Loading Over Ubuntu - Bigpom Email

Oct 28, 2009

I am currently using Ubuntu 9 as my Operating System. I want to load Windows XP instead. Do I need to format the HDD or will Wndows XP load over the top. Thank you in anticipation of a correct answer.Bigpom My Email is 81143@lizzy.com.au. Feel free to reply to that address

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Cannot Connect To Internet - On Loading Ubuntu

Oct 9, 2010

I have a dual boot system, XP loads from IDE (drive C), Ubuntu installed on another SATA HDD(drive D).
The problem I have is that the XP cannot connect to the internet but when I load Ubuntu, the system can connect to the net.

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Not Loading - Email - Browser Not Working

May 17, 2010

I went to check my email, and found that IE became unresponsive. Thinking that it was just IE 8 being itself, I proceeded to End Task, and tried to re-open the browser. For some reason, it didn't work. I then decided to re-start the computer to see if that would make a difference. When I did, I found that after logging in, the desktop background would show, but nothing else. I let it sit for more than an hour to see if it would respond, but to no avail.

Then, I decided to start the computer in safe mode. This seemed to work fine, and so I assumed that it was some sort of Trojan that was causing my computer to behave abnormally. So, I went online and installed AVG, as Symantec Antivirus did not work in safe mode. But, since Symantec needed to be uninstalled, the computer shut itself down, and restarted. Only this time, the computer simply did not load past the logo screen. Once that screen closed, I got a black screen, with a flashing cursor on the top left hand corner. It's been sitting there for about an hour, and there has been no change.

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Email Groups: Hide The Addresses While Sending Out An Email?

Sep 3, 2005

Can I create an email group but hide the addresses when I send out an email?

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Outlook Express Email - Not Receive Email

Aug 27, 2005

I just got a new computer with WinXPHome. All works OK except I can not receive my email into OE 6, all email stays with AT&T's Webmail, which I do not want to use. My old Win98 computer has no problems with getting my email. The settings on both computers are the same. I have disabled NAV email scanning. I have no idea what to do. I like OE, and want to continue using it.

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Got Ubuntu But Want Change To Xp

Sep 28, 2009

I have a pc which is running with ubuntu i want to change my os to xp i thought it would be as simple as just getting an xp disc and getting it to boot up and write over ubuntu but i have seen xp advertised on ebay and the guy says i have to format my hard drive before i load the cd could anyone advise me how i go about this so i can get to the stage where i insert xp disc and install

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How Do I Uninstall Ubuntu?

Dec 19, 2008

I put Ubuntu on my computer along with XP Pro. I've run out of space for XP, so I'd like to delete or uninstall Ubuntu.

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Installing Drivers With UBUNTU

Apr 29, 2006

My computer recently crashed, and I am going to put ubuntu as my operating system rather than windows. When I got my computer, I had to reinstall the driver for the wireless card. Will I have to do that? If so how, and where do I find the driver? I have a driver recovery cd that came with my computer, however I don't know if that will work with anything besides windows.

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Win Pro 32 Bit And Linux Ubuntu 8.10 At The Same Time

Dec 25, 2008

can i run these two os at the same time on mz pc , i wanna switch between like i switching between my ie and firefox.

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Using Ubuntu, Uninstalled - Ini At Start Up

Jul 5, 2010

I tried using Ubuntu, uninstalled it, now i still see the .ini at start up
How do i remove it?

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Ran The Installation Cd - Running Ubuntu 7.04

Dec 30, 2007

I'm currently running Ubuntu 7.04 and wanted to install Windows XP to play games on it but when I ran the installation cd, after everything loaded I got the blue screen. I tried formatting my hard drive and it didn't work either so if anyone could please help.

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Insalling Xp Without Deleting Ubuntu

Feb 9, 2008

Does anybody knows a good way to install xp without loosing Ubuntu

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:Help Installing Over Ubuntu (Error Msg):

Oct 7, 2008

Alright, here?s my deal (I hope ya?ll can help..):The Bottom-Line (Short-Version): I bought a couple PC?s with Ubuntu (Linux) installed. I need XP on it. My XP Install disc doesn?t work (error pops up), if I tried to partition the drive, I?ll mess it up for sure; what the hell do I do?What I?ve Done (Detailed-Version): I recently bought a couple computers (Dell Optiple X GX150) that originally had the XP OS on it; currently, Ubuntu (Linux) resides as the OS (which is a bad thing, in this case).I would like to uninstall/delete ?Ubuntu? and put ?Windows XP? (or any other version for this matter) as my main & ONLY operating system. I have a ?Windows XP Installation Disc? that I TRIED to use and install. I downloaded ?Wine? & ?Crossover?, each opens the .EXE on the disc and allows me to explore. In ?Setup?, it asks: ?What do you want to do?? When I click, ?Install Windows XP?,

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Installed Ubuntu - Stops On Boot

May 24, 2007

I installed Ubuntu (a popular Linux distribution) a few days ago. I had Windows XP. It was fine but I had very little RAM: 256 MB (-32MB of which is shared with the video card) with which Feisty Fawn (the version 7.04 of Ubuntu is called this - it is the latest) would run really slow. So my friend suggested I use a live CD of GNOME Partition Editor, create the partitions and turn the swap on before I started installing Ubuntu. I created 3 partitions of ext3 format on my 160GB Hard disc for Root, Home and Swap which were 20GB, 10 GB, and 1 GB respectively. I had not yet installed Ubuntu.

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Recently Installed Ubuntu 9.04 - Want To Delete

Sep 7, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu 9.04 and want to delete it out of my computer. I Installed into windows xp. So i went to add/remove progs and uninstalled it. but when i restart my computer i get to the boot screen an have chose from xp or ubuntu? why is this? please help. I have partitioned 5 Gb for ubuntu how can I get it back and use it for xp? can i got to the file "boot.ini" found in C drive and erase the text where it says 'C:wubildr.mbr = "Ubuntu"' and change the value of partition from 1 to 0 in that file?

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Partition When Installing Ubuntu - Xp Wont Start

Aug 3, 2008

Is it possible to make a partition when installing ubuntu so that I can dule boot xp and ubuntu without being able to get into xp first as my xp wont start due to bsod, so if I can make a partion on my hard drive I can access the xp partition and take out the files I need. then reinstall xp

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Installing Pro Over Ubuntu - Setting-up A Dual-boot

Jan 5, 2007

It might sound rather strange, but I need to install Win XP Pro over Linux Ubuntu. I plan on setting-up a dual-boot, but I need Windows to be installed first. When I try to boot from the Win XP Pro install CD (not OEM version, but complete Windows OS), I boot to Ubuntu. How can I launch the Win install and overwrite Ubuntu? Should I use http://dban.sourceforge.net/ to erase Ubuntu and then install Windows?

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Making Windows Boot From A Flash Drive In Ubuntu?

Aug 15, 2009

I've been trying to solve this for a few days now and I'm not having any luck. I don't have access to a PC running a windows OS or I'd just set up the flash drive there.

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Toshiba Laptop With Linux - Machine By Removing UBUNTU

Aug 8, 2007

I would like to get help with the following problem.I have a Toshiba laptop with Linux(UBUNTU) in it. I do not have any of those CD's and now I want to install Windows xp in this machine by removing UBUNTU.Is this something possible with out UBUNTU CD's??I have a Win Xp cd.Please help me out and let me know if I need to download anything to make this happen.If its not possible to remove UBUNTU please advise me if I can have Winxp along with that and have Dual OS.

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Uninstalled Ubuntu - Missing Half The Hard Drive

Oct 5, 2007

i had Ubuntu (dual boot with XP), and i got both partions on 15GBs each, now that Ubuntu its gone, i thought that my XP would have back the 30GB it used to have but it doesnt, it still says it has the 15GB the partion used to have, and i deleted Ubuntu by using my XP disk and Repaired the computer doing the fixmbr thingy and i thought it was going to make it the way it was before, also, my floppy drive doesnt seem to work, it lights up, when i log in it seems like its trying to scan a floppy or something, and when i try to open up a floppy disk it freezes the window and doesnt let me work or anything.

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Delete Dual Boot : Choosing A Operating System Either XP Or UBUNTU?

Sep 8, 2008

i was having sum problems with ubuntu when i installed it onto my second hard drive(d).on my (c)drive i have xp pro installed and on the (d) drive i had nothing until i installed linux ubuntu so i decided to remove it and i messed up because before i uninstalled it i formatted that hard drive(d),and thought that should be ok coz it must have removed it,and i'm sure it did,but now every time i turn on my pc it gives me a choice of choosing a operating system either XP or UBUNTU,how do i get rid of the ubuntu on the startup i just want it to go into xp and not give me a choice,i have looked into it and every body says i should use the fixmbr in command in recover with the xp cd running and i did that but it still doesn't remove it

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Install Ubuntu - Optical Disk Or Hard Drive Had An Error

Sep 16, 2008

I tried to install Ubuntu onto my HD yesterday, and i ran into an issue during the install (i received a message that said the optical disk or hard drive had an error and that the instal would be aborted). So the Ubuntu install was aborted, and i tried to boot back into windows but received this message:

Quote: Load needed for kerenl:



kdcom.dll I have tried to boot into safe mood with no luck. So i tried to do a repair from the XP disk i have, but then i received this error message:

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Hard-drives Not Loading / Pc Extremely Slow Not Loading Properly

Jul 16, 2008

I got a new motherboard installed because my old one fried itself and the pc was reformatted and windows was reinstalled. Since then, it was working fine. The start-up time had also lowered considerably and it was working perfectly for once.One thing that's been happening for a while, my computer started taking longer to start-up. I figured it was just all the programs etc I have installed. Then, I have this one external drive that I got connected internally. There were times where it wouldn't recognize this drive; it wouldn't show up on My Computer. Otherwise, it was perfectly fine. one of my most important drives (E) has been missing for the last 2 days. it hasn't shown up even once and i'm really worried i've lost data and need to recover it.

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Regular Email Pop Up Mean?

Oct 13, 2006

I was just at a site where i wanted to enter a competition, and therefore had to send an email.I clicked on the 'send email' link, i received this message: you need to create an account before proceeding, would you like to create one now?'I clicked on 'yes' and was asked, 'what type of account would you like to create?' the choices being: regular email[pop]IMAP,news,import email opera web email[ i use the opera browser.The only one of those that i understand is the opera choice, so i clicked on that. That took me to my opera email account, i thought,fine.however, there was no sign of the email address that i need to be able to send them a message.now i'm sure you've come across this yourselves, it crops up for me every so often, when it does, it puts me off whatever i was trying to do, and i give up.what should i do? what does regular email[pop] mean?should i click on these other choices?why, when i click opera, am i not given the email address?

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Where To Respond To A Email?

May 28, 2006

I don't have a clue to where to respond to a email i got from a asmin cookiegal? I got a email saying i better watch out or i'll be banned from the forum.I didn't mean to insult anyone but a post i recieved was not very kind either so maybe i over reacted.As for me asking about why i would be banned from ANOTHER forum not this one cookiegal said forums don't ban people for no reason well, they did for me and the one that got be banned was a friend of one of the mods! on drphil.com

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No Sound On Email

May 5, 2005

I have been getting some very nice emails on Yahoo mail. They are supposed to have sound. I have sound on everything else on my computer. I have Windows XP Pro installed. I also have Stopzilla, Spyware Blaster, and Spybot. Would the problem have something to do with one of the blockers? And if so, how do I fix it? You can tell everyone that uses the computer does not like popupads. And we surely don't want to be infected with viruses and all that other bad stuff.

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Setting Up Another Email Account

Jan 8, 2005

I want to set up another email account for my mother in law on my wife's computer. I have 8 addresses so that is not an issue. I am just wondering if I should set up an additional profile on her Windows XP Home computer or if there is someway to use the same outlook express? I want it to be a clean and easy as possible.

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2 Computers With 1 Email Account

Oct 15, 2010

I have a laptop and a PC that share one email address through Outlook. Is there a way to answer or file, or delete received emails on one computer and have that action done on the other computer? I end up having to repeat the deletions, especially, twice --- once on each computer.

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New Email Program To Be Added

Feb 3, 2006

I want to add a second email program and make it the default. How can i accomplish
this? My present program is OE 6 and OS is Home Xp SP 2

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Cannot Print From Email Or Off The Internet

Apr 26, 2008

I'm useing windows XP professional. I mistakenly downloaded a virus through my email. i found the virus and deleted it. i'm not sure if the virus is the cause of my problem but i can no longer print from my email or off the internet. The printer is a HP officejet 6110 all-in-one.

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Cant Use Outlook Express Email

Oct 21, 2006

How To Use Outlook Express Email. How Does It Work? I Want Run It Through My Yahoo

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