Add And Remove Programs Function Not Working In Control Panel
Mar 20, 2007
I use Windows XP Media Edition and yesterday the Add/Remove Programs function on my control panel quit working. The message comes up please wait while the list is being populated and then nothing else happens. The longest I waited was 45 minutes while I went off and did something else. The list never appeared. All of the other functions in the control panel seem to be working.Everything seems to have slowed down on my computer. It is a Pentium(R) CPU 3.60 GHz 2 GB of RAM Service Pack 2 Version 2002 I bought it at Frys Electronics. Does anyone have any suggestions for the Add/Remove Programs glitch? Am I about to lose a hard drive?
I have not been able to get into my control panel for quite some time now. Every time I try to get in, I get the "Windows has encountered an error and must close the program error" I really need to get into my control panel to remove some programs.thought? I am running windows xp
On Win XP system. When I try to run the Add or Remove Programs applet in control panel I get the following error. "Run a DLL as an App has encountered a problem and needs to close." Get same thing when I do run: appwiz.cpl. Tried SFC /Scannow then Chkdsk c: /f. Also through scan for virus and spyware using McAfee and Spy Sweeper. Nothing seems to work.
After adding various .dll from an earlier Win2K installation (trying to correct an unrelated problem) to C:WinNTsystem32, discovered that Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel won't open. Rest of Control Panel works. This tinkering cased another alteration: right mouse click on Start|Explore(and Explore All Users) no longer shows all drives (and their directories & sub-folders) on one screen. Now only one drive (with directories & sub-folders) is shown at a time.
i downloaded this trial version of counterspy 2 from sunbelt and i dont want it anymore and i cant remove it, The help says to go to control panel and add remove programs but when i do, its the only program listed there that doesnt give me the option to remove, change or anything to it, it just says used rarely and thats it, all the other ones will let me remove it. whats the deal, anyone know? i should be able to uninstall this bs, and i cant get it to work, im a noob
I have lost my control panel function. When I click on "control panel" I get the message "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator.My PC is not networked with any other equipment.
What is the functions of the following? 1. Appearance and themes 2. Network and internet connection 3. Add or remove program 4. Sound, speech, and audio device 5. Performance and maintenance 6. Printer and other hardware 7. User accounts 8. Date, time, language, and regional 9. accessibility option
my add -remove programs list in control panel takes a long time to compile the list. even with "show updates" unchecked. there are a couple that wont remove, games that my son installed and free trial ran out. one list under "start-programs" and the uninstall button leads to the documents folder, and "remove" says some file is missing. it still has a file in program files also.
I use Windows XP. I have two problems using the Add/Remove function in my Control Panel: specifically I want to remove a program called "Creative Zen V Series (R2). The prompt after attempting to remove comes back with "The specific module could not be found" and leaves the program showing. I need to get rid of this entry. Secondly I want to remove "Calendar Creator 9" and when this is selected to remove, I get a prompt that says "To install the program it must first be removed using the Control Panel function Add/Remove. This is frustrating as that is exactly what I'm trying to do, NOT INSTALL the program again.
My daughters computer is so messed up I can't even get in to the control panel to delete programs or on to the internet to download spybot. How can I get in to clean up the garbage.
I un-installed a program (The Weather Channel) from the add & remove Programs and all other locations, including Icons have been deleted, excepting the Icon in the Control Panel. When I right click to open, an error #126 comes up stating (could not get local SMS.INI for current machine).Is it possible to delete thiss icon ? My OS is XP
I am trying to remove "juno" from add/remove in control panel. nothing happens when i hit change/remove. i can remove other programs easily except this one.
Does anyone know howw to remove items that are listed under add/remove programs in the control panel? I have several games and other installations that still show there even though they were fully uninstalled. They don't create a problem per se. Just wondered if there was a way to do this.
Can somebody in the house help me with solution to my PC. I just discovered that My system is having problem. I want remove some programme that arre not necessary to me. When i click on control panel and try to enter rthe add/revmove programme the following messages will appear " Windows cannot find 'C:WINDOWSsystem32rundll32.exe', Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again. To search for a file, click the start button, and then click Search". This has being the messages being displayed each time i try to the add/remove prog. Besides, Now i want to add the system to a group of PCs in a network the messages will display.
I just acquired a used toshiba M45. Windows XP-home. In attempts to "clean" the drive, I encountered the problem with no "change/remove" button option in control panel. I followed the advice found here to change values in the registry as outlined at . The problem is that when I get to the final branch of uninstall in the registry, there are no programs listed there to change the value. I can't find any solution here, or with mr. google.
my DVD ROM wont work. It has all the drivers installed and it is enabled from the computer management in the control pannel. I also enabled it using my backup software but it is still not recognised. Any sudgestions?? I used to have both Nero and Instant CD/DVD installed. I removed Nero just in case there was a conflict with the software but it still remains the same.
I HAVE WINDOWS 2000 i went to control panel to remove a program an my programs are there but when i click on the program i want to remove its not giving me a choice to remove it or nothing
Using Windows 2000pro.. Add/Remove Programs will not open in control panel..Tried the fix suggested by Microsoft to no avail.. Also tried letting Windows Setup repair itself. Still no go
I have been using Add/Remove icon in Control Panel to remove programs. Although the Win2k Pro is running fine ,the icon of Add/Remove Program is not opening the next window to remove the programs.
The last time I shut the computer down everything was fine. Today my wife used it for Market Day and LTD then went offline and put it to sleep.When I woke it up, the 1st thing I noticed was that the desktop Tetris icon was black. The shape was there but it was black. I tried to change the icon in the shortcut properties and saw the correct icon there but it kept turning black when I applied it. Then I went to My Computer. Wow. Most of the icons were gone and replaced by that MS arrow icon. There was even a folder that wouldn't come up or show anything.Well, lets see. My system is 1 year old and is a generic one. Intel MOBO (915 I think), P4@3.2, 1gRam, SATA HD 15% used, Windows 2000Pro W/SP4.
For some reason the Add/Remove programs function on my pc has stopped working. It opens up and the list populates, but when I select one and click "remove" nothing happens. I tried restarting the computer in safe mode but it still didn't work. System Restore didn't work either.
The Add or remove programs in my computer is not working. Many programs do not appear on the list, those that do do not have the remove function, the last used dates are wrong and there's 'programs' listed there that I have no idea what they are they were never there before. I have run PC Ciling Antivirus, Spybot, Adaware, Sypware Doctor and Registry Mechanic.
Sometime today, the listing under "My Computer" in Windows Explorer has changed from listing only drive (floppy A, hard drive C, and CD-RW E), shared files, and Liz's documents to listing "Control Panel" with the other items. I did not do anything that I'm aware of to put it there, and the checkbox under Tools, Folder Options, View for "display Control Panel under My Computer" is NOT checked. I have tried checking and unchecking it, rebooting, using GoBack to go back to the settings in effect when I booted the computer this morning, to no avail.
How do I access my display control function. The folder is now missing from the control panel. Additionally I tried right mouse click to customize desktop and it no longer works. Also I noticed the add/remove programs folder is also missing from the control panel.I would like to change the display for a new monitor. Thank you in advance for any assistance.I just noticed the system file ismissing as well. Also I cannot right click the properties tab on my computer doesnt work.
I want a single desktop click to enable/disable windows XP taskbar auto hide.I can do this if I write a script for the AutoHotkey macro tool to open the relevant dialog box and then check or uncheck the appropriate check box.I'd like to open the dialog box with a command line from AutoHotkey, or a similar operation. Right-clicking the taskbar even in the program is uncool.The catch is, I can execute any CP dialog EXCEPT this one as a command line, either passing a dialog parameter to Control.exe or else using a *.cpl file name with Control.exe or directly. But I can't find "Taskbar and Start Menu".