Go Back To The Old Style Task Switcher.

Aug 12, 2002

Don't know if anyone else hates it, but the new task switcher is WAY too damn slow for me.Select your method of removing startup programs, either from the registry (sorry don't remember the key, it's on this site somewhere) or use MSCONfIG, or any of the other programs that edit the startup programs.select "taskswitch.exe" and remove it

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Changing A Theme's Visual Style My Style And Shell Style

Feb 27, 2005

I found a nice theme which doesn't give the usual .theme file which you load in the Display control panel. What it does give you though, is a Visual style file of extension .msstyle, and a shell style file of name shellstyle.dll. Upon further investigation, I have been able to find similar files under /windows/resources/themes/. I suppose that they are used to actually store the information needed by the .theme file. Now, with the background info laid out, would anyone know how to either:Create a new theme that utilizes the info provided by the two files shown or modify an existing style (such as Luna aka Windows XP standard?

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Task Bar - How Can Get Back To The Bottom

Sep 19, 2006

my task bar is on the right side of my computer, how can I get it back to the bottom where it was?

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Get Back Single Task Bar

Jan 11, 2004

Got a double Task Bar. How do I get back the single bar?

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Task Bar - Move Back To The Bottom

Apr 23, 2007

I am having a problem with the task bar. I used to have it on the bottom of my screen, but now it is on the top. not sure how it got there. I tried to move it back to the bottom but it won't go... I can move it up and down, but not to the side or bottom.

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Clean Up - Task Bar Disappear And Not Come Back

Jan 23, 2007

My wife's machine has been running slowly, and I am certain it is full of junk. Earlier I had improved things amazingly by uninstalling McAffee and replacing w/ AVG. Now it's all bogged down again, and a reboot does little to help. In addition, some Windows features have been squirrely for a long time, for example the Windows task bar likes to disappear and not come back. We've never been able to get Eudora (free version) to function properly.

Dell Inspiron 2600
Mobile CPU 1133 MHz
722 MHz, 256 MB of RAM

Windows XP
Home Edition v. 2002, sp 2

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 9:51:12 AM, on 1/23/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011)..............

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Icon Jumps Back Up On Task Bar

Jul 8, 2010

I have Windows XP on my computer. How can I put an icon on my taskbar? When I try to drag it there the icon jumps back up.

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Dual Log In - Get The Old Not Style

Dec 1, 2007

In win xp pro sp2 I get a dual log in, and man does it bug me. First I get the old nt style log on, but I get an error that says I can't log in this way(yes that is paraphrased). Then I click ok and it moves to tthe typical windows xp log in style. How do I make each of these go away?

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Style Themes For PC

Jul 19, 2005

i would like to make my own PC themes. you know how there are the Windows XP style themes. can you make your own Windows XP style theme? i wanna i have a black, red, or purple colored theme instead of a blue or silver or green colored them.

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Classic Search Style

Jan 11, 2003

In order to remove the annoying and useless search dog all you need to do is add one simple registry key.Right-click an empty space in the right pane and select New > String Value Name the new value Use Search Asst Double-click this new value, and enter no as it's value data

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Change My Style For Windows For Free?

Sep 1, 2006

i want to change my style for windows (Start bar etc.) for free and without software if possible.

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Style Add A Shortcut To Start Menu

Aug 12, 2002

This is how to add a shortcut to the XP Start Menu in addition to the default "Internet Explorer" and "Outlook Express" (when XP Start Menu is in XP Style, not classic). Right click any application icon in Start Menu, on the desktop or in Explorer and select "Pin to Start Menu". Alternatively just drag and drop the icon to the Start button.

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Classic Start Menu Style

Aug 12, 2002

This tweak (group policy setting) forces the display of the Windows 2000 style Start menu and the display of the standard desktop icons.START > RUN > type GPEDIT.MSC > USER CONFIGURATION > ADMINISTRATIVE TEMPLATES > START MENU AND TASKBAR > find FORCE CLASSIC START MENU > check ENABLED > OK > REBOOT
If you check DISABLED only the XP style Start menu can be displayed.If you check NOT CONFIGURED the user can change the view.

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Can't Change Visual Style - Theme Or Wallpaper.

Feb 23, 2009

I can't change visual style, theme or wallpaper. Here some photos : How looks themes tab http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss9/kilertas/1.jpg
when choose windows xp theme http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss9/kilertas/2.jpg
when choose windows classic theme http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss9/kilertas/3.jpg
can't change wallpaper http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss9/kilertas/4.jpg
how looks visual style tab http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss9/kilertas/5.jpg
when try to change to windows xp http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss9/kilertas/6.jpg it says "Can't change visual style, because failed to open file"
i can change visual style to windows classic but when press apply and ok nothing changes.

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Graphical Glitch - Strips The Visual Style

Oct 17, 2007

I have no clue what happened, but I noticed a few weeks ago after a failed Ubuntu install (installer froze while resizing my partition, but I fixed that) that my arrows, checkboxes, and whatnot looked weird. I didn't realize the extent of the damage until I booted into safe mode to defrag my external USB harddrive today. With no visual style, this is what everything looks like (glitches circled in red):a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/peesticks/1604072412/" title="Photo Sharing"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2357/1604072412_6e64f354ec_o.jpg" width="800" height="600" alt="messedup" /></a>I am running XP Pro SP2 with all my updates. Anyone have any ideas? While the glitch does seem to just be visual, it is quite annoying; it sometimes strips the visual style randomly from a program or dialog box.

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No Defragmentation - FAT32 Style File System

Jul 17, 2005

I just recently fixed and wiped my HD...and reinstalled windows I along the way there were maybe 4 files that couldn't be copied, and I chose to bypass the files All seemed well, until I checked my HD on Windows and it said that no deframentation tool was is currently installed what on earth can I do about this?By the way, I have FAT32 style file system

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Font Style With Several Characters Encoded With Unicode?

Jul 8, 2005

I have kind of an odd/tough question. I have a font with several characters that are encoded only in Unicode...I think. When I open up Character Map, I can see the characters there and it of course gives me the Unicode numbers for it. These characters have no corresponding keyboard key or Alt code. They appear to be solely Unicode. Normally, in such a case, in the Character Map I can hit Select and Copy and then paste the character in whatever text program I want. For some reason though, I can't with these characters. I don't know if the font is damaged or what.

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Reclaim Screen Space Stolen By "Luna" Style Windows

Aug 12, 2002

Windows XP Interface, but dislike the screen-hogging window title bars and the ridiculously large window close, minimize, and maximize controls?To set the window title bar and controls back to a more reasonable size, go to the Appearance tab of the Display control panel and click Advanced. Then click on the title bar of the sample window, and you can reduce the size from 25 pixels to as low as 20 pixels. By reducing the title bar font size, you can shrink the title bar even smaller.This change makes the screen fell less cramped, and restores the correct (in my opinion) proportions to the title bars. Now if someone could do something about the bigger taskbar

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System Shows Error Run32.dll When Change Operating System Style

Jun 15, 2007

Some time ago I booted up my computer,to find that my XP switched to Windows classic style,I didn't take it seriously so I went to properties to change when I get an error message saying there is a problem with run32.dll,not only that,but the visual styles can't load I assume,becuase of run32.dll,so now I'm stuck with the piece of s*** style.

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Fix User Init.exe Disaster / Loops Back And Throws Back Up

Mar 24, 2008

I did an AVG Rootkit scan which turned up "c:windows/system32/userinit.exe" as a dodgy file. I removed it and now the machine won't login when I boot the system. With a bit more digging it seems that this file was actually the login information within the registry and as it can't find a valid user/password it just keeps asking me click the user name and login. When I click it just loops back and throws back up the window, asking me to click the user name again.How I can access the registry and reset the userinit.exe file?I've tried selecting "last good configuration" which didn't work.I also tried to download Bart PE on another machine (running Vista) to set up a boot CD, but it wasn't particularly clear how to go about it, so I tried using the XP System Recovery app on the install disks. This got me into a C: prompt.

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Unable To Find Back Up Disk / Creating Back Up Copy For OS?

Jan 22, 2006

I bought my Dell 4700 about 6 months ago and was just going through the discs that came with it. I remembered that the Dell did not come with a Windows XP install disc in case I need to re-format. Is this normal? There is an option under Start....Accessories....System Tools to create OS backup disc. Is that what I need to make a disc or should it have came with one?

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Task Manager Acting Weird - Shows The Running Task Window

Nov 1, 2008

when I click on task manager it only shows the running task window. it used to have a list of all startup stuff and a thing where I could look at a graph of cpu usage, but those are not there anymore

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When Viewing Thread / Hit Back Arrow To Go Back To Page

Oct 27, 2009

Are you guys having the same problem? Using IE7, when viewing a thread, if I hit the back arrow to go back to the page I was previously viewing, it doesn't move at all. It started acting weird a couple of days ago when it took sometimes two hits on the back arrow to go back. Now it doesn't go back to the previous page at all.

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Start Up Task Bar Freezes & Not All Programs Show Up On Task Bar

Feb 4, 2006

on starting up pc the task bar freezes for approx 15mins & only the egg timer is showing, can access desktop icons, however not all programs launch on task bar. what appears to be the issue, is it hardware or software

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Can't Back Up On Back Up Documents And System Files

Sep 1, 2005

I am trying to back up my docs and system when I do on either the wizard or the advanced mode-it still tells me "the back up file name could not be used: "Eackup.bkf" " please ensure that it is a valid path and the you have sufficent access."

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Task Scheduler Asks For Password / Get Task Scheduler To Run The Task?

Jun 3, 2006

Using Windows XP Sp2.

I am trying to create a task using Task Scheduler, and it asks me to "set account information". I am given three boxes. One of them, marked Run as has "COMPUTERJesse" already filled in. The other two are marked Password and Confirm Password. This is odd, because I am running under an Admin account (yes, generally not smart, but I'm smarter than the average bear when it comes to computers, so I feel confident I'm not going to mess it up with downloading viruses and such

I clicked OK to get out of the "Set Account Information" box, and in the entry for my task, the Status is listed as "Could not Start", Last Result is "0x0", and Creator is "Jesse". how can I get Task Scheduler to run the task and most of all, obey my authori-tah?

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Task Manager And Task Bar Not Responding

Feb 27, 2006

I recently downloaded some media files and straight after my computer slowed down to a crawl and then would not respond. The mouse pointer remains active but i cannot click on anything succesfully. The task bar and task manager do not respond at all, i can open files saved on my desktop but cannot do anything when they're open and cannot close them again. I reset my PC a number of times but this did not solve the problem. I assume this is a virus or spyware problem but could it possibly be anything else?

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Task Manager - End Task Queries

Oct 16, 2007

You know how after you end a program using End Task in Task Manager, it asks you if you want to tell Microsoft about the problem? I was able on my other XP system to change an option somewhere so it doesn't ask me that any more. I just can't remember how I did it.

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Task Manager Refused To End Task

Sep 1, 2005

At times, I have this problem.When I tries to "End Task" of some program, Windows Task manager refused.The same will happen to Process Viewer that comes with Norton SystemWorks

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Get Back Button To Back / Wont Let Me Hit The Back Button

Sep 21, 2005

I was wondering if someone knew how I can get my back button back. when I get into a site. it wont let me hit the back button at the top of the screen.

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Going Back To 2k From Pro?

May 22, 2007

I'm running XP Pro on a HP laptop right now and it's decent but I was looking for an OS with less bloat and one that left a smaller memory footprint. Win2k seems like the best way to go. I basically use it for browsing, watching movies, music, email and maybe the odd old game of AoC or something like that. I also use it for wireless but that shouldn't be an issue because the client I use supports 2k.What kind of features would I be missing from going backwards?

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