Suddenly, anything (either icon or empty space) that I click on my desktop just causes a beeping sound and nothing else. although, I can still access anything on my office shortcut bar and anything from the start bar along the bottom. I don't even know how to tackle this issue. I've rebooted several times and did a system restore to an earlier system checkpoint from today and when it rebooted, it just reversed itself - beeping when clicking on the start bar area and allowing desktop icons to be used. I've rebooted yet again, and it reverted back to the original problem.
When I click on desktop and select properties to change the desktop wallpaper I have a list of family photographs!I still have the desktop wallpaper folder in windows web folder but how do I put it back into the desktop and remove the ones that are mysteriously there.
Turned on other computer this morning. The desktop wallpaper showed. There were no icons or taskbar. I right click on the desktop and nothing happens. I can do a ctrl+alt+del and access the task manager but have no idea on how to restore my desktop. When I startup in safe mode all I get is a black screen.
i am runnings windows xp sp2 with an amd 1200 . all of a sudden when i right click the desktop my system freezes up. Right click work and everything else works the freeze only happens when right click the desktop for the menu.
I can not Right Click on the Desktop of my PC. If I try to Right Click, all of the icons and the bottom toolbar dissapears for a second. The background is the only thing visible. And then it comes back after a second or two. Once ina while I get an error message but I cannot Right CLick to open a new folder or anything. It just turns blank. Here is what the error message said. Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. and here are some of the details:
The following files are included in the Error Report: C:Docume~1JLocals~1TempWER61.tmp.dir00appcompat.txt The other problems have been running slower than ever. Programs sometimes just close while running. There is a "Hmck?" or some sort of error every time I start the computer. (I'll have to restart it for the exact name of the error) I It just seems like this computer isn't running properly. It's a Dell Dimension 2350, about 7 months old. I have run virus scan and none show up.
When I right click on my desktop my PC will lock up. I get the hourglass pointer and then I can't click on anything else. I have to manually shut the PC off and start it up again to run it.
I can't right-click on my desktop or in any explorer.exe process. Also, my desktop is reading off of C:Desktop instead of C:Documents and SettingsUSERNAMEDesktop?
when I click on a Shortcut on the desktop, instead of starting the program, it goes to the 'SEARCH' area...I then have to go back to the Desktop and right click on the Shortcut and click on 'OPEN' in order for the program to start.
Whenever I RIGHT CLICK on a Icon/Folder/Editing Pictures my computer says that Zhotkey.exe is not responding and it shows an hourglass for like 5 mins or so and then goes back to my desktop with everything back to normal. That is until it happens again and again, etc. IDK what to do. Basically to put it in a simple version: Right click on ANY file, icon, etc. makes me reboot my computer. Now onto the Sysdaig64.exe problem.How to remove this program so it DOESN'T keep on showing up when I turn on my computer.
Since I have installed a few new drivers/Software I have been having trouble with my desktop right click menu, the apps I've installed have added 3 new items on this menu and they take ages to load, even though they are not really that necessary and can be accessed without right clicking. I have taken a screen-shot and wondered if there is any way of removing the 3 marked items from my right click menu.
Is it possible to add an icon for I.E. (Explorer) on the drop down menu you get when right clicking on the desktop? Almost every time I go to my computer I have to move my mouse to the corner where the I.E. icon is. I am not lazy, just wondered if there was a way to do this and make me even more spoiled rotten than I already am And my son already suggested to me that I just place an I.E. icon in every corner of the screen.
Now I have a new problem...I can't click on my desktop icon to start Windows Live Messenger. I can't even right click-->Open the program. The icon appears on my task bar, as if it was running, but I know it is not. I've of late had this same problem with other programs, so I know it's not just Windows Messenger. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I decided to get rid of my "Symantec Antivirus" program, but I couldn't find a way to uninstall it, so I deleted the program folder (with included files) and the related shortcuts and left it up to my registry cleaners to get the rest. However, whenever I right-click on an icon or the desktop, it gives me a couple of Systemac Antivirus installation windows that I have to cancel out of before I get my right-click menu. My registry cleaners, anti-spyware, and anti-virus programs can't find anything. Searching for "Symantec" provides no results. How do I fix this?
I've had my computer for a while and have upgraded it many times. One such time was a few years ago when I went from Win98SE to WinME. Things were good for a while until I needed to reformat my harddrive, couldn't find my WinME CD and had to go back to Win98SE. Problem was, I have another harddrive, that I didn't include in the "downgrade" so it was unavailable after I loaded win98. I formatted that disk and things have been fine since.
I got an Ipod for Christmas and didn't notice when I bought it that it required 2000 or XP. I thought, not a problem, I'll just upgrade to XP. So last night, I upgraded and immediately noticed some problems. First of all, when I right click on the desktop, the computer freezes and you have to restart. Same thing happens if you're in a folder and try to create a new folder. My Sims2 game won't run (I've uninstalled and reinstalled wtih no luck)....
I really need a help here. About two days ago I was trying to improve the speed of my system. I think I have delete an important file. My curent problem is that When I rightclick a desktop icons I only get an hour glass, the system stops responding to any thing. The only way out of it it to either log off or shut down and restart.When I open the recycle bin though it appears full on the desktop icon I could not see any item on it.If I try do delete, move this folder or any of the command on the left file/folder task pane I only get hour glass. The only way out of it is ctrl+alt+del, task manager (program not responding) end task.
The compaq shut down fine last nite, now when you turn it on, it will only beep beep beep. Nothing on screen! Please help! Is that my mother board gone?
While in some web pages, I click on a hyperlink, I sometimes get a quick two-note (low, higher) beep and the link does not come up. Some hyperlinks work and some do not in the same page. I asked tech help from my server what was happening. He thought it might be my pop-up stopper but disabling it did not help. He then thought I probably needed a Java applet which I downloaded, but it didn't help.
My computer beeps, when i have more programs running or playing games.The beeping is from the motherboard.Checked the internet and nothing worked reinstalled windows etc.Its getting annoying after a while.If there are options to repair it without replacing parts cuz recently i added 1000 ram a 7300 gt and a 2.80 ghz processor.The beeping its since the end of the last year.
I've had an HP Pavilion a600n computer for about 3 years now, no problems till now. Earlier today though, it randomly reset itself and stopped working. So I rebooted and started getting constant beeping noises (they last 2-3 seconds) every 5 seconds or so. And it's not just a couple of beeps, it just keeps beeping non-stop.
I read up on the issue, was told to unplug all the wires, hold the power button for 1-2 mins and then replug everything in and try, but I get the same damn beeping noises!
I've heard that the # of beeps and frequency can help you determine the problem (something about BIOS? I dunno, not really a computer nerd) but the problem is, the beeps never stop so I can't really count I guess?
Other information (dunno if it's relevant)... - The LED button on the PC remains green constantly. - The fan of the PC works perfectly fine...
It said there was a change to the global template for microsoft word and did I want to save changes so I said no and the pc shut down. Later on I tried to call up my key logger and heard a beeping noise from within my pc. I paid it no attention and went on the rest of the day working. I was using Quicken later on and noticed that when I tried to view certain graphs they seemed to be "fluttering" (The page seemed to go up and down rapidly on its own) I closed it and ran Avast antivirus scan. I tried to activate it and got an error message that said it ran into some kind of runtime error (I think) I finly got it started, ran a scan and came up empty of viruses. Then Avast kept shutting itself off. I emptied my waste basket, went to internet options, deleted all files and history (Including online content) then cleared all in Firefox.
I've been away at University and have since come back and my parents are having some problems with one of the computers at home.Basically when using the computer Windows will just completely freeze up randomly, the mouse will stop moving, the keyboard will stop moving, and the clock will stop. As this happens, a noise comes from the computer which sounds the same as one of the noises when I turn the computer on, but it repeats a couple of times. It's a more mechanical whirring noise rather than an electronic beep or anything like that. It's very hard to explain - sort of like a build up of 'whirring-ness' and then a click (x I was wondering if this could be a hard drive problem for one - although I have done some diagnostics on the drive with SpeedFan and everything seems to look fine.
i seem to be having a problem with my second computer. it keeps turning off and on. it beeps when ever it turns on.i have no idea what the problem is.i was trying to reformat the drive but it would not stay on long enough to read the i was thinking it might be the harddrive. so i put another harddrive in it that i know is working fine. it does stay on but i get first the safe mode screen. it does not matter what option i pick like start windows normally or start in safe mode after i hit enter i get a blue screen telling me windows has shut down to protect my system from a fatal error. it tells me to check my harddrive for viruses or errors. my problem is i don't know how to get past that blue screen to check my harddrive. i have to turn the computer off. it happens every time i turn it on.i would give you a log report but i can't make one.
I have a Gateway computer with Windows XP. As soon as XP starts to load the system board speaker starts to beep. The beeping is not consistant and periodically beeps in a different tone. I repartioned and reformated the disk but I still have the problem. Is there any one with an idea of what might cause this. It does not appear to be heat.
I've been having really bad computer troubles recently and really need some help, cause I've wracked my brain trying to think of possible solutions here.To give a bit of background:The computer in question is an AMD Athlon 1800+ that I've had for about 3 years now. It's not the most stellar computer, but I mainly use it to surf the web and play some low-end games nothing spectacular.Recently however it had started to reboot constantly, and eventually just power off and never come back on. I figured it was the power supply, so I purchased a new 400W one, installed it and everything was working great.Fast-forward a couple weeks later, and I started to hear a really odd noise coming from the computer. It sounded almost as if sparks were flying around inside, but I removed the case and checked what the problem was, and it seemed the CPU cooling fan was having some troubles, and eventually stopped working. So just today I went out and bought a new CPU cooling fan, installed it, and again, everything was working fine.
However, just tonight, the computer began to reboot randomly again, and now it is at the point where it will not turn on, and when I do power it on, it just idles and beeps constantly. They are fairly short beeps, but they continue on and on indefinitely. I read up on the beep codes and how they coordinate with the BIOS setting, but problem is I have no idea which BIOS setting I have, so I am not sure what could be the problem. To be safe, I began to unplug the cards one by one, seeing if any of them stopped the beeping, but to no avail.So I am at a total loss here Having just bought those two things recently and STILL having the computer act like a pile of garbage is disheartening to say the least, and I just hope someone may have an idea on what or how I could fix this.
i have searched everywhere to do this , no site seemed to know how to get rid of it so i am helping the troubled with this problem, well not really a problem but an is a piece of cake. first right click on the desktop, go to arrange icons by ,uncheck lock web items to desktop(bang it's done).
My problem is that despite downloading pretty much every possible sound driver on the Toshiba website that it says is meant to work for Windows XP, none of them seem to make the sound work. All I get in the place of sound is that obnoxious beeping noise. When I install the drivers, most of them state that a sound device was not detected but I am perfectly sure that I have a sound device because the sound worked amazingly well when I still had Vista, or they simply 'install' and just dissappear and have no obvious effect.
I have a random beeping noise coming from inside my computer. It happens daily, for no specific reason I can think of... it sometimes beeps when Im away from the computer.I say inside the computer, because I have the volume muted and I still hear it loud and clear, like a warning beep.I searched a few posts already, but cant seem to find a solution. Someone mentioned it might be the fan. Can someone be so kind to run me through the HOW TO turn off the Smart Fan thingy (hehehe...Im a beginner...I really dont know what Im talking about lol)I think Im suppose to go into BIOS and turn something off, but I dont even know how to do that. I follow instructions very well, so if you could talk me through it, I can give it a go without having to take it to someone.