I tried downloading anything from the internet but nothing works. I tried yahoo messenger file transfer, mail transfers and using links but my download don't open. I used download accelerator it works but the files tends to be corrupt.
I recently go tthe new comp and then ran into some errors when downloading off the internet, Files turn corrupt most of the time on IE or Firefox and other times it might want to work, Downloading the install for Winamp is one which will corrupt every time no matter how I try it, check for virus's, spyware, turn everything else off, turn off the firewall and I've done all that and still haven't gotten anything. I've been told I should try and update my bios but I know that could only cause more problems in certain cases, Even when trying the asus auto update it says that it couldn't uncompress it. One of the classic errors is" NSIS error, The installer you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete.
This could be the result of a damaged disk, a failed download or virus. It may be possible to skip this check using /NCRC command line switch(Not recommended )". As well as say if any torrents that I get bit comet says it's corrupt and ones that work in the regular bittorrent downloader go at trash speeds, router I was on was set up before this so it should still be good. I hope this is enough information, if more is needed I'd be happy to tell you. I also cleaned the regestry and checked for viruses and malware as well as anything else I could think of.
I am going to discard a computer that contains Windows 98. I want to download pictures from the Windows 98 by floppy disk to a computer with Windows XP to "my pictures". I have no trouble downloading the pictures to the floppies. The XP system does have a floppy drive. Step by step how do I load the pictures into the XP system? As a new member this is my first time to contact you. Sure hope I have followed all the rules.
My computer, a dell dimension 8400 with windows xp home edition, keeps coming up with an error saying:Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32Configsystem.i ran boot utility and scanned the computer and the drives come up fine with the test(except the hard disk which popped up errors on a constant.)
i have windows xp pro installed on my pc along with linux mandrake 10.1 and one day while my dad was surfing the net the sreen turned blue and some type of error message came up and it said to do something if it happend again but i ignored it becuase i thought it wouldnt happen again so i restarted and when it came back on it went to a black sceen and i couldnt do anything but if i let it wait there it would come up with an error saying that windowssystem32config system was missing or corrupt
I'm running a Dell XPS 600 with Windows XP Professional Media Center Edition. Well, OK, it's not really running.I used System Restore to return my PC to a point about six weeks ago when the system was more stable. The PC rebooted, and now it won't boot any more due to a missing/corrupt CONFIGSYSTEM file.It won't boot from either of my CD drives, either. I've used the boot Setup to alter the boot sequence but that doesn't help, the system just doesnt recognize those drives during boot. For this same reason, I've been unable to access the Recovery Console.
I was on my computer when I was done I decided to actually turn it off which I never do I always leave it running. My computer was working completely fine I ran virus scans all that shizz, the next day I turn it on and it says:Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt windowssystem 32configsystem You can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup CD-Rom. Select "r" at the first screen to start repair.
I'm on an older computer with Windows 2000 which has been working fine. Today, in the middle of doing nothing out of the ordinary, I got a blank screen. So I rebooted and was served up this error message: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair. I don't have the Setup disc but I do have the original program disc - but it wouldn't read it and keeps giving me the same error. I can't even start is Safe Mode.
i'm running windows xp home, on an emachine m6805 laptop. at some point yesterday my computer died and rebooted and now the hal.dll driver is missing or corrupted. i've tried various things from other threads such as safemode, last known configuration, recovery, etc. nothing worked. i've tried booting from cd with my xp discs but i think the problem i have is that my discs are recovery cds from emachines and i cant press "R" like everyone says to do. reformatting is not an option unless i take it to a computer repair shop to get all my info off that i need. what can i do? i read the kelly link that people always link to but it makes no sense. can anyone help? if you need more info just let me know.
I get an error message that the WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM file is "missing or corrupt". How do I repair this. I can only boot off the CD and either do a repair/reinstall or DOS repair.
Ok, so, my computer wouldn't boot up right? I had to repair the installation etc and activate Windows, which I did today. The just recently, I was in safe mode trying to fix the PC, and then it restarted, and now everytime I try to start it up, it says,
The file Windows...../config/SYSTEM is missing or corrupt and it says I have to repair Windows, using the disk.
My pc won't boot into windows...i get this error. I don't have a copy of XP to try and repair because i bought my PC from futureshop with XP pre-loaded..... anyway of fixing this without having a copy of xp?
As the title says my pci.sys in the system32drivers folder is missing or is corrupt, so I can't boot windows. The only possible solution is to start the recovery console and type:set AllowAllPaths = true expand d:i386pci.sy_ c:windowssystemdrivers32 If you don't type set AllowAllPaths = true you can't access the windows folder, thus I cannot fic the pci.sys. Well the problem is I don't have the Set command enabled, and It can only be enabled with MMC, but how the hell am I supposed to enable the Set command when I cant access MMC? Dilemma >.< don't wanna reinstall Windows XP again... So is there a way to get Set AllowAllPaths = true to work without MMC?
I'm getting the System32driverspci.sys missing or corrupt message when trying to boot XP.Now, I've tried going to my recovery console and tryed "expand drive:i386pci.sy_ C:winntsystem32drivers /y" all I get is access denied. So then I re-booted from my XP disk and pressed enter to install windows xp. Now supposedly I sould get a repair "r" option, but I don't. It tells me I need to format to install. I guess when you recived that "r" option it will bring you the option of typing the admin passsword so I won't get the access denied message when I'm expanding.The bottom line is that there is one REALLY important folder I need of my C: drive and really don't care about anything else.
Last time it was a BSOD this time its something similar but different. The message displayed upon startup is on a black screen: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt WINDOWSsystem32 You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Stup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair
Does anyone know how to fix a Ntfs.sys file without resorting to using the OS installation CDs? I got the message the about Windows not being able to start because of a missing or corrupt Ntfs.sys. Because I don't have the installation CDs I just copied a Ntfs.sys file off the other PC in our house put it on my flash disk and restarted the PC with this message. It booted up fine into windows but my system is unstable, it restarts at random. Sometimes it works ok and then sometimes it reboots repeatedly, and I got the message again a few times but I just press the reset button and it boots up fine again. So I am able to work in windows, can I fix the file in windows without doing that whole thing with the installation CDs and RC session?
When Windows XP boots up, an error message states that a system file is corrupt or missing. Which command scans Windows system files for missing or corrupt operating systems files and replaces them with the correct Microsoft versions?
I have a 2.4 2 gig ram and a raid hard drive on my computer with 4 x 80g I'm not that raid literate and a friend helped me set it up but I know my way a bit with computers. The other night all of a sudden the computer froze up and when I tried to restart it I got this message
windowssys32configsystem with the corrupt or missing system file. First I tried getting my windows CD and using the "r" option to repair it but when I do that I get this message "Setup did not find any hard drives on this computer etc..." I was perplexed by this and went into my bios and under primary hardrive it detected nothing. I hit ctrl S for the raid utility and in the raid options it shows the 4 hard drives. I opened the case made sure everything was connected right and the 4 hard drives are hot still.
So I deleted my windows partition and formatted(full not quick) my hard drive so I could start fresh for Windows since I just got a new motherboard! So I went to reinstall Windows XP Pro Corporate Ed. and when I do is says that certain files like drmclien.dll was not copied correctly. There are other files that dont copy right either(most of them are .dll but some are .sys files). My Windows disc is completely scratch free and what not and its a legit copy...I just dont know why the files are messing up like this
My mother-in-law purchased a computer from V2 Premier 6 years ago. Her computer crashed and said the Windows XP is either missing or corrupt. There was not a Windows XP CD-Rom included in box with the computer. It says for repairs to insert the Windows XP CD-Rom. How does she get one sent to her from the manufacturer or from V2 Premier?
So I was working with adobe photoshop and it absolutely refused to exit. I tried ctrl+alt+delete and after about twenty minutes it was still frozen on my screen. So I tried shutting the computer down normally, and it froze on the "Windows is shutting down" screen for like, the fiftieth time. So I had to force it off by holding down the power button. When I turned it back on to continue working, I got a message saying windows/system32/config (or something like that) was missing or corrupt. I pressed "r" since I don't know where my startup disk is and it restarted.
I have Norton GoBack, so I hit the space-bar to allow it to restore to about an hour earlier before I opened photoshop. This wasn't the first time this had happened. I've been getting the same message at every other start up for a couple weeks and this method worked fine every time. It seemed to be okay this time too but then it just RESTARTED for no apparent reason. When it got to the Norton GoBack screen I got a message saying the system had become unstable and needed to start over, and it suggested it was possibly because of a bug in an application or a hardware problem which is also possible.
My problem started when I booted my computer. Windows (XP Home Edition) started with the message that windows/system32/config/system.sav was missing or corrupt. It told me to use the recovery console to solve the problem. I saw with the recovery console that the system.sav file wasn't missing so it had to be corrupt (0 bytes in filesize).
I bought a new hard drive and tried to load XP Home on it, and I keep getting the same error message "Windows System 32 hll.dll is missing or corrupt...." Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of this? It happen when I initally load XP and then have to restart. Cannot go past this message.
Ok I have run into a major problem. First of all I entered 256 DIMM RAM into my motherboard recently and when I booted up, It said "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: /Windows/System32/Config/System
I tried taking the RAM out and the same happens. One source said it could be the PSU, power, but this is doubtful because I unplugged all the extra stuff I could but the same happens.
Taking advice from another source, I took my XP Disc and Booted from it in hope to repair missing/corrupt files. This did no good, It deleted the "corrupt" files, and couldn't find the same files (such as dplayx.dll, dosx.exe. dos869.fon, dmdskmgr.dll, etc.) So now I think these files are gone so when I tried to boot up after this it restarts or shuts down when it reaches the Windows XP loading screen. I tried booting from the CD once again but this time an error message appeared saying:
Early last week I ran a Windows update on my Compaq SR1625NX and upon restart it would not boot Windows. I tried "last good configuration", "debug mode" and "safe mode" to no avail. It always restarts while booting Windows. I tried both the built-in "recovery console" and the recovery discs I bought from HP/Compaq upon the advise of an online support person. When loading the recovery console either way the blue screen pops up and tells me there is a problem with the "ntfs.sys" file.
my daughters laptop has come up with a problem and has a lot of pictures ect on it that we can no longer access, the pictures ect are poss still there as the hard drive space is still the same as before. the problem is in the system 32 area. computer states system32configsystemprofile is corrupted and unreadable have run a checkdisc but i cant seem to be able to run a checkdisc repair on it??????is there anything i can do or is there a program i can download to help do it????
I was on my computer today, programs started freezing up, eventually windows crashed. When rebooting I got the message I put in the subject title line "windows could not start because the following file windowssystem32configsystem is missing or corrupt".
Windows crashed on my PC, on reboot I get an error message,"WindowsSystem32ConfigSystem corrupt or missing"So I search around on my laptop and find handy registry repair walkthrough on the windows site. I pop in my windows xp cd and enter the repair console.Now, the instructions say I should be prompted to enter an admin password, but I am not promted, instead I just get to the command prompt."C:>"So I type in the first command on the list "md tmp" to make a temp file for the repair and then..."Access is Denied"
wen i start up my computer it comes up with this :windowssystem32configsystem....missing or corrupt you can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup CD-ROM . Select "R" at the first screen to start repair i hav no idea what this means or how to fix it . i hav the oorginal windows CD .