Getting Daily Updates - Restart System

Nov 4, 2009

For approx. the last 3 weeks, every night when I turn off my computer (XP Op. Sysy., service pack 2), it says that it is installing 1 of 1 updates. It seems to me that it is the same update but not getting fully installed and restarting each night.

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Pressing Restart Option Twice For Making System Restart?

Sep 24, 2009

All of a sudden, in the last couple of days, I find that I have to go through my Start>Turn off Computer > Restart twice in order for the computer to restart. Unfortunately, I've made a LOT of changes in the past few days (new programs, a system restore, windows registry cleanup, startup configuration changes, etc.) so I have no idea what caused this.

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Problems With Scheduling A Daily Backup

Mar 8, 2006

I have not posted into here in a while which is kind of promising. I suppose it means I am getting better with my computer skills, a fact for which I am compelled to thank many of the folks around here... Anyways...Today I have question regarding backing up data to an external hard drive. I am trying to schedule my data to back up nightly around 12:00 Am. I have so far tried using microsoft's backup utility, which even after scheduled does not run, and a program called sonic, backup my pc. I can get microsoft backup to run if I do it manually, but I would like a nightly auto backup to be in place. Neither program seems to want to run on a scedule. I am asking for advice from anyone who may know of a pretty reliable (I know nothing is totally reliable) method of doing a nightly backup that requires fairly little monitoring. I searched through these boards a bit, but decided to post my own thread after not finding what I was after.

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Automatically Backup Folder To CD Daily

Jan 18, 2006

I have an everchanging database folder which needs to be automatically saved to CDR once a day. I need a program which would be setup once, then automatically burn a specified folder to CDR once a day, every day with no further user interaction. Reliable freeware would be best, but I wouldn't mind paying for something that could be trusted.

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Daily Backups To Separate Drive

Oct 1, 2007

Is there a program that can automatically back-up your My Documents folder, for example, nightly to a second hard drive?

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Windows Keeps Updating Virtual Memory Daily

Apr 21, 2009

Xp keep updating my virtual memory all the time, I have windows xp service pack 3 installed running on a pavilion ze4300 us machine with 704 of ram installed. How do I set it so it will keep from doing this so much? James L.

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Operating System Updates - Automatic Updates

Sep 7, 2005

My computer is only about 4 months old and I do not have it set to receive automatic updates. It seemed, with my last computer, the updates created more problems than they were worth. Does anyone have an opinion on how important it is to get these updates or am I just as well off not receiving them? The last time I checked to see what updates were available it appeared Microsoft even said that some of them could create problems.

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Automatic Restart After Shutdown - Automatic Updates Enabled

Apr 27, 2007

xp pro sp2 automatic updates enabled. My computer restarts automatically after shut down. This happens sometimes immediately, sometimes after a delay of up to 10 minutes. I tried using third party shut down programs, but that did not help. However if I let the computer go into hibernate, it shuts down and does not restart. I do not have Roxio installed, and in the settings for startup and recovery the automatic restart is disabled.

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Automatic Updates Unseen In Add/remove List/ Auto Updates Only Download Security Updates?

Jun 1, 2006

The last windows update that I can see is KB 905474 and was downloaded by my automatic updates.I can see it when going to windows updates/view history. Trouble is, I cannot see it in my add/remove list. does auto updates only download security updates and I assume I dont have to do anything.

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Install Programs On Other Operating System Without Restart System

Jan 30, 2006

I have 2 windows on my pc. Now i want to install some programs without restarting to the other win sys. how can i trick current win to think that i'm now actually at my c:windows & not e:windows (something to do worth system variables?).

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Installed System Updates: System Wont Allow To Install Audio Driver?

Aug 10, 2010

On reinstalling my Windows XP x86 and using Windows Update to get everything back uptodate to the present day. I am having serious problems getting my sound drivers to install. I have tried everything under the sun, also tried a few things which i found while roaming the internet (Mainly google searches for the problem).

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System Recovery-Dowloaded 87 Updates From MS, System Wont Start?

Apr 29, 2010

Had problems with virus, couldnt update Virus or Malware Protection. I did full shred System Recovery from partition ( HP- A1130N -Windows Media Edition- Version 2002 Service Pack 2. Dowloaded AVG Virus and ran scan, all OK.Went to MS Dowload center and downloaded and installed 87updates to include IE8,started computer, all OK. Then updater said needed to download SVC Pack 3- took a loooooooooooooong time. THEN COMPUTER WOULDNT START- tried the two options it gave me but no go back to same black screen with boot options-- regualar- last working point- safe mode etc. no go.
At this point I did a full System Recovery again and downloaded virus protection again.

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System Restart On Its Own

Jun 8, 2010

my computer restarts on its own while i m working on the internet or playing or doing any other stuff.It's quite irritating especially when i m doing something important.somebody adcvised e to turn off AUTOMATIC RESTART under STARTUP & RECOVERY in the my computer menu, which i did but it still restarts without any error.

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System Recovery/ Updates Installed: System Is Slow?

Nov 27, 2008

i just performed a complete system recovery. started the computer, installed windows xp sp2 and sp3, went to the microsoft download center to get my updates and also got all my extras like, java, flash player, shockwave and direct x among many other updates. i also scan my computer with secunia just to make sure i had everything installed on my pc. i started noticing that my computer was working kinda slow.

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System Can't Restart - Turn Off

May 5, 2007

I clean my computer with many programs and still doesn't turn is my HJT.. I infected ??Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.Scan saved at 12:15:56 AM, on 5/5/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16414)Running processes:C:WINDOWSSystem32smss.ex

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System Get BSOD And Restart

Feb 26, 2008

Whenever I start up my computer, right after the windows xp display, my toshiba laptop gets the bsod and restarts, repeating the process over and over again. I can't go into safe mode or anything, it'll just do the same thing again. I've written the error code and it is 0x000000ED (0x84340E30, 0xC0000006, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) the problem is that i don't have my recovery disks or anything like that when i got it, but I do have this boot cd called ultimate boot cd which i got from, this will allow me to wipe out my hard drive but im just unsure if that will fix the problem.

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System Locks Up/Restart Itself

Feb 15, 2005

At random times my win xp pro system either locks up or restarts by itself. It doesn't really matter what software is running. It then comes up with a System has recovered from a serious error message upon restart which invariably looks like this: C:DOCUME~1WINDOW~1LOCALS~ 1TempWER45c3.dir00Mini012605-01.dmp, C:DOCUME~1WINDOW~ 1LOCALS~1TempWER45c3.dir00 sysdata.xml.

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Re-booting Over And Over - Restart System

Jan 15, 2005

My son's computer has Windows 2000. It keeps starting over and over. It will only get to the Windows 2000 screen and then it restarts. It does this constantly. It won't even get to the desk top screen.

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Restart Problem In System

Jan 1, 2008

Just starting having problems with my computer restarting on its own, figured out it was doing this because of an error, when i turned off the auto restart on system fail i got a message saying And it said it did a Physical Memory Dump.I have no idea what's going on plz help.

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System Restart On Loging In?

Aug 2, 2007

This afternoon i turned it on, it started booting up, then restarted, it then gave me 4 options, to boot up my computer in safe mode, safe mode with networking, to boot up with my previous settings or to start windows normaly. Whatever option i pick, my computer will start to load and restart before it gets onto the windows logon screen. Ive tried turning it off and on again, using the restart button, everything i can think of but nothing seems to work.

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System Wont Restart Normally - Replace This HDD?

Jun 10, 2005

Friends computer, Windows XP Home. She's been having trouble with it restarting on her a bunch lately, but she was always able to at least get to the Desktop before it rebooted without any error message or countdown (like the 0:60 blaster countdown).When I was finally able to take a look at the computer, it won't even get to the windows loading screen. I'm thinking the HDD is dead or not able to boot from some reason. The drive will not boot. Gives a blue error message after the bios POST. Bios can check the drive and it fails. I tried putting a disc in which I 'thought' was a bootable PartitionMagic disc, but it's not booting to it. So I'll try using a bootable copy of Partition Magic and see what it is before we buy a new drive.

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Restart And Reboot System Shutdown

Apr 29, 2008

I'm not too knowledgeable about the technical side of computing, so please bear with me.I'm running Windows XP Professional (SP2) on an AMD Athlon XP 3200+. My grandson showed me a game called Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, which I fell in love with and subsequently bought for my own computer. As I only had 'on board' graphics, the game obviously wouldn't run, so I bought an Nvidia 6200 graphics card.Following the instructions which came with it, I installed the card successfully. The only thing I couldn't do was disable the 'on board' graphics, but as my computer recognised the new card automatically, I went ahead and installed the driver.The new card didn't need an extra power source, as there was no connector on it. Incidentally, I did find the 'on board' graphics in the System > Properties list, but nothing happens when I click on it, so I assume I can't disable it.

Everything appeared to work well and I got the Roller Coaster game up and running beautifully.Some time later, after I had closed the game and gone on to other things, I needed to restart my computer, so I went through the usual restart sequence.Things went well at first but some way through the Windows XP loading screen, where the little blue bars scroll across, my computer simply switched off, totally! I tried again (obviously from a cold boot this time), but the same thing happened.To cut a long story short, I eventually removed the new card, and restored my system to a safe point, and it's now running perfectly again, although I can't play my game now.I'd be really grateful for any advice you can offer as to what the problem might be, as I want to build some more roller coasters!

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System Boot Normal After Restart

Mar 19, 2010

Problem with my PC. It booting very slow-30 min and does not show any text and pictures. After completing booting it works fine. If I re-boot PC it booting normal in 30 sec. I did a lot of things but no result.

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System Restart Automatic After Login

Feb 4, 2006

my computer is restarting everytime i get to the log in screen. i think it is because of spyware or possibly a virus. is there a way i can boot from a cd or something in order to fix the problem. i would like to save the documents on there. it restarts about 4 seconds after the log in screen. i am running XP.

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Restart System Appear Blue Screen

Sep 24, 2008

I have an older computer running XP, no new hardware. Today I was viewing a site when all of a sudden I got a request from my antivirus (norton) and made a big mistake by doing a one time authorization. Some Program for scaning your system for errors or something like that came up. Almost immediately after that a message from norton came up to close all programs and do a quick scan (not full scan) for problems. I did this and was then told to restart the computer. When the computer tries to restart I get a blue screen that says among other things, problem probably caused by file: Beep.SYS Page fault in nonpaged area Stop: 0x00000050 (0x81000078, 0x00000000, 0xF77802FF,0x00000002) . I can't get the computer to boot into safe mode, debugging mode, or last good configuration.

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System Start Not Correctly After Restart

Mar 24, 2007

hello fellow CNET members, I am in a fix.I have a Dell Dimension E510 running on Media Center Edition 2005. I also have a certificate of authenticity with the XP key on it. This past thursday, I restarted my computer, and it gave me the good ole Windows did not start correctly and gave me an option to start in Last Known Good Config, Normal, or Safe Mode(s). I entered Last Known Good Config, and then it restarted, and then it came up again. It seems I cannot boot into the OS at all. I have been on my old WinME(!) system looking up solutions, and some, if not all of the suggestions have been to Repair it, etc. However cheap ole Dell has not provided me with a XP CD, and I am unable to access the i386 files in the systems. Boot Disks will work, however they only setup the system for a CD install. The BIOS is fine, i believe, as a Ubuntu CD will work fine. There are some vital files that are on that hard drive, and i can't access them. All the other computers I have are not as updated as the E510, so the SATA hard drive will not connect to the ATA motherboard (Dimension 4100)as a slave.

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Restart System In Safe Mode

Nov 12, 2007

I'm running XP and I need to restart my system in safe mode, but evertime i try run safe mode it freezes on certain drivers.First it froze on agp440.sys and now it is freezing up on mup.sys .

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Restart My Computer System 32 File Loads - Get Rid

Aug 29, 2006

When i restart my computer system 32 file loads and I have to close it. Screen comes up and shows everything in the system 32 folder. running xp pro sp 2

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Random System Freeze / Automatic Restart

Oct 14, 2006

it usually happens when im like working on it for about 2hrs or something. the pc would go dead, and reboot. or windows would hang, and from the hard disk led, i can see that it is all busy and unavailable. ta ta. its getting on my nerves. i just recovered my system from, and now i have slower internet connection. no nothing wrong with the isp. i suspect there maybe reminents of the old virus still holding back windows. could my fears turn out to be true? i have had the liberty of posting my HJT log here, so do point out anything suspicious and also anything that could slow down the system..

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Disable Auto Restart On System Failure

Aug 12, 2002

When Running windows and it crashes you will get a blue screen and it will automatically restart, ofter it will restart too fast for you to see the error message. You could check the error log in this case but that is too easy. We are going to disable auto restart on system failure.

1. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System (Windows+Pause works, too)

2. Go to Advanced

3. Under the Startup and Recovery section, click Settings...

4. Under System Failure un-check "Automatically restart"

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System Shutdown/Restart Shown Error

Jul 28, 2009

Getting an error message that goes STOP: 0x0000008E. Everytime i try to shut down or restart. I was also getting alot of Buffer Overflow Blocked warnings from mcafee before i uninstalled and used SpyBot Search And Destroy which has cleaned a couple trojans off of my comp that mcafee did not find.? Also everytime i open a program or even I.E. A seperate window opens up thats all text, And if i close that window the whole program closes.

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