Files And Folders In C Drive Are Not There

Oct 4, 2005

I restarted Windows XP one day, thinking nothing of it, however, at the boot up screen, it gave me the message that one of my files was corrupt and couldn't start. No biggie, this has happened to me before, I know how to fix it. However, when I popped in the XP Pro boot disk, it gave me the option to do a system restore (I accessed this by going to install Windows XP, and then selecting the operating system I had currently installed to recover). I chose to do this, thinking it would save me time. It did in one respect, in that I can now start Windows XP, the only problem is that it's now as if I completely reinstalled Windows i.e. all my files and programs are gone. However, when I open my C: drive, all my files are there, I can see them and access some of them, however, others, such as My Documents, I can't access, although they have to be somewhere on my computer, because my C drive is still filled to capacity. I tried searching for files and folders to find some of my documents to no avail. I tried doing a system restore, however, all the restore points I created are no longer there.

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Partitioned Drive Lost - D Drive Missing Files / Folders Won't Open

Aug 13, 2005

XPpro with two HDs, CDr/w and DVDr/w.(D AND (E are (were?) a 20G drive which I partitioned over a year ago. This morning I came across a 4G drive in an old box. (really). Being a curious type I pulled the power and ribbon leads from the DVD and plugged them into the 4G HD, after setting the jumper to slave.Then switched on. A dos line appeared saying 'automatically configuring an F: drive' After which Windows appeared to boot up normally. Except that 'My Computer' showed no (D The 4G (F drive showed as not formated. So... I removed the 4G and replaced the leads back to the DVD. My Computer' shows 3.5 floppy Local Disk(C FRSTHAFOLD(D 9G abt Notice NO (E

Not only that but my D drive is missing lots of files and folders wont open. It seems that the partitioning has been forgotten! I have checked what bios settings there are (not many on Compaq 5000) And the bios sees my main Crive and only one 20G disk I have a bad feeling about this Is there any way to get things back to normal?

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Software That Backup Files And Folders To Another Hard Drive

Jun 23, 2005

I am looking for some backup software that can backup files and folders to another HDD and verify all files are not corrupted, then email me on completion of the backup outcome. Does anyone know of a good backup program that can do this?

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Showing Hidden Files And Folders - Single Directory On Drive

Jul 10, 2006

No matter what I do, when I change the properties of a single directory to either show or not show hidden files and folders, that property then changes in every single directory on the whole drive. I do not click on "Apply to All Folders", I just go to the directory of interest and change the button in Folder Options>View and press "OK". Is there a trick here? Basically I want some folders to show hidden folders, and others to not show them. Right now it's either all or nothing! Again, I am NOT pressing apply to all, which I know will apply all view settings to every folder.

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Storing Large Folders/files On The Desktop Instead Of On Drive "C"?

Jan 7, 2008

Are there any advantages or disadvantages to storing large folders/files on the desktop instead of on drive "C"?

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Save All The Files And Folders From "C" Drive

Jan 13, 2005

There's an easy way to save all the files and folders from my old "C" drive. I have copied all my pictures to CD. No problem. Now about all the games I have and things like Roto Form, favorites, etc. I dont have a clue. Can I back up the entire "C" drive? Will I have to re-load all my games? Is there a way I can transfer files through the USB ports? Its been suggested to me to actually put my old hard drive in the new computer to transfer the information. I don't want to do anything that might compromise the new computer. I have even thought of allowing a virus in the new computer from the old although I dont know of any.

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Cleaning Out Temp Files - Show Hidden Files - Folders

Aug 6, 2009

I was just wondering if it is a good idea to clean out the :WINDOWSTempC:Documents And Settings(Username)Local SettingsTemp foldersperiodically.I know i have to uncheck the show hidden files and folders, Do i select all in each folder afterwards and delete everything?

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Saving Music Files As Individual Files / NOT In Folders

Jan 21, 2005

I am a big music downloader (all paid for, thank you)! I'm 55 so I guess I forgot how to download them as individual songs and not have them arbitrarily placed in folders predetermined by Windows. I remember a musicmatch and/or real networks technician told me once how to change my settings so they are captured as individual songs. Probably a simple answer, but I don't remember it.

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User Folders On Hard Drive - When Drive Is Swapped

Apr 14, 2008

My daughter's HP dv2000t notebook computer had a motherboard crash, apparently (won't turn on). I took the hard drive out and put it into a NexStar-3 USB drive enclosure to try to salvage the iTunes and documents. The folders all show up, but when I try to access her user directory, it says that it is "empty". The properties for the hard drive also say that it the drive is almost full, so the data is all there...somewhere.Is there some kind of security that is tying the user directory to my daughter's computer and dissallowing me to tread her files on another computer? I can see how this would be a good feature if it was stolen, but when I send it back to HP for repairs, they say that they will restore the hard drive to its original condition and wipe out her investment in music, etc.

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Files Have The Exact Same Files And Folders In Them

Aug 10, 2005

I have My Documents and Sheila's Documents. both files have the exact same files and folders in them. may I safely eliminate one of them? if I eliminate one of them which one would be preferable? will it be ebuilt
after I eliminate it?

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Cannot See Hidden Folders Or Files

May 16, 2008

I want to see my hidden files in my computer but i cant make it happen i tried go to folder options/view/show hidden folders i apply and the ok but it doesnt work i go abck there and the do not show is thicked I am runing xps2 , is just reformated computer

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Cant See Hidden Files And Folders ?

Sep 23, 2005

I am using windows xp pro, now when I go to my computer- tools-folder option and try to select the option show all files and also uncheck the option below it that is show system files and folders still I could not see my hidden files and folders, is there any other thing that can be done to see hidden files and folders.

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Hidden Files In ZIP Folders

Aug 10, 2005

Is there a way for me to keep a hidden file "hidden" in a ZIP folder?

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Can't Unhide Folders & Files

Mar 19, 2008

To unhide a folder, I do Tools>folder options>view & click on the 'show hidden files & folders' radio button. But when I apply or say 'OK' & exit. The folders are still hidden!When I check Folder Options again, the button is back to 'Don't show hidden.'So I'm not able to unhide files or folders!

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Many Files Missing From Folders

Oct 16, 2005

I turned on my laptop, and many files were missing from folders. In particular, I had two folders on my desktop, with many subfolders in each. Each subfolder had multiple files in them. When I went to access one, ALL of the SUBFOLDERS and ALL of the FILES were gone. I tried a system restore, and it brought back the subfolders, but not the files. I then tried TuneUp, CleanUP, HijackThis, Ewido, Micrsoft Antispyware, Lavasoft, and many other programs to bring back the files, but nothing can find them. I also have a updated McAfee constantly running, and there was never a virus.

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Get Access To All Files And Folders?

Jul 4, 2005

I recently had a lightning striking down wich ruined my PC, so now I had to buy a new one. Luckily, one of my hard-drives survived. The problem is this:Ont the hard-drive which survived I have a lot of data which I need to get access to. In the "Documents and settings" folder I get access to 3 out of 5 profiles, but not the one I need to get access to. I had password set on those two user accounts. I guess this is the reason why I don't get access to those two folders. When I try to access those two folders I get "Access denied". How do I override this? Do I need to remove the SID?

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Mix Files And Folders In Explorer

Nov 27, 2007

Is there a way to make files and folders mingle together when using details view in Windows XP? The way it works now, the folders are always grouped separately from the normal files. I typically sort by filename and I'd like the folders to be mixed in with the files, sorted by name just as if they were regular files themselves.I know this isn't an error condition, but it is an annoyance. Please post a reply if you know a fix or workaround for this.

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Temp Folders And Files

Aug 30, 2005

Since receiving a curt 'wrap on the knuckles' for not doing my research properly into another annoying prob I had, I tend to hold back and read through as many similar posts as poss.I can see the ways to get rid of temp files etc but I do not understand what is happening in my partic. case.I have a home/self build (28 May 2005)comp. for flight sim usage in the main.The help I got is no longer there for me.In My Comp/Winxp(D/Temp there are currently 52 Files & 5 Folders using 4.93MB on disk.

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All Files And Folders Have The Same Icon

Oct 18, 2009

I'm experiencing some problems with my operating system (win xp).This picture is pretty descriptive:
Basically, all of the icons have turned white and although I can open all of the files without any problems, I can't turn off the PC. Every time I click on the shut down button, nothing happens. I think all of this happened because of StyleXP, a program which I've downloaded today, but got rid of pretty fast. The problems started after uninstalling StyleXP. I don't know what to do right now so that's why I had to ask for help here.

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Cannot Open Multiple Files Or Folders

Oct 25, 2008

I can't open multiple files and folders, but my little registry hack Copy To, and Move To (info about it here: opens up instead. I tried deleting those, but then nothing happens if I try to open multiple files or folders. I don't know when this happened, because I rarely open more than one file/folder simultaneosly.

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Unknown Files And Folders Cant Be Deleted

Oct 6, 2007

I have a serious problems with deleting some files and folders in my hard drive.

Some Details:
Operating System : Windows XP Pro SP3 V.3180
Anti Virus Program : Kapersky Internet Security 7.///

this files and folders created by no one and take 43 GB of my hard disk Space

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Access Is Denied To Files And Folders On Old HDD?

Aug 6, 2005

My old HDD was dying and has a S.M.A.R.T. error (although it will still boot and run it is getting slow).So I bought a new drive, slammed it in the case and decided to do a nice clean reinstall (XP Home with all the SP2 and updates available).I left the old drive in the bay and was hoping to copy across any odd file However I get a lot of "Access is Denied" messages when trying to view/read/change attributes on files/folders especially in Documents & Settings.

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Super Hidden Files And Folders

Aug 13, 2008

I need info on whether theres a program or something that i can use that will automatically remove the super hidden status of files and folders. I had a virus go through my system and screw up all my files by making them super hidden and im sick of using command prompt to remove the attribute from the individual files and folders. so if theres an easier way to do all my files in one go i would be very appreciative.

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Hidden Files And Folders Disappeared

Apr 10, 2007

I've had 'Show All Hidden Files and Folders' enabled for a long time now, but all of a sudden all of of my hidden files disappeared. They weren't deleted, since they are still viewable via cmd (attrib or dir/a). So I went to 'Folder Options', and saw that 'Show All...' was still enabled.I tried to 'Hide All...' and then 'Show All...' again, but then I saw that after setting it to Hide All and re-entering Folder Options, that 'Show All' was stuck on enabled. Restarting didn't solve either problems.Scanned my PC with Registry Mechanic, Ad-Aware, Spybot - S&D, and NOD32. still nothing.

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Can't View Hidden Files Or Folders On Sp2

Sep 26, 2007

I simply can't "Show hidden files and folders" on my WinXP Pro SP2. I've tried everything (group policies, Kaspersky 7, AVG Anti Spyware and monitoring changes to the Registry real time), however, when I click on that tick mark button, the explorer window refreshes once or twice and nothing happens.

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Names Of Folders And Files In My Documents Are Gone

Aug 31, 2007

the other day i was working in My Documents in Windows XP when the page suddenly clicked off. no big deal, but when i brought My Documents back up, all the names below each and every folder & file were gone!!! All other files in all other folders are fine, the problem is only in My Documents in Thumbnail vewing form. how do i get the names of my folders and files back? i tried to attach a picture of what my screen looks like now.

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Files And Folders Created In 2009?

Feb 6, 2007

i looked through the folders and files in windows [xp pro] and notice some of them were created in 2009, any ideas why? everything seems to be running ok

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Trace Out Deleted Files And Folders?

Feb 5, 2005

i have shared folders on the server, and on the weekend a department group were here doing some work. next working day, i came to find out that some folders were deleted.. how is it possible to trace out who deleted the folders?.ip address, computer name, user name, etc .. can be helpfull. but how to find these information ?

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Files And Folders View Changed

Aug 13, 2005

When I open files and folders I no longer have the tasks and links to perform certain functions displayed to the far left of the file folder. Instead, now I have two panes--a panel which displays all folders, drives, etc. on the left-hand side and the individual files and folders listed on the right-hand side. What happened? I'm using Windows XP SP2.

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Temp Folders - Delete All Files

Nov 10, 2006

I regularely use CCleaner to quickly remove junk from my computer. It empties the "Temporary Internet Files" folder and many temporary files but it does not empty the "Temp" folder in Windows XP (C:Documents and Settings(Account Name)Local SettingsTemp) or the "My Temp Files" folder within the "Temp" folder. I've noticed that videos I've watched online get stored in this folder as well as folders full of virus signatures downloaded before doing free online virus scans. Consequently this folder can quickly eat up valuable space on my laptops little hard drive.

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Get Back Folders And Files That Were Cut / Moved

Jun 8, 2009

How does one get back Folders and files once you have used the Cut Command instead of delete, I use MS command Cut to delete and move Folders and Files from one HDD to another HDD, Now the HDD that I moved to has crashed. I need to go back to the original HDD and get back those folders and files but I need the folders intact so I know what file belongs to what programs, any suggestions.Help please.I lost a years work of Music Files, from Fruity Loops and also plug-ins that took time to create.I have not touched the HDD since I cut / Moved Files and Folders.

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