I downloaded the free ISO image from yoper.com (linux) and although the size shows as 692meg on the ftp site once downloaded windows reports it as 709meg but the properties shows it as being less than 700meg on disk.
I think this is something to do with 1000bits vs 1024bits or something. But anyway Im trying to write this image using nero 6 oem but it says its too big for the 700meg CD. Do I have to enabale overburning (if its safe) or get an larger capacity CD disk or something
I am trying to create a full HD image of my Dell c800 Laptop using Drive Image 7 (circa 2003) to an USB HD. I have tried twice and received failures about my HD having bad sectors OR locked sectors. I ran check disc with repair and did not find any problems. Re-ran check disc from the boot disc that came with the application and found no problems with the disc. Tried again for a backup and received the same error. I am thinking it is one of the programs I have loaded has a locked sector or one of my processes that loads during boot is the problem?
So two days ago my computer suddenly decides that when I arrive back home it would want to start running like a win 95. Thus, I promted to shut it down. Once it arrived to the loading screen after the reboot nothing occurred. I then decided to wait... 30mins later it goes black and then the message arrives: "Winlogon.exe-Badimage The Application or DLL C:/Windows/System32/sfc.dll is not a valid windows image. Please check this against your installation disk settings." I have alot of stuff on my computer I need for work, is the only option to deleted everything and re add XP?
I have a WD 1TB hard drive installed as an extra drive to hold a large series of video files. When it was install I formatted it as NFTS. Now I have ssome folders that have become quited large in actual size (20+GB) and in number of files(800+).When the folders on this drive are accessed that have any size to them (2-6GB or more) the system hangs with a 'windows explorer has encountered a problem.' error. Sometimes I get the Dr. Watson debugging error. Is there a fix for this? The event log states an explorer.exe error. The error as perviously stated states a 'windows explorer problem' not an Internet explorer error. Running Windows XP home, SP3
I would delete some of these, (some I need) but I can't stay in the folder long enough to access the actual file or files themselves before the system hangs. I can play the files in media player
Dell Latitude 810D probably about 4 years old running XP Pro SP3. The following has happened a few times in last 18 months but reboot has always solved problem - today it continues even after reboot. No new software has been added recently; anti-virus program runs in background all the time and full sys scan every night. Dell tech support says it is a software issue. I am not getting any error messages, just screen magnification that has not been asked for by user.
When opening Firefox or MSWord initially the web page (or word document) looks normal at a reasonable text point size, but within a few seconds it progressively zooms larger to over flow the screen. In Firefox it looks like 1,600% in Word it seems to go to 500%. In either application using the menu or keyboard shortcut to restore screen to a more readable text size only retains that for a few seconds before it zooms and over flows the screen. Usually clicking on the scroll bar to move vertically is erratic and even though you click to go down on the page the screen seems to jump downward but then back up on its own.
As I said, rebooting typical would solve things but not today. Using the computer of a friend as my laptop is impossible to work with. Typing text in browser search, or Word, or email program because of the magnification becomes nearly impossible to track. I have not tried other apps, but the magnification is consistent except that with Internet Explorer things automatically zoom out making things at about 12% size. Not sure this is an operating system issue but was not sure which forum to post this in. I am currently running a full system scan (Kaspersky Internet Security 2010). Desktop looks normal (icons and text labels look the same size that they always do; Windows Explorer also looks normal. Thanks for any assistance.
when using Defragment (programs-accessories-system tools-defragment) in Windows XP, after defragmenting C drive, report shows that certain large .pst files from Outlook were not defrag.this is unfortunate since these are the "gummiest" files on my computer. is there any way to defrag these files safely? perhaps and update to defrag program which will enable this? or a workaround? or a third party program which will defrag these files? a way to defrag .pst files within Outlook?
My daughter's laptop has extra large icons that I cannot get rid of. Also, when she goes to a website, that too is also very large and will not fit on the screen. I have tried to right click and adjust the icons but that does not get them back to normal. I have checked the dpi and that is as small as can be adjusted
I have a P4 3.4 wit HT, 1024mb Corsair XMS. 4 250GB HD form wd and maxtor. No matter what i do i run into the same stupid a$$ problem, all due to the fact i have to have lame windows as an OS, due to the fact i game alot more then i should. So, lets say at bootup i get in sysmangr a amount of 120mb being used, if i open msn messenger it raises up memory amount, and if i open photoshot it does the same, its understandable that the more prgs i open the more memory its gonna require. But, Once i have closed those programs i also expect the OS to release the memory usage, and it never does, example: 1st boot start and ends at 120mb being used, if i browse my hard drives wich open explorer it uses up to 156mb, if i close explorer it never releases that memory, ive used unloadlls, but that never ever works. So does anyone know how to correctly tell the OS to stop hogging memory once program is closed.
i got a new machine. I've been looking around and pretty much the only processors being sold are 64bit ones. So i guess i'll be getting a 64bit processor. I've been have been reading around about windows xp x64 and i've picked up that a large amount of software will not run under windows x64. We have some windows xp 32bit disks but should we go for x64?
In Unix there is a "dd" command that will enable the user to split up a large text file into smaller segments. I am on XP and have a 600Mb text file and I want to chop it up in two pieces so I can read it more easily. How can I do this, preferrably from a command line?
In some of my windows such as the graphics option window of the window for ez cd creator the text is too large not allowing me to see the whole window.
I am having trouble with my computer rebooting while trying to copy large files 700 MB from a CD to the hard drive.I had this problem about 6 months ago when I was copying files from my Tivo to my PC.I am trying to copy to the same hard drive now that was giving me trouble then. There is a different amount of free space now while experiencing the problem than there was when I had the problem 6 months ago. The hard drive is a secondary hard drive used for data storage.
If it's an exe it will just fail and say its corrupt If it's an archive like a rar at the end of extracting it will fail and say the volume is corrupt.
1-50MBs - sometimes corrupt 50-500MBs - usually corrupt 500-3GB - 100% of the time corrupt
This file I believe is of some 2.5GB and my download speed is approx. 2mb. So when trying to download this file, it indicates that will take approx. 25hrs to complete.Is there anyway of capturing what's downloaded in a temp file and then pick up again to continue the download in number of sessions till completion of the full download. At present if I shut the page or turn PC off, it starts the download again from scratch when restarting.
The same folder, and its properties window. The next is everything inside plus its properties windows, theres a huge difference. And it's a like 7 Gigabytes difference."super hidden folder" in directly on my C: drive. It was a limewire folder. I had to put C:/uploads just to get into it. I don't know the name of this super hidden folder so I can't just do that. Any help? And if you notice it says that the Tim Atkinson Folder contains 15,738 files in 651 folders and when I go in that folder and select EVERYTHING I get 2,017 files in 650 folders. Theres a folder with a lot of files missing.
My windows are stuck in large print, I have not used the magnifier. I have tried the restore it didnt help. my home page is in normal print. my email an the rest of the internet is in large print.
Has anyone ever get this message, "Error deleting folder:" ? I encountered this when I tried to delete some folders (originated from another computer that I tried to back up, including an "applications" folder).They are quite large in size so I would like to get rid of them.
Where can I find unusual, cute, large cursors? Please email your response to my home email address: dogspies@hotmail.com, becauise otherwise I won't be able to find it
We recently purchased a 22" widescreen Samsung EX2220 LCD monitor. Unfortunately the icons and labels on thedesktop and the teston the toolbars, taskbars, drop down menus are too small. I've changed the setting several times (Control Panel -display-Appearance-"Font Size" and all the "advanced" settings.) By doing this the fonts and text gets larger. However, every time we re-boot, all the settings go back to the way they were small. Does anyone know how to keep they large after a reboot?
End 2005 I had a HD crash. Blamed it on the age, but replacing it with a new Seagate 240GB ATA wasn't smooth. Took me several attempts and chats with the PC store.Suddenly , without any clear reason, everything started working fine.until 3 weeks ago. After moving 30gb video files from a raid to that new 240GB , the new one was completely 'destroyed' (in a logical way, not physical). W2K's response : drive not formatted , would you like to format it now? I tried PC Inspector to recover my files, but since the drive was not 'accessible' the application couldn't do much. Then I did a quick format to get at least my logical structure back so PC Inspector could start working. Unfortunately it did for some %'s of the drive , but then crashed on me. Eventually I bought File Scavenger on line and via that application 1000's of family pictures could be saved. The bigger files (20 iso files of family DVD's) were lost though. So I formatted the 240GB drive, hunted the internet for updates of my BIOS etc.and now everything works fine. I think. But having 2 HD crashes in such a short time (I never had one in my 20 years of PC experience) seriously damaged my trust in my PC.
Every time I download a large RAR (more than 700 MB), it won't extract properly, and will say there's been a CRC error of sorts. What does that mean?This has been happening to every large file I download, from multiple sources.
finally got Windows to see my drive, now installing OS (happy days)just wanted to poll opinion on whether it's worth partitioning a large (500GB) drive and installing the OS on smaller slice?my understanding is that the current consensus view is doing this actually only slows things down as performance on modern 16MB cached drives is pretty good as is.