After Acer Logo Starts When Computer Turns On / Have To Choose And Click Windows
Feb 18, 2010
I have recently reformatted my aspire one with windows xp home edition from a USB bootable flash drive. Everything went well as expected except for one thing.When I turn on my computer, the acer logo appears then a page appears again which asks me to choose whether to start windows xp or repair it using USB. I have to always click the start windows xp before the windows logo appears and everyhting in windows is alright. I dont know how to fix this so that after the acer logo appears, windows logo comes next then desktop.
I cannot figure this out. I turn on my computer, everything loads and runs like normal. The windows bar thing runs (im running SP2) and then when the actual GUI is about to come up the monitor turns off. The monitor says to check my connections... been there done that. Ive tried 3 different monitors and all do the same thing. The computer isn't going to sleep either because it wont wake up no matter what. Its got to be a program or virus something because i can start in safe mode. Ive run nortons to no avail, and with the latest update.
Recently I moved back to Australia from Washington State. I unpacked my harddrive and loaded up the computer. I noticed that the fan will kick off when I turn on the computer, or sometimes in the middle of doing something online. The computer is in a cold place so I know it's not overheating, the fan is loud and it turns off and on rapidly, and just whenever. The area around the computer is well ventilated.
my problem is that when i start my computer, every thing seems normal until the windows boot screen appears and as soon as it does it changes into the blue screen of death, tells me"a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to you computer.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. if this screen appears again, follow these steps:disable or uninstall any anti-virus, disk defragmentation or backup utilities. check your hard drive configuration, and check for any updated drivers. run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.technical information: *** STOP: (and then a lot of numbers)"
Every time I right click on a file and chose open with then choose program it always, with out fail, no matter what the extension,assumes I mean notepad.exe. AVIs to Zip files get Notepad. I suspect a registry entry but I don't know where to look and Google failed to find anything close to what i was looking for. The problem first occurred with my HOSTS file. I typed the c:windowssystem32driversetchosts into my run and instead of the Choose program it immediately opened in notepad, convenient in that instances but not the majority of the time...
I have checked for Spyware (clean), run AVG (clean), and I am very reluctant to reinstall windows, again. Last time they tried to force me to purchase a new copy of windows pro after installing it and activating it on the SAME system (not this computer) for the third time. They wanted to know when/where/ and what model I purchased.
My friends computer turns on for 5 seconds and turns off and during that 5 seconds preiod the computer makes a weird noise like beping sound. His computer is Dell and its XP iam affarid i dont have much of his computers specs. If any one can suggest how he could solve it.
What happens for me is I can't even start up my computer because i get the blue screen as windows starts up. I don't know if my hard drive is still going to work or not. Anybody know what to do?
im attempting to install an application setup.exe file and recieve the following message: 16 bit windows subsytem c:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running ms-dos and microsoft windows applications. choose 'close' to terminate the application.
When I right click my context menu, on a drive or hard disk in Explorer, a small window opens to "configure Roxio Easy Media Creator". This program was installed a while ago and has been used a number of times.This event happens every time I left click on one of my hard drives or optical discs in MS Explorer. I have to cancel each time.
in add remove programs on the left tab add remove windows components, i choose fax services and click next it starts going then says cannot copy the file there are lots of files it has trouble with, in the copy files from box what should it read???
I have an Acer Aspire 3000 with a serious problem, it won't load Windows XP and Windows XP is the installed OS.
What happened before the error: i tried to install Norton Systemworks 2006. Before this, computer was working fine, and yes, I did scan it for viruses. None were found. computer had a partition, but the partition was removed. Now, I got this computer from a confused cousin, and the history is as follows;
She bought the computer new. However, there was this strange partition in there that seemed to be duplicating everything (or so she told me), so she took it to a friend to have the partitions removed. Okay, the computer worked fine after that. Actually, better than fine, it worked better than it had new. I know, lol, because I tried using it once before and again after.
Now, flash forward a few months and her free trail of McAfee that came with the computer ends and she realizes that she needs some sort of security on it. So she buys Norton as suggested by another friend of hers. Knowing I know something of computers (and she's not all that sure), she gets me to install Norton.
I do.
And upon re-starting, I get after the Acer load screen a black screen with "Load error! Press any key to reboot." I press enter, but nothing happens.
So, in it goes to the friendly computer guy who uses the disks that came with the machine to restore it, and it comes back exactly as it was before I installed Norton, only, minus all her saved stuff. Okay, so obviously if there was a problem it has to be gone now, right?
Well, evidently not as when I install Norton again, guess what happens? Right. It's back to the black screen of death telling me, "Load Error! Press any key to reboot."
Now, it did have Norton Ghost on it, and as per the instructions in the book that comes with Norton, I disabled it before trying to install Systemworks because the first time this happened I didn't. I've tried calling the computer tech that fixed it for me before, but I guess he doesn't want to deal with it anymore because he won't return my phone calls or my emails. how can she solve the problem?
When I try to open one of My Folders (One that I added to my desktop with application I added to it) with a double left click a search results window opens instead of the folder opening and displaying the contents of the folder with things I've put into it. If I right click on one of my folders and go down and left click on open the folder will open and the contents displayed as I expect (The first opetion displayed is a search after I right click). Any other folder including My Documnets folder will open the folder and display the contents correctly.At one time it used to work correcly and its not a major issue but I would sure like it fixed > Any ideas?
I was trying to fix problems with my flash player installations and was reading about registry editing that was supposed to be done (hclass_root). I tried to make the changes and got nervous about it. I wanted to back out but instead I clicked OK. Now my machine boots up to Window logo and stays there instead of showing the users list.
I can't get pass the windows logo. I can't boot into safe mode, can't boot into last knowm configuration or boot to a crompt. I don't have a recovery disc. Can anybody help?
I'm trying to fix my friend's computer. He has an acer laptop running windows xp professional. He said he got a virus and it shut down. When he started it back up it got as far as the windows xp loading screen. This is where it is stuck. It just keeps loading and keeps loading.He left it on for a few hours and it did nothing. We have restarted it like 20 times and still nothing. It won't let me boot to the virus cd i have (malewarebytes virus cd). I changed the boot order and still nothing. I have also tried all the options (None of these options worked eirther) ...
Safe Mode Safe Mode with Networking Safe Mode with Command Prompt
Last Known Good Configuration (Your most Recent Settings That worked)
Start Windows Normally
At the top of the screen it says "We Apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start successfully. A recent hardware or software change might have caused this.
If your computer stopped responding, restarted unexpectedly, or was automatically shut down to protect your files and folders, choose Last Know Good Configuration to revert to the most recent setting that worked.
If a previous startup attempt was interrupted due to a power failure or because the Power or Reset button was pressed, or if you aren't sure what caused the problem, choose Start Windows Normally."
I also tried all the advanced boot options and nothing worked. It doesn't even give me the option to boot to the cd. It's not showning up that there is a cd. How can i solve this?
When I turn on the computer, at the welcome screen it asks me to choose user. Administrator is the only option. I don't have a password and the password hint only says Me. How do I get the password that I need?
I've had an infinite reboot cycle for the last 3 days now, and I still cannot figure out why. I have been looking at other cases and are quite similar to mine but not exact. This is my problem
I have XPP and one day my computer got a BSOD. Then through out the weeks it had a few (5-6 maybe) BSODs. And one day I started up the computer and it went to the windows splash screen, the logo, and rebooted itself. Being frantic on my 6 month old computer, I let it reboot by itself...and it went on like that for a while. It continues to ask me if I want to start in safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with command prompt, the last good known configuration, or start windows normally. I have tried all of the options and they lead me down the same road...infinite and continuous rebooting at the logo.
just start my PC and suddenly it was black after Windows XP logo screen and flashes BSOD. I did install a driver recently. Cannot enter safe mode as it stopped at /driver/JGOJO Cannot enter "from previous working setting" I can't boot up at all. The error code in the blue screen is Page Fault in Non Paged Area with code 0x00000050 something.
I HAVE A FRIENDS COMPUTER HERE..when you turn it on it starts up you can hear it going but.thats all it does! there is a new power supply in it i tried hooking up another hard drive figureing the drive was bad..nothing...tried to open the cd rom wont work not even a light on itput in old cd rom i had it opened up but when i attached the rom to the wont open unattach it and it works(with ribbon cables)the monitor i have (2 of them)will not workwhen attached. i dont know what is on it i think win 2000!there is 266 mb ram.dont knowif pentium or celeron or what speed.
For an unknown reason about a month ago, my computer turns itself back on after I have powered down. I have to turn off the power back at the surge protector to keep it from starting itself back up. Apparently, I pulled an "automatic wakeup switch" but do not know what or how to turn it back off. Now when my wife hollers for me to get off the computer and start the dishes, I can't just power down and leave the room. I have to wait for windows to close and the computer to shut off, then crawl behind the desk and turn off the power source before I can get away.
o.k here my problem the computer turns off by its self and every thing on my desktop goes away but not my wallpaper it stays on anyone have any idea way is this happening?i run spy sweeper 4 and it did dont found anything.
I have a Window XP and for some reason the computer is turning off and on by itself. This have happened before. Sometimes it turns on then it turns back off by itself. What's wrong? Can it be a virus?
At night, I turn my system off using a "shutdown" icon. Each morning, the computer is back on.I ran AVG and found nothing. I keep Zonealarm updated and running as well as MS anti-spyware and Spyware Blaster.I recently deleted all scheduling in AVG, but it didn't help. It's been doing this for a while, but at first I thought it was just me not shutting the system off. The last couple of times I watched to make sure the computer had turned off. I've also been disabling my internet connection before shutdown. It's not My imagination - but what could it be?
i'm trying to reinstall my windows xp Pro onto my computer Boot will recognize that the XP CD is in the drive, DO NOT press any keys, let setup bypass the CD boot. and it doesn't display the "Press any key to boot from CD.."All it does is restart the setup again, something flashes past fast and then it starts the setup all over.
this is rather annoying, at random times my computer automatically turns off. sometimes it restarts but other times i have to repeatedly press the power "on" button in order for it to turn on again. why might this occur and is there any solution?
I was leaving to work, so I left the computer in standby. I got home about 7 hours later and when I tried to return to desktop, the fan went on loudly but kept on going and nothing would be displayed on the screen. I just turned it off by the front panel button and went to sleep. This morning, I tried unplugging the whole machine from the electricity plug and replugging it in..well it worked! It started but the fan was constantly working for some reason.I downloaded SpeedFan and at the time the temp was like 43 (normal?). Then I turned it off to see what was wrong with the fan. I opened the box and did a small vacuum just trying to collect the dust.after that NO LUCK.The computer doesn't even come on anymore. I have important files on it.I'm going to be screwed.
This sight has always been a God Send and someone has always helped me brilliantly, considering my knowledge of computers only goes so far.A friend from Iraq has a computer and his children always seem to mess it up. He has one of his friends work on it and it does always come back to life but I have downloaded a few things on his computer to scan and get rid of all the bad stuff.Okay, so this last time, a friend fixed it and now he can not go under "Guest" without the computer shutting itself down and when I told him he could just eliminate guest, he said he had things saved on it he doesn't want to lose.