desktop icons disappears for a while and then appears.
keep getting a MS Visual C++ Runtime Library error message tha says Program:CWINDOWSexplorer.exe abnormal program termination.I ran sfc scannow with my winxp pro sp 3 disk and it didnt solve the problem. Any ideas for this computer neophyte?
I can not burn an audio cd in Musicmatch Jukebox 10> I can burn ok with Roxio. I can Play an audio cd with Musicmatch, I can play froma playlist, I can rip an audio cd to my hard drive When I try to burn it gives me the message. Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime error.Program :cProgram FilesMusicmatchMusicmatch Jukeboxmmjbburn.exe.Abnormal program termination Please contact the application's suooort team for more information
my problem is this, i switched on one of my home pc,s today and after briefly connecting to the internet it seemed to freeze/crash so i switched off & on again and no matter what i try which includes running the network setup wizard i keep on getting the same result, an error box(microsoft visual c++ runtime library) stating that a buffer overun has been detected which has corrupted the pc,s internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must be terminated. I have no idea what caused this as this is the first time ive seen this error.
After i ran some programs in safe mode to get rid of viruses, this message came up when rebooting into normal mode."Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Buffer overrun detected program:C:WindowExplorer.Exe A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated. After clicking ok, the desktop icons disappear, then return, and the message occurs again. Does anyone know what this means.
I got a new system Pentium 4 3GHz CPU, 1GB RAM, 800MHz FSB with windows XP Professional, Office 2003 that replaces Pentium 3 300MHz 128MB RAM. I was sohappy because I do not need to use Virtual memory any more and windows xpboots up in a minute. I started installing all the development applicationsin the news system
I ran setup.exe to install Visual Studio 6.0 using DVD. It crashed. I thought DVD is bad or corrupted and used some other CD. Still Visual Studio6.0 installation wizard is crashing. When it crashed, a dialog box comes upand asks whether I can send report to Microsoft or debug. I sent report to Microsoft. Nothing happend more than that. I tried to debug using visualstudio .net. It gives the following error message.
I had change my uxtheme.dll bcoz i wanted to install non microsoft themes but now only classic theme is working and when i apply other themes i get an error "visual styles could not be loaded" , "error Loading visual styles". pls help me out with this problem
How do I get rid of the unrequested products on my "profile want list" installed by this site.I did not expect force fed commercialism on a user based forum.
When I try to change my desktop theme I get an error message 'Run a dll as an App has encountered a problem and needs to close'. I am able to change the wallpaper. However, it's stuck on Windows Classic.I've searched the internet for answers, tried several suggestion, but none have worked
I had a botched setup of Visual C++ 6.0 a few weeks ago. Apparentlythere are still traces on my system. Whenever a user logs in Windowscomplains it can't find a visual C++ file. Spybot also catches it trying to change the registry. I have tried everything I can think of and cannnot remove whatever is left of it. I've deleted every file and registry entry assosicated with VC++ 6, checked msconfig, startup folders, and even ran a registry cleaner. Still cannot find where this pest is hiding.
I'm trying to install Visual basic 6 pro. I am getting the error message:
16 bit windows subsystem C: windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft windows applications. Choose close to terminate the application
Setup has encountered a problem updating your system registry. Installation could not be completed successfully. I am trying to install Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 ENterprise Edition on Win XP SP3 at my work. But I am getting following errors :
scrrun.dll was unable to register itself in the system registry. Diffmrg.ocx was unable to register itself in the system registry. NLHtml.dll was unable to register itself in the system registry. pdm.dll was unable to register itself in the system registry.
I have some questions about some windows programs.so, why to install .Net Frame Work???do I have only to instal .Net Frame 3.5, or also I have to install the versions 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 with the 3.5 version..do I have to install them on windows xp,vista,7 (all of them).what about thier updates?where to download them from?what about MS Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable?what is it? is it important to install it? what versions of windows have this program to be installed on...is there other programs like these have to be installed at my windows versions..
Impossible to uninstall VS.NET 2000 Windows XP SP2.I want to uninstall Visual Studio .NET 2003.1-In Add or Remove Programs I click on Change/Remove. 2-In Visual Studio .NET Setup box I click on 2. Visual Studio .NET.A Windows Installer Installation Wrapper box pops up containing "Usage: /? show this dialog..3. I click OK (the only option anyway), the Setup box disappears, I am back to Add or Remove Programs I inserted the CDROM. The same behaviour starting from 2 above.
Windows makes it possible for you to tweak your visual experience by turning on and off various visual effects.- Open up the control panel.- Go under system and click on the advanced tab.- Click settings under Performance options.You can now change various graphical effects (mainly animations and shadows) by checking/unchecking the individual boxes.
i have windows XP home edition service pack 3. and i use Microsoft office 2003, and well recently it began to pop up and say microsoft office word has not been installed for current user. please run setup utility. Well i only have one user, never had another user created until recently (temporary fix) is there anything i can do, the main user is called the owner, it says its the computer admin, but i guess there is still an admin user, i cant get to that. the only way i can get ms office to work was to create a new user, open all the office programs, export the office registry, and import it to my main user, thats the only thing that works, for a little bit.