Creating Application Paths In OS

Aug 12, 2002

To create an app path, so you can run an application in Windows Xp from the Run dialog box you need to: 1. Run regedit and go to HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Paths2. Create a new key with the what ever you want to use as your run command, ie HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionApp Pathswhatever.exe3. In the key folder that you created, create a new string, call it 'Path' and modify the value to point the specific folder of your executable your running. ie C:ProgramFileswhatever4. Use the default string and modify it's value to point to the executable you want to run.

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How To Set Paths?

Nov 29, 2006

Well i running windows xp sp2 and i simply forgot how to set paths. For instance if i'm at the command prompt and wanted to use the "ping" command no matter what directory i'm in it would execute the command. Unfortunately i have no clue to what happened but now i have to be in the windowssystem32 directory in order to issue the command.

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How To Change Drive Paths Able To Check Disk

Oct 20, 2006

When in "msdos", how do you change drive paths to be able to "CHKDSK". At present I am at C:Documents and Settings: And I want to go to D: and E:. I am typing "CD" as a command and "CHDIR", but to no avail ?? OS XP Home SP2....

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File Paths - Pertains To Favorites And Start Menu

Jul 4, 2006

In C:Documents and SettingsUser I have 2 folders:

Start Menu

The files within the Start Menu folder, as an example, have the path: C:Documents and SettingsUserStart Menu.
If I rename the Start Menu folder to, say, xxxxStart Menu, and view path of the files in the folder again, the path remains the same C:Documents and SettingsUserStart Menu instead of what I expected to be C:Documents and SettingsUserxxxxStart Menu. The same applies for Favorites.

Additionally, I can leave the renamed xxxxStart Menu folder in Documents and SettingsUser and create a new folder of the same name (xxxxStart Menu) and it allows me to do this--even though both names are the same!

1) Is this normal?
2) Why is this?
3) Are these some kind of "special" folders that Windows XP treats differently?
4) Why doesn't this happen for other folders like Desktop, Cookies, Local Settings, SendTo, and Application Data?

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Cd And DVD Drives Paths To These Drives / Deleted From Windows

Dec 27, 2007

I recently installed the program registery fix and i believe it has caused my Cd and DVD drives or the paths to these drives to be deleted from windows as they do not show up in my computer. I have tried the options in the following list but none of them have helped me, i'm really stuck but i can't fix the problem.
- I've tried deleting the upper and lower filters but they are not in the selected registery.
- I've tried a system restore but i can't go back to a previous point before the registery fix install.
- I've tried unplugging the leads and restaring but this didn't help.
- I've tried microsoft guided help but it couldn't find the upper and lower filters.
- i beleive they are still listed in my bios but don't know exactly what i'm looking for when in bios.
I don't know where to go from here, i also run alcohol 120% a virtual drive software and the registery fix has had no affected on these drives but i'm wondering if this maybe why the program registery fix deleted my actual drives becasue of the virtual drives and replaced the paths to my actual drives but i'm not sure it's just a guess. I've deleted the virtual drives and tried the steps above but i've had no luck.

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Creating A Boot CD

Jun 17, 2006

I am using XP SP2 and I would like to know how exactly do you create a boot CD? I do not have a floppy drive so cannot create a normal boot disk. I also do not have a Windows XP installation CD either as one did not come with the PC.

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Creating New File Types...

Aug 11, 2005

I recently created a new "File Type" for file extension "H" (C source header files) and changed the "Open with" setting to that of my favorite text editor. Now, as expected, my "H" extension files have my text editors icon next to their names and when I double-click on an "H" extension file, the file opens in my favorite text editor. All good so far.Next, I created a new "File Type" for file extension "C" (C source files) and changed the "Open with" setting to that of my favorite text editor. When I double-click on a "C" file, the file opens in my favorite text editor as expected, however, the "C" files icon has not changed to that of my text editor and when I close & re-open the "File Types" dialog I do not see the "C" extension entry at all.

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Best Program For Creating New Icons

Aug 11, 2005

anyone know the best program for creating new icons and/or editing existing ones? "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."

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Creating Folder Next To Favorites

Jan 15, 2009

I'm wondering, is it possible to create a folder right beside the favorites in IE7? (Just to the left of the tabs.) I know folders can be created inside of the Favorites folder, but I was wondering if there could be a folder created right beside it, or in some place else that it would show up there or also where the Favorites is on the right side of the start menu.

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USERINIT-EXE Problem - Creating Log On-log Off

May 16, 2009

I accidently deleted the userinit.exe file, creating the log on/log off problem. I have gone into the recovery console, navigated to C:/WINDOWS/system32, but when i tried "copy userinit.exe wsaupdater.exe" it says the system cannot find the file specified. Help ?

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Reinstalling - Creating New Partitions

Sep 27, 2007

I have an issue here. I have a computer with a faulty version of Windows with some features missing. Basically, I have a Windows XP CD and I want to reinstall windows without reformatting. What i'm thinking of doing is setting up partitions C: <- For the new Windows Installation D: <- Previous Installation and maybe: E: <- Ubuntu F: <- Swap partition I don't want to use the previous installation, I jsut don't want to spend several days backing everything up.

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Creating Batch File

Jun 4, 2010

how do i create a batch file to change the proxy in IE? a batch asking Home or Company is fine. If it is at work, then apply the proxy addresss and port and bypass proxy. Else, turn off proxy.

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Creating Shortcut Message

Mar 13, 2010

if I try to create a new shortcut, I get the message that this program does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the folder option control panel.Am I missing a driver? What does this mean. I can find the folder option control panel, but what do I enter in the blanks?

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Creating A Recovery Disk

Aug 23, 2005

I have ghost 2003 installed on my pc and want to create a Recovery Disc (Windows XP and installed drivers). The only problem is I have no floppy drive. Could anyone give me step by step details on how to do this. I have tried ghost boot wizard (need a floppy).I have tried Disk to Image and then Image to Disk. I wiped out all that was on the 1st drive (C) and Partition (D) and all that was on the 2nd drive (E). I don't know how it happened but it did. I have now reinstalled Windows and all the drivers but I still want to make a recovery disc.

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Creating A Boot Disk

Dec 14, 2004

I am trying to create a boot disk for my Windows 2000 Professional system. I saved the files boot.ini, and ntldr. When I restarted my system to test the disk it told me that the boot file did not exist and it was also asking for this file ntoskrnl.exe. Now when I tried to save this file to a disk the file was to big. What can I try so I can create my boot disk.

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Creating Hard Drive Partitions

Oct 30, 2008

I want to partition my new hard drive. Its external. OS is windows XP. I had a look on the net and it looks simple, go to disk management and right click on the drive you want to partition and select 'new partition' This is the problem, i dont have the option to create a new partition. I have formatted my drive to NTFS and there is no data on it. It currently shows one partition the whole size of the drive.

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Creating Bootable Disc For Sp2 For Future Use?

Mar 11, 2009

How do I create a boot disc for WindowsXP SP2 in case of problems or is there one already on the software discs?

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Creating Recovery CD For - Automatic Streaming

Nov 5, 2007

As per advice received here, I would like to create a Recovery CD including SP2 and all more recent updates received from Microsoft. However, it appears that you may not be able to do so unless you have an XP Operating System CD. Most computers come without such a creature unfortunately and neither of my systems have them.
Is it possible to create such a Recovery disk using the OS Recovery CD which came with my Compaq/HP laptop?Or else, is it possible to copy just the SP2 plus all other Microsoft downloads without having to manually execute each and every file?

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Easy To Use Program For Creating Websites

Aug 16, 2005

As mentioned in another question, I need to design and maintain a website to show and sell my wife's artwork. It will be as simple as I can make it, very clean and straightforward, consisting of text and photos of the work for sale and a method of ordering and paying. So I'm essentially looking for a program without a lot of bells and whistles--a program that will make the process as easy as possible for me. I'm a very senior citizen and although I can slowly make my way around in this business, I'm not much of a computer whiz.

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Creating Sub Folders With Batch File

May 29, 2005

I am trying to write a batch file that will create subfolders based on the name of the parent folder. So if the folder that I am working in is named "dg2001-10-19" then I want the batch file to create 3 subfolders named "dg2001-10-19 - WTA", "dg2001-10-19 - BHMM" and "dg2001-10-19 - files". In the other folders that I am working in I want it to work the same way - for a folder named "disc" it would create "disc - WTA", "disc - BHMM" and "disc - files" and place them in the disc folder. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it. I realize that this is probably a simple thing but I am not very familiar with programming or batch files.

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Creating A Thawspace For Deep Freeze

Dec 24, 2007

I installed Deepfreeze because I mess up the registry a lot on my computer and instead of paying to get it fixed all the time, I thought Deepfreeze was a good idea. I found out the hard way that when Deepfreeze says it restores your computer back to baseline, it really means that. I lost all my work I made because Deepfreeze got rid of it. I heard that you have to make a virtual thawspace to save your date without it being annuled. Can somebody give me the documentation on how to do that? Or has anybody ever done this before?

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Windows Creating A Loop - Drivers Failed?

Feb 27, 2007

before I got to the login screen I was redirected to a screen with options such as "Safe Mode" and "Start Windows Normally".

No matter what option I go for, the computer restarts and returns back to that screen - creating a loop.
Before this screen appears I am told that my disk drivers failed or something (sorry but I don't remember the exact words) and I should put my system CD in (I assumed it meant my Windows Setup CD, which I later found out was correct).

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Creating And Installing Dual (multi) Boot

Jul 23, 2008

I have Hp media center with 1 Tet. dirve (this was installed) lateron. I had installed meida center 2004, 2005(winXp pro) when Vista Came I Installed Vista unfortunately clean install. so I lost xp.Now I am tinking to install win98,2000,vista and linux if possible then Media center winxp pro ver.How I should procede. If I go by installing with win98 and partitioning and installing os.

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Without Creating A Separate User Account Way To Configure

Mar 29, 2006

Without creating a separate user account, Is there a way to configure XP to ask for a password everytime before something gets installed? My 7 year old daughter is starting to use the computer more and more and I do not want her accidently installing anything from the web.

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New Creating File Doesn't Appear - Filmstrip View

Sep 2, 2009

I gotta be missing something basic, but this is just a real nuisance for me. Would appreciate any thoughts. Software is XP SP3.I have been using XP to view/edit several subfolders of jpegs stored in a Kodaks Folder. I prefer to usthe "filmstrip view". I am able to rename file name from something like 101_2900 to kidname whatever, but the new name never appears onscreen unless I either force a F5 screen refresh or back out and re-enter the file folder. I can probably edit photo names in Corel Paint Shop Pro or another program, but this is just driving me nuts.Sometimes when I turn on the computer and decide to rename files, the new names appear immediately without refreshes, ect. Just wonder if I am missing a file property setting or something basic that I haven't noticed.

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Creating Virtual Pc On External Hard Drive

Jul 13, 2009

I want to run 2 versions of XP on the same machine with one on internal hard drive and one on external hard drive. Is this possible? Presumably I can set the boot device priority to external hard drive first and then internal hard drive but how to I set up the operating system/factory settings on the external drive?

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Creating System Partition - Drive K:Continuing On

May 1, 2007

how to create a system partition on which is ONLY the Operating System, and what letter to give it?When working with EVERYTHING ELSE, I want it to go onto a separate partition.I created a 2Gig partition and installed a fresh copy of WinXP Pro - it automatically became C: drive.I created and formatted the rest of a 200Gig disk and called it drive K:Continuing on, everything I have installed and worked with [including importing (some of) Outlook Express files] goes to C: too. It is now completely full and only some of my Outlook Express files got transferred.

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Did't Start After Creating Ghost Image- Corrupt NTOSKRNL.EXE

Nov 9, 2007

Norton ghost Image.Well i have been successfully creating images for IBM,DELL and other PC's and restoring them as well using Norton ghost 2003.I have been assigned to create a new Image for MSI type.I have successfully created the image using Norton ghost 2003 after Syspreping the machine..Well when i restore the image everything goes fine and the image is successfully restored,but when i start the pc,it give me a message"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt NTOSKRNL.EXE

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Creating Folders For Start Menu Program Shortcuts

Mar 31, 2005

I would like to organize my program shortcuts into folders in the Start, All Programs menu, but I can't find the main folder where these shortcuts are listed?

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Flashing The Bios: Creating A Bootable Floppy Disk?

Jul 31, 2005

I need to flash the BIOS on my motherboard. First, however, I need to create a BOOTABLE floppy on which to save the original motherboard BIOS and the flash memory writer before flashing the motherboard to the new BIOS. That way, if the new BIOS doesn't work, I can Flash the old BIOS onto my mb,. A WinXP Pro SP2 Command Prompt will not permit me to execute Format AS. So, how can I create a bootable floppy disk under WinXP Pro SP2?

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Recovering To Original State - Creating Recovery Disk

Nov 14, 2008

I have recently restored my PC to it's original state as bought from the shop using the Recovery Disk supplied leaving just the Operating System.A friend wants to do the same but has no Recovery Disk. His PC was built by an independent.
Is there a way of creating a recovery disk to do this or is there site to download the relevant info/software.

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