Media Centre Edition Support Dual Core

Aug 5, 2006

I am building a new system soon and need advice on which version of XP I should use. My system will use an AM2 processor athlon64 and an Asus M2N-E motherboard. However in the future I may get a dual core CPU. Does Media Centre Edition support dual core?Is it worth running 64bit XP?Are there any differences in performance between the different versions?

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Media Edition 2005 Media Centre

Aug 1, 2008

Since installing SP3 my media centre will not open although the rest of XP runs fine. I get a report 'Strong name validation failed for assembly 'C:Windowsehomeehshell.exe. The file may have been tampered with or it was partially signed but not fully signed with the correct private key.I have the original installation disk from Dell, but it won't recognise the key that came with the pc to re install it. Is there any way I can repair the file in question. I have tried uninstalling sp3, and using the recovery program, but nothing is working to make it work again.

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Cannot Boot Media Centre Edition At All

Dec 13, 2008

the problem was described as a non booting pc. That was it.I booted the pc to find the message ntldr missing. Did a repair of the mbr and replaced boot files. Still no luck. So i thought i'd try a live linux cd in it to see if i could work out weather it needs replacement hardware or whether it is a software error.
Anyway the pc boots and i've got access to all the drives, I take this opportunity to backup the user files and also take a copy of the hidden partion (as its a packard bell pc and the recovery files are there)I've downloaded the recovery cd from packard bell but it keeps asking for master disk 1 to be placed in dvd drive (which i haven't got cos the user has not made the backup disks).What i want to know is, is it possible to make the backup discs from the files I have recovered from the hidden partition? Is it possible to write these files with nero for instance as a bootable dvd and then install like that (i haven't tried this yet because the file size is 5.5 gig and i've got no dvd 9 discs to hand)Or last resort boot these files over the network and install that way. (i've never tried this and i'm not sure i know whats involved)

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Upgrade Pc From Single Core To Dual Core

Feb 24, 2007

Will this go smooth with no problems?

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Difference Between Single Core Dual Core

Aug 12, 2005

I've heard that dual core can handle two threads at the same time, but has less Mhz than single core. Anybody could tell me if it is a good choice to buy a dual core processor if there aren't enough applications with more than one thread?

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Media Centre Vs Pro

Sep 9, 2005

I am about to purchase an Acer Aspire 9500 for use at work on a windows 2003 server network. It will also be used shen I am traveling and at home. Does anyone know if XP Media Centre has the same functionality as XP Pro where network connectivity is concerned? Also are there any other things that I should be concerned about choosing XP Media Centre over XP Pro?

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Media Centre Will Not Boot

Aug 16, 2008

I've got a major problem and will be as concise as I can.XP Media Centre will not boot. When XP boots normally I get a message saying the Hive is corrupt or missing and the problem is C:systemrootsystem32configsystem with a c000000218 (sorry if wrong number of zeros).From recovery console chkdsk shows 'unrecoverable problem'; though fixmbr does seem to do something. When I try to install a fresh copy of XP MC there are no partitions shown to install to.The interesting thing is, I can boot either XP or Vista on my PC (OS' on separate HDs) and can see all the files on the C-drive and the files on other partitions on this drive from 'Computer' in Vista. So I guess the hard drive isn't faulty.

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Media Centre Downloads

Jul 27, 2005

I am looking for a way of editing my media centre downloads that i have made though my media centre tv, i have tryed a few programs but none seem to do the file type there are in,

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HP Media Centre TV Picture

Jan 25, 2006

I used to be able to watch a TV programme as well as doing other things on my computer but now all i can do is listen to the TV programme as the picture does not appear on my desk top when I want to work,say, on a spreadsheet.Any ideasas to what I have done to change my original situation?

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Media Centre On Xbox 360

Aug 11, 2007

Im currently having problems with establishing a connection between my XBox 360 and my WMC PC. Here is what I have done so far.

1. Installed the expander on my PC.

2. Verified the code on XBox and PC.

3. Checked WMC version, and all is upto date

4. On XBox gone to Windows Media Centre and it comes up with "Windows Media Centre contacting" with a progress bar.

That page stays on for about 15/20 secs and then I get a message on the XBox saying "Another user or application on the Windows Media Centre-based PC has disconnected this device."I have read several topics on forums and microsoft support pages but all the things I have tried have failed. I have also tried just using Media Player 11 using it's sharing media options but it does not detect the XBox at all. However my laptop does.All programs which could affect eg: Firewalls, Decoders etc have been Uninstalled.

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Sfc Scan Now With Media Centre

Nov 18, 2008

Trying to do the above with the 2 original Microsoft Media Centre install disks.It asks for disk 2 but says it is the wrong disk.Is this the fact that SP 3 is on the computer, and do I need to slip stream SP3 onto the Media Centre disks, and if so, do I do it on both ?

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Media Centre Crashing

Oct 10, 2009

Everytime I try and schedule a TV recording in Media Centre (freeview) on my PC, this message appears. If I click on OK to terminate it, it generates a crash error report. I always submit the reports but its not helping the situation. If I click cancel to debug it, this message appears. Can anyone shed some light into why I maybe experiencing this issues? I havent had any problems before like this but I recently changed my broadband provider to Talk Talk but I am very unhappy with the preformance and strength on my wireless network so Im going back to BT

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Media Centre Login

Jul 16, 2005

After a virus (w32.licum) I was enable to restart my computer. Every time I'm trying to login with my password, the computer automatically goes as if I was pressing the log off and ask me again for the password. What is my problem?

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Can Add Windows Media Centre To Xp Pro?

Feb 12, 2010

is there a way of putting windows media centre on xp pro

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Media Centre Volume Control

Mar 11, 2007

If I use XP Pro my Logitech Elite keyboard volume control knob turns the volume up and down smoothly regardless of if I am gaming etc but when I use the keyboard in XP Media Centre the volume control becomes very jerky and virtually uncontrollable. For instance it will be at 30% but if I turn it down one notch in XP Pro it would go down to 27% but in Media Centre it go go down to 20% or even 15% or even worse no volume.I have tried uninstalling the drivers, reinstalling them and nothing seems to work.

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Media Centre Freezing / Rebooting PC

Aug 29, 2009

My PC is playing up everytime I open Media Centre. I think it may have to do with either the BIOS update, the graphic card or the TV card. The symptoms I am experiencing is every time I watch a programme I have recorded, either it freezes 1 minute into playing the recorded programme and I have to reboot by pressing the button on the processor (ALT-CTRL-DEL doesnt work). my PC reboots by itself while watching the recorded programme but when it starts up, the Windows XP logo/startup screen has lines and it wont start i.e. the screen freezes before I can see my desktop it freezes in between watching the recorded show and the screen flashes ALT-CTRL-DEL doesnt work in any of these situations. Neither does ALT+F4. The only thing I can do it shut it down by pressing the button on the processor, but if I dont switch it off from the back of the processor and plug it out from the main socket (and leave it for 10 seconds), the start up shows lines in the screen and then it freezes when the XP logo appears. I have also did System Restore 3 times! It works for a while but its a temporary solution to my ongoing problem (only started playing up 2 days ago).

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Media Centre Reboot Loop Nightmare

Jun 4, 2010

i've gotta phillips mt1600 running on windows xp media centre 2005 edition and one day i tried to turn my pc on but it got to the point of loading up just before it shows the users and it rebooted, i do not know why? And if left to its own devices would do this all day, i've tried booting from cdrom drive and no joy but i've lost my recovery disk and really in a muddle as i'm basically computer novice any ideas what i can do to fix this i don't care about losing everything i just wanna start from scratch, my friend has windows 7 disk for me to install but i don't know how to remove my windows to be able to install windows 7.

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Home Vs Pro (Dual Core PC) - Why?

Dec 29, 2005

I recently built my new dual core PC and I have set up my bios, etc. I'm ready to install an OS. What I'm wondering is - what is better for a dual core pc? XP Pro or XP Home and why?

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Media Center Edition Access Needed Media Center Edition

Jan 15, 2007

Wondering which versions of XP can Access which other versions of XP.Specifically, can media center edition access media center edition , or do one or both OS's have to be XP PRO. My understanding is that XP Home cannot access or be accessed via Remote Access.

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Dual Core CPU Showing Stuck At 100%?

Jun 18, 2007

my system (2.8GHz Pentium D Dual Core, 1 GB RAM, Dell XPS 400) just started getting stuck at 100% CPU load at all times. Also, task manager only shows one CPU graph instead of the usual split screen graphs shown since its a dual core system. This occured on a restart after I re-located the machine to another house. I thought maybe something was physically messed up since it had been moved but the problem doesn't seem to occur when I boot to Safe Mode. So, that makes me think its a software issue.

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Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor

Feb 2, 2007

I didn't even think of it when I ordered my new system. I currently have the same copy of windows xp home I've had all along. Do I need to get 64 bit XP professional for my Athlon 64 X2 dual core processor to work? I'd hate to have to have to buy a retail copy

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Dual Core 64bit Cpu - 512mb Of Ram

Apr 21, 2006

I was just wondering if i put windows xp 64bit to a system with dual core 64bit cpu and 512mb of ram, will i see any difference in the page file usage in comparison to windows xp 32bit

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Built New Dual Core But Its Slower Than Old P-4

Aug 28, 2009

Intel DQ963FX motherboard and mated it with a Intel E2200 Dual core processor. I have 3 gig memory and a NVidia 9400 GT graphics card w/1 gig memory. The machine is not used for gaming but for everyday on line tasks. The on board graphics are disabled. I updated the Bios to the latest version and am running XP Pro SP3. I have the usual antivirus protection enabled, Purchased Zone internet suite, Nortons (kept disabled in case zone craps out)and malware bytes, Super anti malware, Spybot S&D and ad aware.Sometimes when I start this machine and go to Firefox,(or IE for that matter) the system will slow to the point that even audio is stunted. I have the latest java enabled so I don't think that is the problem. This motherboard has very little in the bios to tweak so that hasn't been tampered with too much (latest bios update was installed after the slow started). Whenever the slow down occurs if I restart the machine it will run up to speed for awhile then eventually slow down again. My old P-4 3.02 was sooo much faster that I regret ever having built this new clunker. . Is there a known problem with this mb or proc that I haven't found yet?

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Go From Media Center Edition To Plain Home Edition

Mar 12, 2010

I have XP Media Center Edition 2002 or 2005 (not sure which) edition on a dell desktop and I have problems with Media Edition so I'd like to go to plain XP home edition. If I buy and run the XP Home upgrade, will that work on top of MCE?

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Dual Core Running As Single After Repair

Dec 19, 2007

Due to a corrupt system file I did a repair using Recovery console. PC came back up with a few problems. Uninstalled most applications and Service Pack 2 and reinstalled. I have now noticed that my Athlon XP2 dual core processor is only running as one processor. In device manager it shows both processors and when the PC boots up it recognises that its a dual core processor. Yet when I run the Athlon utility that reports back processor information it only shows the one processor. Tried uninstalling the processors through device manager but nothing happens.Does anybody have any ideas how to fix this before I do a reinstall of windows?

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Wont Work In Dual Core System / Installing Vista?

May 26, 2008

I was informed the Windows XP does not work with Dual Core Processing systems, and that you need Vista in order to get the performance out of the 2nd core? is this true?

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Sound Not Working With AMD Quad Core & AMD Triple Core

Mar 3, 2009

Quad Core: When I install XP I try to hear music but sometimes the music freeze for about 0,5s and after that it continue. with video its the same. I don't know why, so I try it with Triple Core... No change same like before but when i try it with Dual-Core it was OK. I install all drivers. I try old drivers, new drivers, beta drivers, new bios etc... bud i think it is in CPU, because on Dual-Core it was fine... Please tell me solution. I don't have any idea to correct this problem. TY.

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Media Edition Xp Sp2

Jun 23, 2008

how can I tell if a hard drive is bad or not. getting Ctrl Alt Delete to restart but just keeps going back to the error.this computer was fine the day before.

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Media Center Edition Vs Xp Pro?

Mar 31, 2006

my laptop came with media center edition. I've been told I should upgrade to xp pro. why is this? if I buy xp pro, do I need to worry about it being compatable with all of the laptop specific hardware?

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Conflict Between Media Center Edition OS

Oct 8, 2007

Mine is a Dell laptop. I have Windows XP Media Center OS installed on my system. The other day it needed to install some windows files and asked to put the OS CD, I put in my Windows XP CD by mistake. It authenticated and installed the OS partially.Now I have two OS on my system. And the Win XP is not correctly installed. I want to un-install the Win XP and delete the files in the system and keep the original installation of Win XP Media Center.

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Have Media Center Edition And Had Done A PC Recovery With An HP Laptop

Feb 4, 2007

I had done the PC recovery with HP back to factory defaults.I still have some of my software that i had before the recovery. I was wondering if there was a way to recover the Files i also had before the recovery.

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