Connection Between 2 Stand-alone Workstations

Sep 19, 2005

I have 2 IBM Intellistation workstations that are cross-over cable connected. Running XP Pro. I am admin on both machines. For the life of me, I cannot figure out why I cannot access either machine from each. I have run the network setup wizard at least a dozen times, checked the protocols, etc.I have Norton Firewall disabled on both machines since they are dial-up only. I enable before dialing the outside world.I can see both machines under the same workgroup name, but when I select the 2nd machine, I get a popup login window, with the USERNAME set to guest (which is greyed out) and a blinking password option. If I go to the other machine and attempt the same process, the same result occurs. GUEST login is already disabled under User Profiles so I assume that is why the userid (as guest) is already greyed. There are only three login options, Admin, Myself (with admin priv) and my co-worker (power user).Where do I go to check network access settings? I need to share both computers in order to transfer data back and forth.

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Service Pack 2 / Computer Comes Out Of Stand By Local Area Connection

Jun 27, 2006

I'm sure this is an old issue for some but it's new to me because I downloaded Service Pact 2 this weekend. I'm now noticing that sometimes when my computer comes out of stand by the local area connection symbol is disabled and I can't get it to enable. I've even gone into My Computer/ Network Connections/ Local Area Connection Properties window and tried to enable it but that won't work. I also tried to troubleshoot it, but that hung up, not even ctrl alt delete would shut it down so I pulled the plug. Can anyone tell me what's going on? I don't think it's a coincidence that it started after I got SP 2. I'm tempted to try and unistall it, but I've already seen some posts on the forum about possible negative consequences.

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Workstations Hanging When Trying To Log In

Sep 14, 2005

I am having a problem with various workstations hanging when trying to log in. Sometimes after powering down and restarting it will log on successfully, other times it still hangs. This same issue is happening at several of our school campuses, each with their independent domain.

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Some Workstations Can't Log New User Into Domain

Nov 16, 2007

This problem pops up at my office every time we add new users. When we create a new account and proceed to log the new user in at an existing workstation, some workstations won't log the new user in. We get the error that the user can't login because their profile is not found. We have a handful of machines that will complete the new login, create the new profile directory and thereafter the user can login anywhere. Again it's only some workstations. All of the computers run XP Pro, the server is a Win2k3 running Active Directory. We've unjoined and rejoined to the domain.

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Access To Other Workstations On A Network

Mar 9, 2006

I have some difficulty when trying to access some computers on the network ( I have administrator privileges).

For example I can connect to the C drive on computer LRC-Q11 by clicking start -----> Run - typing \LRC-Q11c$ and pressing OK.

However when tring to access another computer even with a similar name eg LRC-Q012 I receive the message :

"LRC-Q012 is unavailable . You may not have sufficient rights to access this resource. LRC-Q012 path cannot be found"

Identical results are obtained using network neighbourhood.

I cannot understand this.

Suggestions please ?

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Active X Controls, Domain Workstations

Aug 4, 2005

Running a windows 2003 Domain environment. The users on the workstations have all been Local Admins on their workstations for a while, and now I want to revoke that and make them regular users. The goal is no installation of unauthorized software, including unintended installs of malware.Problem - ActiveX on websites is simply not working. I can't figure out which GPOs to set to allow ActiveX to install/run for specific content/sites. Is there a way to use Group Policies to allow ActiveX content to run on Trusted Sites? I see tons of settings in GP, but none seem to work.

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Cannot Connect To Remote Port 25 From Pro Workstations

Mar 27, 2007

I have a strange issue in that I cannot connect to remote port 25 from windows xp workstations. Some workstations are ok, and this works, some are not. All these workstations are in a windows 2003 domain and all are xp sp2. I've seen this before but not found a solution. All the workstations here have their firewalls enabled with the same configuration via GPO. So all I can think of is that microsoft's crippled tcp/ip stack is responsible for this in some lame attempt to reduce spam or something, but we need this as it stops some legitimate processes from running (for example command line utils and python programs that need to send notification emails.

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Utility To Identify Static IP Addresses Still Out On Workstations In Domain

Sep 22, 2005

A utility that will query workstations on a domain and show if they have a static IP address assigned to it ?

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Joining Domain - Running Workstations - Local Security Settings

Sep 24, 2009

This is my first post on this site, and I just want you guys to know that I tried my best before making this post, but I just can't seem to solve this problem.We have a domain with all workstations running Windows XP. The server is Windows 2000 Server. A new computer running Windows XP x64 Edition is trying to connect to the domain but is getting the following error.The following error occurred attempting to join the domain "domain_name";he account is not authorized to log in from this station.I tried the following settings in local security settings

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Pc Is Going Stand By Its Own

May 2, 2006

when I press "start", "shut down" and then "Stand-by", nothing happens, just my desktop like always and it's like I never asked my pc to go "stand-by" will of its own?

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Will Not Go On Stand By

Jul 28, 2005

Every time that i want to put either my desktop or my laptop on stand by a message appears saying that the the "standar keyboard 101/102 keys or the Microsoft Natural Keyboard PS/2 is preventing stand by. close all aplications and try again. If the problem persists, update the driver". when i check the driver, it says that it works properly.

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Stand By And Hibernate Gone

Feb 23, 2006

I've installed my e-GeForce MX 4000 64mb video card and enabled dual-monitors i no longer have the standby option. When i go to start-turn off computer the standby option is shaded and i can't click it.

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PC On Stand By / Does Not Go On Standby By Itself

Nov 6, 2009

I have Acer Aspire-Windows XP Professional,I have Acer Aspire-Windows XP Professional and have a problem with my PC: it doesnt go on standby by itself, I cant understand why. I looked under Screen Saver POWER and system stand by it is set to 10 mins. I can get it to stand by pressing the button.

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Difference Between Stand By And Hibernate?

Feb 5, 2008

what is the difference between stand by and hibernate? what do they do? what are there differences and are they of any use? will one of the reducue electricity usage??

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Hibernate And Stand By Still Not Enabled

Sep 23, 2008

I just reinstalled windows and got it activated, as windows genuine, via windows, but for some reason hibernate and stand by still are not enabled, and i cant figure out why. its win xp pro/media center 2005

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Stand By And Hibernate Disabled

Sep 11, 2005

After reformatting the HD and reinstalling XP, I find that my Inspiron laptop doesn't have Stand By or Hibernate options. When I close the lid and re-open it it's nonresponsive on a black screen until I turn it off with the Power button. I thought HAL.DLL was missing -- I got that error message once -- but it's there in SYSTEM32 and the bootlog shows it installed as a driver. Is there another driver missing? (I can't decipher all those short file names.) Might it be the wrong HAL, a generic one supplied with the XP Re-Install CD? How do I find out?

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Can't Stand By / Hibernate Computer

Dec 21, 2007

I would like to leave on my computer when i am asleep but i don't have the choice of choosing stand by or hibernate, it is grayed out. I have about 45GB of free Hard Drive space and i am stumped on how to fixed this.

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Stand By ? - Alterations In The Bios

Sep 28, 2006

I have tried putting my computer on stand by, but the hard drives never turn off. The screen does, so is there a way to make alterations in the Bios to allow the discs to shut down as well.I used to Hibernate, but since changing to always on Broadband connection it will never restart with the pointer being able to move. So I have to close it down completely when I no longer want to use it.

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Computer Wake Up From Stand By

Jun 30, 2005

Why does my system keep waking up from standby?

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Computer Will Not Wake Uo After Stand By

Jul 27, 2005

A Toshiba laptop, running XP Home, for about three months has been intermittently failing to wake up after stand by. At the time the failure occurs, I find the following two errors logged to Computer Management | System Tools | Event Viewer | System:

Source IPNATHLP Event 30005 User N/A
Source IPNATHLP Event 30009 User N/A

Does anyone have a clue on where to look for the source of this error?

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Has Started Waking Itself From Stand-By

Sep 5, 2010

Its been suggested that it might be a program seeking updates. I'm not sure where to look for the cause.
Is there a process log that would help me identity what might be bring it out of stand-by at, seemingly, the same time every night?

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Computer VERY Slow After Stand By

Jan 8, 2009

After I go on Stand By, and I go back on my computer straight away, I find there is no problems and it works normally.Although if I leave it for a long time on Stand By then go back to it, it starts up but runs VERY slow, can't do anything at all, therefore I have to restart the computer, at which point it works normally again.How can I fix this problem? Let me know if you need any other info. (I put the information that I thought was relevant)

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BSOD On Load After Hibernate / Stand By

Apr 18, 2010

ALLWAYS when I load from standby/hibernate I get a BSOD with weired characters(may be because my xp is in greek). If I go to event veiwer it has a red X in system.It says: in english(translated): Code: error code 1000008e, parameter1 80000004, parameter 2 806eeae1, parameter 3 a99f265c, parameter 4 greek

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Activate The Hibernate / Stand By Icon In XP?

Jul 2, 2010

I have installed XP in my laptop, the details as below:

1. Win XP professional SP3
2. Laptop HP compaq presario V3000

I have installed all drivers and can connect to the internet via the WiFi wireless,
but when I go to shut down, the botton of "Stand By" still inactive going to grey colour.I rechecked againg the VGA card is installed, I went to penal control and to check the "power option" I didnt see the hibernate icon there?

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Computer Doesn't Stand By Or Hibernate

Apr 27, 2007

i have a laptop (windows xp) and when i close the lid it goes into stand by automatically, and successfully, but then starts back up within 2-10 seconds for no reason.same case with hibernation, as soon as the computer is in hibernation it starts up again. i went to windows website but it suggests this has to do 3d screen savers which i dont use. this seems like a common problem and supposedly has to do with winfixer, sysprotect or winantivirus spyware. my computer had had vundo trojan.

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Will Not Go To Stand By? / System Standby Failed

Nov 18, 2006

I have windows xp installed on my computer, the home edition. packet 2, Anyway, I have been trying to get my computer to go to stand by but it keeps telling me. system standby failed, the device driver for the standar 101/102 key or microsoft natural ps/2 keyboard device is preventing the machine from entering standby. Please close all applications and try again. If the problem persists, you may need to update this driver. I tried to update the driver, but for this basic key board there is not a driver to update. It is the microsoft natural keyboard elite. Nothing special about this at all. Other than that my computer is about 5 years old and had windows 98 second edition on it, but would go into stand by then, but now that I have put XP on it, it will not go to stand by.

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Newly Installed Won't Boot As A Stand Alone

Jan 8, 2006

My new hard drive w/windows XP newly installed won't boot as a stand alone without my old windows ME hard drive in the PC. Plus, the XP installation is not working right, it won't allow me to install new software, for one thing, so I just assume go back to using only my windows ME hard drive but I can't get rid of the message at boot up of which operating sytemI want to use,even when I took out the window XP hard drive and restored an older version of my windows ME registry on the other hard drive.

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Won't Shutdown/restart - Makes Stand By

Oct 20, 2006

Sometimes when I tell the computer to shut down or restart, it won't..until I make it standby and then wake it back up again and then press shut down so that it will work. How can I fix this problem?

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Interesting Stand-by Error With Home PC

Sep 17, 2008

I haven't been here in a long time! I didn't post much but I do use this site as an information source quite frequently! Anyways, I have an interesting 'oddball' stand-by issue with my PC.My stand-by and hibernate options are grayed out. Now, before you tell me to search the forums, I already have lol. It's not your normal power scheme issues and the PC is ACPI Multi-processor PC.Now, I've tried everything I've come across on the net. But here is where it gets 'interesting'. if you reboot standby is actually an option for about 20 seconds until the PC loads fully. In fact, if you click it you go into stand-by mode. But wait one second too long and it becomes grayed out. I can't figure out for the life of me what's causing it to happen.It's almost like a software conflict issue, but I highly doubt that as nothing runs at start-up.

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Options To Stand-by,turn Off Or Restart Appear

Dec 30, 2005

Im running windows xp home edition with sp2. To turn off my pc,i usually click on start in the taskbar,then the options to stand-by,turn off or restart appear,I then click on turn off,and the pc does the rest,it turns the pc off and the monitor. Now when i go through the process of turning it off, i do everything as described above,but instead of shutting off,it just acts as if i did nothing,i am left staring at the desktop and can just continue to use it as normal.So i have come to the conclusion that some sort of virus or something (i am doing a virus sweep as i am writting) has turned off the auto shutdown function,What i'd really love to know is can anyone tell me how i can turn this feature back on,i also forgot to add,that u cannot log off either,the same thing happens.

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Stand By / Hibernate, Windows Dont Start

Sep 8, 2006

My computer got in stand by/hibernate mode, my dad dont know much about computers so he decide to turn off using the power botton while my windows xp sp2 was on stand by mode, now my computer is dead, when i turn it on my monitor ( xerox flat screen) says no signal , i cant make it come back from stand by/hibernate mode, my friend told me if i turn it off on this modes then my windows wont recognice the monitor, keyboard (usb) and mouse (usb),

when i turn it on the red ligh is always on, reset button dont work. Monitor dont recive signal.If i disconect the power cable, when i conect it back it turn on itself without clicking power boton.Only way to turn it off is holding the power Boton. i doubt the mouse/keyboard are recognized by windows.

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