When Point To Text Or Links Cursor Changes From Custom To Hand
Apr 4, 2014
Windows 8. My custom cursor, when i point to text or links the cursor changes from custom to a hand. Windows XP the cursor stayed as is the custom cursor. Is this normal for Windows 8 for the cursor to change like that, or can i change something??
Windows 8. My custom cursor, when i point to text or links the cursor changes from custom to a hand. Windows XP the cursor stayed as is the custom cursor. Is this normal for Windows 8 for the cursor to change like that, or can I change something??
So I disabled AdBlock the other day and noticed links with popup ads like in the image below. I'm seeing them on this site also. Is that a virus? Any way to determine what is causing them?
When I log in and go to the pc settings - personalize options.. all the text links are black .. even on the start screen my name and the start is covered with such a black background. I have win 8 pro x64 activated..
Also, i dont get any updates other than win defender ones.
I can point my keyboard buttons to certain programs i would like to point it at the modern interface mail app. but i have to know the location of the file for it in windows, what part of the windows directory the .exe file is in, so i can point my keyboard at it?
I run the Cleartype text tuner wizard and chose a thicker text setting but it only works on IE, the rest of programs are unaffected, is there a way to make that wizard work for ALL programs
I want to scroll through tabs on internet browser with right hand mouse alone
I don't want to discuss the specifics why but basically I don't want to use my left hand at all sometimes during certain web browsing sessions.
How do I browse through internet web browser tabs with just right hand mouse? Without having to click on each tab. I just want to use either a button, scroll wheel, or an extension/add on that will make scrolling through tabs only right handed.
except it works in 32 bit but not in 64 bit windows 8.1 update fresh install. Have checked the apps notification switches in PC settings and they are all on. The one I miss is the email notification telling me I have mail which appears to be enabled but test messages from gmail dont trigger notifcations in right hand top side of desktop.
One notification that does work is when I insert a USB it asks what to do with removable devices but thats the only notification I get.
I want to be able to see a preview of a file or folder in the right hand side, some will preview some don't. How can I make it so that everyone that I click on shows a preview?
I turned my laptop right off last night (I usually just put it into sleep mode) and now, since rebooting this morning, I can't get the menu to slide in from the right hand side. Instead, the Power and Search icons are showing at the top of the start screen along side my name and avatar.
I've recently had to have a new hard drive but the menu has been working OK until now.
Is there a setting somewhere that I need to change to get this back?
I'm having a problem with getting the mouse wheel button to work correctly in 8.1
I've switched to left handed use to alleviate shoulder pain.
Before this I had the mouse and keyboard center installed. I use a cheap USB keyboard and a microsoft USB optical wheel mouse. Configured for the right hand, everything works correctly. The right button is the normal select, the right is context and I configured the wheel button to double click.
When I switch to left hand I lose the wheel button double click. The select / context buttons are properly working, but when I click the wheel it appears to be the same as a context button click. I thought maybe the settings got messed up when I switched the buttons so I tried setting the wheel button to another function (open charms in this case). That works. Switched the wheel button back to double click and it goes back to open context menu.
I uninstalled and re-installed the mouse and keyboard center. That made no difference. Seems like a bug here.
On, this is on a new (mid-april) HP laptop so there is a touchpad that I almost never use because I generally have the mouse, keyboard, and external monitor attached with the lid closed.
My wifi on my laptop keeps acting up. at a random time the wifi bar in the lower right hand side turns to a yellow exclamation mark over it, after hovering over it it says 'limited'. Usually if i just turn off the wifi then immediately on again it will sort it out.
Can't work out if its a driver issue, my isp or a windows 8.1 issue. The laptop i have is an assus k53sv. the driver i have installed is 'Qualcomm Atheros AR9002WB-1NG'.
I cannot add new links to my favorites folders anymore. cannot recall changing anything in IE. When I try to add a link it gives me an error that simply states that it cannot add it to internet explorer.
I've recently noticed a Windows update that changes the way you close apps, amongst a number of other things.
What it was:
What it is now:
This update was unticked in the 'Update and Recovery' section. Every other update had a checkbox ticked, this one didn't.
Other changes bought along by installing this update:
- New applications in the 'Apps' section of the Start menu are now highlighted with a greybox. - Shut down options now in the start menu (and search, I'm not sure)
One extra thing that seems to be around depending on... something.
This one's related with Chrome. Usually when you start typing in the url box, your search terms are cut off with a rounded border going around. This box has disappeared with the latest update, but I have seen this happening in earlier versions of Windows.
When booting from his new SSD boot drive, Leo will end up with "errors" on the hard drives that need to be "fixed" IF he accesses any libraries that he set up on his old hard drive still is the computer.
My friend Leo, installed and boots from an SSD I gave him. He loves it. He also like that he can still boot from his old hard drive. If he accesses something via the library links that he had set up tho, it causes Windows 8 to report disk errors on boot that need to be fixed.
How would Leo go about disabling the libraries that he has set up? And is this the real issue for the errors? (Leo says that that he gets no errors unless he accesses something via the libraries).
So upgraded to 8.1 from 8.0 in the hope it was more user friendly but no evidence so far but that's not my issue...now when I'm in Internet Explorer if I click on a link or even a webpage...it takes me to a blank screen that tells me to 'check the link'....if I refresh nothing happens but if I go back to the original link or web icon and try again it loads the page (sometimes takes a couple of goes to do it)...also it keeps asking me to 'login' to frequently used things like facebook and my Hotmail account which it never did in the past....when using 8.0 it was all good but nothing but trouble in 8.1.
Whenever I open links in the win 8 email app, the link opens in the internet explorer app. From the app, I can open the page in desktop view. Now is it possible to have the links open directly into desktop view as that is what I would prefer?
ON my IE I have all the shortcuts for sites I use most. One by one they are not working. It's a pain because now I have to find the site again and redo it.
I was recently trying to transfer some documents from my desktop computer to my laptop, and in some confusion, I've concluded that I've deleted my "Links" folder my accident. I cannot add anything to my "Favorites" folder. I heard that you can create a new "Links" folder, but how.
Since yesterday I find that in Internet Explorer (on the Desktop) SOME links on many websites don't work when I click them. If I open the same pages in Google Chrome, the links work fine.
I am using Incredimail, but when I click on any links in received emails they no longer open up Internet Explorer 11. Nothing happens at all.
I have not made any changes recently, and up to a couple of weeks ago they worked okay. I have run virus and spyware checks and tried system restore, but no joy.
Uninstalled and reinstalled Incredimail, but no joy. Made sure file associations are set to open IE11, still no joy.
Any easy way to copy URL links in Internet Explorer? In Chrome I just right click on a picture like in Farmville and I get the option to copy LINK URL or IMAGE URL. Can you do that in IE too? Chrome is my favorite but I've been having trouble with it in Farmville.
Win 8.1. As the title says: Why aren't the links in my email messages hyperlinked. I am unable to activate some accounts, because even if I Copy and Paste them they don't work. I am using MS Mail!
I'm studying distance learning and trying to open articles/journals/reports through Google Scholar, our uni online library, other ears of the internet. But each time I try to open any link that I have full access too, a yellow star with a red exclamation mark I the middle of it appears and it just clicks.