How Much Hdd Space Allocate For Wininstall

Feb 24, 2007

I installed WinXP on a 320 gb hdd. I wanted it to reside on as small a portion of the drive as would be practical in case the OS needed to be reinstalled.

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Need To Re-Allocate Space On C And D Drives

Feb 14, 2009

when a tech person installed my new hard drive, he divided it into C and D drives in order to protect my documents on the D from hackers. Unfortunately, he allocated way too much space to the D drive and not enough to the C drive. Now I have 98 GB on my D drive, with 92 GB's free, and 16.5 GB on my C drive with less than 4 GB's free. I would like to make them closer to equal size, but do not know how to change the current set-up and the original tech guy is out of the picture now.

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Unallocated Space - Can I Re-allocate This?

May 27, 2007

i deleted a 30GB partition that had linux on it and ran fixmbr...this all worked i have 30GB of unallocated space that i'd like to make available to my C drive. how do i do that without losing the data on C

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How To Allocate More Space D Drives / Less To C Drive

Sep 15, 2009

My Gateway computer's hard drive is partitioned into a C and D drive. The D drive is completely filled and the C drive is almost empty. How can I allocate more space to the D drive and less to the C drive?

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Delete E-Drive And Allocate Space To Other Drives?

May 19, 2008

i'm using XP with three partitions c-drive-40 gb o/s, d-drive-56 gb for downloads and e-drive 40 gb as an extra but i don't need it now, how can i delete e-drive and allocate the 40 gb to one or both other drives

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Running Out Disk Space, Re-allocate Partition?

May 4, 2006

Computer is running slow. The main systems files disk (C: drive) only has 8% remaining disk space. I ran a few diagnostic programs that stated the lack of disk space is slowing down my system considerably. I have another partition (F: drive) that has 50% space,Is there a way I can re-allocate that partition back into the C drive to allow my computer to function better

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Allocate Partition- Can Some One Help?

Feb 3, 2006

I finilly was able to get around to creating a seperate partition for my Windows SWAP/PAGE File. I created a big enough partition and now the status of the partition is "UNALLOCATED". I used Partition Magic 8 and can't figure out howto change that partition form "UNALLOCATED" to NTFS!

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Allocate Folder To New Drive

Aug 28, 2005

I have several folders _deep_ inside the file structure; I would very much like to allocate a drive letter to each of these folders, such as J: K: etc. local network drive to them, however this fails when files are in use and the network subsystem cannot handle them.

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Network Is Unable To Allocate An Ip Address

Apr 21, 2006

I keep getting an error message that the network is unable allocate an ip address to my computer ive had this problem before in australia and some tech support guy fixed it for me but i cant remember what it was that he did

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C: Drive Space Loosing Space: 70% Free Space Down To Only Under 40%?

Sep 14, 2005

The problem I'm having is, every week I do a scan disk and defrag. I've noticed that once defraged since a few weeks ago I HAVE GONE from over 70% free space down to only under 40%....I don't run any major software at the moment BUTDO use the internet on ADSL most days BUT not to any great extent. The only connection I can c is this copying Dig pix straight to disc...Am I right or is there sumthing else going on

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15GB Free Space And It Shows Not Enough Disk Space?

Aug 13, 2007

i wanted to copy a cd image 4.18GB ISO format from partition F: NTFS 9GB free to partition D: (FAT32 12GB free space) and windows gives me that crap there is not enough space and i should do a disk clean up.
I made a disk clean up to partition D: and there was 3GB of system restore files!!! maybe coz i deleted 6GB earlier anyway i deleted the system restore files

Only NTFS partions can have files with file size more than 4GB..i hope theres nothing wrong with my windows or my hard disk..and i wanna know if theres a way to move that ISO image..thanx in advance.

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Free Space Inaccuracies?? Calculating Disc Space?

Mar 14, 2006

I've noticed sometimes that the Free Space on my harddrives won't reflect changes I've made. For example, on my 28.6gb F: drive, I had about 586mb free. I just deleted a video file of about 700 mb, so it should be up to about 1.2 gb. Oddly enough, its still at 586mb.

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Erosion Of Free Space On Hard Drive Becoming Used Space

Aug 6, 2005

I recently noticed that my free space on hard drive has been eroded and my used space has been increasing. I have not added any software. Much to my dismay I cannot figure out why this would occur. We did make recovery disks and removed our partition some weeks ago. It seems our C drive is using up space without any explanation. Ran many different anti virus and spyware software and they did not detect anything.

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DVD-RW Drive (E:) Used Space/Free Space 0

Oct 2, 2006

I had to uninstall HP Photosmart C4100 series only because I was missing some wording on the buttons that just disappeared for some reason, It said to uninstall the program and then just reinstall it.
Well now, when I go to reinstall, it will not automatically start so I clicked on my computer and dvd-rw Drive (E and there are no files, in fact it states that my my file system is CDFS and the CDA Default - Full It says all space used 672 MB and Free Space 0 Bytes

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1.10 GB Free Space In Safe Mode, In Normal 804 MB Free Space?

Jan 30, 2006

does anybody know why i have 1.10 GB free space in Safe Mode and 804 MB free space in Normal? thanks. and i know that 804 MB free space isnt alot, this is a pretty small harddrive from what the computer says it is .

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Pc Asks Me To Empty Disk Space Though There Is Enough Disk Space

Feb 22, 2010

My issue is my machine displays "not enough disk space " error when i try to paste a file of 4gb though there is enough disk space of over 8gb free in my drive

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Hard Disk Space Go / Disk Space Seems To Vanish

Mar 31, 2007

I don't get it. the more i go on, the more and more disk space seems to vanish into thin air. xp usually takes a couple of gigs up on the hard disk, right? maybe 5 gigs at the very most. i've got 8 gigs taken up by videos in one folder. the programs i've got installed are negligable. the program files folder is 500mb. and yet my disk only has 20 gigs spare on a 40 gig hard disk. i've looked in every folder on the hard disk and i simply can't find any folders with anything of any great size in it. i've defragged the hard drive.

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Free Up Memory Space - Not Getting Accurate Free Space

Jun 29, 2006

I currently have 13.0 GB of used space and 5.58 GB of free space. I would like to get more free space.
My computer is about 2 years old. In those two years, I had to re-install Windows XP and everything else on my computer...for reasons unknown...I recently performed a New Installation of Windows XP on my computer. I don't have alot of things installed on my computer. The total space all the programs in my Add and Remove programs file takes up is only 1GB. Since I had to start over and re-install everything and my programs only add up to 1GB, Shouldn't I have more free space ?

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Unallocated Disk Space - Expand The Disk Space

Apr 28, 2007

how to expand the disk space that I have. The primary C drive has the OS on it and it is only about 14GB, and my entire disk is about 50GB, the unallocated space is about 34 GB. I have tried to expand the primary partition unsuccessfully. Do I have to reload the entire OS ? I do not have the origional disk to reload the OS. It is a sony PCG-CRT160 computer with 500 mb ram and approximately a 50 GB primary drive that was partitioned when I got it.

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Incorrect Disk Space, Low Disk Space

Feb 5, 2006

Drive C total capacity is around 24GB, when selecting all files in C:, it shows 12GB used, but only 2GB is left in free space. What's wrong?

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Low Disk Space / Clears Your Disk Space Up

Nov 26, 2007

Recently ive been getting the yellow triangle icon with an ''!'' in it, saying that I have very low disk space. Ive noticed my computer has also been running slower than usual. Maybe half a year ago I came here with the same problem, and someone (forget the name, sorry) posted a link to a program somebody made that clears your disk space up for you. It deleted old unused files, and it worked great. You sort of just clicked on the link on the site, a box came up, and you checked off what you needed to be cleared, and then the program fixed it for you.

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Free Disk Space Message To Free Up Disk Space?

Aug 20, 2006

At least once a week I get this message: "To free up disk space, OE can compact messages". I just click "OK". I have 132 GB available so why do I get a message like this?

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Where'd All My Space Go?

Jul 26, 2006

To check the space remaining on my C Drive, 14.9 GB partitioned out of a total of 120, that 11.3 Gig are used. When I check all the folders contained on the C drive and add them up, I come up with just under 10 Gig. I do video work and need that extra Gig for burning DVDs. Anybody have any idea where it's gone

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Used Up 108 Gig Of Space

Feb 27, 2006

I just added a new 250 gig Maxtor Sata hard drive to my system and when I installed Win XP I noticed that it has used up 108 gig of space. I have never seen this happen before. I tried reformatting and reinstalling the OS several times and got the same result. I did not have this problem when I added the 200 gig Maxtor Sata drive, this is now my additional storage drive. I have a 3.06 cpu, with 1 gig of memory on an AB60N motherboard. I have never seen XP take up more than maybe 2 gig of space. Along with all the other drivers and programs I used to have it only used about 10 maybe 12 gig altogher.

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Only 131 GB Space Available

Mar 12, 2007

I recently wiped my hard drive using BC Wipe 2.0.I set it up to wipe the entire hard drive.I used the one pass method and when it finished it indicated it had wiped all 200 GB. Now when I go to reformat it, my Windows disk indicates there are only 131 GB available.It was never partitioned except for the 8 GB that the Hard Disk took up when it was new Why doesn't it detect the entire 200 GB?

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Disk Space

Mar 3, 2007

How can I find where all of my disk space is used up? When I go to my C drive and right click on properties, 28.3 GB used 2.7 free what can I delete since I have run disk clean up and deleted all but the last restore point?

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What's Using My Disk Space?

Apr 11, 2008

Laptop has 4GB. I defragmented the C disk several times over the last couple of year. Now the used disk space has crept up to nearly that, leaving only 200-300MB at any one time. I have nothing unusual as far as programs go, and I do not have a media player or anything like that hooked up,
At 200-300MB, there is no ability to defragment. I use a CCleaner, and Eusing Registry Cleaner regularly. Wher

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Disk Space

May 24, 2008

Computer has been really low on disk space for a long time. ATF Cleaner IT worked great, took off all temp files and such, all useless stuff that stays on your computer.
I've tried a disk cleanup that apears when space is low but it does pretty much nothing. I only have a 30G HD, but still, that cant possibly take it all up, I have only 19.3 mb left!

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Disk Space Gone!

Oct 7, 2008

I kept my pc running over night and when I woke up the free space in my drive c(contains os) was 700kb. It had dropped from 8gb. I checked system restore I thought it might have made a backup but that was not the case. I did find though a bunch .sqm files in my c drive. I've heard they can be related to live messenger and operation flashpoint ( a game). I have flashpoints sequel and live messenger. I haven't used either in several days. I did defragment the drive one day before this occurred. Can someone please tell me where all that space has gone to?

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Not Enough Disk Space

Jun 25, 2010

I try to open a program, or try to edit a photo, my updates even say not enough disk space to install available updates. windows XP service pack 3 504 MB of RAM

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Need Some Disk Space

Jul 9, 2010

I have been downloading something on my computer and now i have 18.8GB left and there is
55.8 gb left.. I have taken some things off the disk..took off a lot of pics and movies and the disk does not seem to move what am i missing.

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