My daughter was running Win98, and had been saving to desktop folders (she thought). I know this isn't wise, didn't realise she didn't know that.Recently computer was acting strange and a "professional" was called in who copied everything on her hard drive to an external drive, cleaned it out and installed 2000. Then copied her stuff back to her drive. Now the numerous folders on her desktop have either disappeared or if opened show only gobbledegook.
This is frustrating. The last time I shut the computer down everything was fine. Today my wife used it for Market Day and LTD then went offline and put it to sleep.When I woke it up, the 1st thing I noticed was that the desktop Tetris icon was black. The shape was there but it was black. I tried to change the icon in the shortcut properties and saw the correct icon there but it kept turning black when I applied it. Then I went to My Computer. Wow. Most of the icons were gone and replaced by that MS arrow icon. There was even a folder that wouldn't come up or show anything.Well, lets see. My system is 1 year old and is a generic one. Intel MOBO (915 I think), P4@3.2, 1gRam, SATA HD 15% used, Windows 2000Pro W/SP4.
when i opened up my favourites folder in explorer some of my folders have disappeared my daughter has been on the computer but swears she has not even opened favourites,can anyone tell me why this has happened and if it is possible to retrieve my folders.I have tried system restore but it did not help
I am experiencing this problem with my CD-R/W driver. I have windows XP and 2000 both installed on my system. The CD Drive is visible from windows 2000, but when i go to windows XP, i dont see the CD Drive there in My Computer. It used to be there earlier, but then it disappeared. Normally when some bad CD is inserted, it disappears ,but it appears again on restart. Now its not appearing altogether !!! I know that its driver is the cause. Will I need to download a driver for it ? What might be the reason? Howcome it is functioning okay in Windows 2000?
I looked through the add and remove program box ,and i found this one program AdWARE & SPYware. How would i be able to get rid of this program ?. I've already downloaded an Anti-virus protector called Kaspersky Anti-virus Personal pro 5.0. I've already scanned my computer and it found 2 viruses. I don't know if this program i am using to scan my computer for viruses works or not. I've never heard of the program, but it's been recommended by many.
I've had 'Show All Hidden Files and Folders' enabled for a long time now, but all of a sudden all of of my hidden files disappeared. They weren't deleted, since they are still viewable via cmd (attrib or dir/a). So I went to 'Folder Options', and saw that 'Show All...' was still enabled.I tried to 'Hide All...' and then 'Show All...' again, but then I saw that after setting it to Hide All and re-entering Folder Options, that 'Show All' was stuck on enabled. Restarting didn't solve either problems.Scanned my PC with Registry Mechanic, Ad-Aware, Spybot - S&D, and NOD32. still nothing.
I had a registry problem, in that when I booted up my laptop, it said a hive file for the SOFTWARE key was damaged. I fixed this by going into recovery console and restoring the registry backup. So now Windows starts again and everything is good. All of my files are still in tact. However, my settings are all gone. Even though my files are on the hard drive, the appearance of everything is as if Windows has just been installed. In Documents and Settings, the reason is revealed.
I got a message from Outlook asking permission to compress my e-mail file folders. It's done this before and I've always let it with no problem.I fired up my computer yesterday and discovered that all my e-mail folders, all received and sent messages have disappeared.I thought my wife may have accidentally erased the files so I checked the Recycle Bin. There were several .bak files with the same names of the file folders.I figured hit the restore button and the files would be restored.
I was using the internet when suddenly the window closed and everything disappeared from my desktop (task bar, start button, desktop icons..everything leaving just the background). Didn't get any error messages or warnings either. I tried clicking on the desktop but got no response so I pressed ctrl, alt, delete, to restart. But when it restarted I got an empty desktop again and it wasn't until the 4th time restarting when everything was there again. I then opened internet explorer and it wouldn't respond. On the fifth time restarting, everything was fine but half an hour later I got the empty desktop again and had to restart 5 times again. Is this a virus? How to I get rid of this problem since it was running fine before this.
All of my desktop has disappeared and i can only use my computer by pressing ctrl alt delete . i have had this problem for nearly a week now and i have no idea how this happened.
This happened to one of my co-workers yesterday. He was cleaning his keyboard off and he must have hit some kind of key combination, because all his desktop icons disappeared except for the My Computer and Recycle Bin ones. I guess he had a bunch on there that he needed, but couldn't find them. They weren't in the Recycle Bin and a file search didn't turn any of them up.
I thought I was typing a word doc one day.Only to glance up long enough to see that I wasn't typing in the right spot and all of a sudden after hitting return the icons bilnked and disapeared? This did happen on a XP machine.
I have a computer running XP Pro. Today I installed some new software (tax software) and also installed a few current windows updates. After restarting my computer, the desktop has disappeared. When I try to right click to bring up a menu, nothing happens. When I try to save a file to the desktop, it apparently does, but no icon shows up.I don't think it's a virus of any type (but what do I know!) because this computer has not been used in some time.
When I used to double click on the 'My Computer' icon on the desktop, 2 folders would appear at the top of the page when it opened.1 folder was called 'Shared Documents' and the other 'My Documents'.Problem is, the 'My Documents' folder has suddenly disappeared.It is still on the desktop and I can access my work from there, but I would like it to appear back in 'My Computer' again.
All of a sudden (after a Spybot scan) all the desktop icons have disappeared. I can drag new ones to the desktop and they just disappear as soon as I drop them.If I look into the Desktop folder inside Documents and Settings, the desktop icons are all in there; but, they just won't show on the desktop.
I am running XP and have the Classic Desktop settings, I was working from my external HD and I shut in down and went to open it back up from My Computer and it was not there. I copied and placed another one on the Desktop and it shows as a copy and when I go to rearrange my Desktop to (type)and My Computer does not go where it orignaly suppose to be.
I went to log in the other day, using normal login and password.upon completing log-in process, I noticed my desktop looked completely different than normal (we normally stash dozens of icons right on desktop for quick access) - there were no icons there except for a couple standard shortcuts..Fearing all was lost, I quickly checked hard drive and saw that all our files were still there and functional (even in the desktop folder), but for some reason the desktop was not loading.Tried to open Outlook Express to check mail and could not access mail files or the internet It seems even though I used my normal login info, I was logged in as a different user and I suspect that's why desktop wasn't loading and I couldn't access email....I checked Documents and Settings - there is a new user folder (appeared out of nowhere as far as I can tell) with syntax of mynormalusername.L600-myfirstname.
I am using Windows XP Pro SP3. In the taskbar I used to have an icon to show the desktop when operating a program.The icon is still there but somehow the supporting file has disappeared.How do I get it back? The file is "Show desktop.scf" but it can't be found in any search I make.
ive just realised today that the recycle bin has disappeared of my desktop and i cant find it anywhere. has anyone got any ideas what or where it could have gone,and how i go about getting it back.
i use windows xp professional suddenly my 'my computer' icon on the desktop has disappeared.can you please advise how i access/ retrieve my local disk drives.
I am having some problems with my computer recently In the taskbar i don't see the remove hardware or the audio icon. Picture I was wondering where the icons disappeared. Also my computer is a bit slow, any way to make it a little faster?
operating system is windows xp All the desktop icons, start menu and task bar is gone except a picture of the wallpaper. Am using a different PC to sent this message.
I have win xp home edition installed on my laptop. Last week i used a software called Cleanse Uninstaller. It did something to my registry that now when i boot my computer i don't see any desktop icons on the desktop. All i see is the green windows background with the logo win xp home edition. i tried to get into the system restore by going thru the CTL + ALT+ Del then go in New Task and run to pop up the system restore point window. when i do that I get the system restore point window but the window is blank. No text no calender ( the usual restore point screen) to restore it to an earlier point. What do i do now.
After logging in to windows 2000, personal settings and everything have loaded without error but a plain grey screen appears with no desktop. In the task manager, the system idle process shows 99% cpu usage. Problem exists in safe mode also. Ran a chkdsk with no errors found.
I recently installed a new hard drive in my laptop, installed a new clean copy of xp-sp2. No problems. Put the old HD in a case with a USB connection so that I could retreive my files/programs... but most of them were in folders on the desktop, and the X:/My Documents/User/Desktop folder is empty. (Win Explorer is set to display hidden and system folders) I've checked every location I can think of, and I can't find those folders/files.
Any folder that I create on my deskop dissappears when I refresh. All shortcuts and files show on the desktop, just not folders. I my desktop properties is selected to "Show Desktop Icons", desktop folder is NOT hidden. Since I stated the issue, here are the facts Does not matter on SP. SP2 and SP3 are affected. It follows my profile. I have blown away my profile, recreated it (not copied it) and logged back in. This resolved the issue until I logged back in today July, 6th. Group Policy is on our network. Nobody else but my boss and myself are affected. He seems to feel this was a test about 5 years ago. You can view all desktop icons freely in Windows Explorer under my profile directory. I can setup shortcuts to the missing folders on my desktop and those will NOT dissappear. This issue reaccurs even after an FFR. FDisk, Format, Reinstall, do da do da. PLEASE NOTE***Nothing else in the system has been affected. Only view desktop folders.
I have about 8 folders on my destop that are empty. I can delete them but when I reboot the pc they are back on the desktop. I have even tried to delete them with bc wipe. I do have rollback installed it's similar to goback only better.This problem started before installing rollback. No other files do I have trouble deleting. I do have system restore turned on probably do not need to now that rollback is installed.I deleted folders and they are in trash. I emptied the trash no folders inside. Not deleted in safe mode. I restarted and they reappear on the desktop. Rollback was not activated during the restart.I checked the folder permissons and all boxes are checked but they are grayed out.The folder is set as read only and I try to change it and hit apply but they cannot be deleted.