Delete Unwanted Screen Savers Loaded

Aug 12, 2002

If anyone else was wondering how to get rid of the annoying Screen Savers that Microsoft feels you have to have with XP they made it a little more difficult than normal.

1. First navigate to “C:windowssystem32dllcache”. Cut and paste or type in your address bar to get there  because it is a hidden folder. Once there, delete the Screen Savers in that folder. Otherwise, you will find that they will come back no matter how many times you delete them from your system 32 folder.
2. Then you have to go to C: Windowssystem32 and delete the Screen Savers you want to get rid of . (Answer the file protection popups with cancel and yes.)
3. Voila- no more Screen Savers!

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Delete Unwanted Screen Savers Loaded - C:Windowssystem32

Nov 27, 2002

how to get rid of the annoying Screen Savers that Microsoft feels you have to have with XP they made it a little more difficult than normal.

1. First delete the screen savers you want to get rid of in either C:Windowssystem32dllcache or depending on if or how you installed the Service Pack(s) also in C:WindowsServicePackFilesi386. (To see these folders you must have "Show hidden files and folders" checked and "Hide protected operating system files" unchecked in Folder Options > View .)

2. Delete the screen savers in C:Windowssystem32 (always assuming your XP is installed in C:Windows). If you have omitted step 1. Windows file protection will replace the files within seconds. Voila---no more Screen Savers!

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Themes And Screen Savers

Aug 18, 2006

Just switched from Windows 98 to Windows XP Pro and would like to know if it is possible to get some of the old savers and themes that I had with the 98? there were quite a few that I liked but I do not have them with this OS. I do have the Windows 98 disk and was wondering if they would be on it and if so how would I install them to this system?

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Lost My Backgrounds And Screen Savers

Jan 15, 2010

i have lost my screensavers and backgrounds and my colour scheme when i click on properties theres nothing there......

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Lost The Ability To Run My Screen Savers

Feb 16, 2006

I have Windows XP on a Dell 8300. Recently. after running one of those programs that supposedly cleanup your registry, I lost the ability to run my screen savers. On the "Display" menu the spot where you are to decide the amount of time that is to pass before the screen saver comes up is greyed out. I am guessing that one or more of my dll's was removed or corrupted.

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Pc Running Very Slow / Downloaded Smileys And Screen Savers

Mar 1, 2006

Mates computer running very slow after he downloaded smileys and screensavers.Operating system is windows xp home.

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Unwanted Icons - Cannot Delete

Dec 30, 2004

I turned my computer on and 7 new icons appeared on my desktop (they don't appear to be shortcuts) advertising Poker, Card Games, Printer Cartridges, Casino Online, Bingo, Website Hosting. It won?t allow me to delete, drag, right click, or search for them. I have also done a search in DOS under my username/desktop with no luck, I tried the desktop cleanup again they were not listed, I have scanned with Norton Ad-aware and spybot search and destroy, but still they remain. The icons could not be found in my C:Documents and SettingsUserDesktop even with show hidden on.

The icons do not appear in safe mode, and since I have no idea where they are on my computer as I cannot search for them, I could not remove them in safe mode. The icons just link to web sites, so they are not on add-remove progs either. I'm running Windows XP Pro. **UPDATE** 2 IEXPLORE.EXE were found open in processess, when I tried to end one of them, all the icons vanished for a second then popped back up and IEXPLORE.EXE remained in processes, I use firefox not IE !!.. I have no idea what this means, maybe someone will know what to do now?

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Can't Delete An Unwanted DLL File

Jun 3, 2005

My daughter downloaded a game ( Carmen San diego) awhile back. She decided she didn't want it anymore. She went into add/remove programs and removed it. The shortcut is still on the desktop and when she tries to delete it she gets a messages that it cannot be deleted because it is either write protected or in use with another program.

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Delete Unwanted Windows Application

Mar 9, 2005

anyone knows of any software that can completely remove all traces of windows application,just like at the point in time after you reformatted windows and the entire system is clean.Please do not name me those usual uninstaller programs becoz they cannot completely clear all traces similar to a new formatted computer.

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Use Two Operating Systems / Delete Unwanted One?

Apr 19, 2007

I was wondering if i could have 2 operating systems on one computer because i am having problems with my windows xp home edition sp2..and if so , can someone point me in the right direction. Can i use two operating systems, and then delete the unwanted one? because i dont want to delete it and then install the other one, just in case something goes bad. Also i can get a spanish version of office xp there any way i can change it from spanish to English? Lastly.. If i change or operate with 2 operating systems.can i still have all the files i have on both systems, or will i have nothing on the other operating system.

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How To Delete Unwanted Icons From Systray?

Jul 10, 2008

Custom desktop, two 250 GB HD, Intel2 duo @ 2.33 GHz, XP. I bought this computer just last week so I am in total immersed in learning 10 hours a day. (Also have a new laptop running Vista - I must be a masochist).
I'll be bombarding you with questions in the weeks ahead. How do I remove unwanted icons from systray?

1) The HP printer icon is useless. There is no option to remove it from systray in properties.

2) The green icon is a "Safely remove device" service that refers to an earlier mistake I made installing my printer. I have no idea how to get rid of it.

I'm willing and capable of doing Registry hacks if necessary.

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Pro Unwanted Icons Other Users - How To Delete?

Dec 14, 2004

Hi using XP Pro. I am the admin. Installing games and icons are showing up on all desktops of other user as well as my own

1> How do I stop this from happening?
2> How do I delete them on other users desktops?

I did look under their setting desktop and Icon NOT there

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Unable To Delete Unwanted Files

May 15, 2007

I am running a dell 4600 with windows xp 2pac. I have some things that i am trying to get rid of off my computer but they won't go. Most of it is google stuff that got loaded when my husband loaded a new program. I have gone through search and it brought it all up...but when i go to delete it, it gives me an alert and says that it can't be deleted to check the disc. I have no disc, it was downloaded from the to get rid of these hidden files.

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Trying To Delete Unwanted Files Comes Up With Access Denied?

Jul 26, 2007

There is a file on my network, which is in a public share, which is no longer needed. Everytime i try and remove it it says access denied, make sure disk isnt full (?) or somebody else is using the file. Its been like this for about 4 days and it keeps flagging errors in the backup.

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Delete Unwanted Wallpaper Files - How To Remove

Aug 20, 2004

I am running Windows XP & am a novice user, I have noticed that in Control Panel/Display/Desktop in the Background Window there are 50 or more files there that shouldn't be ( pictures I have saved to the "My Pictures" folder). how they got there & how to remove them. I tried right click to try & delete them but it just pops up "What's This?" Is there any way of deleting them & stopping them going in there again

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Would Not Be Loaded - Blue Screen

Feb 9, 2005

I'm trying to fix my friend Emachine that he got about a year ago, it has a 80 gig hard drive, 512 ram. When I took a look at it I tried to boot it up and it started to load windows xp and then just stopped and started over again and kept reapting this process untill I shut down the computer. I continued to us fdisk and format at the dos promt to format the disk and then tried to load windows xp over again. It got almost all the way done then it went to this big blue screen saying the windows couldnt be loaded and that I shuld check if there is any new hardware..ect, and there is nothing new in the computer. I than figured I would try killdisk and a few other methods to totally clean the hard drive thinking there could be a virus deep in the MBR and not matter what I do I keep getting the same message over and over. I may be over looking something or could be just having a blond moment as it were but I have been working on this for the last three days and I am running out of idea's.

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4 Start Up Options - Unable To Delete 3 Unwanted Options?

Dec 24, 2008

I have ended up with 4 different options for XP Pro when my computer starts. This is, basically, as a result of me re-installing Widows a couple of times to try and solve a very slow running system (more help needed there but I will start a new thread for that).How do I remove the 3 unwanted start options?

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Hotfix Numbers In My Add / Delete Screen - Can Delete Unnecessary?

Jun 12, 2005

I Have 16 Windows XP Hotfix numbers in my add/delete screen. Cannot find out what they are for and want to delete them if they are not necessary.

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Ctrl Alt Delete Gives Completely New Screen

Jun 28, 2006

I recently re installed my OS. Before, when i pressed Ctrl+Alt+Delete, it gave me a completely new screen, where I would have choices like log off, change password, etc. However, now i just get the task manager when i press Ctrl+Alt+Delete. I remember seeing an option to change this somewhere, but i cannot recall from my memory.

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Pro Ctrl-Alt-Delete Logon Screen

Feb 19, 2008

When I log on to Windows, the Ctrl-Alt-Delete screen does not have a blue background and the title bar is black. Is there a way to make it back to the default Ctrl-Alt-Delete screen?

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Delete That Regarding Startup Images On The Screen?

Oct 12, 2005

Im gonna need some help on this one.I've tried everything that I could think of to get this fixed.Well I have two different accounts.It's not a major issue, just annoying seeing a picture of me and my mom every single time we turn the computer on.The picture will show up then it will go to the log on screen.If anyone knows how to delete that image please let me know.

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Delete The Users Icon From The Welcome Screen

Aug 9, 2005

I was in run/control userpasswords2 trying to give admin privileges to a user account and when I came out I somehow deleted the users icon from the welcome screen. When I try to add user back in through both the run/control userpasswords2 and Control/users I get the message that the user already exists. How can I ge the user icon back on the welcome screen?

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Ctrl-Alt-Delete Log On Screen Missing Files

Apr 16, 2009

My logon screen for Windows XP Pro does not have the normal blue background and the white words in the title bar. Is there a way to make it go back to the default?

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CTRL-ALT-DELETE Screen Not Fully Visable

Aug 30, 2007

When I press control, alt, delete, the screen that comes up looks like this:Why can't I see the rest of the control, alt, delete screen? (I'm running windows xp home edition version 5.1.2600)

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Cannot Be Loaded Or Reinstalled

Aug 21, 2007

My younger sister was playing on the "Neopets" website. She loaded up a browser-based game called "Shenkuu River Rush". As I understand, to do this, she needed to download the "3D Life Player". The game worked fine for a while, but then started to run slow, so she restarted the computer. When she restarted, it still ran slow. She was also running the latest version of MSN/Windows Live Messenger. Finally, she loaded up the game and the computer pretty much froze (impossible to do anything, and showed no signs of resolving) so I came and shut it down manually.When I switched it on again, the computer went into the usual "We apologize for the incovenience, but Windows did not start successfully." screen. Thinking nothing of it, I selected "Start Windows Normally" and hit enter. The screen stayed on the Windows XP loading screen for a while, then flickered to a BSOD (I couldn't out what it was at this point) and restarted. This time, I selected "Last Known Good Configuration", and the exact same thing happened. I then tried running it in Safe Mode (both regular and command line)

The computer came with Windows XP loaded on it (I think it might've been Home Edition?), but I had a Windows XP Professional disk so I booted up from that. The "Windows Setup" screen comes up, and at the bottom of the screen, as is routine, the "Setup is loading files..." message is present. Just when all the files are seemingly loaded, and the message at the bottom of the screen flickers to "Setup is loading Windows.

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Specified Module Could Not Be Loaded

Jun 7, 2005

When I start windows XP, I get the message (error loading DOCEOC 1681 )The specified module could not be loaded.

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Need SP1 Or SP1a Loaded First

Jan 4, 2009

I have aquired an older laptop that has XP Home on it that has not had the windows Service Packs installed. I tried to load SP3 from a CD, but found that I needed SP1 or SP1a loaded first. Where can I safely get this outdated software ?

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AOL Not Responding After Loaded

Feb 20, 2005

When I run AOL 7.0, it always says not responding after it has loaded. I tried uninstalling and installed it a gain and it still doesn't work.

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Screen Freeze: Mouse And Control Alt Delete Still Work?

Dec 7, 2004

Through out the day, I have my computer on. Many times... whether I am using the computer at that moment, or if I leave and come back later... my screen will be frozen. The mouse moves, but nothing on the screen can be clicked. Also, control alt delete works as well, so I have found that if I go into the applications tab and open a new task and open/refresh "explorer" everything will start working again.

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Blue Screen On Startup / Delete Program Not Found

Aug 31, 2008

When I start my computer I get a blue screen that says, Is delete program not found - skipping Autocheck. Not sure if it is a I or 7 in front of the delete but either way after that the system starts normally. How do I get rid of that blue screen warning?

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Blue Screen And Ctrl Alt Delete And Right Doesnt Work

Jul 14, 2010

do you know how to fix a windows xp blue screen if ctrl+alt+delete doesn't work or right click any thing else.

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