Getting Dual Boot Setup / Removing One To Get Free Space?

Jul 9, 2008

I have a dual boot system setup. One each on it's own partition. I would like to delete 1 so it will free up the hard drive space for the other. How do I go about doing this. One OS is server 2000 and the other is server 2003.

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Removing Dual Boot Setup - Dual Booting

Aug 29, 2009

I have dual booting on my PC with Vista home premium on a 500 Gb SATA disk and XP Pro on a 250Gb SATA, both internal. Vista no longer holds terrors for me and I'd like to get rid of XP and regain better use of the 250Gb HD. Can I just remove XP from the control panel in the XP boot or is it a lot more complicated?I don't really want to re format the XP drive as I'd have to transfer a lot of data and files

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Removing Dual Boot Setup - Boot Partition

Dec 9, 2005

I have a system which was initially set up a while ago as a dual boot, Win98SE/Win2K. I had a need for the Win98SE side of things then, but now that has gone but the Win98SE partition is the boot of course.I want to be able to do away with the Win98SE partition completely and ideally add the space to the Win2K one, maybe leave it as a clean NTFS partition if that makes things easier. This would mean that I would end up with a drive with a single boot partition holding Win2K. This of course is not a trivial process as the drive letter of the boot partition will need to change. (I do want that drive letter change incidentally).

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Removing Older Windows Version To Free Up Disk Space?

Nov 4, 2005

I upgraded to windows xp and need more space in disk. could any please tell me how to remove windows 98 version that is still in my computer?

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Removing Boot Partition In Dual Boot System

Nov 5, 2006

I have a dual boot environment with two Win XP installed on different disks, XP1 and XP2 . XP1 was installed first and contains the boot files (NTLDR, boot.ini...) and XP2 came second. Now, I would like to keep XP2 and get rid of XP1. How can i delete XP1 since it contains the boot files? if i delete XP1 i am afraid to not be able to boot on XP2.

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Removing Vista From Dual Boot And Keep XP?

Jan 15, 2009

A couple days ago, I was running Vista and XP on two seperate hard drives on my desktop. I have since deicded to use the Vista hard drive for data storage and have removed it from my desktop.However,whenever I boot up my desktop, my computer still goes to the black windows uploader screen and askes me to choose and "Earlier version of windows" (the XP) or my non-existant Vista.

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Removing Home SP2 From Dual Boot Machine

Aug 1, 2005

I recently purchased a notebook with XP Home SP@ proinstalled. I upgraded to XP Pro but had to do a complete intall rather than an upgrade because my xp pro update cd was older than xp home sp2. I now have a windows (xp home) and a windowsp (xp pro) folder.

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Dual Booting W/Vista And Removing XP From Boot Options?

Jul 21, 2009

I really didnt want to harm my computer or have all my files deleted so after spending hours googling it, I thought I'd make my own thread and ask here.My cousin basically gave me my laptop, 40gb hard drive and dual booting windows xp and windows vista.I've never ever used xp and always use vista, but recently I noticed that I'm running out of diskspace. After a lot of research I realised it was my windows folder that was taking up 50% of my drive!

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Getting Rid On Dual Boot Setup

Mar 8, 2005

I currently have two partitions on my computer with 98se on one and xp pro on the other. They're both formatted in FAT32. I want to get rid of win98se but keep XP pro and all my data. Also I'd like to change the file system from FAT32 to NTFS.

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Dual Boot Setup Of Pro And MCE

Jan 3, 2006

Does anyone know if it is possible, or has done, a dual-boot setup of Win XP Pro and Win MCE (2005)? I'm curious to know if it is possible and if so, what is the best way to go about it and any potential problems.My current setup is I have a Athlon 64 3800+ with 1TB RAID 0 running Win XP Pro. I have partitioned the OS onto C: with 50GB and left the rest as general storage for the moment. I also have a digital TV tuner card, which is why I'm thinking of installing MCE.

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Removing Windows Setup From Boot Menu-cancelled During Install?

Jun 24, 2006

i recently wanted to installed a few windows components from the windows xp installation cd. during the install i cancelled it. but the next day when i booted up the pc i got two options in the boot menu. It asked wether i wanted to boot "windows xp home edition" or "windows xp setup" How do i get rid of this "windows xp setup" boot option?

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1.10 GB Free Space In Safe Mode, In Normal 804 MB Free Space?

Jan 30, 2006

does anybody know why i have 1.10 GB free space in Safe Mode and 804 MB free space in Normal? thanks. and i know that 804 MB free space isnt alot, this is a pretty small harddrive from what the computer says it is .

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Best Dual Boot & Vista Setup?

Mar 29, 2008

I'm going to build a new computer. It will have a new 500 GB Seagate 7200.11 32 MB cache. I want to reuse my current 500 GB Samsung Spinpoint 7200 RPM 16 MB cache, which is currently used only for backup storage. What's the best way to have both XP and Vista on the new computer (which is also possible to do)?Vista on the new Seagate; XP on the the old Samsung (will all my files be wiped out during the installation?)The reverse of the above XP on 100GB partition on the new Seagate; Vista on the remaining 400GB; use the old Samsung as I have been all this time. XP will only be used to run Internet Explorer 6 and minimal web design tools.

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How Is A Dual Boot System Setup?

Nov 23, 2008

How do I establish a dual boot system? I am running WinXP on both drives.

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Dual Boot Drive Setup 2000 Pro

Jun 8, 2005

I have two hard drives, both of them with Win 2000 Pro. The First has been the master in machine one from the start. The second HDD has been in machine twoand that machine has crashed so bad that it is not worth the time, energy or money to fix it. This second HDD has important data on it that is only accessable through older programs that are only on this drive. (It is a church membership data base program and a church financial record program) I have the added problem that no one in the office has a clue where the install disk are for these programs and they are not where they are suppose to be (this was before my time). I would like to place the second HDD in the first machine and set up a dual boot so the user can choose which drive to operate from. There is the added problem that the computers only have a restore disk that came from Dell and not a full Win 2000 Pro CD.

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Failex Install, Now Have Dual Boot Option For Setup?

Sep 2, 2008

A week ago I had some malware crap going on and was going to reinstall windows. The windows XP setup crashed partway through (was having some hardware malfunctions too so the comp crashed). I fired windows back up and found Malwarebytes. Ran it and it got rid of the malware and I was back to functional windows with no issues.Now at startup, I have a dual boot selection between Windows XP (which works normal) and the windows XP setup. How do I get rid of the Windows XP setup option so that it loads into WinXP normal?

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Dual Boot - Bootloader To Switch - Correct Setup

Jun 12, 2005

I have two WIN XP operating systems and use XP's inbuilt bootloader to switch between them. First drive is C: and the second is G:. Only C: drive is active This works OK but both drives are visible. Is this the correct setup?

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Free Up Memory Space - Not Getting Accurate Free Space

Jun 29, 2006

I currently have 13.0 GB of used space and 5.58 GB of free space. I would like to get more free space.
My computer is about 2 years old. In those two years, I had to re-install Windows XP and everything else on my computer...for reasons unknown...I recently performed a New Installation of Windows XP on my computer. I don't have alot of things installed on my computer. The total space all the programs in my Add and Remove programs file takes up is only 1GB. Since I had to start over and re-install everything and my programs only add up to 1GB, Shouldn't I have more free space ?

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C: Drive Space Loosing Space: 70% Free Space Down To Only Under 40%?

Sep 14, 2005

The problem I'm having is, every week I do a scan disk and defrag. I've noticed that once defraged since a few weeks ago I HAVE GONE from over 70% free space down to only under 40%....I don't run any major software at the moment BUTDO use the internet on ADSL most days BUT not to any great extent. The only connection I can c is this copying Dig pix straight to disc...Am I right or is there sumthing else going on

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Removing OS's From Boot Loader: Have Windows XP And A Windows XP Setup Same Time?

Apr 19, 2006

I went to try to install windows xp onto a computer that already had windows on it. I did not boot from the cd. To do it without using the cd it has to copy the installation files to the computer and then run them. When setup does this it creates a new choice of an operating system to boot from called "Windows XP Setup." So now I have a Windows XP and a Windows XP setup. I've been in msconfig and looked at boot.ini but that didn't help

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Removing "Setup" Option That Appears At Boot?

Jul 10, 2005

I set my PC up as dual boot, with XP on the C drive and 98 on the D (or is it E) drive. But when I boot under 98, during the boot process I get two options:- Windows XP Setup - Microsoft Windows (which is Windows 98) Of course the cursor by default lands on Windows XP Setup, so if I do nothing that launches automatically and I have to quit, restart, etc.I figure I must have installed this when I was initially setting up XP. Is there some way to get rid of it? I no longer need to "set up" XP, and want it to just boot into 98 by default when I select that drive as my boot drive.

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XP-Vista Dual Boot Set Up - Free VISTA BUSSINES Upgrade

Feb 13, 2007

just ordered a new pc that is on its way pre loaded with WIN XP PRO SP2. It also come with a free VISTA BUSSINES upgrade. I want to set up a dual boot system when i get my VISTA disk. should i use partition magic and set up a new partition for vista or is there a better way of doing this

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15GB Free Space And It Shows Not Enough Disk Space?

Aug 13, 2007

i wanted to copy a cd image 4.18GB ISO format from partition F: NTFS 9GB free to partition D: (FAT32 12GB free space) and windows gives me that crap there is not enough space and i should do a disk clean up.
I made a disk clean up to partition D: and there was 3GB of system restore files!!! maybe coz i deleted 6GB earlier anyway i deleted the system restore files

Only NTFS partions can have files with file size more than 4GB..i hope theres nothing wrong with my windows or my hard disk..and i wanna know if theres a way to move that ISO image..thanx in advance.

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Free Space Inaccuracies?? Calculating Disc Space?

Mar 14, 2006

I've noticed sometimes that the Free Space on my harddrives won't reflect changes I've made. For example, on my 28.6gb F: drive, I had about 586mb free. I just deleted a video file of about 700 mb, so it should be up to about 1.2 gb. Oddly enough, its still at 586mb.

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Erosion Of Free Space On Hard Drive Becoming Used Space

Aug 6, 2005

I recently noticed that my free space on hard drive has been eroded and my used space has been increasing. I have not added any software. Much to my dismay I cannot figure out why this would occur. We did make recovery disks and removed our partition some weeks ago. It seems our C drive is using up space without any explanation. Ran many different anti virus and spyware software and they did not detect anything.

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Free Disk Space Message To Free Up Disk Space?

Aug 20, 2006

At least once a week I get this message: "To free up disk space, OE can compact messages". I just click "OK". I have 132 GB available so why do I get a message like this?

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DVD-RW Drive (E:) Used Space/Free Space 0

Oct 2, 2006

I had to uninstall HP Photosmart C4100 series only because I was missing some wording on the buttons that just disappeared for some reason, It said to uninstall the program and then just reinstall it.
Well now, when I go to reinstall, it will not automatically start so I clicked on my computer and dvd-rw Drive (E and there are no files, in fact it states that my my file system is CDFS and the CDA Default - Full It says all space used 672 MB and Free Space 0 Bytes

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Setup Password - Resetting Or Removing

May 3, 2006

I got a PC from my brother in law ages ago. Just tyring to upgrade it but when I hit the delete key on boot up it asks me for a password. I asked my brother in law and he never knew of a password and didnt know. Is there any way of resetting or removing this password?

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Dual Booting Of Xp Over Win 98: Removing The Older Copy?

Aug 25, 2005

I have windows 98 OS installed in Drive C: . Then i have another drive and i am planning to partition it 2 partitions (D & E) and i want to install windows xp in the second drive. How should i proceed ? If i install the windows xp with a bootable disk will it detect my windows 98 OS in the C DRIVE? I want to make sure also that if i proceed installing the XP in D drive it will not in anyway overwrites or mess up my OS in DRIVE C, because i have many important programs and data in that OS

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Removing Raid0 Setup - Regular Installation

Oct 5, 2010

Trying to remove my raid0 install and restore windows to a regular installation.
I deleted my array but my boot menu is not picking up either of my hard drives, however they are still showing up in my raid config window.Its been a while since I've done this but I don't recall any hardware alterations being necessary to switch back.Im obviously missing something, can anyone point me in the right direction? as it stands when I try to install xp now it is giving me a blue screen with 7b error

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Getting Dual Booting VISTA And XP / Removing And Getting Back To Normal?

Jul 1, 2009

I'm going to start off with my whole process on how I did this. I am performing this in a Compaq SR5310F Desktop computer that originally came with Vista Home Premium:Within Vista, I opened the Disk Management utility. I then shrunk the volume and left myself with exactly 40GB of unallocated space for my XP installation. I then booted from my XP Pro cd, selected that unallocated space, formatted it using NTFS, then installed XP. It copied all the files fine, but when it reboots to launch the GUI of the installation, I get a message saying, "Error loading operating system"

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