I have a Dell Latitude D600 running XP Professional. I am currently replacing this machine with a new one and want to wipe the hard drive clean and set up the computer to be only used for Internet and iTunes. When I reinstall XP, what steps can I take to strip out any features, etc. that I don't need? I do not have much experience with operating system installations, so I am hoping to find a step by step method to delete or uninstall programs that will slow the system down as well as a way to keep the machine pretty clean.
Yeah I have had this Sony Vaio PCG-FRV37 labtop for almost 4 years now. I just recently discovered that my friend who helped me with installing Windows XP SP2 installed
Professional instead of Home, which came with my computer. Is there a way I can fix that? Or do I have to strip my computer clean and reinstall but with Home edition this time? This has been a problem because I went to go do an upgrade from the Microsoft site but it said I was probably a victim of fake windows. So that's what I am more worried about because I got the windows XP program from Sony pre-loaded.
Also I dunno if this has to do with Windows or not. But my Matshita UJ-810 dvd/cd drive will not open when I click it's eject button. I have to use iTunes to open it. Also it seems to be unable to read cds.
I have a Dell computer, running Windows XP my ISP is Sympatico., that about all that I have learned recently.I have Norton Anti-virus installed.What steps to do I take before I download anything from a website?Someone said, I have to disable my anti-virus program, is this true? Also, when I go into a website, my screen freezes. I hit CTR+ALT+DEl., then Microsoft asks me if I want to send a report, I say YES.What does this mean? I still get the computer screen freezing after sending a report.
Can anyone give me the steps to reduce all the clutter I have on my PC down to ONE edition of Windows XP (Prof) and get rid of all the other stuff? The situation on one of my computers (my wife's) is that there are several (3 anyway) editions/installations of WinXP Home on this computer and, if left to boot up on its own will go to the top one on the list, which is NOT the edition required, and of course it asks for Activation and all that stuff, which, when the correct edition is loaded, is not necessary. I would like to eliminate all but the second edition noted, safely and permanently. How do I go about this safely?
I want to reformat the hard drive on a Toshiba satellite laptop that has Intel celeron processor and Window XP home OS. Could somebody please guide me through the process step by step? I would also really appreciate it if someone could tell me what all I would need before I start the reformatting process.
I complete each step just fine up to the point after the repair finishes and computer restarts, then goes to the blue windows xp setup screen (the screen that has the header "an exciting new look") with the text "setup is being restarted." this screen is shown for about 10 seconds, then the computer shuts down, restarts and repeats this "setup is being restarted."
The Internet Options Folder is no longer present within the Control Panel. I'm using Windows XP (Service Pack 3). What steps do I need to take to re-install it?
My control panel has changed from a page full of icons to a long dropdown strip of small icons with there lables.There is no obivous way in to alter anything.
Microsoft clear type technology greatly increases clarity of text on laptop LCD screens. By default this feature does not start until after you log on. But with the tweak below you will be able to make it start as windows loads so it will be enabled on the welcome login screen.
i need to find a computer program so i can desable most fetures in widdows e.g task mrg or certan bits of the control panle and stuff like that Posted using the interface, at author's request Articles individually checked for conformance to usenet standards.
A friend of mine is running Windows XP Home, and using IE7 to surf. When I went over to help him with a Wi-Fi connectivity problem, I found that when typing a URL into the IE7 Address Bar, when I hit enter, I would see a Windows Box pop up telling me that it couldn’t find the URL. When I type a URL into my IE7, the “http://www.” is automatically added. I never have to use the “CNTRL/ENTER” trick that actually does work on his PC for each URL that’s typed.
My brother's computer, which he bought from a system builder, has Windows XP Pro installed.His all programs menu has an interesting and useful effect where it hides items that are not frequently used.I have tried to implement this feature on my computer, but I cannot find the settings to do so. Does anyone know A)what I'm talking about, and B)How to turn this setting on?
Need help with open office. I need power point real bad because I need the basic shapes in the power point (specifically I need the edged square in basic shapes in power point) because I need to draw ER diagrams. These show realtionships in buisness, etc. I need the shapes and I downloaded open office (http://www.openoffice.org) but when I downloaded it, I can't use it. Which icon do I use. I need the draw feature in openoffice, but instead when I download it I get another folder with other icons. Where do I go to get the draw feature.
I noticed that certain features of my PC would suffer from very small fonts to the point of being unreadable.I don't know what caused this. An example of the issue is when I go to Administrative Tools/Services, when I highlight a service in the list,the corresponding Service description shows with very small fonts Other areas of Windows also suffer from this
My wife's computer got real slow. She says it happened the same time asWindows XP told her to add a Search Desktop feature. Is this a realWindows program? If so, what is the best way to remove it and everythingit has indexed
my mom installed a virus the other day on accident. (Some program called Dr. Spy Shreddar, or something like that.) I deleted it, but some stuff was weird with the computer. I tried restarting the system to get the old configuration back, but the virus just installed itself again. I removed it again, using instructions from Systematic Antivirus and now it's really gone. Some of the settings were still weird though. So after hours of searching the help topics on Microsoft I managed to fix 1 & 1/2 of the problems I had/have.
For one of the problems they made me go into the registry and set something to the value of 0 in order to get the desktop tab back in the Display Properties box. (You know when you right click on the desktop and select properties.) That's all fine and dandy, but here's the other 1/2 of my problem: I can't access some of the features in the tab. (I have Windows XP Professional, by the way.) I can't click inside of the background list and it's shaded a sort of brownish beige color. I also can't browse and do anything with the position setting. I can however access the customize desktop and color features
I had a major crash and had to reinstall my Windows XP SP2, so I have had to reinstall most of my programs. Now whenever I load Excel, it takes a minute to "install excel features". I would think one install of whatever features it is installing would be sufficient. Why does it keep installing the same features and how can I get it to quit doing this?I am using Excel 2003 on a Gygabyte GA-8IEX mother board with a Pentium IV 2.53 cpu.
I recently formated and restored windows to how it was when I bought it. Everything was ok except for updating using the Windows Update feature. I have it on, but when I go to the updating windows its not doing anything. Its suposte to scan, but its not scanning since it takes forever. On my other computer, it works in seconds.