Change Path Of System Drive

Sep 18, 2005

What i would like to do is remove this old drive all together. The program is it was the c: drive, and xp was installed on the d: partition. is it possible to change the system to recognize the D drive as the system drive instead of c so i can remove it and still have a functional computer?

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Path Environment Variable: Add A Path Value To Existing Path Statement?

May 12, 2004

I'm trying to add a path value to my existing path statement for XP (via control panenel->system, advanced tab, environment) but it is truncated. If the size limit is 1023 chars, then I'm well under this.I change the PATH variable via:Right click My Computer, Properties, Advanced tab;

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Change Default Installation Path

Aug 12, 2002

Sometimes when you add things to XP, the installation files are needed. XP will prompt for the installation CD.To facilitate the process, you can copy the i386 folder on the CD to you local hard drive and change the registry, so that XP will look for them automaticallyEdit these 2 change the value to the correct i386 folder (eg. e:i386 to c:i386)change to the correct drive letter

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Open Command Line - Change Directory - Set Path

Jan 12, 2008

Every time I need to compile a program I have to open command line, change directory, and set the path. Is there a way to automate this, so that every time I open the command line, some commands are automatically executed?

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No Path Or Network Drive

Apr 7, 2006

I am still working on this one. Okay, a Dell Desktop running XP Home. An IBM laptop running the same. DSL and a Lynksys Wireless B router connecting all. AGV anti virus on Dell. All adapters attached. Norton on laptop. File and printer sharing enabled on both. Of course, there's the Windows Firewall on both. I can ping the laptop from the dell but can't ping the dell from the laptop. I get the message no network drive/resource. Can someone please tell me what I am missing?

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System Drive Letter Change

Apr 21, 2009

I just upgraded my "guts" (mobo, ram, cpu) and am trying to get all set up. I installed windows XP on a brand new hard drive on a newly created partition. On the setup screen, it says C: Partition1 [NTFS] I left some unpartitioned space on the new drive for a later win xp 64bit version install and I also have another HD that is listed as D: Partition1. After the install, my system disk drive letter was F: and my other HD letter was E: I go to disk management and I can change my second HD letter but it won't let me change my system drive letter back to C:. How do I get my system drive letter back to C:?

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Change Drive Of Operating System

Sep 15, 2005

i stuck the cd in and followed the prompt to do a clean install. after the whole process i noticed that it was installed on the d: partition of my harddrive and not on the c: the original win2000 is still installed on the c: drive. how do i remove the original from the c: drive and move the d: to the c: because the c: drive has a larger partition.

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Change Primary Drive For Operating System

Mar 6, 2010

I was about to reformat my C: (that has an nonworking windows partition) from my current partition D:. I went to my Computer D Management and it said that my C: was a primary partition [green] while my current one was a logic partition blue.boxed in green. Someone at Yahoo! Answers said not reformat the C: because it would screw up my D; Drive. Is it safe? What should I do? I just wish to use my C drive for data storage and my D drive as a Windows partition.

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Redirect My Documents: Change The Path That The Explorer My Documents Use?

Jul 20, 2005

I keep my docs and importante files on a hard drive separate from my C: hard drive where I have XP Pro SP2 installed. On my second hard drive (E I have a folder called My Documents. I know that the normal My Documents link in explorer is some kind of dynamic link because it points to Document and Settings user My it possible to change the path that the explorer My Documents use to point somewehre different than the Docs and Settings path.

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Unable To Find Path Of System Restore Files?

Jul 8, 2005

Where does Win Xp store the System Restore files? I'd like to save some disc space by not keeping every restore point. As it is, I have a couple of restore points that I created when I knew things where stable and that's really all I want.

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Relocate Files From One Drive To Another Drive - Change Drive Designations?

Jan 31, 2008

Today I noticed that what WAS my E drive is now called F and what was my F drive is now called G. I don't know how it happened, but it's wreaking havoc with Adobe Premiere because on all old projects I have to relocate all files on what were F that are now on G. It's also messing up my shortcuts.

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Service Pack 2 Setup Error "The System Cannot Find The Path Specified."?

Jan 8, 2008

Recently I've been trying to install XP SP2 on a system that was recovered using an XP upgrade disc that only had SP1. The setup program gets through backing up, creating a restore point and so on, but during the actual file installation process, an error causes setup to abort and undo all changes made (rollback). "Service Pack 2 Setup Error." is the title bar, and "The system cannot find the path specified." is the message, the only option is to click ok, which opens the XP SP2 uninstall wizard. I've tried using Subinacl to reset security settings, tried installing in both safe and normal modes, used chkdsk /r and /p and tried installing again, and each time got the same message.

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Change Drive Letter From One Of Dual Boot Drive

Nov 26, 2009

I have a dual boot system with both having windows xp.When I load into the 1st XP installation, the following is the list and assignment of the drives:

C : Local Disk (contains the 1st XP installation)

D : CD Drive

E : Local Disk (contains data and also few installed program folders)

F : Local Disk (contains the 2nd XP installation)

Initially when I noticed this drive arrangement after setting up the dual boot, I just left it as is, not knowing what to do.But nowadays I am having a lot of problems as the installed programs are not accessible because their target location keeps changing, everytime I keep switching between the two operating systems.How can I solve this problem?Can I do the follwing : Load into the 1st XP installation, and then change the drive letters (of the last three drives) such that they are matching the drive assignment as seen when loading into the 2nd XP installation.Here in a way I have kept the same drive name for both installations.But Will this work?I also have some of the program folders for the 1st xp installation stored in E drive, and after changing it to D drive, will all the links be properly converted upon restart?

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System Shows Error Run32.dll When Change Operating System Style

Jun 15, 2007

Some time ago I booted up my computer,to find that my XP switched to Windows classic style,I didn't take it seriously so I went to properties to change when I get an error message saying there is a problem with run32.dll,not only that,but the visual styles can't load I assume,becuase of run32.dll,so now I'm stuck with the piece of s*** style.

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Change Main Drive

Oct 5, 2007

I just formatted my PC, I installed windows xp pro again but it installed everything on my small drive h: drive which only has 4gig on it, is there a way to change everything back to my c: that has 107gig on it? I installed a couple of programs and its already full.

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Installed On G Drive - Change In C

Jan 17, 2009

I recently re-installed xp on my desktop after a long run with ubuntu. After installing XP, and getting everything together, it made the local disk G. Is it possible to change this to C? Without too much damage?

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Change Drive Names?

Jul 30, 2005

My A drive (floppy disk) does not work. Hence, I bought an external floppy disk drive which works very well. This second drive has been named "3 1/2 Floppy B:" by the computer. The problem is that I am working with a program that is looking for floppy drive A, not B, and since drive A is useless, I'm wondering how I can have the program recognize drive B as the correct drive to use. I attempted to rename drive B as drive A, but the computer would not allow me.

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Winxp Change Hard Drive

Dec 18, 2006

I just bought this comp. I ' pretty sure it has a 20gig hard drive. I want to put in my old one with 80Gig

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Change Partioned Hard Drive

Oct 28, 2008

after I did a clean install on my daughters Dell E310, Win XP Home Edition there are now a C drive and a D drive. Partioned how?

I know I can go to my Computer and manage to delete one drive, but what happens if I delete the drive that has the important files to run the OS?

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Cant Install Anything - Change Drive Letters?

May 9, 2005

For some reason, my boot drive is showing up as D while my secondary drive is showing up as C. This is messing up my program files and various other stuff. I can't change any profile settings and can't install anything. How do you change the letters in XP?

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Get Into A Built In Program And Change Drive Letters?

Jul 23, 2007

I have a Dell computer with the following drives:

A: 3 1/2" floppy drive

C: Local drive

D: CD drive

E: DVD-RW drive

F: My Book "external drive"

T: Removable drive "HP Printer D7160"

Every now and then the F & T drives will switch drive letters when this happens I cannot get into the F drive. Is there some way I can get into a built in program and change drive letters??

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Reformatted Partition - Cannot Change The Drive Letter

Aug 26, 2007

i reformatted my windows partition to try and solve a constant crash hd is divided up into 2 partitions with the second being where i stored all my data and mp3's.I only formatted the windows partition and now my second partition is inaccessable.The drive letter has also changed from k to d..i tried changing the drive letter back to k and the partition was still inacessable.Any help would be awsome on this.I would hate to lose 100+ gigs of data

D: is not acessable
the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable

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Locked Hard Drive - Change The Name Or Letter

May 24, 2010

I have 2 drives, one with Windows and such, and the other with about 1,000 games that my girlfriend plays. She let her grandson on, unsupervised, and the next thing is a trashed system drive. Unfortunately, there was no way to save it, so I did a format and clean reinstall of XP Home. Goback was on the drive, and there was no way to uninstall it before the reinstall. The reinstall went fine, but the GAME drive is virtually inaccessible. It doesn't show in My Computer, but does show in Admin Tools, Disk Management. However, the drive name is shown as F(F. It should either be D: or F: ( there are 2 optical drives). I can't change the name or drive letter. I get the error "the drive is locked".

I tried Partition Magic, and it will change the info, temporarily. Also, PM shows the drive as *.F It doesn't give any error message, and says the change has been applied, but it obviously hasn't. I searched this forum for "hard drive locked" and followed suggestions that I had not tried previously. The smiley replaced a colon; the entry should read F(F. Sometimes I think I might know what I'm doing, and then I realize, maybe not.

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How Do Change Default Hard Drive When Doing Save As

Mar 24, 2010

It's a mole hill of a problem, but it is a bit annoying to have to click on my principal drive ("C") every time I'm doing a "save". I have enclosed an excerpt of a screen shot of my "save as" window to display how the default drive being automatically selected is the "D" drive rather than the "C" drive that I use primarily. To be honest, I don't know whether this can be corrected by a software change, or whether it's the way the two hard drives are connected in my computer.

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Change Drive Letter For Local Disk

Jul 5, 2008

Just installed windows xp and I have an atapi zip drive that was assigned as c: and my hard drive was assigned as e:. Is there a way to change the drive letter of my hard drive to C: without reinstalling XP or damaging anything or is having the hard drive as E: harmless:

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How To Change Drive Paths Able To Check Disk

Oct 20, 2006

When in "msdos", how do you change drive paths to be able to "CHKDSK". At present I am at C:Documents and Settings: And I want to go to D: and E:. I am typing "CD" as a command and "CHDIR", but to no avail ?? OS XP Home SP2....

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Change The Default Opening My Computer To D Drive?

Aug 15, 2005

WinKey+E open the Windows Explorer. Is it possible to change the default opening `My Computer' to D: drive? (Specific WinKey+E only)

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Change Drive Letter Of Boot Volume

Jul 25, 2005

how can i change the drive letter of my boot volume

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A Path To Go Through

Sep 12, 2007

This website is designed to work with Microsoft Windows operating systems only.To find updates for Microsoft products that are designed for Macintosh operating systems, please visit

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Change Hard Drive - Upgrading Start Up Freeze Up

Oct 18, 2005

I am priarily a Mac user, I do grahic & web design etc. I recently bought a cheap older PC to use for validating my work on the Windows platform. The computer came with 98, I need XP on it. I got XP installed (had to change the hard drive ribbon to an 80 wire ribbon) but now when it starts up, it freezes up after a few seconds. Before opening IE or doing anything. The computer has 64 MB RAM, which I would be upgrading if I thought this computer is worth putting any $$ at all into - 64 is supposed to meet the minimum requirements for XP so although I expect it to be molasses slow I do expect it to run the system software. I have it hooked up to a Samsung LCD screen (onboard graphics card - Compaq board) and Windows keyboard and USB mouse.

Also, the computer ran fine under 98 (tested it for a bit when I got it, and previous owner is a friend who swears there were no problems under 98). I don't get blue screen or anything, computer just totally freezes and doesn't respond. When I restart it goes through proper verification and then starts up, freezes again. So, I have no idea wher to start - hardware issue? Software issue?

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Change Drive Letter Grayed-out In Disk Management

Nov 28, 2005

Running win-xp-he-sp2 OS. I want to change the Drive Letter for my hard disk #2, but the Change Drive Letter is grayed-out; in fact, this is true for all the drives listed. How do I correct this problem?

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