Windows 8 Startup Screen Crash For Only 1 Admin Account
Jul 10, 2014
I've had my windows 8 desktop for over 2 years now and I tried to log in to the administrator account.
But when I entered the correct password into it. The Startup screen opens but only shows 2 apps (Windows Store and Photos) and continuously blinks. I would post a screen shot,but it blinks too fast preventing the command. It continuously flashes from the incomplete Startup screen to a black blank screen back to the Startup screen.
I dont have the dump files from the SF diagnostic tool as this problem prevents me from clicking or entering any of the apps.
I know for sure that this is only an isolated problem with the administrator account as when I log into other admin and standard user accounts and the guest account, everything still works perfectly fine.
I scanned for viruses and found nothing with Norton 360 full system scan.
Im not sure when this started to occur as I haven't used the account for over a year.
I just want to know if I would be able to fix this problem or should I just delete this admin account and then create another admin account?
Im using Windows 8 for very first time & I installed & activated windows 8.1 pro. & created Administrator local account but still windows 8.1 gives me access denied for most of the task (even for editing text file i have to run notepad as admin by right click option & open the file from notepad) how can i get rid of that annoying "access denied" popup in main Login ID. Some time internet connection get 651 error.
OS - Windows 8.1 Pro x64
note - I turned off UAC by pulling slider all the way down at the very first boot.
I am using windows 8 pro OS. I have only one local account on my machine. My account is already in Administrator groups. I have checked that.
My problem is that I am not able to create/change any user account from control panel. After traversing to Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsUser Accounts.
There are all the different links named as below: Change your account name Change your account type Manage other account etc..
However when I click on any of these links, nothing happens at all !!!
What could be the possible reason of this? Window is updated, I am able to do other stuff that only admin can do for example: installing/uninstalling software, running system tools etc. Moreover I am able to make changes to user accounts from Computer Management.
I've had my Windows 8 computer for several months... it's been working really well, absolutely no problems.
But today... when I turned on my computer... I signed into my account like always (the only admin account on the computer)... and it keeps signing me into a temporary profile instead.
A balloon pops up in the corner, telling me it's a temporary account and to try again later or something.
I restarted the computer about five times... but still... it takes me to a temporary account, rather than my real account.
I recently got a Windows 8 HP Sleekbook and accidently deleted my own microsoft Admin user account.Now I can login through the standard user account but cannot do the administrator stuff. What to do?
I am the ONWER of my PC and should aloud to edit whatever files I want, but windows knows best so fine... ok... I enabled access to the hidden admin account. Because our user accounts that say admin is a way for windows to make us think we are system admins when we arnt. Every guide in the world says once the hidden admin account is enabled it will have no login password... mine does... what do I do? This PC is fresh out of the box no password was set. I need access to the hidden admin account unless this hidden admin is someone who payed for this PC and didnt tell me? Then Id assume I have the right to use my admin account on the PC.
How can I delete admin account which I have created by accident? My main account is live account and I don't want any other accounts on my laptop. Is this possible or I have to reinstall Windows?
Also, how can I manage for my main account to have all permissions?
My son decided to give my mother his new (then) PC...She has a slow dial up and in the transition of adding her as admin and deleting him the network failed long enough to not allow her admin status to take effect but oddly enough allowing him to be deleted as big deal I thought (clueless as to the throttling grip MS has added to 8) date,I have tried everything to resolve this issue but foiled at every turn.
Problem is the YES button is never highlighted in every event to add an admin password.I have followed pretty much most "solutions" only to be be mocked at the finish line with no YES button.
By the by...I have since bought the Princess Bride and myself laptops each with Windows 8 and was quite happy until I upgraded to 8.1 and lost my desktop pic...???? Bizarre...goneski...and after searching forever found the pix in some obscure folder not of my making...What is this dark majic you dabble in Mister Gates?
I remember that Win XP has the Default Hidden Admin Account that is created when you install the OS and also by default it's not password secured which can be a security issue. By doing a quick search, apparently Win 8 also have this Default Hidden Admin Account.
When in Windows 8 I verify the available created users I see an Admin account. Is this account the 'hidden' one, but made visible?
I also did the prompt cmd: net user administrator /active:yes, but I get a msg saying that there is 'no' user under the name 'administrator' ... maybe the admin user I'm seeing is a microsoft account, not a local account?
I have accidentally changed the admin account to a local user and now cannot make any changes to my laptop. I am using an ASUS brand and when I click on manage user accounts it pops up with a screen "connect smart card".
I was a Windows 7 user and yesterday I installed Win 8.1 Pro, which I purchased almost a month ago, just didn't have the time to install (it was better that I didn't have any time) and since then I can't figure out lot of things, one of which is really disgusting. See that my mom and I use the same laptop, she uses it on morning and I at night.
And thus I created two user accounts, for example mine is A and my mom's is B. Now when I turn on the lappy it goes straight into my account, without even asking to which I want login! Where on Windows 7 after the welcome screen always there was an option of two accounts, but story has changed. So what should I do to get it back like it was on Seven? I just want each time I reboot the machine there must be an option of both accounts, and I will choose where I wanna login.
Both accounts of my mom and mine are set as admin.
I'll try and keep this as short and concise: I've got Windows 8 on a new Toshiba Satellite S855. I didn't create a guest acct. after I got it back in March - as I remember, it seems like I had some issues creating it because of the stupid Msoft forcing me to join/create and acct. for their new setup or something. Anyways, so I just skipped it and been using the desktop on my admin acct. to do all my net browsing, email, etc. I put my wimpy little music collection and some movies on it from my last lapT, and then last week I bought and downloaded Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim from Gamestop/Bethesda/Steam and installed it.
I've been playing catch up reading up on all the different things to do to make a more secure computer other than just letting MS essentials or AVG (on my last lapT) alone to do the work. I've got CCleaner and Malwarebytes on all the computers in the house and running MS essentials on my 8 & my old vista as well as my roomies running 7, but I'm not sure what all else I should install. Mainly though, I just want to know how to transfer things (For Dummies as I'm totally not very tech savvy) from an Admin acct. over to the Guest acct. on the same computer. I was thinking I'm sure there's some way to log into the guest, and then run admin in it and then transfer it over, but I haven't figured out how it's done yet.
I've heard browsing on admin accounts puts you at a lot more risk than using a less privileged user account, what are some things I can do to make it more secure? I got UAC at the highest level but I'm not sure if that makes a big difference
I only had one account on my Windows 8.1 Pro Update 1 x64 computer. Then I messed it up when I changed rights. Now the computer boots up and I can log in but as a user.
Most of the suggestions I read require admin rights which I no longer have. I can't create a new account or edit the built-in admin account but I keep getting the error 5.
So Should I try to boot in safe mode with DOS prompt and hopefully admin rights?
Would a system restore work? I do have recent restore points but will I be able to restore if I am not the administrator?
I am asking all of this because I am not in front of my computer at this moment... I had to leave on a business trip so I will attempt repairs when I get back home.
Worst case scenario will require me to start from scratch, which I am trying to avoid.
My Windows 8.1 machine has only one interactive account - the built-in "administrator" account. It is just an internal file- and media-server without a monitor, which is accessed exclusively through Remote Desktop.
I would like to change the "user picture" associated with that built-in admin account. Trying to do it the "usual" way - through Control Panel -> User Accounts - does not work. Apparently, user picture selection is handled by a Metro app. And Metro apps are not launchable from the built-in admin.
Most likely there are workarounds. I can try using that hack that enables Metro apps under the built-in admin. Or I can add another interactive admin account and try changing the picture of the built-in admin from that other admin. I don't know whether any of these will work, I haven't tried yet.
But is there a more straightforward way to set the user picture for an account? Like copy the picture file to some folder or something like that?
So on Win 8.1 and have a portable app I want a guest user to use but it asks for password every single time.
1. Is it possible to change the permission somewhere so it wont prompt a password? 2. If no the above, is there a third party app that can be used to give a specific app admin rights/or remove admin rights from it?
I have a friend who keeps getting borderline malware (e.g. browser toolbars) installed on his computer. There is even an active antivirus on his pc (I believe norton). It comes with his new pc and is valid for 1 year.
After I clean his pc, if I change his account type from administrator to limited user, it should prevent any toolbars from installing, right?
Would this break any software or cause any file to become inaccessible?
Running Windows 8.1. Have admittedly modified it quite heavily but what I have screwed up.
Pretty much, any apps which have the purple wheel splash screen do not load (presumably crash). Normal windows settings work fine. Windows applications and Metro apps works with no hitches (I have none downloaded but default Music, Games all start with no issues).
Before I start can you tell me if I need to be logged in to the account that has suffered the problem or can I do it from my (admin) account on the same computer? The unexpected_kernel_mode_trap problem has (so far) only occurred on my son's user account.
I accidentally changed my admin account into local account now i can't install apps and do anything with it. Whenever I try to install some apps it always say.. type an administrators password but then I don't know how to. All I remember was that before i change my account into standard account.
I had a new Windows 8.1 Pro system installed. Was able to logon to it with no problem. The computer name was OWNER. Changed it to what my previous computer was named. Now during startup the Admin logon gives the following message:
The user name or password is incorrect. Try again.
When I click on 'OK' I'm presented with a signon screen with Admin as the user name. No password that I enter works. When I lookup the signon accounts Admin is NOT one of them.
Listed the user accounts and found the following item for Admin:
Just updated to 8.1. Still undecided. Specifically I somehow managed to get the admin apps shown on the was M$ account, now my local account start page. how to put the admin apps in my admin account.
I recently built my first custom PC. Here is a link to the build on PCPartPicker: AMD FX-6300, Sapphire Radeon R9 270, Corsair 300R - Ordered build updated - ajthemacboy's Saved Part List - PCPartPicker
Since then I have had random black screen issues. At one point I reinstalled the OS, and they still occur. You may notice the R9 270 needs a 450W power supply at the least.
At first look you would think this is the problem, but it's not. Before the R9 270 I had an EVGA 750 Ti, which only uses like 60 watts of power or something, as well as a CM430W power supply, and the black screen issues still occurred.
First I returned the power supply for a CS450M, black screen still occurred. Then I returned the 750Ti for an r9 270, and the issue still occurs.
If it's not the graphics card, power supply, or OS, what should I do?
The dump file is attached. It blames NTOSKRNL.EXE, but I have no clue what this is or how to fix it.
I tried to remove the "other user" screen, but while trying to do that I lost my admin credintals, so I tried to fix it by going on safe mode then I assigned a password to the administrator account... And now when I try to login it says "Your account has been disabled"
always it happens that on the startup of windows 8.1 (and also when it was installed windows 8 before the windows 8.1 upgrade) after the republic of gamers logo and before the appearance of the lock screen, the monitor remains completely black for 5 minutes about (after that appears the lock screen and windows works again well). Usually Windows starts itself in 10 seconds about. During the black screen commands don't works. Can be the use of cc cleaner, that cleaning temporary files, creates this problem? I tried to reinstall the last version of the Nvidia display drivers but nothing changed. I took away all those unuseful programs from the windows startup.
I have a Asus ROG G750JX-CV200H Notebook bought 2/3 weeks ago: Windows 8.1 home Core i7 4700HQ RAM 16GB DDR3 Nvidia GeForce GTX 770M HDD 750GB 7200rpm
I have a Dell Inspiron 7572. I just upgraded to Windows 8.1 and followed some instructions on upgrading the catalyst video driver. I downloaded this and installed and it asked me to restart. However all I get now is a black screen. If I try moving the mouse it appears for a couple of seconds then disappears. I can't find any way to boot into safe mode as I can get anything up on screen. I imagine uninstalling the display driver will fix the issue but I can't work out anyway to get into windows to do it.