Compressed (zipped) Folder - Unspecified Potential Security Risk

Oct 26, 2009

I have created a folder in February 2009. Inside I have a Compressed (zipped) Folder containing 4 files that can only be opened with a password. Never had any problems until today: When I click on the zipped folder I get the following message: this page has an unspecified potential security risk. Would you like to continue? Of course I click yes and it will open without any problems at all. I also scanned with MacAfee anti virus and it is ok. If I move the all folder with copy/paste to drive D and the problem its gone.

Do you have any ideas?? Maybe happen to you too Yesterday I did tried to move the all DOCUMENTS (from the desktop) to drive D by using the Microsoft facility: right click on the folder-movebut at the end only My Pictures and My Music went on drive D and when I looked on the documents on C was nothing there. At this point I sent everything back (always with Microsoft facility) to the original location and since then I encountered the mentioned problem but all documents are back. And I was told this is so easy to do.

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How To Protect New Compressed (zipped) Folder

Jul 24, 2010

how to protect New Compressed (zipped) Folder from deletion

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Pop Up Message Saying "This Page Has An Unspecified Potential Security Flaw"?

Mar 13, 2007

When I am on a instant messaging program, I get a pop up message from IE that says "This page has an unspecified potential security flaw. Would you like to continue" and there is YES or NO option and when I click NO the message pop up again, I have to click NO twice to close it

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Security Potential Spyware Operation Message

Sep 11, 2007

Every 2 minutes i have the message on my laptop windows security potential spyware operation . your computer is making unauthorized copies of your system and internet files . run full scan now to pervent any unathorised access to your files click here to download spyware remover. Avast doesnt detect anything neither ad-aware 2007.

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2000 Security - Transfer Zipped File Yahoo / Msn Messenger

Sep 2, 2005

I have a friends computer.... it has some spyware... bloodhound i think.. anyway im trying to put adaware6 on it to scan the spyware and i usually transfer it by zipped file in yahoo or msn messenger...well it wont work.. when i transfer the file its not a zipped folder so.. i thought i would try downloading something off the net everytime i try i get a message that says security will not allow me to download from this file well... i need to know what settings to change so that i can and a good safe spyware would be nice too... this thing is getting errors constantly and the desktop background has changed too i am planning on putting norton2005 on it too but that doesnt get rid of spyware does it?

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Security Center Icon Alerting Ans Saying Computer Is At Risk?

Feb 17, 2007

when I start or restart my computer sometimes pops up an icon in the bottm right corner and a balloon saying my computer is at risk. I open it up and it opens the security center and it says I don't have any virus protection. I do and the one I have is Comodo antivirus. I know windows does not recognise this and I hit recomendations and I check the little box that says I am monitiring this myself. The problem is that in a few days it will pop this up again. Its not a big deal but it just makes me mad that I have to do this.

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How Can Create Zipped Folder From The Command Line?

Jun 17, 2005

Is there any way to create a zipped folder from the command line? "Compact" doesn't really do what I want (just uses drivespace or something to compress the folder). What I'm trying to do is make a simple batch file that creates a folder, throws a bunch of files with the same extenstion into it, and then zips it up- but without a command line version of the built-in windows zip program this will be impossible (through batch file anyway).

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What Is Purpose Of Compressed / Zip Folder?

Sep 20, 2008

On my profile I entered under experience, "Sometimes smart, Sometimes dumb". This is a "sometimes dumb" question. Exactly what is the purpose of a compressed or zip file? I use a geneology program that automatically compresses data when you save a file so that a large amount of data can be stored on a floppy disk.

I recently sent some information to an individual via email and that person requested that I use snail mail instead because it took forever to download on their dial up connection. Using "properties" I look at the size of the file at it was 2.25 MB. I thought perhaps compressing the data would not take it so long to download so I placed it in a Windows XP Compressed folder and then looked at the size of that folder and it was 2.19 MB. Not much of a reduction and would probably take just as long for that person to download. Am I doing something wrong?

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Compressed Zip Folder - Can Never Open Anything

Sep 13, 2005

I guess I don't understand the zip files..I have Home XP and I can extract to the zip folder but I can never open anything.

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Compressed ZIP Folder Instead Of WinRAR?

Jul 30, 2008

I was looking at this today, when I found out I really am annoyed by WinRAR taking my ZIP files instead of just .RAR files. Where'd my .ZIP folder icon go? And my option to make a new ZIP file?! D:

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New Compressed Folder Option?

Jun 20, 2005

the first image is my new menu after right clicking on the desktop the second image is a mates menu after doing the same. how can i get a new compressed folder option?

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Compressed Folder With Alternet Color

Aug 22, 2006

In windows 2000 I am trying to compress a folder. I did this by creating a file and I put some fake files in it and then right clicked the folder, selected tools, folder options, view and selected display compressed files and folders with alternet color. From what I was told the file names and folder name would turn blue. In my case just the file names turned blue. Why didn't the folder name turn blue as well?

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Compressed Folder In Pro - Can't Compress File

Nov 13, 2006

I have a pc running win XP pro and when I login as a user I can't compress file. But if I login as an administrator, I am able to select the files, send to a compressed folder. Althought I could easily get a third party compression software such as WinZip, etc. I am curious how to setup the winXP.

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File Compression - WinRaR / Compressed (zip) Folder

Dec 30, 2005

Was using a trial version of WinRaR to access a file I required from a download, now all compressed files on my HD have been converted to WinRaR from XPs Compressed(zip)Folder format. Would like to convert back but cant find the program when browsing for it in properties. When I click on the zipped files then go to "open with", the XPs Compressed(zip)Folders option isn't there. Even going to "chose program" I cant find it.

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Is WinZip File Comparable To Compressed Folder?

Sep 17, 2005

The Kim Kommando web site and Windows XP help both indicate that you can create a "compressed folder" by opening the "C" Drive and then clicking File, New Folder and then selecting "compressed folder". When I do this however, the only option is WinZip which allows you to creat a WinZip file which is an evaluation version. Is a WinZip file comparable to a compressed folder? When would I want to Zip or compress a file?

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Compressed Folder - How To Get Passed Password Protection Program?

Jun 27, 2005

I created a folder with several files in windows XP. I then compressed and PASSWORD protected the files within th folder. Now i cannot remember the password for the files. How do I get passed the password protection program?

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Potential Recovery CDs

Aug 6, 2006

A friend has a Sony PCV-RX650 desktop system running Windows XP Home edition. The BIOS has been telling them that the hard drive is failing so we want to replace it. They currently have an 80GB drive and were thinking that as long as they have to replace it they would go with something larger.I called Sony support and they told me that the Recovery CDs were designed to be use with the original OEM hard drive that came installed in the system and that they may not work with a new drive. Does anyone have any experience with this and, if so, did it work for you? I'm thinking that this is more of a policy statement rather than a technical one but thought I'd check with the FORUM community before trying it.

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Added Folder Security

Dec 13, 2004

I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to password protect a folder so that if someone got to snooping around my system they would have to put in a password to veiw the contence of the folder? Is there a program I have to use?

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Hiding Your System May Be At Risk Message

Feb 21, 2009

The thing constantly appears at the bottom right corner of my screen.I'm not the original PC owner (was second hand) so I'm not sure about the origins of the software.However, I'm not interested, and would like to hide this message.When I visit the site it sends me to, it won't let me select the option to simply hide it.

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Potential Virus Toggles Mute Button Constantly

Mar 19, 2007

This past week my laptop started going nuts and I think I may have picked up a virus. Here's what is happening:The system mute check box on the master volume control toggles mute on and off constantly. Input from me has no effect whatsoever. Task manager shows no suspect operations that I can see and nothing seems to help in stopping it from happening. Symantec AV removed a trojan, but that did not stop the madness.My comp is a Toshiba U205-5002 running a fully updated version of WinXP SP2.

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Thumbnail View In My Documents Error - Unspecified?

Jan 5, 2005

Just recently I noticed that when I choose 'thumbnail' view in My Documents, along the top it says 'unspecified'. Here is a picture of what I mean: Is there a way to fix that -- at this point, I'm not even sure what should be there. :S It's not causing any problems, but I'm wondering if maybe it's a sign that something isn't right?

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Won't Go Past Login Screen - Unspecified Error

Jan 17, 2005

When you start the computer it boots all the way to the login screen with all the users then you hear a clang from inside the computer then it restarts. It'll go into safe mode. I ran spybot and adaware from my thumb drive but they both couldn't fix all of the listed problems. Tried to do a disk check but it would stop due too "unspecified error". The hard drive is only a little over 6gigs with 15% free space(after cleanup from safe mode)Got it defraging now(gonna take all nite) Like I said this is an older machine as my g/f had one just like it and hers had windows 98 on it original. Not sure if my friend upgraded to xp or it she bought it like this. Says it was working fine up until a couple weeks ago.

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Popups- Computer Might Be At Risk Bad Virus Protection

Jan 18, 2005

I've been having trouble with popups recently and can't seem to clear them. I updated both Spy Bot S&D and Ad-Aware, and ran some scans in safe-mode and a normal boot. I've also ran scans with Anti Virus which detected a couple of trojans.One of the main problems is a balloon popping up in the system tray (like in XP, although I'm using 2k Pro) telling me "Your computer might be at risk. Your virus protection status is bad. Spyware Activity Detected. Click this balloon to fix this problem". I'm fairly certain this is in fact some sort of spyware itself, and not a function of windows.Anyway, after running all of those scans I'm still having problems,

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High Risk Virus Alert With Trojan.Vundo

Oct 9, 2005

I'm running into a High Risk virus alert with Trojan.Vundo The object name is C:WINDOWSsystem32mljgd.dll --i've tried deleting it in safe mode through regedit but it always comes back up after i refresh.

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An Unspecified Error / Chkdsk Starts Running Automatically

Jun 26, 2005

Recently when my computer boots, chkdsk starts running automatically. Thats ok. It does step 1 0f 3, great, does 2 of 3, however when it is doing step 3 of 3 its freezes at some percent over 50% and gives the following error:

"An Unspecified error has occured"

NOw everytime i reeboot my computer chkdsk runs and the same error occurs. I need chksdsk to complete its check because i dont want chkdsk to run at the beggining of every reboot it takes to long.

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Printer Wont Print Emails: Getting Unspecified Error?

Aug 19, 2008

The printer is HP C5280 and I use Outlook. When I click on print it says I have a runtime error. It then says to Debug and says line 2020 unspecified error. At debug it now says it has an unknown exception. At this point I dont know what to do, my PC knowledge is minute.

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Dual Boot Vista And XP - Risk Of Vista Interfering With The XP Partition

Jun 8, 2006

Can i put Vista on a computer as a second operating system and dual boot with XP? Is there a risk of Vista interfering with the XP partition

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Popup Virus Disguised As Online Security Guide/Security Troubleshooting?

Feb 23, 2008

Its making these icons appear that are either porn or these downloads to those trojan spyware things. There are two icons where the time is, a yellow yield sign and the red x and they just lead me to more of those sites, can someone help me get rid of them?

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Security Center:no Options Listed Under The Manage Security Settings?

Sep 7, 2005

There are suddenly no options listed under the "Manage security settings for:" heading, just blank space, so I have no way to edit my Firewall, Antivirus or Windows Update settings from the Center. I opened services.msc and it shows the service started automatically.

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Ntldr Is Compressed

Nov 20, 2007

I reloaded Windows XP on a Compaq Presario. This was a standard, non-destructive recovery. After re booting, I received the error message NTLDR is compressed Press C tl+Alt+Del.. The fix is to go to a command line and enter attrib -c ntldr . When I do this I get the message that -c is an invalid switch. In looking through other material I do not see where c is a switch for the attrib command, but I can see where it could be used to "turn off compression" in ntldr. What am I missing here.Last year I did something similar, not this specifically, and it worked for a compressed disk problem.

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Need To Mount Compressed ZIP Disk

Jun 9, 2005

I am running Windows XP, Home Edition, to which is connected a 250MB external ZIP drive. My previous system used Windows 98, and, in a moment of madness, I compressed one of the ZIP drive disks. I realize that I need to remount the disk, using the Windows "Drivespace three" program. The only problem is that I don't have the program, and, to my knowledge, it does not exist in or for Windows XP. Is there any way I can obtain a copy of the Drivespace Three program, and, if so, will it run under Windows XP? If not, what version of Windows 95 or 98 has the program? I have access to an older system, belonging to a friend, and might possibly be able to use it to solve the problem.

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