Dual Core Running As Single After Repair

Dec 19, 2007

Due to a corrupt system file I did a repair using Recovery console. PC came back up with a few problems. Uninstalled most applications and Service Pack 2 and reinstalled. I have now noticed that my Athlon XP2 dual core processor is only running as one processor. In device manager it shows both processors and when the PC boots up it recognises that its a dual core processor. Yet when I run the Athlon utility that reports back processor information it only shows the one processor. Tried uninstalling the processors through device manager but nothing happens.Does anybody have any ideas how to fix this before I do a reinstall of windows?

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Upgrade Pc From Single Core To Dual Core

Feb 24, 2007

Will this go smooth with no problems?

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Difference Between Single Core Dual Core

Aug 12, 2005

I've heard that dual core can handle two threads at the same time, but has less Mhz than single core. Anybody could tell me if it is a good choice to buy a dual core processor if there aren't enough applications with more than one thread?

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Quad Core Only Running 1 Core

Aug 25, 2008

My quad-core processor is only running 1 core. I have scrawled the web for fixed and such, but I'm having no luck . Here are some images from my device manager, and CPU-Z for proof, and the problem.As you can see, my device manager doesn't even show any processors, and only shows my computer as a Standard PC. And on the CPU-Z, at the bottom, it only shows that i'm running 1 core! (Also the same on task manager) All chipset drivers etc were installed.I've tried a few things, optimizing my bios and such, but im abit of a novice when it comes to the bios.

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Home Vs Pro (Dual Core PC) - Why?

Dec 29, 2005

I recently built my new dual core PC and I have set up my bios, etc. I'm ready to install an OS. What I'm wondering is - what is better for a dual core pc? XP Pro or XP Home and why?

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Dual Core CPU Showing Stuck At 100%?

Jun 18, 2007

my system (2.8GHz Pentium D Dual Core, 1 GB RAM, Dell XPS 400) just started getting stuck at 100% CPU load at all times. Also, task manager only shows one CPU graph instead of the usual split screen graphs shown since its a dual core system. This occured on a restart after I re-located the machine to another house. I thought maybe something was physically messed up since it had been moved but the problem doesn't seem to occur when I boot to Safe Mode. So, that makes me think its a software issue.

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Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor

Feb 2, 2007

I didn't even think of it when I ordered my new system. I currently have the same copy of windows xp home I've had all along. Do I need to get 64 bit XP professional for my Athlon 64 X2 dual core processor to work? I'd hate to have to have to buy a retail copy

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Dual Core 64bit Cpu - 512mb Of Ram

Apr 21, 2006

I was just wondering if i put windows xp 64bit to a system with dual core 64bit cpu and 512mb of ram, will i see any difference in the page file usage in comparison to windows xp 32bit

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Built New Dual Core But Its Slower Than Old P-4

Aug 28, 2009

Intel DQ963FX motherboard and mated it with a Intel E2200 Dual core processor. I have 3 gig memory and a NVidia 9400 GT graphics card w/1 gig memory. The machine is not used for gaming but for everyday on line tasks. The on board graphics are disabled. I updated the Bios to the latest version and am running XP Pro SP3. I have the usual antivirus protection enabled, Purchased Zone internet suite, Nortons (kept disabled in case zone craps out)and malware bytes, Super anti malware, Spybot S&D and ad aware.Sometimes when I start this machine and go to Firefox,(or IE for that matter) the system will slow to the point that even audio is stunted. I have the latest java enabled so I don't think that is the problem. This motherboard has very little in the bios to tweak so that hasn't been tampered with too much (latest bios update was installed after the slow started). Whenever the slow down occurs if I restart the machine it will run up to speed for awhile then eventually slow down again. My old P-4 3.02 was sooo much faster that I regret ever having built this new clunker. . Is there a known problem with this mb or proc that I haven't found yet?

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Media Centre Edition Support Dual Core

Aug 5, 2006

I am building a new system soon and need advice on which version of XP I should use. My system will use an AM2 processor athlon64 and an Asus M2N-E motherboard. However in the future I may get a dual core CPU. Does Media Centre Edition support dual core?Is it worth running 64bit XP?Are there any differences in performance between the different versions?

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Wont Work In Dual Core System / Installing Vista?

May 26, 2008

I was informed the Windows XP does not work with Dual Core Processing systems, and that you need Vista in order to get the performance out of the 2nd core? is this true?

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Switching Between Dual And Single Monitors

Aug 26, 2007

When switching between dual and single monitors, how do you save the positioning of the monitors so I do not have to reorient the two monitors under display properties settings?

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Single Dual Monitor Setup

Jun 30, 2005

My work PC has 2 monitors, and my home PC has 1. When I connect to my work PC, I see only the primary monitor, which is what I want. I have a problem with a certain application though, it opens properly in the primary monitor, but has a dialog box that seems to be opening in the secondary monitor (I can't see it, but I am able "guess" my way around it with the keyboard). Is there any way to force everything onto the primary monitor?

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Question About Single Screen Games On Dual Monitors

Oct 23, 2009

problem is single-screen games. When launching a game, I would want for the 2nd monitor to stay on desktop and not get "included" in the game. Included as in going into standby / power saving mode.Can this be bypassed? I understand it must be quite impossible to use the mouse on the 2nd monitor while in-game on the 1st monitor, but I would at least want to see the desktop and the real-time programs that are running there (virus scanners, time, IRC etc.).

When I exit the game, or alt-tab, the 2nd monitor automatically returns from power save and all is normal.

Some specs if needed:

GF 8800GT 512
Core2Duo E6600
LG Flatron L1953TR as 1st monitor
LG Flatron L1952TQ as 2nd

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How Do Install A Dual Boot To Single Hard Drive?

Jul 26, 2005

Can anybody point me to the instructions about how to install XP Pro to a single Win98 hard drive - to make it dual boot, like Win 2k? I've been looking all around the internet and the only thing I've found is an XP dual boot on a 2nd hard drive.

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Sound Not Working With AMD Quad Core & AMD Triple Core

Mar 3, 2009

Quad Core: When I install XP I try to hear music but sometimes the music freeze for about 0,5s and after that it continue. with video its the same. I don't know why, so I try it with Triple Core... No change same like before but when i try it with Dual-Core it was OK. I install all drivers. I try old drivers, new drivers, beta drivers, new bios etc... bud i think it is in CPU, because on Dual-Core it was fine... Please tell me solution. I don't have any idea to correct this problem. TY.

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Dual Monitor To Single Monior, Windows Stuck On Other Monitor

Aug 28, 2008

I just moved in to college and set up my computer, but due to limited space didn't bring my second monitor. Now my aim, and ventrilo windows are still on the other monitor but no way to get them to the current monitor for use.

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Dual Boot Into Single Boot - See Both Drives

Dec 9, 2005

I had a Win 98 SE PC on a 20 GB drive (FAT32), and then I decided to ad an 80 GB and install Win XP. Since I wanted to maintain some Win 98 function compatibility, I opted for dual-boot, formatting my 80GB HD to NTFS and installing all of the Win XP OS into that drive. The Win 98 runs fine and is limited to the 20GB FAT32 HD, while the Win XP can see both drives but its files and programs are contained in the 80GB NTFS HD.

Now that I have deemed the Win 98 OS no longer necessary for this machine - I am trying to figure out how to make my machine boot from the XP HD (I plan to format the 20GB disk and use it for back-up storage

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Running Repair On XP

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to run a repair on windows xp, using the installation disk. I get to the point where I am suppose to choose the operation system that I want to repair but it is not there. It gives me the correct drive but there is no indication of the operating system. Since it is not there I can not choose "r" to repair. My only option is to install of quit. I'm guessing something happened when I originally installed xp.

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PC Running Slow After Repair Of Files

Dec 9, 2007

This computer is roughly 4 years old. I've had a new mainframe installed, new hard drive and recently had a guy come over with a windows xp disc to repair some windows file..Ever since then the computer has been running slow. When I click My Computer, it takes a few minutes just to load it up. When running WMP the computer slows down dramatically, especially in full screen. This was not an issue before this repair was done. Also, under my documents and settings there is 'all users', 'default user', 'owner' and 'Owner.OWNER-C96F31C52.000'.

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Core Quad Vs Core I7

Jul 21, 2010

what is the best upgrade (processor,video card, memory) for my laptop having a ddr2 motherboard, core 2 duo processor, ati radeon hd 3450 video card and 4 gb Ram?

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Difference Between Core Duo Core 2 Duo

Aug 18, 2006

I'm new around computers and do not know a lot can someone tell me the difference between core duo and core 2 duo. What is so different about core 2 duo?

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Unplug Existing Mother Board - Repair Take Off Running

Feb 7, 2008

I want to unplug everything from the existing mother board, remove it, and slide in a new mother board, reconnect everything, boot from the Win XP CD, do a repair and take off running without having to re-install all the application programs. Will this work, or do I have do do a completely new install of XP and reinstall all the applications

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Bootup Problems - Dual Boot Running

Dec 28, 2007

greetings when I start my computer it stops on a screen that makes me push the f1 key before it continues this has just started I have dual boot with 1 hard drive running linux and main hard drive running xp,I was having problems with the computer slowing down or staying to busy and run cccleaner a few days ago and it looked like that helped a lot but now a few days later I get the boot up problem

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Interesting Read - Running Dual OS For Multi Purpose PCs

Aug 26, 2007

I found this post at a home-recording forum that I read. It sounds like a good set-up for my own personal needs, but I thought I'd post it here and get a few opinions about it. If you have the space for it on your software harddrive, make an extra partition (a physical harddrive can be divided into several logical drives, behaving as different harddrives) for only music work and a partition for all the other stuff. You can have 2 different installs of windows (doesen't even have to be the same version) on the two partitions, so you can uptimize the one for music and keep it free of all the ekstra software that you want to have on your everyday office/gaming computer. I've done that since I started using my computers as DAWs 4 years ago, and it works very well.

How to setup a multipartition system:

*If installing all over, and able to format the whole harddrive (By far the best solution!!)*
1a. Backup anything on the harddrive that you might need again to another physical drive or another computer.
2a. Boot from the Windows installation disk and use the menus in the beginning to delete any existing partitions on the harddrive (will delete EVERYTHING on the disk, so backup FIRST if reusing a harddrive)...............

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Repair Boot Loader And MBR And Vista Dual Boot?

Jan 1, 2008

I have a new laptop that came with Windows Vista. I have been trying to load it with Windows XP because Windows Vista didnt work. I am pretty sure a format and clean install will wreck my warranty, hence the dual boot. So far, I have been able to partition and install XP SP-2 to a partition. I've booted into XP fine but my Vista partition is not available. I think that the partition table or MBR has been corrupted.

So to repair this, what I did was boot up from the Vista recovery DVD and run the 'startup repair' option to reload the bootloader for Vista and thus, enable dual booting. When I rebooted I got a black screen saying 'Invalid Partition Table' or something to this effect. I tried repairing the MBR and so on and so forth from the console on the recovery DVD but this proved to be pretty much totally fruitless. So I went through and did an install of Windows XP once again, to my other drive partition I had created. So I am basically where I started.

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Dual Boot With Vista - Currently Running Vista

Mar 3, 2008

I'm currently running Vista on a raid 0 array, and want to dual with XP. I have two partitions, one with vista and the other that I tried installing XP on. After it finishes the initial installation and restarts it says to press any key to boot from the CD. I wait without pressing anything and than it says that there was an error reading the disk. If I remember correctly, after it restarts it goes strait into windows setup. This happens every time I try restarting, but I can get back into vista by putting the hard drive to boot first. In vista I can see the other partition where XP was installed, and inside is just a folder titled WINDOWS and it seems like all the windows files are in there

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Registry Repair Sites Offering Repair Software

Aug 1, 2005

I have just installed some anti virus software and during installation I got messages saying my registry had been damaged and i should log onto such-and-such site to download repair software and run it on my system. I am suspicious that if I do this I am exposing myself to total destruction. One of the messages has just popped up again and the site it directs me to is FixReg32.com.

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Enable To Repair Drives: Get Logs On Restart After Repair?

Aug 24, 2005

Problems started was when i updated my Zone Alarm firewall, windows works absolutely fine no problems what so ever, then next time i reboot it does the same, this time problems are non-stop until about 10% then fine from there on in, then when it finishes repairing the drive it gets stuck at repairing unreadable security descriptions date stream.

It also said whilst recovering orphaned files insufficient disk space to recover lost files. It stopped for a while then carried on. After scan disk it restarted and wouldn't load windows, just got stuck on windows loading screen forever, eventually 15+ minutes i pressed reset as there was no disk activity.

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Trouble Dual Booting - Characters And Letters Go Blank On Dual Boot Screen

Jun 28, 2010

I have been trying to install Windows XP as a second OS as I already have Windows 7 Ultimate installed. Unfortunately, after I select a partition, format it, and reboot the system stalls on the screen after the BIOS that has something to do with a list of devices and such. After 10 or so seconds a few characters and letters go blank randomly on the page. I rebooted and selected my cd drive as the boot device and accidentally didn't press a button in time to boot and a bunch of highlighted numbers were thrown all over the screen and a random smiley face on one of the lines.

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Linux Boot Loader Or Dual Booting - Dual Drive

Jan 12, 2009

I'm trying to dual boot 2 different installs of xp pro from 2 drives using the Windows boot loader. I've edited the boot.ini every possible way I can think of, but nothing works. I've done this plenty of times using a linux boot loader or dual booting from a single drive but I cant figure this out. I haven't been able to find any reference to this subject anywhere, but I think it would work. Anybody have a clue as to how to do this? I know I can use a different boot manager to accomplish this, I just wanted to make the Win boot.ini work. Or, does anybody know of a good boot manager if I cant make this work?

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