Increasing Speed Of Computer Processor

Aug 15, 2005

How can I increase the speed of my computer's processor? And how can I increase the Memory my system has allocated to my browser?

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Find Processor Speed / RAM And Hard Drive Speed Configuration?

Sep 25, 2005

How do I find my processor speed, RAM, and hard drive speed/configuration?

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Increasing Network Login And Internet Downloading Speed?

Aug 12, 2002

Have only tried this on XP Pro but it works great. Decreased my login time from 2mins to 15secs. Increased my network speed (ex. 170MB file took 15-20min. Now the same 170MB file takes less than 2mins). WOW!Here it is... Go into your network properties and then into your TCP/IP settings. Add your Server's IP address as Prefered DNS Server. Then select you Advanced button, go into your WINS tab and insert your Server's IP address for your WINS address as well. Reboot the system and you SHOULD see a difference. I have already tried this on several systems and have seen the same increase in speed

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Switching From 2000 Pro To Pro - Processor Speed - Size Of Ram?

Nov 15, 2007

I am about to upgrade from 2000 Pro to XP Pro. I use XP exclusively at my office.I have run the Windows XP Pro Upgrade Advisor and it found no problems but, I realized that I can't even find my processor speed. It took me forever just to locate my hardware configuration.

how I locate my processor speed and the size of my RAM?

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Updated BIOS: Processor Is Set At The Wrong Speed?

Mar 26, 2005

I updated my bios with Asus' bios update utility, at first everything worked fine. Including the required reboot. The next day when tried I booted up I got an error message saying the processor is set at the wrong speed. No matter what speed I set the message reappeared.

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Fastest Computer Processor

Oct 13, 2009

whats the fastest computer processor

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Slow Computer: While Having The Fast Processor?

Jun 26, 2005

This computer is a Dell desktop, win xp with a fast processor. It's glitching up a was hoping I could get some advice. It's my bosses computer and he is having alot of problims with it and its starting up.

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BOOT Computer - No Processor Usage

Apr 20, 2010

I'll make it short.I bought an SSD for FASTER booting times and it's just AMAZING. Though i'm still not satisfied with some things. I switched to winXP due to some issues in windows 7. Here when i restart the PC, when the Windows Splash screen appears, the PC remains IDLE for like 5 seconds. I mean its IDLE, No processor usage/ No HD usage/ and NO Service loading. It's just annoying me. And right after 4 seconds the SSD picks up and the desktop comes up INSTANTLY.

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Faster Computer: Dual Processor And Heavy Ram?

Oct 6, 2006

I just downloaded the latest version of Nikons Capture NX photo program so now I need a much faster PC.Nikon program recommends "Pentinum 4 2Ghz or better"
What would be better?Dual processor? if so, which one? Video card? RAM 1GB is too slow....Maybe 2GB? 3GB? 4GB What else should I look for?

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Increasing Virtual RAM

Apr 3, 2006

When I do alot of things on the computer, the PC freezes for a few seconds and a little bubble apears in the corner saying "Windows now increasing Virtual RAM", and I was wondering what this meant? Because I assume it means its using more of the physical ram I have, because according to my PC stats, I have 224MB of ram, which, by most logic is impossible.

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Increasing Virtual Memory

May 30, 2005

I was wondering what is the best virtual memory setting that I should use for my laptop? The current performance option setup shows that I'm using 672 MB of virtual memory. Is it possible to increase this size? I have a large 60 GB HD which currently has 40 GB remaining. My laptop is running pretty smooth right now...I have all virus and spyware/malware applications installed which I run and keep updated on a frequent basis. I'm looking to squeeze as much performance as possible.

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Increasing Max Memory - Reboot System

Jun 10, 2005

I'm have a Compaq Presario 2596US notebook running Windows XP.It uses DDR333 pc2700 sodimm. I had a 256mb and a 512mb chip installed, and had 768 total ram. I ordered a 1gb chip (transcend, from newegg), and the laptop won't recognize it.
I've tried running the 512 and the 1gb chip, the 256 and the 1gb chip, and the 1gb chip alone. With either of the smaller chips installed plus the 1gb chip, the system memory is equal to the smaller chip. With just the 1gb chip installed (tried both sockets), the laptop won't boo just spins out on the 'ol black screen of death

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Increasing Programs Priority Results In Running Slow?

Aug 12, 2002

In life, the only way to succeed is to get your priorities straight. Well tough-luck, to all you slackers, the computer world ain't much different. Windows has setup a system controlled hiearchy which is notably called the Priority System. By increasing a programs priority, the task manager tells the system to pay more attention to it, by feeding it RAM and optimizing that program to use the system cache more effifiently. Lets explore into the wonderful world of priorities.1.)

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Move A USB Device From Low Speed Port To High Speed

Mar 22, 2009

I'm connecting my iphone to usb and get the "this device can perform faster...." message telling me to disconnect from the current port and connect to a hi speed port I know which is hi speed port, but cant figure out how to disconnect and then reconnect it

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Improve Internet Speed - Maximum Download Speed

Apr 16, 2008

I am using a DSL connection with a maximum download speed of upto 2MBPS but i usually recieve it for about 1-1.5MBPS. I have tried using Download Accelerator softwares to increase my speed but wuth those some spam also come into my computer so i am not using it anymore. Is there any way by which i can increase my internet speed by doing some changes in Windows internally. Also while using sharing sites my speed tends to fall to about 45KBPS.

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How To Speed Up Computer

Nov 28, 2007

I suggest you read the TSG Rules, we take copyrights seriously here. Don't copy large articles from other sites here.

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Want Computer To Be On Speed

Feb 2, 2008

I have a quick question. And thank you all by the way. Everyone is so helpful here! ( I am new oh and inexperienced at computers!) I want to speed up my computer. i was reading a book and it said there are some tools to help speed it up such as disc cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, and Chkdsk?? My computer is really slow so im trying to see whats wrong with it. I have done all the virus stuff. Oh and I deleted a lot of unused programs which I thought would make it so much faster and free up some space but when I went back under the C folder in program files, it was only like one less mb or gb whatever it is. haha cant you see im not that good with this stuff! Anyway, for disc cleanup... will that speed it up? I dont want to delete anything. Will it delete stuff? as for the chkdsk. should I do that to see whats wrong and what is disk defrag. Should I do that.

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Computer Needs To Speed Up

Apr 30, 2008

Got xp sp2 and the problem is it takes so long to do anything and it freezes and locks when open more then one browser why is this? What can download to make it run quicker?

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Adding Memory To System Results In Increasing Boot Time?

Jul 27, 2005

Can someone please direct me to a site or group to find information about how adding memory to XP changes boot-up time?

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Tips To Speed Up Computer?

Oct 23, 2008

My computer is rather slow, and I would like to get it run faster. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatfully accepted.are disk defragmentations speeding up anything or freeing up anything? And are they safe?

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How Can Drastically Speed Up Computer?

Jan 23, 2005

I have 2 computers, one is a HP laptop and the other is a desktop pc, and they are both running kind of slow. I've heard that installing more memory would help speed up the computer. I've been to a site where you can enter your computer model and they will tell you what memory is right for your computer, I have no problem finding out the memory for my laptop but I have a problem looking for memory for the desktop pc. It was a HP Pavilion 8655c but I installed a different cd writer and a dvd writer, upgraded the motherboard and upgraded from a Pentium 3 to a Celeron 4 processor, and I was told that this is now a custom built pc. I was told when I bought the motherboard that I could install over 4 mb's of RAM and I am currently running on 248 mb. How can I find out what memory that I need to install on this computer? I scan for viruses and spyware/adware frequently, and neither are installed on either of my computers. I have deleted the temporary internet files, uninstalled some programs that I don't use that often, disabled everything that starts at startup, and defragmented the hard drives. Other than installing more memory, what else can I do to speed up my computers? My laptop runs off of Windows XP home/512mb of ram/30 gb hard drive.
My desktop pc runs off of Windows XP Pro/248 mb of ram/1 hard drive is 30 gb and the other is 120 gb. If there is any other info you need to help me speed up my computers please let me know.

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Speed Test Your Computer

Apr 20, 2006

There is a website that I have been attending for 4 years now, in which you can play games, chat, ect ect.They have what is called a "Speed Test" to test your computer in many different areas (3-D, Text, Pixels, Math, ect.) that you can take for free, by just logging in as a guest.All you have to do is come up with a nickname, login, go to SINGLE PLAYER tab at the bottom left of your screen, click it, then go to the second or third to last game, on the bottom right of your screen, and click it (Greyish box).Up comes the speed test...Just click start (make sure you have everything closed out on the screen as it takes your computer through several speed tests)In no way is this some kind of promo or anything, its just a really COOL way to test your computer.

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Clock Speed Computer?

Apr 24, 2010

how to clock speed my computer?

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Increase Computer Speed

Oct 27, 2007

I play dota and i lag what can u do or buy to increase its speed and not lag?

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Slow Computer - Can Speed Up Little Bit

Apr 25, 2005

I have a computer that is about 1 month old i was just wondering what can i do to speed it up a little bit

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Trying To Speed Up Computer - Never Set A Password

Nov 9, 2009

i was tryin to speed up my computer one day trying to get it too only 1 account on pc. So im type commands to hide or delete account access and it happened i could not access any users it says password but i never set a password. My laptop does not have a cd drive and does not support usb drive booting. Anyway to add or re-able accounts from welcome screen? Cant login to Any Accounts such as Administrator

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How To Speed Up My Personal Computer?

Apr 16, 2007

I have a laptop with an 80gb hdd and 25gb used. It used to be really quick but now it has gone really slowly apart from Defragment and Disk Cleanup what can I do.

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Slow Startup Speed On New Computer

Aug 28, 2005

I just built a new computer, the startup was very quick. But after I installed some video editing software, the startup seems extremely slow. Is the software I installed responsible for this?

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Fire Fox Slow Down Computer Speed

Apr 10, 2006

I downloaded firefox browser yesterday but when ever i try to start it it comes on for about 5 secs then goes off. I thought i must of done somthing wrong when i installed it so i downloaded netscape to see if that would work and guess what that is doing the same so it has got to be somthing to do with my pc.

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Sound Card And Computer Speed

Dec 6, 2004

Can anyone reccommend a good sound card for my computer for music production and also I have been told my computer speed needs to at least 300ghz to run these applications together,,,,Any ideas I thought memory makes the computer run faster.

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Slow Computer, Please Help Speed This Thing Up!

Dec 30, 2005

I've scanned with spy sweeper and adaware, here is my hijackthis log. My computer runs slow at the start, and was wondering what I could take out of the, I use sbc yahoo dsl, have windows xp, and it is a hp pavillion a434n.

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