100 % CPU Usage - Hard Ware Issue Or Cpu Problem?

Aug 10, 2005

For some reason my XP machine shows my CPU running at 100% all the time and when I look at the processes running these spike to 99%, but they never stay at 99% for more than a second: winlogon.exe, rundll32.exe, explorer.exe, system idle process. I just reinstalled XP to fix another issue and with just the operating system installed and no programs open it started doing this on the first bootup from the reinstallation. Before I reinstalled XP, this problem was happening and I ran every adware/spyware scanner I could get my hands, every virus scan and disable any funky looking programs in the startup. All this did not resolve the issue. Could this possibly be a hardware issue, cpu problem?

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Message - Setup Is Inspecting Your Hard Ware Configuration

Jun 15, 2010

when i boot from cd "Setup is inspecting your hard ware configuration" message displayed and blank screen monitor seen so what is the solution?

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Trojans Pop-ups Ad Ware, Spyware

May 9, 2007

My PC is lousy with viruses etc. I scanned with HijackThis, but I don't understand the results. It does not automatically fix problem files, I must choose what to remove. I'm positive that I'm going to remove something vital.

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MS Spy-ware Removal Tool

Jun 23, 2005

I had alot of spy-ware on a computer and ran MS Spy-ware removal tool and now my Explorer.exe will not come up, no desktop no icons on noting. I can press crtl->Alt->delete and bring up task manager, that is it.

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Show Favorites After Ran Spy-bot And Ad-ware

Feb 1, 2005

I hope this is the right forum. I have XP and I am tired of my homepage being taken over by a weird search site and free porn loaded up in my IE favorites section (even after I delete them). I ran spybot and ad-aware in safe mode. It cleaned out alot of junk, but what I mentioned is still there. I am using the XP firewall that came with the computer. So do I need to go and buy a spyware program and a firewall. The free stuff isn't working. And will this even fix the problem?

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Dll Errors / Ad Ware Loss Of Connectivity

Apr 13, 2005

The state of my computer has been in steady decline. It all started when i got a message from my nortons internet security that winlogon.exe was trying to contact the internet.I ran hijckthis, i ran spybot, i ran ad-aware. fixed items i thought needed to be fixed. I don't know if it was before or after all this, but i began getting pop ups from sites i know do not have pop ups, like my own. ran all the programs again. the same offenders keep popping up... i have posted my logs on this site but sadly no one had responded.anyway, now every time i restart my computer, I get a dll error. every time it is a different dll. also, when on for an extended amount of time, say overnight, i lose internet connectivity, even though my cable modem is showing that there is lots of activity going on.can anyone givew me a clue what's going on, or where i can begin looking? should i just scrap it all and reformat my computer?

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Missing Or Corrupt File Spy-ware And Viruses

Jul 19, 2005

My friends computer is packed with spy-ware and viruses. I've been trying to clean it up and now I'm getting this message on start up. "Windows could not start because the following file is either missing or corrupt. windowssystem32configsystem You can attempt to repair this file by running windows setup using the originally setup CD-ROM. Select "r" at the first screen to start repair". What should I do. The computer won't even start up. I don't know if he is running a bootleg version of windows or not. And his setup disk doesn't seem to help. keep from wiping his hard drive.

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Running Really Slow / It's Virus Or Spy Ware Related

Oct 3, 2005

My PC has started running really slow. I know this could be virus or spy ware related but I have Norton and have never had problems before. Just before it started I changed the desktop appearence on my display settings. It started running slow from this point.I then tried to start i-tunes and it crashed.The ususal whirring noise (hard disk?) now sounds like a ticking. Every so often it jumps into life and runs a t normal speed.My operating system is XP. 250GB HDD. Intel pentium four processor 540 (3.2ghz)

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Download Anti Mal Ware To Prevent Data

Jan 11, 2006

Computer is infected! Dangerous infection was detected on your PC. The system will now download and install most efficient anti malware program to prevent data loss and your private information theft. Click here to protect your computer from the biggest malware threats. This message keeps popping up near the bottom of my screen every four or five seconds. How can I get rid of this popup?

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Alll Soft Ware Updated But System Is Slow

Apr 7, 2006

I am currently using: Trend Micro PC-cillin, Webroot Spy Sweeper, Microsoft AntiSpyware, ewido anti-malware and I have Spybot Search & Destroy installed. All of this software (along with Windows) is kept updated and none of the software mentioned has found anything (except for the occasional tracking cookie) wrong with my computer.

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PC Is Slow, High CPU Usage, Moderate Memory Usage

Nov 1, 2007

My friend, who has given a Dell Optiplex GX240 running Win2K Pro. 512MB RAM To help her out, I got rid of porn, viruses, and spyware using: Ad-Aware, AVG spyware and AV free versions, Trend Micro House Call, Spybot I checked the task manager, and has constant 100% CPU usage, avg memory usage The system runs, but apps open slow, so I tried some freeware reg cleaners: CCleaner, Eusing Free Registry Cleaner, Wise Registry cleaner.

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Cpu Usage / Press Ctrl, Alt And Delete, The Cpu Usage Appears To Be 100%

Jan 22, 2005

I recently installed a winTV card in my computer, ever since that I have noticed that when I press ctrl, alt and delete, the cpu usage appears to be 100% full whenever I try to open an mpeg file I have recorded from the TV card. it is a pentium 4 2.8 ghz processor.

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Explorer/ High CPU Usage / CPU Usage Goes To 100% And Stays There

Apr 6, 2007

I'm running XP pro SP2. I have a gig of ram and my mother board is an Intel D101GGC. My CPU is Intel Pentium D 920.

If I use Windows Explorer to go deeper than the first level of any tree, CPU usage goes to 100% and stays there. I've disabled System Restore because it wouldn't let me go back in time anyway and this program is a known resource gobbler. Didn't help. I've attached a hijackthis logfile to see if anyone recognizes a Trojan, etc. I would appreciate any help at all.

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CPU Usage Always Showing 100% Usage Of Resources?

May 27, 2007

My CPU Usage always shows 100% and my system is getting very slow although I have not installed any big software and have strong antivirus (symantec) whose definition files are updated .So , why is it happening?

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CPU Usage Always Over 50%

Jan 8, 2005

I just formated my pc and installed windows xp pro and sp2 and the cpu usage was always under 20% now its always over 50%-60% with i installed the programs i needed. before I formated it was the same with high cpu usage but i installed sp2 and the cpu usage went under 10% but few weeks later it went back up, so i formated.

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Cpu Usage At 100% / Sometimes Go To Around 20-30?

Jan 4, 2009

CPU usage is constantly at 100%. It started acting up a couple of months ago and I uninstalled all the software that I had recently downloaded (games etc) but still have this problem. I think this is also the reason everything just freezes suddenly for a good 2-3 minutes causing me to bang my head against the nearest hard object.Regarding this, in Task Manager --> Processes --> sort by CPU: CMD.exe is constantly using 65-85(keeps on changing) followed by csrss.exe at around 20-30

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Apr 24, 2008

Out of nowhere a couple days ago my computer began lagging badly. The cpu usage is stuck at 100%, which the system process dominating the usage fluctuating between 70-95%. Now the computer will work decently for about 30 seconds at a time, then it will freeze for 45 seconds to a minute, over and over again, which is highly annoying. I downloaded ad-aware and it showed nothihng, and I am in the midle of a virus scan. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I dont know why this came out of nowhere. ADD ON: When running mcaffee virus scan, it s process jumps to the top fluctuating between 70 and 95. System tops off at like 20, but if I pause the scan it goes back to what it was doing before. WINXP SP2

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Decrease RAM Usage In Win XP?

Mar 31, 2006

limit my RAM usage in XP just like in 98/ME have? or any soft I can use to do this tweak
My system becomes unstable when using large memory (tested it with memory diagnostic tools and found out that there are random data loss when accessing large part of the memory

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Cpu Usage Overload 100%

Jan 11, 2006

xp sp2 I have a 3.2ghz processor 256mb graphics card nvidia 6200 and 1024 ram memeory the problem occured when i tried to open an avi movie file, i was moving the avi film from my downloads to shared folder but when i looked in shared folder it wasn't there so iwent back my downloads folder. when i tried to open or delete it a pop-up appearred saying the file was in use by another program, after a while i was able to delete it by dragging it to recycle bin. but 3 days on when i open a folder or firefox or an application the cpu usage goes from 7% to 100% and pf usage 550mb.

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CPU Usage Always High?

Oct 31, 2005

I recently kept getting a blue screen everytime I tried to restart my computer. This happened with my old computer and I ended up having to get a new Hard Drive. Well I was able to fix this problem by booting in safe mode and system restoring to an earlier date. Well now my CPU Usage is always running high, over 30% almost aways, dipping all the way up to 100% sometimes. This is when I have nothing system heavy running, I have Dual 3.2Ghz EE processors and 2GB of Ram.Well I was getting a similar problem last month, it was because of the trojan vundo. I got vundo off a couple weeks ago and no more CPU Usage problems. Well I didn't go THAT far back in system restore. So I did an updated Norton Scan, and updated Adaware scan and an updated spybot scan, still gettin the problem. It's doin enough that I cant watch videos with th epicture being jerky and sometimes it freezes my IE for 15 or so seconds.

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CPU Usage Is Too High: Help

Dec 25, 2005

I notice sometimes that my computer usage will jump to a very high percent. Most of the time between 60-100%. I get this when Im not doing anything, if theres nothing running (That I know of). Sometimes if I have more then 1 IE or FireFox box open. It will jump to 80%. Can someone help me find out whats going on?

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CPU Usage VERY High

Feb 10, 2006

I'm hoping I can resolve an issue here. First let me start out by apologizing for this long post, but i'm trying to get as much info out as I can.Recently i've been having big problems with my computer running VERY slow, my computer takes 5 minutes to boot up when normally it would only take 1, my mouse moves very laggy, and I can't start up any programs without having to wait minutes just for it to start. When I look at the performance monitor, my CPU usage is anywhere from 50%-100%...and i'm not even running anything! First let me get somet things out of the way. First off I have a laptop with AMD Athalog 64 2.5 ghz processor, 1.0gig of ram, and a ATI X600 mobility video card. I've had my computer for a little over a month so it's not outdated or anything, and all of my drivers are up to date.

I did a viruscan on my computer which took very long b/c my CPU usage was very high, and nothing negative came back when I did so. I ran adaware and removed all of the adware I had.still didn't fix the problem.
After trying both of those things I decided i'd try to restore my computer to an earlier point. it was successful. That was a couple days ago when I was having this same problem. Well here we are present date, and i'm having the same problem again. I tried restoring my computer to an earlier point again, but this time it resulted with some troublesome problems, apparently an important ATI file was deleted or something (not sure exactly) and I couldn't boot my computer up in normal mode, I had to go back into safe mode and rollback the drivers for my computer to even boot up. That was approximately 30 minutes ago, and here i am now. Obviously restoring didn't help this time because my computer is very slow at the moment.

I don't get it, because both times this has happened, it comes out of no where. My computer will be running just fine, then 'BAM!' out of no where my CPU usage is out of the roof. I'll try restarting, closing everything on my toolbar nothing works. Speaking of toolbars, mine is pretty empty, it's not overloaded with a bunch of crap, mostly just important stuff like firewall and virus scan. I can't imagine that restoring my computer is the only option here. There has to be something that is causing this, that i'm not detecting. Originally I would have guaranteed it was a virus, but McAfee Virusscan isn't picking up anything. And it's obviously some software issue, because when I tried restoring my computer a few days ago when I was having this problem, everything ended up working normally after that. This time when I tried it though, there was no luck.

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CPU Usage High

Feb 19, 2006

Ive noticed that for the most minmal ofpc tasks my cpu usage alwasy jumps to 89-100% which in turn slows down my PC? does anyone have any ideas how i can lower that?

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CPU Usage Is Too High

May 22, 2006

My CPU Usage is too high. My computer is running really slow because of it. I looked under Windows Task Manager/Processes and System is taking up about 50% of the CPU Usage. It is not a virus because I have been through a whole thread in the Security section and they said I have no infection. This does this off and on. I have been having this problem for a while and then it stopped. I just restarted my computer and it just started again.

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Anyway To Lower Cpu Usage

Sep 23, 2006

Is there anyway to lower cpu usage other than eliminating open processes and applications?

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What To Do About High CPU Usage?

Jan 2, 2007

This question is actually going to be for a friend of mine mostly and secondly for me. We have the same issue.We both have Norton Antivirus 2007 and the latest updates We both Have Zone Alarm Pro and the latest updates We both have all the latest drivers for all our hardware and use third party driver toolkits just to be sure about it We both Recently formated and reinstalled windows and made sure we have all the latest windows updates We both scan for viruses and other types of malware religiously For some strange reason my computer will be completely idle and out of nowhere the CPU will start running high (fast).I mean, it's literally out of nowhere because there are no changes in whatever i am doing. I will leave the computer completely untouched, without being connected to the internet and the CPU will just go off on its own running at high speeds out of nowhere. I don't even have a screensaver.

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Very High Cpu Usage

Nov 23, 2007

this problem just happened today.. my cpu usage seems to spike to about 50% every 5-10 seconds, and it's become unbearable to work with.i scanned with avg and it detected nothing.. i believe the problem stems from something called services.exe because when i ctrl alt del, i can see in processes that it spikes up to a high amount of cpu usage. i did some googling and haven't found much help on the issue.

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High CPU Usage With Everything

Sep 16, 2006

I formated my pc, deleted the partitions, recreated them and installed 2 OS of XP in each partition (same way and thing as I had b4). This time my cpu approaches 100% with nearly anything, from opening a window to scrolling down. Everything I do raises the cpu. The only thin I installed are the drivers for motherboard and antivirus. I checked the pc with 3 diff programs for viruses and nothing came up. I can do nothing! Plus I got this windows poping up telling me that I got system critical errors and that my registry is corrupted (?)

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100% CPU Usage - Installed Sp2

Jan 8, 2005

Since installing Service Pack 2 on my system (Athlon XP 2400+, Windows XP Pro, 512Mb) I am having intermittent problems with my machine slowing to a crawl. If I use task manager I find that CPU usage is 100% and quitting programs seems to have no effect. CPU usage stays at 100%! Can't remember this happening before installing SP2

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100% CPU Usage - HijackThis Log

Mar 28, 2005

I've been having problems with my CPU Usage being around or at 100% for the past few days. Tried spybot and that didn't help. Here is my HijackThis log.

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100% CPU Usage - Have Defragged

Apr 5, 2005

Running W200. CPU 1300Hz, Memory 512000, 80 Gb HD. When I have three apps open, CPU usage goes to 100%. Have run CounterSpy -nothing, Adaware - nothing, SpyBot - Nothing. Have defraged.

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