Cant See Webpage - Localhost-index.

Apr 17, 2010

FIREFOX 3.6.3,WINDOWSXP SP3,Why is it i can see it if i typehttp://localhost/index.html but i cant see it if i load it from ??windows on C:// on E://i alway used to see it on C://???

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Case Of Missing Localhost

Jul 28, 2005

I have done some serious Googling and come up with nothing. As with all the other posts here, I too hope someone can help.I have (had) a localhost that I used for my projects. No problems whatsoever...until a couple days ago. I use the localhost on my PC so as to not affect anything live. I installed a Windows Update which had KB903235 and KB901214. A day later I went to load a project in from my localhost. Normally in the Open Project dialog box, localhost is selected and I get a listing of all my projects. Now, I get nothing just blank. No errors or anything. If I use My Network Places and try to view localHost, it also shows nothing. However, if I look in My Computer and go to C:Intepubwwwroot, everything shows up fine(yipee). Somehow, I lost the link between the two and I can't figure out how to get it back. Like I said, before the recent update, everything was fine, but now I can't load my localhost projects. I have changed absolutely nothing recently(other than the update) and haven't had any other problems that would make you think could have caused this. So, since the update is the only recent system change, I'm kind of leaning toward it as the cause.

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SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition & Localhost ASP Executed

Jul 4, 2005

there are a number of reasons why this might fail including the Directory Security settings within IIS, whether the web server is running on a different machine from the sql server, the connection string within the asp page, etc. What is the db connection string being used in the page

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Index DAT Files

Oct 15, 2008

What exactly are index DAT files?Are they necessary or critical to operation? I occassionally use EasyCleaner to remove junk, but index DAT files are deleted.

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Easier Way To Get To Index.dat File

Aug 12, 2002

Here is an easier way to get to index.dat file as address in another tweak submitted on Internet Explorer 2.go to to your root dir Documents and Settings folder your username folder UserData 6.close Internet Explorer if you have it open rename index.dat to index.old logoff and log back on open up Internet explorer and go to a web page or site that always seemed to load slowly. It should load a lot more quickly now. NOTE.Always rename or backup .dat or other system files before deleting.

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Apply An Index.theme - Downloaded From

Nov 25, 2009

I have downloaded an icon theme from The icons look great but I have no idea how to apply them. I downloaded it as a .tar.gz and then I extracted it to a folder containing folders with different sized icon, a file called ".dolphinview" and an "index.theme" file. I tried simply opening the index.theme file from "themes" in display properties but it cannot read it. When I open it in OOO and compare it to a theme it looks very different, a theme starts with [Theme] whereas this begins with [Icon Theme]. I think I am supposed to attach the index.theme file to my theme

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Nm Index Store Svr .exe Encountered A Problem - Need To Close?

Feb 20, 2007

I get an error message saying NM Index store Svr. exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.
Please advise what action needs to be taken.

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If Hard Drive Is Damaged? / Correcting Error In Index

Jan 7, 2005

I tried to reformat my hard drive. When it got to a certain point where it was checking the disk it got to 20% then hung or stopped. Did this three times. I have tried to run CHKDSK and have been unsuccessful. I get messages during the operation that say "file record segment is unreadable.

Once phase 1 is finished, I get messages that "correcting error in index" and replacing orphan files (or sometthing to tthat effect). Not long after that a message appears that says "an error has occured" and the computer continues to boot. Please note that my computer tries to run through CHKDSK everytime I boot. I want to reformat but it seems impossible.

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Temporary Internet Files Folder - Index.dat File

Jul 9, 2005

I use Windows Explorer to access the subject folder to make sure Internet Explorer has deleted the cache and usually I could see one file in the Content. IE5 folder named index.dat. I've been doing this for years without any problems. A couple of weeks ago I went to do this and I was unable to see the folder structure below the Temporary Internet Files folder nor the index.dat file. But if I log on as another user I can see the Content.IE5 folder, file index.dat, and the randomly named subfolders beneath folder Content.IE5. I
checked the Windows Explorer properties to see if my view was being restricted but the settings appear to be the same for both user IDs.

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Unable To Delete Index.dat File While Going To Safe Mode?

Jan 19, 2005

I'm trying to delete the index.dat file off my XP name but when i go into safe mode it wont let be open my name.Any idea what the problem may be cause i cant open any of the names except my brothers xp name for some odd reason

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Why I Keep Getting This Kind Of Webpage..

Sep 15, 2005

i keep getting this kind of webpage,even yahoo, the words is still there but not the picture

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Only One Webpage Will Not Open

Aug 23, 2005

I can surf the net fine except for one site. I have been to the site numerous times, and i have my email through the site (, but now i can no longer access the site or my email. I pretty much have no acces to the triad server. I need this fixed, is there anyway?

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Cannot Type Into Webpage

Aug 12, 2005

I must have accidentally hit some button. Now I cannot type anything into a web page. I can type in on the addresses bar, Yahoo, and Google, but when a web page appears below which has a block for info, nothing happens when I click in the area where my curser is hovering. This happened all at once. I have done two different virus scans and put in a backup drive and even another keyboard. All the same results. The problem must be in some setting. I am not real experienced in computer repair but could this be a BIOS setting or something similar that was corrupted somehow?

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Program Cannot Display Webpage

Mar 25, 2007

When i'm on the internet, word, media player and basically every other program and I hit F1 for help (the yellow question mark thingy) the help doesn't work at all. It says:This program cannot display the webpage.You are not connected to the Internet. The website is encountering problems. There might be a typing error in the address.Check your Internet connection. Try visiting another website to make sure you are connected.

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Display Images On Webpage

Sep 5, 2005

For a reason unknown to me, when I visit some webpages, instead of seeing some of the jpg or gif images that make up parts of a webpage I see the image box and a little red "x". Previously I have had no issues when I went to these pages, all the images would be visible. I have not intentionally changed any security settings, and dropping my firewall or Microsoft Antispyware does not seem to make a difference. I even dropped my security settings, but nothing. I have tried right clicking and then selecting "show
picture" but with no positive results.

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Completely Remove "index.dat"

Oct 13, 2003

Index.dat files are files impossible to delete under windows, and it stores all the information of your surfing history, you can be followed through these dangerous files. and even if you delete your cookies and your history, these index.dat files remain there and become bigger and bigger, their original size is 16kb but they can reach up until 600kb. to preserve your privacy I found a way to delete them.. it's impossible to do in windows thus you have to reboot your computer then press F8 or F5 for advanced boot options; then choose "safe mode with command prompt; log in as administrator and then from there you can delete them freely without windows preventing it.

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Faster Webpage Look Up: Finding Shortcut?

Aug 12, 2002

Instead of typing you can just type anysite then press ctrl+return and it automatically puts in the http:// and the .comyahoo + "ctrl+return" =

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Internet Explorer Cannot Display Webpage

Mar 1, 2008

I have been getting this msg "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" when trying to connect to a web site ( I tried Firefox & IE7. I have access to all other websites? I used to have access to the web site previously but all of a sudden, no more access? can someone help me out plz?PS: I tried many things but didn't work ( no access when starting it in safe mode too)

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Click To Run An Active X Control On This Webpage

Apr 30, 2007

Just got this starting today...'click to run an active x control on this webpage'. I get it on a site that I frequent a lot. All it is tryng to do is play a song that is part of the person's avatar, but starting today it comes up EVERY time there is an avatar with music. The site is a blog.Running xp pro sp2. I.E.6.

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Click To Run Active X Control On This Webpage

Oct 25, 2006

I am getting this message every time I open a new browser window in Internet Explorer 7. A dialog box pops up and asks me "Click to run an Active X control on this webpage?" I have to click OK in order to use the browser. I have Windows XP Pro. This just started in the last 2 days. I have only had the computer about a week and am not familiar with XP yet. Where do I go to reset to automatically run active X control on the webpage so the box will quit popping up?

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Internet Explorer Cannot Display The Webpage

Sep 14, 2008

After reboot, on I.E. I keep getting the following error message:"Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" but if I go to address bar, & select my Home page, it WILL display. This does NOT happen on Firefox??

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Yahoo Webpage - Several Tool Bars

May 5, 2005

Oh my home page yahoo, I have several tools bars that I can not delete. Plus on Toolbars in view are grayed out and have no control over them.

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Avi From Webpage Plays Sound No Video

May 10, 2005

when looking at a webpage with an embedded avi, the avi d/l's, then only sound plays.When I attempt to view the file in the temp internet files folder, it only plays sound, and properties (in media player) says audio file. When I copy the same file to another folder (somewhere outside temp int folder) and play the file, it plays the audio and video like it should (and properties in media player says audio video).What gives? I've checked in the browser settings and its set to play videos on webpages, and I've tried checking play by extension (as opposed to content) as well. The media player is only 9 (yes, I'll upgrade), but I know that's not the problem because I've looked at the same site with a different computer (but not xp) and it works fine.

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Not Responding And Click On Link On Webpage Twice Or More?

Nov 4, 2006

Whenever I surf the net and click on a link on a webpage twice or more, windows will not respond.The other websites that I open all do not respnd too.Previously I do not have this problem,Only recently then I encounter such a problem.Then I ve to restart internet explorer all over again and all opened websites were gone just like this.It is very frustrating!May i know what went wrong?I am using windows XP Pro serv pack 2 and running on Intel pentium 3 processor,801 MHz,256MB of ram.

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Connected To The Network But Will Not Open ANY Webpage

Aug 25, 2006

i have a wireless network set up around my house and i have 2 desktops connected and one laptop connected to this network one fo the desktops and the laptop are connected fine and run the internet perfectly but the other desktop says it is connected to the network but will not open ANY webpage, will not connect to recive emails or any thing like that. I have called the makers of the wirless networking equitment about 10 times and one the last try they got me to go into command prompt and type "ipconfig" which came up with my IP address and it starts with "169" where as the other desktop and the laptop both have IP addresses starting with "192" so they said that my IP address was dodgey and this was a microsoft problem. i was wondering if any one knows any ways of changing my IP address so that it will start with "192" and will let me be able to connect with my wireless network.

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Internet Explorer Cannot Display Webpage

Dec 6, 2008

I am running XP Pro on a Dell Latitude D620. I have just started to get the following error message Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage. I have tried the usual stuff it won't display any page.

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Error Shows To Send Webpage

Mar 24, 2006

i used to be able to send a viewable web page and now when i go on the page a click to send the page, a message box comes up and say's "the current document type can not be sent as e-mail would you like to send a shortcut instead" i don't remember changing any settings to affect this but ,still it does not let me send the page

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IIS Timeout: Public Machine Loose The Webpage?

Nov 19, 2008

we have a web application that uses IIS. We have two public machines that connect to the IIS server. After a period of time (not a set amount) the public machine loose the webpage. The only way of fixing it is to run the iisreset command or reboot the server.

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Internet Explorer Webpage Scrolling Not Smooth

Feb 1, 2005

I need to know how i can fix how my pages scrolls in internet explorer it doesn't scroll "smoothly"

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Minimize Webpage Results In Automatic Maximizing?

Aug 24, 2006

When I open up a web page and minimize a page it will do so and then the page maximizes by itself. It won't stay minimized. This only happens sometimes and it started today? What would cause this and what can i do to stop it. Windows XP sp2 is the os.

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Can't Access Some Webpage - Strong Cleanup Couple

Aug 31, 2007

I think I have done a too strong cleanup couple of month back (using ccleaner, disck cleaner, and manually erase some Temp folders......and now I cannot access certain webpage.Here some of the page: Also: When I reboot, WLM has no login altough I tick to save and auto start etc...(everytime)
Under IE7: the autocomplete is not working anymore (I check in IE7 option/configuration it is ok. I even reseted IE7 still pb and I even re-install IE7 and WLM still the bug.I have reseted The XP firewall too = nothing. I have removed JAVA and re-install = nothing Here the message received from the webpage I can't access Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

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