MOST Annoying Cursor EVER

Jan 5, 2009

I am having this new cursor and I don't know where and what program initiated it and how to remove it. I am including a picture that outlines the cursor. What is it and where did it come from? I must disable it. It is SERIOUSLY hindering my performance with quick copy paste as the cursor is now offset from my old one so I always grab too far to the left.

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How To Get Rid Of Annoying Pop-up Ads?

Nov 9, 2005

Does anyone have any information on how to get rid of those annoying pop-up ads?

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Please Wait Pop-Up Annoying

Jul 20, 2005

For the past couple of months I have been getting an annoying Microsoft Pop-up that says Please Wait. It stays on the screen anywhere from a couple to as many as ten seconds. Then it disappears. It doesn't seem to be causing any problems but it's just a pain. I?m running Windows XP SP2. I'm going to try to attach a screen shot of it.

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Need Help Getting Rid Of Annoying Error

Aug 24, 2007

Every time I open internet explorer I get the following message two times before it will open:cannot find 'file:///C:/program%20files/aol%20toolbar/welcome. html: make sure the path or internet address is correct.How can I get it to stop?

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Annoying Popups

Feb 14, 2007

Recently I am being inundated with annoying pop ups ususally advertising some product or other every time I log on to the internet and open a website.Can anyone please advise me how to stop these.
I have used Spybot, McAfee stinger, Ewido,AVG, Xsoft spy,Cclearer, Norton and possibly every othe rproduct on the market to remove adware/malware but to no avail.

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Very Annoying White Desktop In XP

Sep 11, 2007

I searched for driver for my webcam. found what appeared to be the correct info on-line, but after trying to install it the desktop reverts to an all white screen. When booting fresh, the desktop background picture will display; however, as boot process proceeds, the screen turns completely white. Icons are displayed, but no picture, just the picture of a blizzard in Montana on a very cold, blustery winter day

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Annoying Startup Folder

Mar 30, 2008

I have a startup folder on my desktop with nothing in it but windows won't let me remove. Is it that necessary to have this empty folder adding clutter to my desktop? I know the folder has something to do with allowing programs to run when windows starts up but there is nothing it.

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Error Message Getting Annoying

Sep 7, 2006

I have an HP Media Center and run Windows XP Media Edition. Everytime I close a window on my desktop or end a program I keep getting the following error message. Can someone help me to get rid of this off my pc because it is getting annoying.The system file is not suitable for running MS-Dos and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.Although all I have to do is click on the close link and it clears off the screen this is getting annoying every time I close out a program.

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Ridiculously Annoying Problem While Browsing With Firefox

Jul 2, 2005

I get this annoying message "The document contains no data", and it's been getting more frequent. I ran Spyboy, Ad-Aware, Norton, and MS Anti-Spy and they found nothing. I recently downloaded SpywareGuard and the new version of Peer Guardian 2,

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Computer Has Recently Been Getting An Annoying Amount Of Pop/ups For Winfixer

Sep 21, 2005

My computer has recently been getting an annoying amount of pop/ups for Winfixer, and WinAntispyware advertisements while surfing the web, but I haven't had it as a browser hijacker. Everytime I delete it from my registry site list it returns. I'm just wondering if what can i do to permanently get rid of this annoying pest. I have run adaware, spybot, spysubtract, AVG, Norton and nothing seems to get rid if this. Can someone run me though detailed steps or excellent free programs that will terminate this forever

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Accidentally Clicked Random Add - Annoying Program

Jun 28, 2010

i'll start from the beginning. Today i accidentally clicked a random add and managed to get AV security suite downloaded into my comp, Very annoying program. So it blocked me out of all my settings and did the normal thing rogue spy-wares do. So i restarted and quickly ran msconfig and went into safe mode. I don't really know much about safe mode so i opted to do a system restore. I did it for 5 days ago, the 22nd and when i restarted. I had no audio device recognized and explorer wont stop crashing. As im typing this explorer has perma crashed and im deathly afraid of what i should do. Please help :[ I really depend on this comp for a lot of stuff and would hate to have something so stupid as a spy-ware destroy it.

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Annoying Cd Icon Flashes At The Mouse Pointer

Aug 12, 2004

Whenever I take a CD out of the burner and close the tray, an annoying cd icon flashes at the mouse pointer.This will happen if I just use a CD or burn a CD. I have windows XP Pro and am using a Cyber Drive CW079D CD R/RW.

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Simple But Annoying. Web Page Shortcuts Just Open A Blank IE Page

Apr 1, 2005

I often right click in IE and select Create Shortcut.It puts a shortcut and my desktop to that page. This mysteriously stopped working. The icon appears on my desktop with the page title and all, but when I double click it, it just opens up my browser and loads about:blank.In the shortcut file's properties, and then gives me the file's size, location,etc.but it doesn't list the URL anywhere. It's just getting on my nerves having to copy a page's URL to a text file on my desktop if I want to remind myself of something.

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Error Message - Annoying Error

Apr 5, 2005

Computer that has Windows XP and I've started getting these annoying error messages that "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close", the box has a debug button or send error report. What kind of update do, The version of IE is 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp.

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Disappearing Cursor In Pro - SP3

Dec 5, 2008

I'm responsible for several Windows XP Pro computers running SP3. For some strange reason the cursor on the Welcome Screen disappears intermittently. This happened well before the installation of SP3. I've Googled my heart out looking for a solution but couldn't find anything substantial. Some blame a rogue windows update which I've uninstalled. Some have also said the fault lies with Fast User Switching which I've now disabled. The problem is still present, though. I know I can do CTL+ALT+DEL twice but this is a hindrance to the less tech savvy folks on my staff.

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Fat Typing Cursor

Jul 19, 2008

I'm at his friend's house trying to fix up their SONY VAIO XP desktop computer. One thing I can't fix is that there is really fat line when I type instead of just a straight thin line. It's like a black square.

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Cursor Disappearing?

Jan 26, 2006

I'm running Windows XP Home SP2 on a Dell Dimension 4600 w/ 2.4 ghz processor and 1.5 GB of RAM. I also have dual monitors with my desktop expanded across both screens. Usually when I am loading huge programs the mouse cursor will freeze in place. The mouse still works, but the cursor doesn't move (so i can still click on things by guessing where the cursor would be). However, the cursor will only freeze on one of the two screens. When I drag the "ghost cursor" over to the other screen, it shows up again and works fine on the opposite screen (but still doesnt work on the original screen). Also, if I'm really unlucky the cursor will disappear on one screen and then eventually on the other screen as well. I ran spyware and anti-virus scans, and spyware was clean but AVG anti-virus "identified virus Java/OpenStream". I don't know if that has anything to do with the cursor problem. Also, sometimes when loading programs I get an "EAccessViolation" and I have no idea if that has anything to do with this problem. If I did a bad job explaining the problem, I have the exact same problem as this guy:

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Cursor Will Just Pause And Several Keystrokes?

Sep 19, 2005

Occasionally when I'm typing out something in a text box, program, whatever, my cursor will just pause and several keystrokes might be dropped if I'm typing fast. This seems to happen randomly in spurts, like some days it's really bad and other days the problem doesn't occur. However, something related happens frequently in games, where I might press a key to go forward and it'll register as being continually pressed until I press the key once again. Specific keys don't do this, it seems like all of them do!

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Pro Sp3 Frozen Cursor - Cannot Use Keyboard

Feb 8, 2009

My mouse cursor is frozen in the middle of the deskstop, Cannot use keyboard to getinto system.Also when booting up system freezes and takes 3-4 minutes to load. Tried in safe mode and the same thing happens.Don't know what to do at this point...just want to get into computer

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Loss Of Cursor While Typing

Jul 15, 2005

While typing a document, a sound will occur and I will lose my curser. Subsequent typing does not appear on the screen. I have to click where I want to type to reset the cursor. This happens frequently while typing. This occurs in my Word Processor, in my email, or anyplace I type. I found that the Title Bar also dims at that time and if I click on the Title Bar the cursor will return. My operating system is Windows XP. There are no error messages.

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Cursor Jumping When Typing

Dec 22, 2008

I am running XP on my Compaq laptop. When typing in any field of more than 1 character, my cursor insists on placing itself randomly within material already typed and continues my typing stream at that point. From there it will place itself randomly somewhere else and continue my typing. This is maddening. I have scanned with several AV, Malware, spyware and other utilities and the PC is cleaned of anything possibly there. I have manually inspected all directories for suspicious and unknown files that could be causing this to no further avail. I regularly use AVG, Malwarebytes, Glary utilities, Cerebus utilities, Regcure, the Uniblue suite, Counterspy and others(all sequentially). This problem has persisted for months and need advice on what else to try to eliminate this problem.

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Cursor Vanished While Typing

Jan 25, 2005

I recently upgraded my Intellimouse Optical's drivers to version 5.2. After doing this, however, I noticed that the software is automatically hiding my cursor when I begin typing. I definitely do not want this happening, and I was a bit mad to find out that the option to "hide cursor while typing" is unchecked. I tried rolling back the drivers with no luck. Microsoft's knowledgebase is of no help as usual and I am running out of options. Does anyone know why this behavior would be occurring?

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Moving Cursor While Typing

Nov 2, 2007

searched previous forums for similar issues, and saw others complaining of moving cursors while typing. The only response I saw to this was maybe the pressure on the touch pad from wrist was causing. Not the case with me.On 10/30/07 I had (i believe) a backdoor trojan creep in. I have since removed and fixed all errors (allegedly) the only lingering glitch is that while typing, (Word, Powerpt, Search bars, etc.) the cursor repositions itself either ahead or behind my typing. This is making my work take twice as long! This happens at either fast or slow typing speeds. It really is frustrating.To be a little more specific, the movement of the cursor is not visible. It happens between flashes. One flash, it is before the next letter; with the next flash of the cursor it is behind by a paragraph (or more or less).

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Black Screen And Cursor

Jun 22, 2007

since Vista isn't working I'm trying to install XP pro on the system. I boot from CD, run the setup, when it restarts it goes to a black screen with a single flashing cursor in the top left instead of booting windows.

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At Log In Black Screen Cursor Only

Jan 4, 2006

About four months ago, I received a computer as a gift. However, about two weeks ago, while booting, I got a screen asking to run (I believe) a scan on my drives. After the scan was done, The computer completely shut down. When I tried to turn it back on, where the log in screen should be with the accounts on it, I had only a black screen, but I could see and move my cursor.I have done everything I could think of, tried to start in Safe Mode (same thing happened), tried to boot in Last Best Configuration(same), put hard drive in another computer and defragged it(No Results), and tried putting my Windows XP CD in to do a System Restore(Same thing happens). I don't really have very much on the computer, so a restore would not be too painful. Is there anything that I NEED to do when booting up with my XP disk to perform a restore?

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Blinking Cursor Of Death

Feb 28, 2005

I deleted some startup files from a WindowsXP Pro machine it was originally a Win98. Which files do I need to get it going XP, 98 or Compaq restore(hope not)? I can only access BIOS. I have no backup!

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Blinking Cursor Error

Jul 22, 2005

As I try to load XP it gets past a couple of screens and then just stays with this black one and the cursor blinking in the top left hand corner.Now ive had this problem once b4 but a mate of mine fixed it up and said if it ever happens again to put this floppy in and fix it. Now its happened again and i dont know what he did with that floppy (he is overseas atm).

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No Cursor In Password Login Box

Oct 27, 2006

This is an intermittant problem. I am running WinXP Pro SP2. When I boot my machine, everything works great. The bootup is good, the welcome screen shows everything and everything seems to be normal. Well, once I logout of the account that I am using, which can be any any account including the admin, I am returned to the welcome screen, but when I click on a password protected account, the password box appears with no cursor and I cannot enter anything. If I reboot the machine the welcome screen goes back to working and then it will mess up when i logout again. I can do the ctr+alt+del and login with any account that way, I am just needing to know if this is a corrupt file somewhere that needs to be reloaded or something. I have checked the PC for Virus's with AVG 7.5 Network Edition, and have also checked for spyware and adware with Spybot and Ad-aware scans. No virus's were found and only negligable items were found in the adware scans.

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Cursor Snapping To Buttons

Sep 18, 2005

Reinstalled and now the cursor is snapping to the buttons on opened windows. Where do I change this. I know its a check box, but I can't find it anymore.

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Cursor Moves Across Screen By Itself

Jun 28, 2005

the cursor moves across the screen by itself and I notice if I pick the mouse up then lightly dump it onto the mouse pad the cursor will begin moving across the screen again.This may not have anything to do with the cursor but I can not sign out of this newsgroup.

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Cursor Mysteriously Moves All By Itself

Sep 17, 2005

Have noticed an odd little occurrence of late.I am sitting reading something on the net, my hands are not touching the mouse or the keyboard and suddenly the cursor/arrow starts moving horizontally all by itself? I have remote access turned off but wonder if this indicates a possible remote user incursion?

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