Disappearing "My Documents" Folder And Dud System Restore

Mar 9, 2008

I have a 3Ghz AMD with 1Gb RAM, 160Gb HDD, Win XP SP2 installed. The HDD is divided into 3 partitions - OS, Documents and Program. She has a network with her children's computers (4!) but whilst they can ping each other, they are not actually networked to each other.

I installed Nero 6. Burning and Cyberlink DVD on to her computer. Both were installed on the Program partition. At that point, all her documents and images were in the "My Documents" folder on the Documents partition and were all visible and working. Within the My Documents folder was a folder called "My Documents 1" which was all the stuff she had brought over from her old HDD but not yet sorted and merged with her current computer.

"My Documents folder" in the Documents partition had vanished,along with all her word, music and photo files.Webshot photos folder had also vanished. A search through Windows did not turn any of these up. I scanned the whole computer and found no trace of them. All the System Restore checkpoints for the last 5 days failed to restore the system to what it was prior to the installations. System Restore Incomplete - unable to finish or something to that effect. When I ran both the antivirus and spyware programs, the AVG run was clean but the spyware turned up 64 tracking cookies but no high level issues. (She felt running these programs daily chewed up too much time etc etc. Even when I told her to run all 5 computers at least once weekly (Boot up, start the scanning programs, get the updates and run them then leave them to do their scanning, walk away go do some shopping and check the results when you get back - too easy of course she did not do any backups which steps to take? Programs to use to try and recover her folders?

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Using System Restore Point To Move My Documents Folder To Another Drive

Nov 11, 2008

I'm using Win XP Pro SP3. When my files in "My Documents" outgrew my hard drive's capacity a while back I bought a new hard drive and decided to move my "My Documents" onto the new F: drive, leaving everything else on the original hard drive. It seemed like the simplest solution to my problem at the time. The situation does create a few syntax problems revolving around the question "When is the 'My Documents' folder not really the 'My Documents' system folder?" Most of the time I don't have any problems with the arrangement, but there are a couple of anomalies. At present my command line environment variables do not have any easy way to point to "My Documents" because (for example) %userprofile%My Documents points to the folder on c: that used to be the 'My Documents' system folder rather than to the current location of the system folder.

That is not usually a big deal but it may be related to the more frequent problem. A few ill-behaved programs expect to find and store files in %userprofile%My Documents (which is on C: drive) rather than in the actual system folder "My Documents" on F: which makes it harder to find these files when I search for them. Just to 'simplify' the situation I thought about setting a reparse point in the old "My Documents" folder ( %userprofile%My Documents ) that points to the actual system folder (which is F:My Documents ) Tinkering with settings like this has potential to break things in unexpected ways so I thought I'd ask whether there are any obvious problems with the 'solution'. Or are there better ways to keep the user documents on a second hard drive?

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Opening Disappearing Minimize Documents From Task Manager?

Sep 5, 2007

When I choose to minimize anything on my desktop it used to drop down to the single click startup bar area and wait to be recalled. Now, when I minmize anything, the only way I can recall it is to open Windows Task Manager and and launch it from there.

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My Documents Files Gone After System Restore?

Mar 5, 2005

i lost all my documents files, so i did a sytem restore, and i still cant access the file
were am i going worng

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Renaming System File: Changing Documents And Settings A Folder Name?

Jul 28, 2005

In documents and settings a folder has been named after the old manager of this shop. How can I change the name to something else? In this folder are .java, cookies, and desktop folders.

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Renaming My Documents Folder: Immediately Reverts Back To Username's Documents?

Jun 22, 2005

I have a user's My Documents folder redirected to a share on our domain controller. The name of this user's My Documents folder is username's Documents. Whenever I try to change this to My Documents, it immediately reverts back to username's Documents.However, if I open a command window and say dir, I see My Documents which is what I would expect.

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System Folder Renaming: The Documents And Settings Folder Renaming?

Aug 8, 2005

I'm trying to change some settings and file names.Specifically,I would like to know if there is anyway at all I can change the Documents and Settings folder. Not the All Users one, but the folder with my friends' name on it. The system is telling me this folder cannot be changed, but sort of reinstalling XP, isn't there some "back door" method I can employ?

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Deleting Shared Documents Folder W/o Removing My Documents

Apr 17, 2008

I want to remove the shared documents folder from everywhere but I want to keep the my documents folder in my computer.i am using winxp sp2.

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Target Folder Location - Shared Documents - Pc1's Documents

Jul 27, 2007

im using winXP i go to desktop and double click "My Computer" in my computer i see:
Shared Documents pc1's Documents (Local Disk C:) (Local Disk D:) i have already manage to change the target folder location of "My Documents" (c:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) --> (d:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) now the problem is; i want to change the target folder location of "Shared Documents" from(c:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments) (d:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments)

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To Exclude Specific Folder From System Restore?

Feb 12, 2010

How do I exclude a specific folder from system restore? The solution mentioned here is wrong. http://www.tweakxp.com/article37472.aspx
That excludes the file from NTBackup.

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Reduce The Size Of The System Restore Folder?

Jul 7, 2005

How can I reduce the size of the system restore folder? It is about 2G and I need to reduce it in size. I have not used it that much.

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Folder Access Denied After System Restore

Sep 12, 2005

I just completed a system restore on my eMachines computer. I have Windows XP. Now, I had one folder that I backed up, but now everytime I try to enter it, it says Access Denied. I did hide this folder on my hard drive before, but all of my other hidden folders that I backed up work fine. I would really appreciate it if somebody could tell me how to gain access to this folder, I have very important information in it.

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System Restore Not Working For Permanently Deleted Folder

Sep 22, 2007

I accidentally deleted my entire "My Music" folder from the "My Documents" folder after moving a bunch of files from it to an external hard drive. It was permanently deleted - did not go to the recycle bin first. System Restore did not bring it back.

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Moving My Music Folder From Shared Documents Folder

Feb 6, 2009

In previously highlighted issues regarding backing-up shared documents to my Seagate Freeagent hard drive, I simply decided to move the My Music Folder from the shared documents folder, but Windows is disallowing me from doing this stating that My Music is a Windows system folder & cannot be renamed or removed? Any help please on getting around this to move My Music from the shared documents? I'm running XP with servce pack 3.

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System Tray Keeps Disappearing

May 14, 2008

I have XP2 SP2 and for the last few days my system tray keeps diasppearing. Sometimes it comes back, other times the only way to get it back is to restart my pc, which is getting very annoying now.It happens whatever browser I use, IE7, Firefox and Windows.

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Password Protect A Folder Rather Than Documents In The Folder

Feb 28, 2007

Is there a way to password protect a folder without having to password protect all the dcouments in the folder?

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Windows Explorer And Folder Shortcuts Open To "my Documents" And Not The Folder

Apr 2, 2007

I made the change below however, if I click on a folder in the left hand "Folders" pane, it works as before and opens the folder and displayed in the contents in the right hand pane.

However, if I click on any folders in the right hand (files pane) a new windows explorer window opens a displays the "my documents".

The same thing happens if you click on a shortcut to a folder. Instead of the folder opening, it opens a new window and displays "my documents".

This problems started when I added a new function to the folder file folder file type properties to print out the contents of a folder by calling a batch file that piped the content to a file.

In the file association for file folders in the advanced section I now have three functions
- the afore mentioned 'create file list'
- explore (the default), and
- find

For the folder file type I just have:
- explore and
- open

Any suggestions on how to put things back to the way Windows Explorer always worked before make clicking folders in the right hand pane open them up properly in the same window as per clicking them on the left hand pane?

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Moved My Picture-folder Into The Folder Of Doom -restore?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm absolutely dumbstruck by what just happened. I was a little too quick with my clicking, and instead of opening the folder containing my pictures, I dragged it into another folder called "14941b93d3ad9f41aa7df524fe". I will refer to it as the folder of doom. The folder contains two sub-folders

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Documents In This Folder Are Not Available

Jun 22, 2005

Just recently I began to get the error message "Documents in this folder are not available. The folder may have been moved, deleted, or network problems may be preventing a connection to the server." every time I try to access one of my web-based folders. These worked before, and just recently stopped working. I am not sure if a security patch I applied did this

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Getting Old Documents Folder

Oct 23, 2007

New user, first time post here. I've got a problem with Windows XP. So a friend of mine gave me a copy of norton ghost 2003 to try out. Well, it must have been a bad copy because when I tried to run it, the program just hung up and did not start the dos ghost, despite waiting for an hour. I shut off the power to the computer, and then it was stuck in this loop of going to pc-dos whenever I turned on the computer. It would not bypass this despite picking the option to skip ghost and go straight to windows. So, I had a new hard drive to put into the computer (which precipitated this whole ghost business in the first place), and i reloaded windows, which went fine

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Didnt Find My Documents When Did Restore

May 29, 2007

I tried to help my syster with her laptop, she had a problem with peach tree program, his son did a repair on windows, ( i dont know how he did) the thing is she brings me the machine, first i did a system check point, then i do a restore point to view if the machine works fine, the machine still the problem and when i roll back to the systeme restore point i did, i lost all documents was in desktop and in "my documents" i dont find, if any knows if i recovered it

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Restore Point Touch My Documents?

Jan 17, 2009

I had a problem: "Remote Function Call" failed. Nothing helped, but restoring a Restore Point.After Restore Point My Documents folder tree also was changed. Folder names were renamed to their old names, and files were moved to their former places.I would like to know what exactly is saved when creating a Restore Point, and what exactly is restored by Restore Point.Why does Restore Point touch My Documents? Does it delete files?

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Lost My Documents Folder

Jun 22, 2005

I had a serious crash with windows xp (SP2) last night that resulted in having to reinstall Windows XP (it wouldn't repair, wouldn't let me partition and wouldn't let me install windows into a different
directory - was crashing for anything but a full reinstall). As a result of this, I've lost access to the my documents folder of my original user profile. Moreover, it shows as being 0 bytes in size, except the total size of my HDD has not been reduced.

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Location Of The My Documents Folder

Jul 30, 2005

Is it better to have the MyDocuments folder outside the local C: drive or to use the default MyDocuments folder that is a subfolder to the local C: drive? Why? I have been using a MyDocuments folder that is at the same level as MyComputer in the directory tree, because I was told that there is a limitation to the size of the MyDocuments folder. However, it also was mentioned that the size limitation does not exist with WinXPpro.

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Rerouting The My Documents Folder

Jan 20, 2006

I am trying to find a way to change the location where files saved to the My Documents folder on one computer (smaller HD) to a network shared folder on another computer. My thought was to delete or hide the computer's My Documents folder and create a new My Documents folder on the network folder and place a shortcut to it on the the other computers desktop

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Re-directing My Documents Folder

Oct 4, 2007

On MS Windows XP Professional, SP2, is there a way to re-direct My Documents to another location other than the default? In this case, I am using XP Pro not logging into the domain, so I cannot use the GPO in AD.

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So Many Access Folder To My Documents

Mar 13, 2010

One thing I haven't figured out yet is why there are so many accesses to My Documents in folder/windows explorer view.For example:I am the only computer user of this operating system. My account name is Hawkfire, this account name is the administer one; there is that account, a unused guest account and an unused .net account.

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My Documents Folder Missing

Jul 19, 2005

One of the users on my PC does not have the My Documennst folder appearing the list "Files stored on the this computer".

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Cannot See Other User Documents Folder

Aug 7, 2005

I share computer with my wife. Both we have administrators rights.When I opened "My computer" view in Windows Explorer I used to see items like:

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Sharing My Documents Folder?

Sep 9, 2005

How do I share "My Documents"?

I can share any drive or folder except "My Documents". It doesnt even give me the option.

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My Documents Folder Has Vanished

Jul 12, 2005

There are 4 user profiles on my computer, which runs XP Pro. For some reason, the 'My Documents' folder for my own profile no longer appears, but it's contents seem to have migrated into my daughter's 'My
Documents' folder.this possibly happened when I had the Beta version of Microsoft Spyware running, as my daughter mentioned some messages coming up to do with changing the path for 'my documents'

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